Bob Dylan / Hammersmith Odeon 1990 4th Night / 2CD

Bob Dylan / Hammersmith Odeon 1990 4th Night / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 6th February 1990

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It was a never ending tour from 1988 that Bob Dylan revived that the activity was stalled during the tour with Tom Petty who seemed to be glamorous, and at one point he was thinking of retiring seriously. History proves that we got into a more aggressive live activity by acquiring the best guitarist GE · Smith. Three years, from 88 to 90 years, it can be said that Dylan has played a splendid play together with a lot of Smiths.
The final decision in the last three years, or the peak was also the period from January to February 1990. Dylan and the band who made the best start with the legendary public rehearsal · gig “TOAD’S PLACE 1990” released the definitive version from ZION showed a splendid stage over the day. The high evaluation of the album “OH MERCY” released in the autumn of the previous year should surely have been a tailwind. This momentum reached the peak when the tour moved to France and the UK schedule.
“FROM GRAND REX TO HAMMERSMITH” coupled the name sound source and performance of the last day of Paris and tour on this occasion when it was at the height of the tour of GE · Smith’s tour a few times. It was recorded on February 8th, when Hammersmith Odeon 6 Night Stage Performance was in Chiaki-ku, London. Certainly the performance of this day is unbelievable as the best show at GE · Smith’s enrollment, and it is known as a honorable day of famous performance as some items were released in the past.
However, considering that Hammersmith Odeon 6 shows were all wonderful, it is strange that it is hard to say that the items of Hammersmith and other days are almost not released, considering that it was punished by the press of the UK at that time. There are only items about “CRITIC’S CHOICE VOL. 1 & 2” which was good editing on 5th and 6th by the old-fashioned wonted man (by the way, the label founder died in January) . Certainly the show on the 8th is outstanding, but on the other days the quality of the performance is generally high, so is the sound source of the other day also not itemized? This thought should have been common to Dylan · Mania worldwide. But this time the release that will be the “FROM GRAND ~”, yet the release of the sound source of shows other than the 8th will finally come true!

It is a show on the 6 th and 7 th that is released after that legendary Hammersmith Days 1990 nearly three decades. There is no doubt that maniacs all over the world will be delighted by that alone, but more importantly it means that you are using a proprietary audience recording you did not have anywhere among traders. It was the taper that provided Eric Clapton’s 1990 Royal Albert Hall performances across the UK for the recordings we offered this time. He was recording Hammersmith ‘s Dylan between Clapton RAH. By the way, on the eighth day I went to RAH at the recording of “FIRST ORCHESTRA NIGHT”.
Regarding a series of Hammersmith performances, good quality audience recordings have been widespread since ancient times, and the sound quality that was well-suited to the immersive presence feeling continued to be familiar among maniacs. In terms of clearness, it seems that such a conventional sound source outperforms, but the biggest attraction in this sound source at any rate is that it is an on balance of the sound image centered on Dylan’s voice. Traditional sound source (hereinafter referred to as “preexisting sound source”) had a great attraction of plenty of stereo feeling clearness, but on the other hand, I could not deny the impression that the sound image was deepened. This was a consistent phenomenon in Hammersmith preexisting sounds for 90 years. Dylan’s singing voice has been on for the first appearance this time, it is a very favorable balance.
Also, although the sound is slightly broken from around the middle of the show on either day, this sound is also a phenomenon that was also seen in general even in the previously released sound source. In other words, it was the effect of raising the sound of the venue from the middle of the show. Of course this press limited CD release, this sound crack is adjustable. It is much easier to hear than the original recording state. Points you want to compare to those who have “CRITIC’S CHOICE VOL. 1 & 2” that uses sound sources recorded by different tapers by all means.

