Blackmore’s Night / Tokyo 1972 2nd Night / 2CDR

Blackmore’s Night / Tokyo 1972 2nd Night / 2CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 8th November 1997


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Life work that found by Richie Blackmore was at that time 52 years old, BLACKMORE’S NIGHT. The first installment of the new label “Black Box” is a large masterpiece that becomes the new masterpiece of 1997, became the first tour that was ahead of the rest of the world Japan Tour. Two of them, and to the special project to celebrate the birth of the new label, you gift the live album was also the highlight performance of the monument tour “November 8, 1997 Tokyo International Forum performances”. Including the relationship between the main press 2CD × 2 this, let’s take a look now at a time schedule.

– November 2, 2011: Nakano Sun Plaza (Additional performances Tokyo first day)
– November 3: Aichi Welfare Pension Hall
– November 4, 2011: Kobe International Conference Center Harborland Plaza “KOBE 1997”
– November 6, 2011: Hiroshima postal savings Hall
– November 7, 2011: Osaka Festival Hall “OSAKA 1997”
– November 8, 2011: Tokyo International Forum [this work] – November 10: Kanagawa Prefectural
– November 11: Sendai Sun Plaza Hall

In this way, the Tokyo International Forum concert is the next day of the show of “OSAKA 1997”. It is a classic venue for outside sagging performance in the current, DEEP PURPLE and WHITESNAKE like family in the band we but is familiar, that opened in 1997. Ritchie was standing on this stage is (currently), only this once. Then, the Tokyo International Forum is the largest in the 1997 tour, though, it was also the largest of concerts including a re-visit to Japan in 2004. Whether or not the 5,000 scale as seen from the music become is where subtle, but a highlight definitely, we live album that sheer is spirit facing in the tournament field.
This work that contains the such international forums performances, there is also a once it has been generally released from Shades label as a “STREET OF DREAMS” recording. Quality using the original DAT was ceded directly from the recording artist himself is preeminent, even while spreading a clear musical sound to the venue filled, exhilarating wick To clearly from among them. If the original, this work also I a worthy name recording to be pressed, would contain Unfortunately, “Under A Violet Moon” in the only moment at 2:50 digital noise. I really slight noise, a glossy musical tone is only to BLACKMORE’S NIGHT of life, abnormal noise to disturb the beautiful examined I did not afford to press also that it would be for a moment. Conversely, it seems drawback drawback there is no great sound world in addition to There is also a masterpiece recording taste with plenty of over a period of about 1 hour and 50 minutes.
International Forum performances drawn by its quality is clearly different from the other venues. I wrote the earlier “spirit to face the large venue”, how can afford just six performances eyes instead it came out, what was Hitokawamuke in the frenzy of the Osaka performances, clearly playing has become dynamic. Also the singing voice of Candice Night that only transience is noticeable is always, delivered to every corner of the venue! Just not said that the force has muffled. It differs from it more than the other venue, great cheer swirling to the venue. Visit to Japan at this time, a great success as much as additional performances of the Nakano Sun Plaza comes out. Ovation that give the audience even in this work crowd like a wave. Particularly RAINBOW song, passion that does not also have standing can have an explosion. Candice is “next RAINBOW” and cry groans just put that name has rocked the venue, in the “16th Century Greensleeves”, is spread vast clapping plains of 5,000.
When I think sound fall of the needle had been allowed to settle the ear quiet as likely to hear, standing ovation dynamism of that rush furiously. Encouraged by it, the playing of the band is going to become more and more powerful. Ya Richie is also called as “Richie!” From the audience from beginning to end good mood, the person in question is read back as “Ritchie!”. 25 years from the first visit to Japan in 1972 up to here, is a hard scene to believe from this live even 19 years later. In addition, it jumped out to “Wish You Were Here,” you did not hear in the Kobe and Osaka, enthusiastic performance of this highlight will close the curtain.

Kobe both also different Osaka, Tokyo International Forum of the scene. That is all one, which was vacuum-packed with great sound. Kaesugaesu, digital noise of “Under A Violet Moon” is reproachful. Even this, if there even this moment, … what you can deliver to everyone as a press CD. Great sound enough to leak even such bitches, live album full of wonderful enthusiastically. New label was born “now” That’s why I would like you to know also to everyone also that there was another one of masterpiece recordings. I want you to remember. Put such a thought, you gift to you.

