Black Sabbath / Brussels 1970 Original 16MM Film Version / 1DVDR

Black Sabbath / Brussels 1970 Original 16MM Film Version / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Theatre 140, Brussels, Belgium 3rd October 1970. Pro-Shot


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Among the sound source Big 3, was allowed to upgrade the live album that shines on top in modern sound “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970”. The bonus to withdraw its appeal to the fullest, we also chose the “Brussels performances of October 3, 1970” to be counted in the Big 3. This is a professional shot the video, which is known from conventional as “1970 Paris performance”, I was found to “actually was a Brussels performance” by the recent years of research.
It becomes digression, but most recently in Youtube BLACK SABBATH official account of, but this live has been up, the credit remains “Paris performances”. The high-quality the first time that thin to “THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS” also has become a hot topic, but in fact incomplete version of cut. After all, the best version still is “THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS”. Complacency of this side is I also seem to BLACK SABBATH, but downright impatient and …….

Now Back to the Story …. Let’s back to talk to this work.
This work is a 16-mm film version of the classic professional shot. When I had been boiled in the first visit to Japan of Ronnie era in 1980, fan club is borrowed from the record company, which was screened as a film-concert. Total length version’s a about one hour at 8 songs, but this film is its half, has been its own editing in about 28 minutes with four songs.
The image quality was different or the ultimate visual beauty of “THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS”, it is dim and light purple-ish color. However, taste of 16 mm film unique is plenty. The beauty also of another, and I make intensely feel the “record video” natural and is the history romance. Its texture is also, I look good especially in 1970 of BLACK SABBATH. This is only imagine to have been washed away by the film-concert gathering of enthusiastic fans, I spectacle like to Zokusoku.
As much as possible voice, but was reproduced by modifying the ones of the original film, only unfortunately “Fairies Wear Boots” has been degraded intense, had disappeared the sound in the middle. I’ve even thought or trying to deliver a sense of history, including also the part, and then patch the best sound of already issued, we improved so that it can naturally ornamental.

This work is not intended to seek a quality manner best. It is “THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS”, please enjoy to your heart’s content. However, romance full of different dimensions and quality can not taste only from this work. Precisely because it was contemporary finish “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970” is too great, true reverse of history spectacle also would like you enjoy at the same time. And put such a thought, you can gift this large excavation treasure video. Future, inevitable rare title that topic be abuzz between mania around the world. This video is really amazing!

音源ビッグ3の中でも、トップに輝くライヴ・アルバムを現代的サウンドにアップグレードさせた「DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970」。その魅力を最大限に引き出すボーナスには、同じくビッグ3に数えられる「1970年10月3日のブリュッセル公演」をチョイスしました。これは、従来から「1970年パリ公演」として知られるプロショット映像で、近年のリサーチにより「実はブリュッセル公演だった」と判明したのです。
余談になりますが、ごく最近にYoutubeのBLACK SABBATH公式アカウントでも、このライヴがアップされましたが、そのクレジットは「パリ公演」のまま。また「THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS」に肉薄する高画質ぶりも話題となっていますが、実はカットのある不完全版。結局、現在でもベスト・バージョンは「THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS」です。この辺の無頓着さがBLACK SABBATHらしくもあるのですが、なんとも歯がゆい……。

画質的には「THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS」の究極的映像美とはまた違った、薄暗く薄紫っぽい色彩です。しかしながら、16ミリフィルムならではの味わいがたっぷり。美しさとはまた別の、“記録映像”然とした歴史ロマンを強烈に感じさせるのです。その風合いがまた、1970年のBLACK SABBATHに殊更よく似合う。これが熱狂的なファンの集うフィルム・コンサートで流されていたと想像するだけで、ぞくそくするようなスペクタクルなのです。
音声も可能な限り、オリジナル・フィルムのものを修正して再現しましたが、残念ながら「Fairies Wear Boots」だけが強烈に劣化しており、途中で音が消えてしまっていました。その部分も含めた歴史感覚をお届けしようかとも考えましたが、既発のベストサウンドでパッチし、自然に観賞できるよう改善いたしました。

本作は、クオリティ的なベストを求めるものではありません。それは「THE ULTIMATE OZZY OSBOURNE YEARS」で、心ゆくまでご堪能ください。しかし、クオリティとは別次元の溢れるロマンは、本作からしか味わうことができない。現代的に仕上げた「DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970」があまりにも素晴らしいからこそ、真逆の歴史スペクタクルも同時にお楽しみいただきたい。そんな想いを込め、この大発掘お宝映像を贈ります。今後、世界中のマニアの間で話題騒然となること必至のレア・タイトル。この映像は本当に凄いです!

1. Paranoid 2. Iron Man 3. Tune Up 4. War Pigs 5. Fairies Wear Boots


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