Bob Dylan / Prague 1995 1st Night / 2CDR

Bob Dylan / Prague 1995 1st Night / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Kongresovy sal, Prague, Czech Republic 11th March 1995

Play sample :

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Bob Dylan’s first live concert in 1995, the European Tour, began on March 11th in Prague, and the stage was a hot topic among enthusiasts at the time. Because Dylan rarely played the guitar on stage, focusing on singing and harmonica.
At the time of 1995, the Internet had already begun to spread, but it is still at a primitive level compared to the present. Because of that, the Prague show was mistakenly disseminated as “Dylan didn’t play the guitar at all”, but in reality he played only two songs, and the others went up to the stage in “singer state”. I was there.
Regarding this matter, it was said among enthusiasts that Dylan had a chronic illness on his back at that time and that he couldn’t play the guitar because it started to hurt. However, when he listened to the sound source of the day, he explained to the audience unusually in front of “Watching The River Flow”, saying “I got the flu yesterday, but this is a good place so I can hold it.” thing. This scene was not properly communicated because the amount of information on the Internet was still limited at that time.

Under such circumstances, a nostalgic two-disc set called “12 /-A POUND” that recorded the first day of the 1995 tour. It was the first item released on the 1995 European tour, and I think there are many enthusiasts who got it at the shop at that time. This time, the master cassette used for this release was provided by a European Dylan collector, and unlike “12 / -A POUND”, it was released on a CD-R, but instead it appeared as a splendid upper version for the first time in a while. I will.
Compared to the release of “12 /-A POUND” in 1995, it is very warm and comfortable to listen to, and the technology that has evolved over the course of 25 years is the master of this area. It is great that I was able to record all the goodness.
This audience recording is different from what is described as a “sound board”, but the balance between the good distance and the sound image is exquisite, and even when asked in 2021, it is excellent. On the contrary, the warmy feeling has improved compared to “12 / -A POUND”, so you may be surprised again by “Is it such a good sound?”

What was even more surprising was Dylan, who sang so freely that he couldn’t believe he was in a physical condition before playing the guitar. Ironically, I don’t have to play the guitar anymore, so I’m impressed as if I’m concentrating on singing as a singer. The acoustic corner, where the performance seems to be restrained, is already in great shape, and now you can see the scene of “Boots Of Spanish Leather” on YouTube with audience shots, but he sings enthusiastically with gestures.
And when it came to “Watching The River Flow” and “God Knows,” Dylan hung the Stratocaster on his shoulder and exploded his lead guitar at the time. At the time of this release, the cuts between songs that occurred at the time of recording were also diverted from the “1995 EUROPEAN TOUR ANTHOLOGY” source released by the nostalgic maniac label Doberman to make up for it. As a result, not only the sound quality but also the content will be released in the upper version. Prague on the first day became a legend because Dylan did not play the guitar as much as possible even in the nostalgic 1995 European tour. Was it really sick to be singing so well?

★ Compensated with 2 types of sources to realize non-stop complete recording of all songs. Based on this cassette was the ready-made “12 /-A Pound” (2CD), which was packed and recorded as a bonus on the 12th the next day.

 この件に関しては、当時ディランには背中に持病があり、それが痛み出したのでギターを弾けないとマニアの間で言い伝えられたものです。ところが当日の音源を聞くと彼は「Watching The River Flow」の前で珍しく観客に向けて釈明しており、それは「昨日インフルエンザにかかってしまったが、ここはいい所だから持ちこらえられそうだ」というもの。この場面などは当時まだインターネットの情報量に限りがあったせいもあり、ちゃんと伝えられませんでした。
 そんな中で敢行された95年ツアー初日を収録した懐かしの「12/- A POUND」という二枚組。95年ヨーロッパ・ツアーの中でも真っ先にリリースされたアイテムでもあり、当時ショップで手に入れたマニアも少なくないのでは。今回はこのリリースに使われたマスターカセットをヨーロッパのディラン・コレクターから提供いただき、「12/- A POUND」と違いCD-Rでのリリースではありますが、その代わり見事なアッパー版として久々に登場します。
 95年当時のリリースである「12/- A POUND」と比べると非常にウォーミーで聞き心地の良さがアップしており、この辺りは25年もの歳月の経過の間で進化したテクノロジーがマスターの良さを余すところなく収録できたことが大きい。
 このオーディエンス録音は「まるでサウンドボード」と形容されるような状態とは違うのですが、イイ感じの距離と音像のバランスが絶妙で、2021年に聞いてみても文句なしにエクセレント。それどころか「12/- A POUND」よりもウォーミー感が向上したことから、改めて「こんなにイイ音だったの?」と驚かされるのではないでしょうか。
 さらに驚かされるのは、ギターを弾くのを控えた体調だったとは思えないほど伸びやかに歌い上げるディラン。皮肉なことにギターを弾かなくてよくなった分、思う存分シンガーとして歌に集中している様に感動させられるほど。演奏が抑え気味となるアコースティック・コーナーになるともはや絶好調で、現在YouTube上では「Boots Of Spanish Leather」の場面をオーディエンスショットにて見ることが出来ますが、彼は身振り手振りを交えて熱唱。
 そして「Watching The River Flow」と「God Knows」になるとディランはストラトキャスターを肩に下げて当時の彼らしいリードギターを炸裂。今回のリリースに際しては録音時に生じていた曲間のカットも懐かしのマニアックレーベル、ドーベルマンがリリースしていた「1995 EUROPEAN TOUR ANTHOLOGY」ソースから流用して緻密に補填。これによって音質は元より内容面においてもアッパー版でのリリースとなります。今となっては懐かしい1995年ヨーロッパ・ツアーの中でもディランがギターを極力弾かなかったことで伝説となった初日のプラハ。これだけ絶好調に歌いまくれてるだなんて、本当に体調不良だったのでしょうか?
★2種のソースで補填し全曲ノンストップ完全収録を実現。このカセットをもとにしてたのが既作「12/- A Pound」(2CD)で、詰め込んで翌日12日をボーナス収録していました。
Disc 1 (37:51)
01. Introduction ★前回盤「12/- A Pound」よりも出だし長く収録
02. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood)
03. If Not For You
04. All Along The Watchtower
05. Just Like A Woman
06. Tangled Up In Blue
07. Watching The River Flow
★曲間カット 既発ドーベルマンで補填
Disc 2 (56:21)
08. Mr. Tambourine Man
09. Boots Of Spanish Leather
10. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
11. Man In The Long Black Coat
★曲間カット 既発ドーベルマンを左右反転して補填
12. God Knows
13. Maggie’s Farm
★曲間カット 3つ目のソースで補填
14. Shelter From The Storm
15. It Ain’t Me, Babe ★エンド部は前回盤「12/- A Pound」よりも長く収録。
Bob Dylan – vocal & guitar
Bucky Baxter – pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar
John Jackson – guitar
Tony Garnier – bass
Winston Watson – drums & percussion

Uxbridge 1441

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