Billy Joel / Yokohama 1995 / 2CD

Billy Joel / Yokohama 1995 / 2CD / ZION

Live at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan 21st January 1995

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““ For many, the term “vintage” applies in the 1960s and 70s. However, the 80s are now in the vintage range. In that regard, most people in the 1990s thought that they were “just recently”. One of the overlooked feelings was Billy Joel’s 1995 performance in Japan. In the latter half of last year, it is new to remember that the two major music sources of the performance in Japan in 1981 have recurred, but when it comes to Japan in 1995, there are extremely few items.
OS “OSAKA 1995 1ST NIGHT” was released from the ZION label, a nameplate that opened a big hole in such a situation. However, it is not just that the sound source of the overlooked performance in Japan has been unearthed. After all, since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and even if the tour continued for the time being jeopardized, it was a historically overweight show document that Billy never showed up.
Accordingly, “OSAKA 1995 ~” was a masterpiece without a price limit, but naturally it was also craving to find another day’s sound source in 1995. More than five years have passed since the release of the masterpiece, and a new sound source will finally appear from the performance in Japan in 1995!

越 え After the days of literally becoming a shambles in Osaka, returning to the Kanto area, the first show was held at the Yokohama Arena on January 21. This is the second time (January 10, 1991 is the first time) and this is the last time Billy has entered the stage of this venue, not only the new sound source finally unearthed. And the value of the sound source that captures the pattern of the tour that escapes the difficulties and continues is incalculable. This alone is enough to surprise the geeks of the world, but the noteworthy is its sound quality. The quality of the newly discovered and provided DAT audience recording is superb. That should be it, this sound source was one of those Kinney masters.
で す Although the overall sound image balance is not exactly like “a sound board”, the overall clearness of the performance is still wonderful. Above all, the bass line from the late T. Bone Walk is surprisingly realistic. Despite the fact that the overall sound image is somewhat fuzzy, the sound image of his bass is overwhelming.
推測 As you can infer from this state, it is presumed that the recorded position was the front low and was near the T-Bone amplifier. However, his bass does not (at all!) Disturb the playing balance. Rather than the preciousness of joining the tour band on the “RIVER OF DREAMS” tour alone, the compatibility with Billy’s longtime companion, Liberty Devito on drums, is outstanding. In the end, you can enjoy the stereo feeling that the bass line is heard from the right side. Please check this out with headphones.
The only American who talks to Billy many times near the taper (again, it’s a proof of Front Row) is a flaw, but only at the beginning of the show.

よ う As mentioned earlier, this is the Yokohama Arena performance after passing through the experience that Billy was even prepared for the danger of life. His singing, as well as the performance of the band, is really awesome. Especially when singing on “No Man’s Land” or “Shades Of Gray”, it’s literally as if you’re crazy. Conversely, “Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)” is breathtakingly beautiful. On the other hand, from the feeling of relief that passed through the disaster and moved to a safe area, immediately after the show started, he said, “ I suffered an earthquake in Osaka, but as you can see we are OK. ” But… except drummers (liberty). ”
The next day after the earthquake, a few days after “ OSAKA 1995 ”, which began to sing after confessing his feelings before the performance through an interpreter with a truly painful look, he recovered so far and stood on the stage of the Yokohama Arena. I am just impressed by her appearance. This is undoubtedly a very important document. And as the live progressed, the atmosphere became more enjoyable, and after the Beatles’ “A Hard Day’s Night”, which was performed in the same way as in Osaka, it was very exciting.
キ This new excavated DAT audience recording by the buried Kinney will rewrite one page of Billy’s visit to Japan. Not only the amazing quality but also the best audience album that I would recommend as a document of a very important time other than mania as a document of a very important time that does not end up being just one of the performances in Japan by comparing with “OSAKA 1995” . Indeed Kinney quality!
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そうした状況に大きな風穴を開けてくれた名盤がZIONレーベルからリリースされた「OSAKA 1995 1ST NIGHT」。しかしそれは単に見過ごされていた来日公演の音源が発掘されたということだけにはとどまりません。何しろ阪神・淡路大震災に見舞われ、一時はツアーの続行すら危ぶまれる中、意を決してビリーが敢行してみせた、歴史的にもあまりに重みのあるショーのドキュメントであったからです。
よって「OSAKA 1995~」は掛け値なしの名盤であった訳ですが、当然ながら95年来日における別の日の音源の発掘もまた渇望されていたという。その名盤のリリースから5年以上の歳月が経過し、遂に95年来日公演から新たな音源が登場します!

この状態から推測するに、録音されたポジションはフロント・ロウであり、なおかつT・ボーンのアンプの近くであったかと推測されます。しかし、彼のベースが演奏バランスを崩してしまうことは(まったく!)ない。むしろ「RIVER OF DREAMS」ツアーだけでツアーバンドに加わったという貴重さに加え、ビリー長年の相棒だったドラムのリバティ・デヴィートとの相性は抜群。とどめは、そのベースラインが右側から聞こえるというステレオ感まで楽しめてしまうのです。ここは是非ヘッドフォンにて確かめていただきたい。

先にも触れたように、ビリーが生命の危機すら覚悟したという体験をくぐり抜けてきた上での横浜アリーナ公演です。バンドの演奏はもちろん、彼の熱唱ぶりは本当にすさまじい。特に「No Man’s Land」や「Shades Of Grey」での歌ときたら、文字通り鬼気迫るかのよう。反対に「Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)」は息を?むほどに美しい。一方で災難をくぐり抜けて安全な地域へと移れた安堵感からか、ショーが始まってすぐに「大阪で地震に遭ったけど、ご覧の通り僕たちは大丈夫だよ」と語り掛けており、さらには「ただし…ドラマー(リバティ)以外はね」というジョークまで放ってくれるのが頼もしい限り。
地震の翌日、正に沈痛な面持ちで通訳を介して演奏開始前に想いを打ち明けてから歌い始めた「OSAKA 1995」から数日後、ここまで立ち直って横浜アリーナなのステージに立ってくれたビリー以下の姿には感動させられるばかり。これもまた非常に重要なドキュメントであることに間違いありません。そしてライブが進むにつれて楽しげな雰囲気が強まり、大阪と同じく披露されたビートルズの「A Hard Day’s Night」以降は大盛り上がり。
この埋もれていたキニーによる新発掘DATオーディエンス録音によって、ビリーの来日公演史の一ページが書き替えられらえることでしょう。その驚きのクオリティだけでなく、「OSAKA 1995」と聞き比べることによって、単なる来日公演の一つに終わらない、非常に重要な時期のドキュメントとしてマニア以外にも全力で薦めたい最高のオーディエンス・アルバム。さすがのキニー・クオリティ!

Disc 1 (67:26)
1. Intro
2. No Man’s Land
3. Pressure
4. Honesty
5. Prelude/Angry Young Man
6. Allentown
7. Band Introductions #1
8. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant
9. My Life
10. Band Introductions #2
11. I Go to Extremes
12. Shades of Grey
13. Goodnight Saigon
14. Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)

Disc 2 (38:25)
1. The River of Dreams
2. Band Introductions #3
3. We Didn’t Start the Fire
4. A Hard Day’s Night
5. Band Introductions #4
6. It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me
7. You May Be Right
8. Only the Good Die Young
9. Piano Man

Billy Joel – Vocal, Piano, Guitar
Marc Rivera – Saxophone
Tommy Burns – Guitar
Dave Rosenthal – Keyboards
T-Bone Wolk – Bass
Liberty DeVitto – Drums





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