Black Sabbath / Definitive Cleveland 1986 First Gig With Glenn / 2CD

Black Sabbath / Definitive Cleveland 1986 First Gig With Glenn / 2CD / ZODIAC

Live at Cleveland Public Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 21st March 1986

Play sample :

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The deepest unexplored region in BLACK SABBATH’s live history, the Glenn Hughes era. A gorgeous 6-disc set that perfects the collection is reprinted with a renewal jacket.
All four types of audience recordings are sealed in this work. It is a set of tour rehearsal “March 14, 1986 West Hollywood” and Glenn’s last three consecutive performances “March 24 East Rutherford performance” “March 25 Providence performance” “March 26 Worcester performance”. In the first place, there are only 5 performances in Glenn era Sabas, and this week, the top work “DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986 FIRST GIG WITH GLENN (Zodiac 429)” will also appear. First, let’s organize the relationship between each title by schedule.

<< January 28, “SEVENTH STAR” released >>
・ March 14: Rehearsal ← ★ This work DISC 1 ★
《March 17: Glen quarrels with manager》
・ March 22: Bonus DVDR “GLENN’S 2ND GIG”
《Notice of dismissal to Glen》
・ March 24: East Rutherford performance ← ★ This work DISC 2-3 ★
・ March 25: Providence performance ← ★ This work DISC 4-5 ★
・ March 26: Worcester performance ← ★ This work DISC 6 ★
《Glenn Hughes dismissed》

This is the whole picture of “Glen era Sabas” that disappeared with bubbles. The first day of the tour was permanently preserved as the symbolic board “DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986”, and the only video “GLENN’S 2ND GIG” was included as a bonus. Then, the rest are 3 performances and rehearsals in the second half. This work is a 6-disc set that is a complete set of them.

[DISC 1: Masterpiece Rehearsal Album] The first thing to appear is the final rehearsal recording of “March 14 West Hollywood”. It is a famous sound source that once symbolized Sabas in the Glen era as a masterpiece “TURN TO GLENN”. It’s not a concert with the audience (is the conversation voice on the way staff?), So it’s one of the atmospheres that is quite different from other records. And not only the mood but also the quality is different. Perhaps it was an environment where you could freely choose a position, there was almost no sense of distance (although it was not a line). The extra-thick core approaches Guigui, and the response of the mid-low range, which tends to be squishy, ​​is also great. The ruggedness of the bass is a powerful direct feeling that makes you think that it is a sound board again.
And the content is wonderful as well as the sound. Approximately 46 minutes from “Supertzar”, which announces the start of the performance, the rehearsal performed in the run-through is just like the actual performance, and the tone of the voice is very good. As you can see from the schedule above, Glenn had a fight with his manager three days after the rehearsal, where he broke his orbital floor. Because of that, I couldn’t make a voice. This disc was before such an injury. A valuable record of singing a Sabas song with the original beautiful voice. In fact, they are fighting well in the “SEVENTH STAR” repertoire, and the songs from the Ozzy era have a different personality from Ronnie and Ian Gillan.
However, the better the song, the more noticeable the mismatch is in the songs of the Ronnie era. Even if “The Mob Rules” that pushes through with power survives with shout, the lyrical “Children Of The Sea”, “Neon Knights” with a large height difference, and the heavy “Heaven And Hell” are hopeless. For many years it has been said that this tragedy was “because it was at the bottom of my career”, but more than that, it seems that the range / style was too different from Ronnie.

[DISC 2-3 / 4-5 / 6: Glenn’s last 3 consecutive performances] The following 5 discs had a little space, and the audience recordings of 3 performances after Glenn’s dismissal was decided were set. As expected, it does not reach the standards of DISC 1’s rehearsal sound source and the apex work “DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986”, but it is a name recording that is more than clear by the standards of guest recording at that time. In particular, the Worcester recording (DISC 6) on the final day has plenty of response in the midrange, and the solid bass is also wonderful.
However, the performance is honestly strict. Even during the rehearsal, the incompatibility with the Sabas song was revealed, but by this time the orbital floor fracture caused a rattle in the voice, and the dismissal was also notified. It leaves behind a ridiculous vocal that is probably the worst of Glenn’s life. However, it is now valuable and interesting. “Children Of The Grave” that makes a terrible scream, “Black Sabbath” that is stranger than Ian Gillan, “Children Of The Sea” that is a crazy madman with a crazy meter. Only for those who have a great voice, it depicts a different dimension that is not a hump even if it runs out.

