Beatles / The Rooftop Concert Definitive Edition The Video / 1DVDR

Beatles / The Rooftop Concert Definitive Edition The Video / 1DVDR/ Non label

Apple Corps, 3 Savile Row, London, UK 30th January 1969

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Also this time, bonus DVD-R is included in the initial delivery! What is recorded here is a rooftop live image. Of course the original was the movie “LET IT BE”, but that version was released by HMC who called a big topic a few years ago. Based on it, familiar mania Lord Reith handled the rooftop live scene with the upper version sound source of “IT’S THE BEATLES” and the big hit DVD “WASHINGTON COLISEUM 1964” one year ago etc and released it two years ago What you gave. He was preparing a color that was unnatural first. If you see the scenery of the cold appearing when a pole or an apple appears on the rooftops it is obvious, this time it is a natural coloration this time.
Beyond that kind of color adjustment he focused on editing, that is to faithfully reproduce the performance scene of the rooftop live. In the movie, for example, in the middle of “I’ve Got A Feeling”, the appearance and voice of grandmother shouting “What on earth are you?” Shouted out, but here the album “LET IT BE “take, and also covering passersby’s shot and killing the grandma (laugh), finishing so that the performance scene and the sound can be seen without being divided. It is very different if that grandma’s cry is present. In addition, in the next “One After 909” taxi’s luck in front of the performance was answering “This new song is good,” but that scene was also cut.
And, in the HMC version, I adjusted the start of the last “Get Back” whose volume has somehow dropped somehow and finished it to be able to see and hear with normal volume from the beginning. In this way, the rooftop live scene where hands were added with a commitment that seemed like a mania anyhow. This bonus DVD-R is a bonus disc that will supplement the full version & stereo longest CD this time from the visual side (of course this audio and stereo) as well. There is no doubt that this one can be enjoyed even by those familiar with the HMC version which became the biggest seller, and this is a wonderful bonus item that you would like to obtain at the first shipment delivery by all means.

今回も、初回納品分にはボーナスDVD-Rが付属します!ここに収録されているのは屋上ライブの映像。もちろん元になったのは映画「LET IT BE」ですが、そのバージョンは数年前に大きな話題を呼んだHMCがリリースしたもの。それを元に、「IT’S THE BEATLES」のアッパー版音源や一年前の大ヒットDVD「WASHINGTON COLISEUM 1964」などでおなじみのマニアLord Reithが屋上ライブ・シーンに手を加えて一昨年前に公開してくれたもの。彼はまず不自然だった色調を整えています。ポールやリンゴが屋上に現れた際に映し出される寒空の景色を見れば一目瞭然、今回の方が自然な色合いとなっている。
そんな色調の調整以上に彼が編集において力を注いだこと、それは屋上ライブの演奏シーンを忠実に再現するというもの。例えば映画では「I’ve Got A Feeling」の最中で「いったい何のつもり?!」と叫ぶおばあちゃんの姿と声が映し出されたものですが、ここでは同じテイクを採用していたアルバム「LET IT BE」のテイクをアフレコさせ、さらに通行人のショットを被せておばあちゃんを抹殺(笑)し演奏シーンと音声が分断されることなく見通せるよう仕上げています。あのおばあちゃんの叫びがあるとないとでは大違いですよね。さらに次の「One After 909」では演奏の前でタクシーの運ちゃんが「これ新曲?いいね」と応えていましたが、その場面もカット。
そしてHMC版では何故か音量が下がってしまっていた最後の「Get Back」の出だしを調整し、始めから正常な音量で見聞き出来るよう仕上げています。このように、いかにもマニアらしいこだわりで手が加えられた屋上ライブシーン。今回リリースされる完全版&ステレオ最長CDをビジュアル面(もちろんこちらの音声もステレオ)からも補ってくれる、打ってつけのボーナスDVD-Rです。これは大ベストセラーとなったHMC版を見慣れた方でも楽しめること間違いなしですし、これは是非とも初回納品分にて入手していただきたい、気の利いたボーナス・アイテムです。

1. Rooftop Intro 2. Get Back 3. Don’t Let Me Down 4. I’ve Got A Feeling 5. One After 909
6. Dig A Pony 7. Get Back 8. End Credit


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