Black Sabbath / First Tyr /2CDR

Black Sabbath / First Tyr /2CDR /Power Gate

Translated text:

Live At Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, Uk 1st September 1990.

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From the BLACK SABATH Live at Cozy Powell, received a hot love call from everyone of the fans, it is a release decision to release that strongest live sound source is full! This work which recorded the UK Wolverhampton performance of September 1, 1990 on the first day of the “TYR” tour, which took place only for about three months, completely recorded with a high-quality audience recording, not only its excellent sound quality, Also on the “TYR” tour where the list change was great, there was also scarcity / material nature such as the first collector’s item that recorded the first day’s live in which a rare set was made, still strong still as the masterpiece of the 1990 Tour’s greatest even today I am receiving. The environment surrounding the BLACK SABBATH rare sound source has been greatly improved in recent years. The reappearance of this work that became a desperation is not only a fan who missed the release last time, but also for people who newly woke up to the charm of Martin SABBATH, it can be said that it is a great gospel!

From the beginning of the show you can enjoy a number of selected gems with wonderful sounds excellent in outlook and clearness. From the third track “Headless Cross”, the sound quality improves further, with sounds rich in distinctive edge and outstanding direct feeling, we will push forward to the show end! The set list unique to the first day such as this full list condenses the essence of Martin SABBATH and it makes me fully enjoy his singing voice. In addition to classic songs such as “Headless Cross” and “The Shining”, as well as new songs “Anno Mundi” arranged at the very beginning only, “Law Maker” etc. Also listened to the number chosen from “TYR” is perfect. Especially the flow from “The Battle Of Tyr” to “The Sabbath Stones” played in the middle stage, “Feels Good To Me” located in the latter half of the live shows only listening to this first day performance. Ironi’s playing Hevelyph and Martin’s supple playing singing are sometimes beautiful, sometimes strongly unrivaled, I will not overwhelm everyone who listens. The magnificent sense of scale and the architectural beauty of “When Death Calls” that you can listen with this sound source are the one vertex that Mr. SABBATH of Martin era · style beauty route has reached, everyone will be convinced. It is also a feature of the “TYR” tour that coexistence of each member’s assertion with a sense of unity as a band. In “Heart Like A Wheel” flowing from the base solo, enjoy Neil Murray’s craftsmen’s baseline, and in the ensuing guitar solo, Iomi directs the highest excitement with a play involving a passage of “Electric Funeral” and “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” I will. In addition, Koji is featured in SABBATH ‘s first solo drum solo featuring “Mars”, and whatever the live scene is taken on, the best names scenes that can not be withstood hard rock fans are repeated. SABBATH at this time is really a super band! A masterpiece of the Ronie era such as “Die Young” which highlights the show on “Sign Of The Southern Cross” revived in combination with “Odin’s Court” was given a new breath by Martin’s singing, and it glows even more I’m shooting. In addition to “War Pigs”, the SABBATH classic of the Ozzy era which is tripleted with “Iron Man” “Children Of The Grave” “Black Sabbath” in the latter half of the show is reproduced with skillful selection and arrangement . You will be convinced that this show is exactly the best of the best in the Martin era.

This work that recorded a concert that lasts 2 hours and 10 minutes with outstanding sound quality with excellent sense of stability is one that can be asserted that there are different SABBATH live even on numerous SABBATH live! Approximately SABBATH fans would not be allowed to not have this sound source. Everyone who could not get it last time please do not miss this time and get this work!

コージー・パウエル在籍時のBLACK SABATHライヴより、ファンの皆様からひときわ熱いラブコールを受けて、あの最強のライヴ音源が満を持しての復刻リリース決定です!約3ヶ月間のみ行われた「TYR」ツアーの初日にあたる、1990年9月1日のイギリス・ウォルバーハンプトン公演を高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録した本作は、その優れた音質はもとより、セットリスト変化の大きかった「TYR」ツアーでも特にレアなセットが組まれた初日のライヴを収録した初めてのコレクターズアイテムという希少性・資料性もあって、現在でもなお1990年ツアー最大の傑作として強い支持を受けています。BLACK SABBATHのレア音源をめぐる環境は、近年大いに整備されてきました。その嚆矢となった本作の再登場は、前回リリースを逃したファンだけでなく、新たにマーティンSABBATHの魅力に目覚めた人々にとっても、大きな福音と言えるでしょう!