The biggest reason why the Hammersmith continuous performance in 1990 was highly evaluated among maniacs was that the quality of the performance content remained at a consistently high level and that the composition of the show at night was extremely different It will be exhausted. Experiences accumulated through vigorous live activities in 1988 and 1989 were splendidly fruited. Briefly speaking, compared with the most popular Hammersmith performance on the 8th, the contents and composition of each day are totally different on these days. Besides GE · Smith ‘s dexterous guitar judgment, then drummer at that time, the good druming by Christopher Parka is a mature range. It can not be bad.
For the sixth day, it is interesting that the first half is played in a series of plain numbers in the 60’s. However, arrangements such as “Masters Of War” are flashy hard rock tone, and the performance pushy like gui guitar is straight with the straight peculiar to this band. The thing to watch out is that the response of “OH MERCY” recorded songs that were shown during that time is very good.
Not only did the album receive a high reputation immediately after the release, it became a hit to climb to the 6th place in the chart in England. Based on that, the good reaction here is also natural. And, “Political World” and “What Was It You Wanted” played in the first half of this day had very few opportunities for live performance in the album recording song, which was a precious performance as a result .
Because the first half was such a selection, the midfield acoustic set can not miss a luxurious menu called on-parade of tune-play, starting with “Blowin ‘In The Wind”. On the contrary, this song was valuable performance only on this day in the period from Paris to Hammersmith.
The live show of the reborn version of “Tight Connection To My Heart (Has Anybody Seen My Love)” shows the best finish in the second half of the show. It is also famous for music videos shot in Japan, but the reason for being played live was from the rehearsing of Tose’s Place example. It was reincarnated from the arrangement of the whole Synths Eighties, and was played with a more popular and familiar arrangement at that time. Actually the performance here is also the best. And the standard “Like A Rolling Stone” which was one of the few repertoires played every day was the best in Hammersmith continuous performance in the performance? It is a guitar performance that I can think. In addition to them, the singing voice of Dylan is closer than the sound source already, so the height of such tension is clearly transmitted. The last was encore cover “Dark As A Dungeon” which was taken up every day during the rolling · sunder review era, for a long time. Hammer Smith February 6 was also a masterpiece after all!
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この三年間の総決算、あるいは頂点とも言えたのが1990年1月から2月にかけての時期。ZIONから決定版がリリースされた伝説の公開リハーサル・ギグ「TOAD’S PLACE 1990」で最高のスタートを切ったディランとバンドは、連日に渡って素晴らしいステージを披露。前年の秋にリリースされたアルバム「OH MERCY」の高評価も確実に追い風となったはず。この勢いはツアーがフランスとイギリス行程へ移動すると頂点に達しました。
GE・スミス在籍時のツアーにおける何度目かの絶頂期となったこの時期、パリとツアー最終日の名音源かつ名演をカップリングしたのが「FROM GRAND REX TO HAMMERSMITH」。そこに収録されたのはロンドン、ハマースミス・オデオン6夜連続公演の千秋楽となった2月8日でした。確かにこの日の演奏はGE・スミス在籍時における最高のショーとの評判を揺るぎないものとしており、過去にもいくつかのアイテムがリリースされたほど名演の誉れ高き一日として知られています。
しかしハマースミス・オデオン6公演はどれもが素晴らしく、当時イギリスのマスコミに激賞されたことを考えると、ハマースミス他の日のアイテムがほとんどリリースされていない状況というのは不思議で仕方ありません。残りは懐かしのウォンテッド・マン(ちなみにレーベル設立者がさる一月に亡くなられました)による5日と6日のいいとこどり編集だった「CRITIC’S CHOICE VOL. 1&2」くらいしかアイテムが存在しないという状況。確かに8日のショーはずば抜けている、だけど他の日も演奏の質は総じて高いのだから、やはり他の日の音源もアイテム化されないものだろうか。この思いは全世界のディラン・マニア共通だったはず。しかし今回「FROM GRAND~」以来となるリリース、それでいて8日以外のショーの音源のリリースが遂に実現するのです!

