Bob Dylan Feat Mick Taylor / Brussels Affair 1984 / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Bob Dylan Feat Mick Taylor / Brussels Affair 1984 / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / BD

Translated Text:
Live at Stade de Schaerbeek Stadion, Brussels, Belgium 7th June 1984 Plus 1Bonus DVDR ‘ 1984 Tour 8mm Film Collection’ NTSC


Click Image To Enlarge


First sound of Bob Dylan 1984 European tour will be released from our shop. Speaking of this tour will not exist “REAL LIVE” in the official, but where playing the first time without the hear the willingness or out with a backfire, this tour is “Daiaji” or “lackluster” image I have become stronger. Certainly played that was heard in the album which also will said to be the result of bad parts of the band had been exposed at the time of this tour of “safe to play.” Pains while Mick Taylor is a tour with great appeal that to participate in the Dylan of the band as a guitarist, Colin Allen selected from personal connections of Taylor and Greg Sutton of rhythm is too flat, it is this tour does not deny feeling that had strengthened the Daiaji of. Such bands in that they had engaged in a performance that was addicted to finally form in that tour end, the struggle the first time Dylan has stood out is probably the he was “REAL LIVE”.
Tour late that it has become the main album Sometimes it is luxurious guest such as Clapton and Bono is applied to the Dylan of the stage, is what just end the tour has been released with regard audience recording. But if you listen to Brussels performances of June 7 that is this release, then you’ll be better of the first half of the tour can be suddenly reminds that had been engaged in a hot performance. This time the band will have vibrant you are going Tsutomeyo the “hard” of Dylan back, and playing of “REAL LIVE” insipid is different from like.
Although it is Dylan that started the 1984 tour to give such a band, initially there is a section that was trying to trap or is come with their own this band far. Such the hard of his speculation and the band was together mixed in a good shape and I think in the “All Along The Watchtower” of this day. Here Dylan has pulled the band from before playing begins with harmonica, Taylor in performance that began from there you let me hear a great lead guitar. On the contrary performance approaches the second half and it definitely lose the words to upper deployment to be waged until his lead and Dylan harmonica battle. This intense playing what I think should have been “REAL LIVE” recording. “All Along ~” of this day so wonderful, Taylor will assert that he was captured the best moments among the play showed off on this tour.
Dylan as this day can be seen from the playing the best condition, Sutton is in itself in Dylan one person playing talking corner of which began after the Seoul-cover who sang for the rest of Dylan “I’ve Got to Use My Imagination” the full overflow is also a great performance the first time! That came back from the first half of the gospel route 80s album “INFIDELS” was successful in, and coming out with it Will tour was greater that have been made.
But such Banmasu, as if pulled by strong first time of Dylan, Taylor also crazy to play everywhere. For example, “Ballad Of A Thin Man” playing starts from the riff he play, even to organ of Ian McLagan is this tour unique is that arrangement to support the song, That’s Stones-ish atmosphere even feel “Every Grain arrangements of Sand “is also delicious. It is not only that, as a result of the adoption of a sound source that most sound quality is excellent from the audience recording there is more than one of this day, powerful and vivid sound of Taylor’s guitar by its on-sound image are also caught in the Real, This is what or would not be appropriate to call a Real Live. “Like A Rolling Stone” is also of that Taylor and Makuregan is playing is that it was achieved because of this tour, yet here and singing Dylan of tension is high in crunchy is, before Angkor their play of excitement to support it I will celebrate the ending.
Joins in Angkor Carlos Santana, which has served as the opening act on this tour is “Tombstone Blues”, but still overwhelmed he was vigorously lock as nowhere near as take of “REAL LIVE” that take that participated was adopted differentially and that definitely! This was recorded in sound captured by the ’84 tour I was the original charm, and swears to want become sound pressure of a strong force playing incandescent. Since this audience recording is missing only MC of Dylan to introduce “I And I” ending and Greg Sutton is, I’ve supplemented with another sound source that part only, smoothly listening communication and it also allowed to without feeling uncomfortable fit now cell. And the bonus is recorded rare two songs that have been played in Cologne performances. This is not only say that the first CD of sound or sound quality is also great audience recording. Although Brussels shock live recordings of will be released in limited press CD, and What is the Taylor participation of stage to say yet live in this land, title If that happens is determined to “BRUSSELS AFFAIR”!

