Black Sabbath / Last Jewels 1998 – 2016 /1CDR

Black Sabbath / Last Jewels 1998 – 2016 /1CDR / Non Label

Last Jewels 1998-2016.

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After the final tour “THE END”, the video work “THE END: LIVE IN BIRMINGHAM” is also released. Furthermore, Ozzy has been announced to the solo “FAREWELL TOUR”, and there may be many who realize that the traditional heavyweight band has really left. “DEFINITIVE HOLLYWOOD BOWL 2016 (Zodiac 278)”, which is also said to be “Sabas Last Soundboard !?”, will appear, but in the gift of this week, the “last masterpieces” they left behind will be starved Prepared a studio album.
The official studio rare track is included in this work. It is a studio album on which “new songs from the Reunion period” that were not included in the final work “13” were assembled. This work spans all 13 songs and can be roughly divided into three types. Let’s look at each in detail.

[1998-2001 (5 songs)] The first section is 5 tracks of HEADEN & HELL pre-rare tracks. The first thing to appear is “Psycho Man” and “Selling My Soul” which were produced for live album “REUNION”. Of course, not the album version, “Danny Saber Remix”, which was only included on discontinued singles and promo CDs. It is not a play system that tends to be included in remixes, but it is a version that pushes the 90’s aggressiveness more than the album.
Also, as an aside, “Psycho Man” is a song that is too special for Sabas history. In fact, “Selling My Soul” uses a drum machine, and “13” takes charge of the drum by Brad Wilk. On the other hand, “Psycho Man” is beaten by Bill Ward, and it is the only reunion song with “original 4”.
Next is “Who’s Fooling Who” on Tony Iomi’s solo album “IOMMI”. This is not in the name of BLACK SABBATH because Gieser Butler has not participated, but the drum is Bill. Laurence Kotor, who had played the original “3/4”, and played the bass with “HEADLESS CROSS”. It is one song close to BLACK SABBATH without limit.
The fourth song “For Heaven’s Sake 2000” is recorded in the compilation “LOUD ROCKS” in which Ozzy and Iomimi participated. Although it is one song that does not seem to be “coincidence” with the hip hop group WU-TANG CLAN, Ozzy / Iomi arranges the name also in the composition, and has a delicious voice with that characteristic voice and riff.
The 5th song is the new song “Scary Dreams” which was not only studio recorded. I tried to create a new album after the 1999 break-out tour (how did the members know it just by advertising management), but the song was written at that time. It is an illusionary song that was played only on the 2001 tour and there was no sound board. In this work, it was recorded in the audience recording of “A performance on July 13, 2001 Florida performance” which is considered to be one of the best recordings. This day is strangely “Friday of the 13th”. A combination of the highest peak sound and a monumental live from mania sources (a full recording can be enjoyed with the gift board “FRIDAY THE 13TH”).

【“13” bonus track (4 songs)
Then, 4 songs announced as a bonus track of the final work “13”. This is a famous take that is hard to say rare, but recorded for studio recording compilation. The volume and sound pressure are also aligned with other tracks, and it has been arranged to be heard as a consistent “album”.

[Mini-album ‘THE END’ (4 songs)] The last section is the 4 studio tracks of the mini album “THE END” not released in Japan. These four songs are outtakes produced in the 13 session. It is a mini-album that can only be bought at the venue of the last tour “THE END”, and it is expensive and traded even in Russian copy boot now. The mini-album consists of 4 studios + 4 live songs, but in this work only 4 songs from studio recording were recorded.
The four songs are complete even though it is an outtake, and the tune is completely “13”. The album was a big hit all over the world, saying “the early souls were inspiring”, but if it is combined with the above bonus track, it will be eight songs for one album. However, this mini-album is quite different in volume and sound pressure from Botra of “13”, and it was uncomfortable to listen to it through even the collectors that have all the items. In this work, I adjusted that point and made it possible to enjoy as “another” 13 “.

The studio work was “13” only, and he reorganized BLACK SABBATH while working for 1997 to 20 years. We want you to know that there is a treasure other than “13” just because we have reached the beginning of the history. It is a piece that has been arranged in a form that can be heard as a “album” a master track group not recorded album. Please enjoy the “true final chapter” of heavyweight!