あの伝説のハマースミス・デイズ1990から三十年近い歳月を経てリリースされるのは、6日と7日のショー。それだけでも世界中のマニアが歓喜するであろうこと間違いなしなのですが、それ以上に特筆すべきはトレーダー間にも一切出回っていなかった独自入手のオーディエンス録音を使用しているということ。今回の録音を提供してくれたのは、エリック・クラプトンの1990年ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール各公演をイギリスに渡って録音してくれた、あのテーパー。彼がクラプトンRAHの合間でハマースミスのディランを録音してくれていました。ちなみに8日は「FIRST ORCHESTRA NIGHT」の録音でRAHに出向いた訳です。
また今回の音源はどちらの日でもショー中盤辺りから若干ながらも音が割れるのですが、これもまた既発音源でも総じて見受けられた現象。つまり、ショーの中盤から会場の出音が上がったことの影響だったのです。もちろん今回の限定のプレスCDリリースに当たり、この音割れはアジャスト。元の録音状態よりもかなり聞きやすくなっています。別のテーパーによって録音された音源を使用した「CRITIC’S CHOICE VOL. 1&2」を持っているマニアの方には是非とも聞き比べていただきたいポイント。

6日関して言えば前半は60年代の地味目なナンバーが立て続けに演奏されているのが面白いのです。もっとも「Masters Of War」のアレンジなどは派手なハードロック調であり、このバンド特有のストレートでグイグイと押すような演奏が冴え渡っている。注目すべきは、その合間で披露された「OH MERCY」収録曲の反応が非常に良いということ。
同アルバムはリリース直後から高い評価を受けただけでなく、イギリスでは何とチャートの6位まで登るほどのヒットとなったのです。それを踏まえれば、ここでの好反応も当然というもの。そしてこの日の前半に演奏された「Political World」と「What Was It You Wanted」は同アルバム収録曲の中においてはライブ演奏の機会が極めて少ないものであり、結果として貴重な演奏だったのです。
前半がそうした選曲だったからか、中盤のアコースティック・セットは「Blowin’ In The Wind」を皮切りとして調名曲のオンパレードという贅沢なメニューも聞き逃せない。それどころか同曲はパリからハマースミスにかけての時期において、この日のみという貴重な演奏となりました。
ショー後半は「Tight Connection To My Heart (Has Anybody Seen My Love)」の生まれ変わったバージョンのライブ披露が最高の仕上がりを見せています。日本でミュージック・ビデオが撮影されたことでも有名な同曲ですが、ライブで演奏されるようになったのは例のトーズ・プレイスの公開リハからでした。シンセ全開でエイティーズ丸出しなアレンジから生まれ変わり、よりポップで親しみやすいアレンジで演奏されことが当時話題を呼んだものです。実際にここでの演奏がまた最高。そして連日に渡って演奏された数少ないレパートリーの一つであったスタンダード「Like A Rolling Stone」はハマースミス連続公演の中でこの日がベストでは?と思える白熱の演奏。それらに加ええ、何しろディランの歌声が既発音源より近いので、そんなテンションの高さもはっきりと伝わってくる。とどめはアンコールではローリング・サンダー・レビュー時代に連日取り上げられていたカバー「Dark As A Dungeon」久々の演奏。ハマースミス2月6日もやっぱり名演だった!


Disc 1 (54:12)
1. Intro. 2. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine)
3. I Don’t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) 4. Ballad Of Hollis Brown
5. Masters Of War 6. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
7. Political World 8. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 9. What Was It You Wanted
10. Blowin’ In The Wind 11. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue 12. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall

Disc 2 (41:30)
1. Song To Woody 2. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door 3. Everything Is Broken
4. Tight Connection To My Heart (Has Anybody Seen My Love) 5. Man In The Long Black Coat
6. I Shall Be Released 7. Like A Rolling Stone 8. Dark As A Dungeon (Merle Travis)
9. Highway 61 Revisited

Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), G. E. Smith (guitar), Tony Garnier (bass), Christopher Parker (drums)


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