Bob Dylan / A Musical Retrospective / 3CD

Bob Dylan / A Musical Retrospective / 3CD / Hideaway

Live at Portland Paramount Theater, Portland, Oregon, USA 3rd December 1980 & More

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From the legendary ’79 -’81 gospel period, a title with a spot on the short tour in the US in November-December ’80, entitled ‘A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE’ comes up in a 3-disc press!
On December 3, ’80, based on the past longest and high-quality stereo version of the Portland show in Oregon, the live rarities from the short tour are also carefully recorded. It is a heartwarming retrospective of the ’80 end short tour.
It seems that the 3-disc set CD “A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE” (Scolupio touch-and-announced) announced from Doberman in around 2000 appears and respects the concept (respect), but of course it is just a recurrence The contents are not the same and have been greatly upgraded.

Let’s take a quick look at Zachkuri before and after this “A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE” tour.

August album “Slow Train Coming” released (the chart is also excellent)
November 1-Dec 9 North America Gospel Tour 1st Leg (Controversial without playing familiar songs)

January 11-February 9 North America Gospel Tour 2nd Leg (There is no playing of familiar music here)
February 11-February 15 Gospel 2nd “Saved” recording
April 17-May 21 North America Gospel Tour 3rd Leg (Also below familiar)
June album “Saved” released (live effect or chart action is also right now)
Nov. 9-Dec. 4 North America A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE tour (Yamumu? Familiar song revives) ★ Recording period of this record

[1981] March-May Gospel third “Shot Of Love” recording
June 10-June 14 US Tour
June 21-July 25 Europe Tour
August “Shot Of Love” released
October 16-November 21 North American Tour (but discontinued on November 21)

Summarizing the flow of this period with Zachkuri, the ’79 Slow Train Coming ‘release in August ’79, the tour started in November of the same year, but controversy and critique concentration by not playing the standard music at all, ’80 Since the reaction of the album “Saved” released in June was also affected, the composition of the live has been reconsidered and the familiar music has been newly incorporated. The tour resumed in November ’80 with this A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE What did you say?

Now the tour has been well received, and in recent years it has finally been released with a masterpiece box “TROUBLE NO MORE” which was targeted at this gospel season, and it was a wonderful one with a very fulfilling content. However, the box, A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE tour period is not rich in recording only, live of rare November 12 performance of the outtake “Caribbean Wind” recorded in ‘Biograph’ released in ’85 It is fortunate that the performance was recorded, but other than that, it is almost a loophole state that only 3 live sound sources were selected from A MUSICAL ~ tour. The board will thus complement the box and be a perfect item to dig deeper into this tour.

The Oregon Portland show on December 3 recorded in the main of this edition is one of the best in sound quality even on the same tour. In the early release, “Watchtower” was released from the beginning, and it was monophonic Aud, and was cut in the “Watchtower” song and then switched to stereo Aud. The monaural Aud part is that the stereo Aud sound source has become monaural, and it seems to be circulating among traders in such a state even now. This time, for the part from the beginning to the beginning of Watchtower and the track part of already unpaid gospel squads, the same sound source as the main stereo Aud, but with a different leaf stereo Aud is adopted as a sub, There is a cut in the song in several places, such as “Man Gave Names”, but the entire song is not completely recorded, but the stereo Aud sound source of the difference between branches and leaves is adopted in the sub, so the whole film stereo is realized. Total about 2 hours and 15 minutes longer than about 21 minutes).
By following the corners of the gospel corps, including the three songs at the beginning of the live show, which had already been ommitted in the already released version, we were able to gain a better grasp of the live show of those days.

Also, from the second half of Disc 2 to Disc 3, the rarity tracks from our “A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE” tour are carefully recorded. This was also followed the concept of the already published Doberman, but the selection of songs etc. is quite different, and another tape was used in the performance take on the same day, and the one that was already monaural was recorded in stereo Also, the sound quality is also greatly improved overall. In addition, although the pre-released disc has been carefully selected, there are many that were cut before and after the performance in order to be forced to fit in the recording time (80 minutes) of the CD, and there were some that the tape speed was unusually fast. There was also such a drawback. The pitch is also adjusted by polite mastering in this edition of this board, and it has become a polite mastering that is meticulously detailed to the complete play part and also to the complete play part. Please see the track list below for details on listening to bonus tracks, such as performances by The Byrds version of “Mr. Tambourine Man”.
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伝説の’79-’81ゴスペル期から”A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE”と題された’80年11月〜12月・米国でのショートツアーにスポットをあてたタイトルが3枚組プレス盤で登場!
2000年頃にドーベルマンから発表された『A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE』(スコルピオがタッチしてプレスでも発表された)という3枚組CDを見た目もコンセプトも踏襲(リスペクト)しているようですが、勿論単なる再発の類いではなく内容は大幅にアップグレードされたものとなっております。

この”A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE”ツアー前後についてザックリとおさらいしておきますと、、、

8月アルバム『Slow Train Coming』リリース(チャートも上々)
11月1日-12月9日北米 ゴスペルツアー1st レグ(お馴染みの楽曲の演奏なしで物議を醸す)

1月11日-2月9日北米 ゴスペルツアー2nd レグ(ここでもお馴染みの楽曲の演奏なし)
4月17日-5月21日北米 ゴスペルツアー3rd レグ(やはりお馴染みの以下略)
11月9日-12月4日北米 A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVEツアー(やむなく?お馴染みの楽曲が復活)★本盤の収録期間

3月-5月ゴスペル第三弾『Shot Of Love』レコーディング
8月『Shot Of Love』リリース(チャートやはり今一)