当店から初めてボブ・ディラン1984年ヨーロッパ・ツアーの音源がリリースされます。このツアーと言えばオフィシャルで『REAL LIVE』が存在していますが、そこで聴かれた意欲のない演奏ぶりが裏目と出てか、このツアーは「大味」あるいは「精彩を欠いた」イメージが強くなってしまいました。確かにそのアルバムで聴かれた演奏はどれも「無難に演奏する」というこのツアーの時のバンドの悪い部分が露呈してしまった結果であると言えるでしょう。せっかくミック・テイラーがギタリストとしてディランのバンドに参加するという大きな魅力のあるツアーである一方、テイラーの人脈から選ばれたコリン・アレンとグレッグ・サットンのリズム隊があまりに平坦であり、それがこのツアーの大味さを強めてしまった感は否めません。そんなバンドがツアー終盤ということでいよいよ形にはまった演奏を繰り広げていた中、ディランの奮闘ぶりが際立っていたのが『REAL LIVE』だったのだと言えるでしょう。
 そのアルバムのメインとなったツアー終盤はクラプトンやボノといった豪華なゲストがディランのステージに加わったということもあり、オーディエンス録音に関してもツアー終盤ばかりがリリースされてきたものです。しかし今回リリースとなる6月7日のブリュッセル公演を聴けば、ツアー前半の方が俄然ホットな演奏を繰り広げていたこと再認識させられることでしょう。この時期のバンドは「懸命に」ディランのバックを務めようとしている活気に溢れていて、味気ない『REAL LIVE』の演奏とはまるで違うのです。
 そんなバンドを得て1984年のツアーを開始したディランですが、当初はこのバンドがどこまで自分に付いてこられるかを試そうとしていた節があります。そんな彼の思惑とバンドの懸命さがいい形で混ざり合わさったのがこの日の「All Along The Watchtower」ではないでしょうか。ここディランは演奏が始まる前からバンドをハーモニカで引っぱっており、そこから始まった演奏ではテイラーが素晴らしいリード・ギターを聴かせてくれます。それどころか演奏が後半に差し掛かると彼のリードとディランのハーモニカのバトルまで繰り広げられるアッパーな展開に言葉を失うこと間違いなし。こんな激しい演奏こそ『REAL LIVE』収録されるべきだったと思います。それほどこの日の「All Along~」は素晴らしく、テイラーがこのツアーで披露したプレイの中でも最高の瞬間を捉えたのだと断言いたします。
 その演奏からも分かるようにこの日のディランは絶好調で、サットンがディランの休憩用に歌ったソウル・カバー「I’ve Got to Use My Imagination」の後で始まったディラン一人の弾き語りコーナーにおける自身に満ち溢れた演奏ぶりがまた素晴らしい!80年代前半のゴスペル路線から戻ってきたことでアルバム『INFIDELS』が成功を収めた、それを引っ提げてツアーが行われたことも大きかったのでしょう。
 しかしそんなバンマス、ディランの好調ぶりに引っぱられるかのごとく、テイラーも随所で弾きまくっています。例えば「Ballad Of A Thin Man」は彼が弾くリフから演奏が始まり、さらにイアン・マクレガンのオルガンが曲を支えるアレンジというのがこのツアーならではですし、それこそストーンズっぽい雰囲気すら感じさせる「Every Grain Of Sand」のアレンジも味わい深い。それだけではありません、この日の複数存在するオーディエンス録音の中から最も音質が優れた音源を採用した結果、そのオンな音像によってテイラーのギターの迫力や生々しい音色もリアルに捉えられており、これこそリアル・ライブと呼ぶに相応しいものではないでしょうか。「Like A Rolling Stone」をテイラーとマクレガンが演奏するというのもこのツアーだからこそ実現したことであり、しかもここではディランのテンションがバリバリに高い歌と、それをサポートする彼らのプレイが感動のアンコール前エンディングを迎えます。
 アンコールではこのツアーで前座を務めていたカルロス・サンタナが「Tombstone Blues」で加わりますが、やはり彼が参加したテイクが採用された『REAL LIVE』のテイクなど足元にも及ばないほど激しくロックした圧倒されること間違いなし!これが84年ツアー本来の魅力だったのです、と断言したくなる白熱の演奏をド迫力の音圧で捉えた音源で収録しました。このオーディエンス録音は「I And I」エンディングとグレッグ・サットンを紹介するディランのMCのみが欠損していますので、その部分のみ別音源を補填しましたが、それも違和感なくフィットさせてなめらかに聴き通せるようになりました。そしてボーナスにはケルン公演で演奏されたレアな二曲を収録。これがまた初CD化音源というだけでなく音質も素晴らしいオーディエンス録音です。ブリュッセル衝撃のライブ音源が限定のプレスCDにてリリースとなりますが、何といってもテイラー参加のステージでしかもこの土地でのライブ、そうなればタイトルは『BRUSSELS AFFAIR』に決まり! 

