Black Sabbath / TYR Belgium / 1DVDR 

Black Sabbath / TYR Belgium / 1DVDR / Non label

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Live at Vooruit, Ghent, Belgium 30th October 1990. NTSC

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Called a big topic among fans, 1990 “TYR” tour complete October 30 Belgium · Gent show in the audience full shot full of impressive shots.

After the release of “TYR”, after the end of the British tour which took place for about a month in September ’90, the band started a tour in Europe (mainly Germany) and showed live performances throughout the region until the end of November .
For the ’90 year tour, contrary to the evaluation on the album, the type of the live sound source has been very limited to some time ago, and for SABBATH fans it is also a time when there are still a lot of unknown parts yet (even sound board sound source not even yet It is a state of discovery). There are even few video titles that contain live patterns, and even for fans who want to see Cozy’s play, the situation close to air pockets continues in ’90.
The main video “TYR BELGIUM” that appears this time is a nice bonus title that will cast one stone to such a situation! I can grasp the “TYR” live that I could not grasp another stage of the stage so far with a powerful image that used a lot of close-ups, and surely enjoy the cozy drumming firmly. This work is an image that will become a must-have one for enthusiastic SABBATH fans!

Although the dark screen continues up to the opening “The Gates Of Hell”, the main part of the live is captured in sharp and superior color image, and it is wonderful to convince the master quality of the material. The merit of this video is the excellence of the screen composition with skillful zooming a lot, dynamic shots using a lot of close-ups to Martin, Iomi, and Koji more from the moment the performance started with “Neon Knights”! There is no doubt that everyone is amazed on the screen with full power.
Basically it is a shooting in the form of looking down on the stage from the second floor of the hall from the left towards the stage, so Neil Murray will be in a slightly invisible position, but Iomi and Martin ‘s illuminated by dazzling lighting I can not bear the figure. Especially Cozy’s good-looking is a level beyond imagination. In the middle of “Neon Knights” there are scenes where shadows appear on the flash, “Iron Man” at the beginning of the crowd pounding the audience by tapping their hands, “Children Of The Grave” that explodes the whole venue, Koji’s show You will be able to enjoy plenty of presence as a man.
On this European tour, the set list has changed from the UK tour, “Die Young” was played in the middle of the live, and the new work “The Sabbath Stones” is also set. This “The Sabbath Stones” is a number that can be said as the Martin version of “Black Sabbath”. From the beginning it progresses to heavy with a creepy mood, but Korgie’s drumming and Martin’s singing also gives the song a rich dramaticity and majestic nobility, which makes it a highlight of live not to be missed by fans It is.
In the base solo continuing from the same song, the spot hits the Neil who was in a somewhat hard to see position so that he can firmly confirm his technical playing (here Neil is playing the riff of what “NIB” ). “When Death Calls” featuring his bass as an introduction can also be said to be a feature of the live. (Unfortunately, the same song is missing from the master in the first half of “Anno Mundi” since midfield).
Enjoy a dynamic and wonderful shot with “Black Sabbath”, the encore “Heaven And Hell” and “Paranoid” suite, and the climax of the show in the second half of the live show continuing from “Anno Mundi”.

Because the original master had strong voice input, the bass was particularly distorted, but distortion was greatly relaxed by remaster, and it was finished to quality that does not become stressful when enjoying the live. This work reproducing the pattern of the “TYR” live, which could not be known only by sound sources, with exquisite dynamism for about 85 minutes, is one of the scattered things I’d like to enjoy with all SABBATH fans and cozy fans.


今回登場する本映像「TYR BELGIUM」は、そんな状況へ一石を投じるであろう嬉しいボーナス・タイトル! 今までステージの様子をもうひとつ掴みきれなかった「TYR」ライヴを、クロースアップを多用した迫力ある映像で捉え、もちろんコージーのドラミングもしっかりと楽しめます。本作は熱心なSABBATHファンにとって必携の一本になるであろう映像です!

オープニングの「The Gates Of Hell」までは暗い画面が続きますが、ライヴ本編はシャープで発色に優れた映像で捉えられており、素材のマスター・クオリティを確信させる素晴らしさです。本映像の長所は巧みなズームを多用した画面構図の秀逸さで、「Neon Knights」で演奏が始まった瞬間から、マーティンやアイオミ、さらにコージーへのクローズアップを多用したダイナミックなショットが連発! 迫力満点の画面には誰もが驚く事間違いありません。
基本的にはステージに向かって左よりの会場2階席から、ステージを見下ろす形での撮影なので、ニール・マーレイはやや見えにくい位置になりますが、まばゆい照明に照らし出されたアイオミやマーティンの姿は堪りません。特にコージーの格好良さは想像を超えるレベルです。「Neon Knights」の中盤でフラッシュに影が浮かび上がる場面や、手を叩いて観客を煽る「Iron Man」冒頭、会場全体を揺るがすようなドラミングを炸裂させる「Children Of The Grave」など、コージーのショウマンとしての存在感をたっぷりと堪能できるでしょう。
このヨーロッパツアーでは、イギリスツアーからセットリストが変わっており、「Die Young」がライヴ中盤で演奏され、新作から「The Sabbath Stones」もセットインしています。この「The Sabbath Stones」は「Black Sabbath」のマーティン版とも言えるナンバー。冒頭から不気味なムードでヘヴィに進行しますが、コージーのドラミングやマーティンの歌唱は、楽曲へ起伏に富んだドラマ性や荘厳な気高さも与えており、ファンにとって見逃せないライヴのハイライトになっています。
同曲から続くベースソロでは、これまでやや見えづらい位置にいたニールへスポットが当たり、彼のテクニカルなプレイもしっかり確認できるようになります(ここでニールは何と「N.I.B.」のリフもプレイしています)。彼のベースをイントロにフィーチャーした「When Death Calls」もライヴの目玉と言えるでしょう(残念ながら同曲は中盤以降から「Anno Mundi」前半はマスターに由来する欠落が見られます)。
「Anno Mundi」から続くライヴ後半も「Black Sabbath」に、アンコールの「Heaven And Hell」・「Paranoid」組曲と、それぞれダイナミックで素晴らしいショットを楽しめ、ショウのクライマックスを臨場感たっぷりに味わえます。


1. Ave Satani 2. The Gates Of Hell 3. Neon Knights 4. Iron Man 5. Children Of The Grave
6. Guitar Intro/Die Young 7. The Sabbath Stones 8. Bass Solo (includes N.I.B.)
9. Heart Like A Wheel 10. Guitar Solo, Headless Cross 11. When Death Calls 12. Anno Mundi
13. Black Sabbath 14. Heaven And Hell 15. Paranoid

COLOUR NTSC Approx.85min.

Tony Iommi – Lead Guitar Tony Martin – Lead Vocals Neil Murray – Bass
Cozy Powell – Drums Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards

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