ファイナルツアー“THE END”を終え、その映像作品『THE END: LIVE IN BIRMINGHAM』もリリース。さらに、オジーはソロでの“FAREWELL TOUR”まで発表され、伝統の重鎮バンドが本当に去ってしまったことを実感されている方も多いのではないでしょうか。“サバス最後のサウンドボード!?”とも言われている『DEFINITIVE HOLLYWOOD BOWL 2016(Zodiac 278)』が登場しますが、そんな今週のギフトには、彼らが残した“最後の名曲たち”を一網打尽にしたスタジオ・アルバムをご用意いたしました。

最初のセクションは、HEAVEN & HELL以前のレアトラックス5曲。まず登場するのはライヴアルバム『REUNION』用に制作された「Psycho Man」「Selling My Soul」です。もちろん、アルバムバージョンではなく、廃盤シングルやプロモCDにのみ収録されていた“Danny Saber Remix”。リミックスにありがちなお遊び系ではなく、アルバムよりも90年代的なアグレッシヴさを全面に押し出したバージョンです。
また、余談ですが「Psycho Man」はサバス史にとってあまりにも特別な1曲。実は「Selling My Soul」はドラムマシンが使われ、『13』はブラッド・ウィルクがドラムを担当。それに対して「Psycho Man」はビル・ワードが叩いており、“オリジナル4人”が揃った唯一の再結成ソングなのです。
次はトニー・アイオミのソロアルバム『IOMMI』収録の「Who’s Fooling Who」。こちらはギーザー・バトラーが不参加なためにBLACK SABBATH名義ではありませんが、ドラムはビル。“オリジナルの3/4”が顔を揃えており、ベースも『HEADLESS CROSS』で弾いていたローレンス・コトル。限りなくBLACK SABBATHに近い1曲です。
4曲目「For Heaven’s Sake 2000」は、オジーとアイオミが参加したコンピレーション『LOUD ROCKS』に収録されたもの。ヒップホップ・グループWU-TANG CLANと共演で“らしく”ない1曲ではあるものの、オジー/アイオミは作曲にも名前を並べ、あの特徴的な声とリフを美味くハメています。
5曲目は唯一、スタジオ録音されなかった新曲「Scary Dreams」。1999年の解散ツアー(どうもマネジメントの宣伝だけでメンバーは承知していなかったそう)の後、新作アルバムを制作しようとしましたが、その時に書かれた曲。2001年ツアーでのみ演奏され、サウンドボードさえ残っていない幻の曲です。本作では、最高峰録音の1つとされる「2001年7月13日フロリダ公演」のオーディエンス録音で収録しました。この日は奇しくも“13日の金曜日”。最高峰サウンドと合わせ、マニア筋から記念碑的ライヴともされている名録音です(フル録音はギフト盤『FRIDAY THE 13TH』でお楽しみ頂けます)。


【ミニアルバム『THE END』(4曲)】
最後のセクションは、日本未発売のミニアルバム『THE END』のスタジオ・トラック4曲です。この4曲は『13』セッションで制作されたアウトテイク。ラストツアー“THE END”の会場でしか買えず、現在ロシア製コピーブートでさえ高価で取引されているほどのミニアルバムです。ミニアルバムは“スタジオ4曲+ライヴ4曲”という構成ですが、本作ではスタジオ録音の4曲だけを収録しました。

1997年から20年に渡って活動しながらも、スタジオ作品は『13』だけだった再結成BLACK SABBATH。その歴史に幕が下りた今だからこそ、『13』以外にも秘宝があったことを知っていただきたい。アルバム未収録の名曲群を“アルバム”として聴けるカタチに整えた1枚。重鎮の“真の最終章”、どうぞ存分にお楽しみください!

1. Psycho Man (Danny Saber Remix)
2. Selling My Soul (Danny Saber Remix)
3. Who’s Fooling Who (Iommi, Osbourne, Ward & Cottle)
4. For Heaven’s Sake 2000 (Osbourne, Iommi & Wu-Tang Clan)
5. Scary Dreams (Florida Live 2001)

[“13” BONUS TRACKS] 6. Methademic 7. Peace Of Mind 8. Pariah 9. Naivete In Black

[“THE END” E.P.] 10. Season Of The Dead 11. Cry All Night 12. Take Me Home 13. Isolated Man

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