The number of songs 3 performances + rehearsal, which is inferior to “DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986” in terms of volume, quality and performance. To be clear, it is for enthusiasts, but it is also a 6-disc set that will shake if you become an enthusiast. In the first place, people tend to think that “mania = a person who values ​​everything”, but that is not the case. A maniac is “a person who can determine the true value”. It is a person who can see the essence and feel the charm even if it does not have the superficial charm that can be seen / listened to. This work is “for enthusiasts” in the original sense. It’s a super-precious work that literally allows you to experience the unprecedented “crazy Glen” with on-site sound. A big set that goes beyond mere “complete” and “leftovers”. Please fully enjoy it.

★ Tour rehearsal of “March 14, 1986 West Hollywood” and Glenn Hughes’ last three consecutive performances “March 24 East Rutherford Performance / March 25 Providence Performance / March 26 Worcester Performance” Audience set. Combined with “DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986 FIRST GIG WITH GLENN (Zodiac 429)” & bonus DVDR “GLENN’S 2ND GIG”, you can complete all the precious live performances of the Glen era.

TOUR REHEARSALS: Pacific Amphitheater, West Hollywood, CA, USA 14th March 1986

BLACK SABBATHのライヴ史において最も深い秘境、グレン・ヒューズ時代。そのコレクションを完璧にしてくれる豪華6枚組がリニューアル・ジャケットで復刻です。
そんな本作に封じられているのは、全4種のオーディエンス録音。ツアーリハ「1986年3月14日ウェスト・ハリウッド」と、グレン最後の3連続公演「3月24日イーストラザフォード公演」「3月25日プロヴィデンス公演」「3月26日ウースター公演」のセットです。そもそもグレン時代サバスは全5公演しかなく、今週はその頂点作『DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986 FIRST GIG WITH GLENN(Zodiac 429)』も登場する。まずは、それぞれのタイトルがどんな関係にあるのか、日程で整理してみましょう。

《1月28日『SEVENTH STAR』発売》
・3月14日:リハーサル ←★本作DISC 1★
・3月22日:ボーナスDVDR『GLENN’S 2ND GIG』
・3月24日:イーストラザフォード公演 ←★本作DISC 2-3★
・3月25日:プロヴィデンス公演 ←★本作DISC 4-5★
・3月26日:ウースター公演 ←★本作DISC 6★

これが泡沫で消えた「グレン時代サバス」全体像。ツアー初日が象徴盤『DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986』として永久保存され、唯一映像『GLENN’S 2ND GIG』がボーナス付属されました。すると、残るは後半3公演&リハーサル。本作は、それらを一網打尽にした6枚組なのです。

【DISC 1:傑作リハーサル・アルバム】
まず最初に登場するのは「3月14日ウェスト・ハリウッド」の最終リハーサル録音。かつて名作『TURN TO GLENN』としてグレン時代サバスを象徴してきた名音源です。観客を入れたコンサートではない(途中の会話声はスタッフ?)ので他の記録とかなり違う雰囲気の1枚です。そして、ムードだけでなくクオリティもレベルが違う。自由にポジションを選べる環境だったのか、(ラインではないものの)距離感がほとんどない。極太の芯がグイグイと迫り、スカスカになりがちな中低音の手応えも絶大。ゴリゴリしたベースのぶっとさは、改めてサウンドボードではないかと錯覚するほどの強力なダイレクト感です。
そして、サウンドと同時に内容も素晴らしい。開演を告げる「Supertzar」から約46分ランスルーで行われるリハは本番さながらで声の調子はすこぶる良い。上記日程をご覧の通り、グレンはリハの3日後にマネージャーと殴り合いの喧嘩を起こし、そこで眼窩底を骨折。それが原因で声が出なくなっていきました。このディスクは、そんな怪我をする前。本来の美声でサバス曲を歌い上げる貴重な記録。実際『SEVENTH STAR』レパートリーでは善戦しており、オジー時代の曲もロニーやイアン・ギランとも違う個性を振りまいています。
ただし、好調なら好調なほどミスマッチが目立ってしまうのがロニー時代の曲。パワーで押し切る「The Mob Rules」はシャウトで乗り切っても、叙情的な「Children Of The Sea」や高低差の激しい「Neon Knights」、そして重厚な「Heaven And Hell」は絶望的。長年、この惨状は「キャリアのどん底だったから」と言われてきたわけですが、それ以上にロニーとは音域/スタイルがあまりに違いすぎたようです。