ザックリとこの時期の流れを要約すると、’79年8月アルバム『Slow Train Coming』リリース、同年11月ツアー開始、しかしライブでは定番曲が一切演奏されないことで物議を醸し批判も集中、’80年6月リリースのアルバム『Saved』の反応にも影響が出たためしばらく間を置き、ライブの構成を見直しお馴染みの楽曲を新たに盛り込み’80年11月に再開されたツアーがこのA MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVEと言ったところでしょうか。

現在ではこのツアーも高い評価を得、近年ついにこのゴスペル期に的を絞った傑作ボックス『TROUBLE NO MORE』もめでたくリリースされ、これが非常に充実した内容で素晴らしいものでした。しかしながらこのボックス、A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVEツアーの期間に限ると収録に恵まれておらず、’85年リリースの『バイオグラフ』に収録されたアウトテイク「Caribbean Wind」の、レアな11月12日公演のライブ演奏が収録されたのは幸いですが、それ以外はA MUSICAL〜ツアーからは3曲のライブ音源がチョイスされただけで殆ど抜け穴状態。よって本盤はボックスを補完し、このツアーをさらに掘り下げるにはうってつけのアイテムとなることでしょう。

本盤のメインに収録された12月3日のオレゴン・ポートランド公演は同ツアー中でも音質ではベストに類するもの。既発盤では序盤から「Watchtower」出だしまではモノラルのAudで、「Watchtower」曲中でカットして以降はステレオAudに切り替わるというものでした。またそのモノラルAudの部分はステレオAud音源がモノラルになっていたというもので、現在もそのような状態でトレーダー間には流通しているようです。今回は出だしからWatchtower序盤までの部分や既発未収のゴスペル隊のトラック部分については、メインのステレオAudと同じ音源ながら、さらに枝葉違いのステレオAudがサブ的に採用されており、既発同様「Man Gave Names」など数カ所で曲中カットがあるため全曲完全収録ではありませんが、その枝葉違いのステレオAud音源がサブに採用されることで全編ステレオで、なおかつ過去最長収録が実現しています(既発に比べ約21分も長いトータル約2時間15分)。

またDisc2の後半からDisc3にかけては、当”A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE”ツアーからのレアリティーズトラックがごっそり収録されています。これも既発ドーベルマン盤のコンセプトが踏襲されたものですが、選曲等はだいぶ異なっており、同日の演奏テイクでも別テープが使用されたことで既発ではモノラルだったものがステレオで収録されたり、また音質も全体に大幅にアップしています。また既発盤も丹念に選曲されてはいたのですが、CDの収録時間(80分)に無理矢理収めるために演奏前後がカットされたものが多く、しかもテープスピードが異様に速いものがあったりといった難点もありました。今回の本盤では丁寧なマスタリングによりピッチもアジャストされており、演奏部分に関しても完奏部までしっかりとフォローと、細部まで行き届いた丁寧なマスタリングとなっております。「Mr. Tambourine Man」のThe Byrdsバージョンでの演奏等々、聞き所満載のボーナストラックの詳細は下記トラックリストを参照下さい。

Disc 1 (79:33)
01. It’s Gonna Rain★ゴスペル隊(今回初収録)
02. Come On In This House★ゴスペル隊(今回初収録)
03. Saved By The Grace Of Your Love★ゴスペル隊(今回初収録)
04. Gotta Serve Somebody
05. I Believe In You
06. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
07. Till I Get It Right (vocal Regina McCrary)★今回初収録(但しカットアウト)
08. Man Gave Names To All The Animals★序盤カットあり
09. Simple Twist Of Fate
10. We Just Disagree
11. All Along The Watchtower ★序盤でソースチェンジ
12. Ain’t Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody
13. Girl From The North Country
14. To Ramona
15. Slow Train
16. Walk Around Heaven All Day (vocal Carolyn Dennis)★今回初収録(但しカットアウト)
17. Abraham, Martin And John★イントロカットイン
18. Rise Again
19. Let’s Keep It Between Us

Disc 2 (79:40)
01. Mary From The Wild Moor
02. Solid Rock
03. Just Like A Woman ★出だし若干サブ音源で補填
04. Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
05. A Couple More Years
06. What Can I Do For You?
07. When You Gonna Wake Up
08. In The Garden★出だしフェードイン
09. Blowin’ In The Wind
10. City Of Gold
11. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
12. It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)★演奏前曲間補填あり

Disc 2 Extra Trax
13. Precious Angel (11/12)
14. Like A Rolling Stone (11/29)
15. Saved (11/29)
16. MC(Introduction of “Fever”) (11/22)
17. Fever (11/22 当ツアー2回のみ)

Disc 3 Extra Disc (79:07)
01. Gotta Serve Somebody (11/11)
02. I Believe In You (11/11)
03. Simple Twist Of Fate (11/11) Stereo
04. Precious Angel (11/9)
05. Maria Muldaur Introduction (11/19)
06. Nobody’s Fault But Mine (11/19 Mono Maria Muldaur)
07. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues (12/4)
08. Rise Again (Piano Version) (11/18)
09. Do Right To Me Baby (当ツアー11/18のみの演奏)
10. Carlos Santana Introduction (11/13)
11. Covenant Woman (11/13 santanaゲスト)
12. Solid Rock (11/13 santanaゲスト)
13. Roger McGuinn Introduction (11/22)
14. Mr. Tambourine Man (11/22 Rodger McGuinnゲスト、しかもThe Byrdsバージョンでの演奏)
15. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (11/22 Rodger McGuinnゲスト)
16. It Ain’t Me Babe (11/22 マッギンいないがTourのレア演奏)
17. David Grisman Introduction (12/4)
18. To Ramona (12/4 David Grisman (mandolin)ゲスト)
19. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right (11/29)
20. Love Minus Zero/No Limit (11/12)

Hideaway. BD-120380

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