ショウ冒頭から見通しとクリアさに優れた素晴らしい音で、選び抜かれた珠玉のナンバーの数々を楽しめます。3曲目の「Headless Cross」辺りからは音質がより向上し、切り立ったエッジ・抜群のダイレクト感に富んだサウンドで、ショウエンドまで突き進んでいきます!全編これ聴き所といった初日ならではのセットリストは、マーティンSABBATHのエッセンスを凝縮しており、彼の歌声をとことん堪能させてくれます。「Headless Cross」や「The Shining」といった定番曲はもちろん、極初期のみオープニングに配された新曲「Anno Mundi」をはじめ、「Law Maker」など「TYR」からチョイスされたナンバーも聴き応え満点です。 特に中盤で演奏される「The Battle Of Tyr」から「The Sabbath Stones」への流れ、ライヴ後半に位置する「Feels Good To Me」はこの初日公演のみの聴き所です。アイオミが奏でるヘヴィリフとマーティンのしなやかな歌唱の競演は、時に美しく、また時には強烈無比にと、聴く者全てを圧倒せずにはおきません。本音源で聴ける「When Death Calls」の荘厳なスケール感と構築美こそ、マーティン時代・様式美路線のSABBATHが到達した一つの頂点だと、一聴すれば誰もが納得できるでしょう。バンドらしい一体感と各メンバーの主張が共存しているのも「TYR」ツアーの特徴です。ベースソロから流れ込む「Heart Like A Wheel」ではニール・マーレイの職人的ベースラインを楽しめ、続くギターソロではアイオミが「Electric Funeral」や「Sabbath Bloody Sabbath」の一節を絡めたプレイで最高の盛り上がりを演出します。さらにコージーはSABBATHで初めてとなるドラムソロを「Mars」をフィーチャーして聴かせるなど、ライヴのどの場面を取っても、ハードロックファンには堪らない極上の名場面が連発しています。この時のSABBATHは本当にスーパーバンドです!「Odin’s Court」との組み合わせで復活した「Sign Of The Southern Cross」に、ショウのハイライトを飾る「Die Young」といったロニー時代の名曲は、マーティンの歌唱で新たな息吹きを与えられ、よりいっそう輝きを放っています。また「War Pigs」の他、ショウの後半において「Iron Man」「Children Of The Grave」「Black Sabbath」と三連発されるオジー時代のSABBATHクラシックも、全てが巧みな選曲とアレンジで再現されています。圧巻のライヴ・ドキュメントはこのショウこそまさにマーティン時代のベスト・オブ・ベストだと確信させられるでしょう。


Disc 1
1. Intro: Ave Satani/The Gates Of Hell 2. Anno Mundi 3. Neon Knights 4. Headless Cross
5. When Death Calls 6. War Pigs 7. The Shining 8. Bass Solo 9. Heart Like A Wheel
10. Guitar Solo/Sabbath Bloody Sabbath 11. The Law Maker 12. The Battle of Tyr
13. The Sabbath Stones 14. The Planets 15. Drum Solo (Mars, The Bringer Of War)

Disc 2
1. Odin’s Court 2. Sign Of The Southern Cross 3. Feels Good To Me 4. Iron Man
5. Children Of The Grave 6. Black Sabbath 7. Guitar Intro 8. Die Young 9. Heaven and Hell
10. Paranoid / Heaven and Hell (reprise)

Tony Iommi – Lead Guitar Tony Martin – Lead Vocals Neil Murray – Bass
Cozy Powell – Drums Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards


Power Gate-264


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