【DISC 2-3/4-5/6:グレン最後の3連続公演】
続くディスク5枚は少し間が空き、グレンの解雇が決定してからの3公演のオーディエンス録音をセット。さすがにDISC 1のリハーサル音源や頂点作『DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986』の基準には届かないわけですが、当時の客録基準に照らせば十二分にクリアな名録音。特に最終日のウースター録音(DISC 6)は中音域も手応えたっぷりで、どっしりした低音も見事です。
ただし、パフォーマンスは正直厳しい。リハーサルでもサバス曲との相性の悪さが露呈していましたが、この頃になると眼窩底骨折で声はガラガラで、解雇も通告されてやけっぱち。恐らくはグレンの人生で最低最悪となるであろうとんでもないヴォーカルを残してしまっているのです。しかし、それが今となっては貴重で面白くもある。凄まじい絶叫を轟かせる「Children Of The Grave」やイアン・ギラン以上に異様な「Black Sabbath(魔王の高笑いが怖い)」、やけっぱちのメーターが振り切れてガチ狂人な「Children Of The Sea」等々……。地声が凄い人だけに、ブチ切れてもハンパじゃない異次元を描き出しているのです。

曲数ボリューム的にもクオリティ的にもパフォーマンス的にも『DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986』には及ばない3公演+リハーサル。ハッキリ言ってマニア向けではありますが、マニアなればこそ震撼する6枚組でもあります。そもそも世間では「マニア=何でも珍重する人」と思われがちですが、そうではありません。マニアとは「真価を見極められる人」。パッと見て/聴いて分かる表面的な魅力がなくとも、本質を見抜いて魅力を感じ取れる人の事なのです。本作は、そんな本来の意味での「マニア向け」。字義通りに前代未聞な「狂気のグレン」を現場サウンドで体験できてしまう超・貴重作なのです。単なる「コンプリート用」「残り物集」を超えた次元のビッグ・セット。どうぞ、お腹いっぱいたっぷりとご賞味ください。

★「1986年3月14日ウェスト・ハリウッド」のツアー・リハーサルと、グレン・ヒューズ最後の3連続公演「3月24日イーストラザフォード公演/3月25日プロヴィデンス公演/3月26日ウースター公演」のオーディエンス・セット。『DEFINITIVE CLEVELAND 1986 FIRST GIG WITH GLENN(Zodiac 429)』&ボーナスDVDR『GLENN’S 2ND GIG』と組み合わせれば、貴重なグレン時代の全ライヴがコンプリートできます。

TOUR REHEARSALS: Pacific Amphitheater, West Hollywood, CA, USA 14th March 1986

Disc 1(45:49)
1. Supertzar
2. The Mob Rules
3. Children Of The Sea
4. Danger Zone
5. War Pigs
6. Symptom Of The Universe
7. Sweet Leaf
8. Zero The Hero
9. Sphinx (The Guardian)
10. Seventh Star
11. Turn To Stone
12. No Stranger To Love

3RD GIG: Meadowlands Arena, East Rutherford, NJ, USA 24th March 1986
Disc 2(46:56)
1. Supertzar
2. The Mob Rules
3. Children Of The Sea
4. Danger Zone
5. War Pigs
6. Heart Like A Wheel
7. Symptom Of The Universe
8. Sweet Leaf
9. Zero the Hero
10. Sphinx (The Guardian)
11. Seventh Star
12. Children Of The Grave

Disc 3(42:26)
1. No Stranger To Love
2. Black Sabbath
3. Turn To Stone
4. Drum Solo/Turn To Stone (Reprise)
5. Neon Knights
6. Heaven And Hell
7. Guitar Solo
8. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath/Heaven And Hell(Reprise)

4TH GIG: Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI, USA 25th March 1986
Disc 4(43:07)
1. Supertzar
2. The Mob Rules
3. Children Of The Sea
4. War Pigs
5. Heart Like A Wheel
6. Symptom Of The Universe
7. Sweet Leaf
8. Zero The Hero
9. Sphinx (The Guardian)
10. Seventh Star
11. Children Of The Grave

Disc 5(42:11)
1. No Stranger To Love
2. Turn To Stone
3. Drum Solo/Turn To Stone(Reprise)
4. Black Sabbath
5. Neon Knights
6. Heaven And Hell
7. Guitar Solo
8. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath/Heaven And Hell(Reprise)
9. Paranoid

5TH GIG: Worcester’s Centrum Centre, Worcester, MA, USA 26th March 1986
Disc 6(75:02)1. Supertzar
2. The Mob Rules
3. Children Of The Sea
4. War Pigs
5. Heart Like A Wheel
6. Symptom Of The Universe
7. Sweet Leaf
8. Zero The Hero
9. Sphinx (The Guardian)
10. Seventh Star
11. Children Of The Grave
12. No Stranger To Love
13. Turn To Stone
14. Drum Solo
15. Black Sabbath
16. Heaven And Hell
17. Guitar Solo
18. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath/Heaven And Hell(Reprise)

Tony Iommi – Guitar
Glenn Hughes – Vocals
Dave Spitz – Bass
Eric Singer – Drums
Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards

Shades 292

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