Disc 1(72:33)
1. Highway 61 Revisited 2. Jokerman 3. All Along The Watchtower 4. Just Like A Woman 
5. Maggie’s Farm 6. I & I 7. License To Kill 
8. I’ve Got To Use My Imagination (sung by Greg Sutton) 9. Mr. Tambourine Man 
10. It Ain’t Me, Babe 11. It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) 12. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue

Disc 2(63:40)
1. Masters Of War 2. Ballad Of A Thin Man 3. Simple Twist Of Fate 4. Every Grain Of Sand 
5. Like A Rolling Stone 6. Tangled Up In Blue 7. Girl From The North Country 
8. Love Minus Zero/No Limit 9. Tombstone Blues (w/ Carlos Santana) 
10. Why Do I Have To Choose? (w/ Carlos Santana) 

Bonus Tracks 
Mungersdorfer Stadion, Cologne, West Germany 16th June 1984

11. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat 12. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues 

Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), Mick Taylor (guitar), Ian McLagan (keyboards), Greg Sutton (bass), Colin Allen (drums)

BD 6784


Bob Dylan /1984 Tour 8mm Film Collection /1DVDR

Translated Text:

Arena Di Verona, Verona, Italy 28th May & Grenoble Alpexpo, Grenoble, France 3rd July.


Click Image To Enlarge



This is the footage that summarizes the 8mm film enthusiasts have taken that chasing the 1984 European Tour. We have concentrated this “BRUSSELS AFFAIR” in the same manner as in the first half of the tour Live has become the main. Not be denied soon sense that shooting in 8mm film in time for the home video camera and began spread has been obsoleted, actually just what the video is also a “chopped” state in the country that has been housed here. As to fit in addition to the rotation of the film Tari low or high pitch, and probably the 8mm likely state even was not recorded at the correct state.
But photographing state is a quite excellent, or not a news film and especially the video of Rotterdam concert June 6 at first glance? Dylan in the illusion likely as of close-up it would be a surprise because they are regarded as. And fashion in the next day of Brussels and close dressed, this time of Dylan I can ask the state in which I like the hat. As can be seen from the fact that, this footage is very valuable points that can be glimpsed how the Dylan of fashion began to change through the tour. The tour early in the Verona varies from simple was a leather jacket figure ahead of Rotterdam, figure wrapped a scarf in chic suit in Nice (this also should be familiar), and the last of Gris Noble turn around that makeup becomes darker wear in the plaques of shirt, I was moved to a typical ’84 tour of July fashion. And Dylan is, of course, but it is Mick Taylor, and ’84 footage of enhancement in rare that has been perfectly captured even appearance of Santana that appeared in encore of each performance playing the lead in the next!

1984年のヨーロッパ・ツアーを追っかけたマニアが撮影した8mmフィルムをまとめた映像集です。メインとなっているのは今回の『BRUSSELS AFFAIR』と同様にツアー前半のライブが集中しています。そろそろ家庭用ビデオ・カメラが普及始めた時期で8mmフィルムでの撮影が旧態化していた感は否めず、実際にここに収められた各地での映像も「細切れ」状態なものばかり。それに加えてフィルムの回転に合わせてピッチが高かったり低かったりと、正確な状態で収録されなかったのも8mmらしい状態と言えるでしょう。

1. Arena di Verona, Verona, Italy 28th May 1984

Jokerman / Just Like A Woman / I & I / License To Kill / It’s Alright Ma / Girl Of The N. Country / Every Grain Of Sand / Man Of Peace / Like A Rolling Stone / Blowin In The Wind / Tombstone Blues

2. Arena di Verona, Verona, Italy 29th May 1984

Highway 61 Revisited / Jokerman / Leopardskin Pillbox Hat / I & I / The Times They Are A-Changin’ / Blowin In The Wind / Tombstone Blues

3. Sportpaleis Ahoy, Rotterdam, Holland 4th June 1984

Highway 61 Revisited / Just Like A Woman / Maggies Farm / Tangled Up In Blue / It Ain’t Me Babe / It’s All Over Now Baby Blue / Man Of Peace / Tombstone Blues / Forever Young

4. Stade De L’Ouest, Nice, France 17th June 1984

All Along The Watchtower / Just Like A Woman / Maggies Farm / I & I / License To Kill / Hard Rain.. / It’s Alright Ma… / Simple Twist Of Fate / Like A Rolling Stone / It Ain’t Me Babe / Don’t Think Twice It’s All Right / The Times They Are A-Changin’ / Why Do I Have To Choose

5. Grenoble Alpexpo, Grenoble, France 3rd July 1984

Jokerman / All Along The Watchtower / I & I / Hard Rain

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