当時52歳だったリッチー・ブラックモアが見つけたライフワーク、BLACKMORE’S NIGHT。新レーベル「Black Box」の第1弾は、世界に先駆けた初ツアーとなった1997年日本公演の新代表作となる大傑作です。その2本の、そして新レーベルの誕生祝う特別企画には、記念碑ツアーのハイライト公演でもあった「1997年11月8日・東京国際フォーラム公演」のライヴアルバムを贈ります。本編プレス2CD×2本との関係も含め、今一度日程を見てみましょう。

・11月4日:神戸国際会館ハーバーランドプラザ『KOBE 1997』
・11月7日:大阪フェスティバルホール    『OSAKA 1997』
・11月8日:東京国際フォーラム       【本作】

このように、東京国際フォーラム公演は『OSAKA 1997』の翌日のショウです。現在では外タレ公演の定番会場であり、DEEP PURPLEやWHITESNAKE等のファミリーバンド達でもお馴染みですが、その開館は1997年。リッチーがこのステージに立ったのは(現在のところ)、この1回だけです。そして、この東京国際フォーラムは1997年ツアーで最大級、いえ、2004年の再来日を含めても最大の公演でもありました。音楽性から見て5000人規模が似合うかどうかは微妙なところですが、間違いなくハイライトであり、その大会場に臨む気迫が透けるライヴアルバムなのです。
そんな国際フォーラム公演を収めた本作は、かつてShadesレーベルから『STREET OF DREAMS』として通常リリースされたこともある録音。録音家本人から直接譲られたオリジナルDATを使用したクオリティはバツグンで、クリアな楽音が会場いっぱいに広がりながらも、その中から芯がくっきりと浮き立つ。本来であれば、本作もまたプレスされるに相応しい名録音なのですが、残念ながら「Under A Violet Moon」の2:50で一瞬だけデジタル・ノイズが入ってしまう。本当にわずかなノイズなのですが、艶やかな楽音が命のBLACKMORE’S NIGHTだけに、美しい調べを邪魔する異音は一瞬であろうともプレスするわけにはいかなかったのです。逆に言えば、それ以外に欠点らしい欠点がない素晴らしい音世界が約1時間50分間にわたってたっぷりと味わえる傑作録音でもあります。
そのクオリティで描かれる国際フォーラム公演は、他会場と明らかに違う。先ほど「大会場に臨む気迫」と書きましたが、それだけではなく6公演目で余裕が出てきたのか、大阪公演の熱狂で一皮むけたのか、明らかに演奏がダイナミックになっている。いつもは儚さばかりが目立つキャンディス・ナイトの歌声も、会場の隅々まで届け!と言わんばかりに力がこもっています。それ以上に他会場と異なるのは、会場に渦巻く大歓声。この時の来日は、中野サンプラザの追加公演が出るほどに大盛況。本作でも観衆が贈る大喝采が波のように押し寄せる。特にRAINBOWソングには、いてもたってもいられない情熱が爆発する。キャンディスが「次はRAINBOW」と一声その名を出すだけでどよめきが会場を揺るがし、「16th Century Greensleeves」では、5000人の広大な手拍子の平原が広がるのです。
針の落ちる音が聞こえそうなほど静かに耳を澄ませていたかと思うと、猛烈に沸き上がる大喝采のダイナミズム。それに勇気づけられ、バンドの演奏はますます力強くなっていく。リッチーも終始ゴキゲンで観客からの「リッチー!」とコールされるや、当の本人が「Ritchie!」と復唱する。1972年の初来日からここに至るまで25年、このライヴから19年たった今でも信じがたい情景です。さらに、神戸や大阪では聴けなかった「Wish You Were Here」まで飛び出し、このハイライトの熱演は幕を閉じます。

神戸とも大阪も違う、東京国際フォーラムの情景。そのすべてを素晴らしいサウンドで真空パックした1本です。返す返す、「Under A Violet Moon」のデジタル・ノイズが恨めしい。これさえ、この一瞬さえなければ、プレスCDとして皆さまにお届けできたものを……。そんな愚痴までも漏れてしまうほどに素晴らしいサウンド、素晴らしい熱演に満ちたライヴアルバム。新レーベルが誕生した“今”だからこそ、もう1本の傑作録音があったことも皆さまにも知っていただきたい。覚えていて欲しい。そんな想いを込め、あなたに贈ります。

Disc 1(60:15)
1. Introduction 2. Shadow On The Moon 3. Be Mine Tonight 4. Play Minstrel, Play
5. St. Teresa 6. Minstrel Hall 7. Under A Violet Moon 8. The Temple Of The King
9. 16th Century Greensleeves 10. Memminigen 11. Greensleeves 12. Renaissance Fair
13. Mund Tanz

Disc 2(50:29)
1. No Second Chance 2. Ariel 3. Member Introduction 4. Instrumental 5. The Clock Ticks On
6. Still I’m Sad 7. Difficult To Cure 8. Keyboard Solo 9. Writing On The Wall
10. Man On The Silver Mountain 11. Street Of Dreams 12. Wish You Were Here

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitars Candice Night – Vocal Jessie Haynes – Guitars Mick Cervino – Bass
Joseph James – Keyboards John O. Reilly – Drums

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