Beatles / Pre Stage Presents Beatles Special 1988 / 1DVDR

Beatles / Pre Stage Presents Beatles Special 1988 / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Broadcast Date: 9th October 1988. NTSC


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It’s so amazing ! Gem of the video mania release, is a fan must-see DVD of up to 3 hours and 15 minutes, which was broadcast at midnight in the commercial a “Beatles large feature” was non-cut recorded in October 1988. Just in the combined broadcasting planning on October 9 of John’s birthday (beginning “Happy Birthday John Lennon” ticker flows that), while on-air the video of the Beatles, a variety of guests is that talk to each of the Beatles Theory The mania is content unbearable. Nothing era tsukkomi from mania side because the net is not, even loose progression and appropriate (too) Comments, everything is a heartwarming impression is, if you are does not matter that the “~ Na was good I Showa” watch By the way, is a program that would at calmed down. Terrible start 11 minutes first, just in relation to the Exhibitions where the talk on the phone a moderator life and Ono Yoko, who had come to Paris, late at night in the planning program, Ono Yoko is John and the Beatles of such commercial It would speak live for, is surprised by the fact that it has got is broadcast live (after the end, the moderator also commented that such “I was impressed and I am out to Prestige”). The way, the theme of “songs that influenced the Beatles,” actually we can introduce it while applying a song in the studio in the “look-alike songs to Beatles number” (the movie “Proof of the Man” is, and is similar to Hey Jude, You or nearly continuous music. Although it is somewhat aggressive, it is this kind of nostalgic), will be deprived of their eyes to their own planning fun and can introduce it to select the CM and movies that use the songs of The Beatles ( KDD of the old Toka commercial featuring Imagine). Introduction of being broadcast in two hours 27 minutes first to be released at the end of the year in the “Beatles information,” “The Beatles CD box” is (Promo This One after this in the fact that Paul of the new album will be streamed). Just the fact that Ringo Starr visited Japan three weeks ago, is this also fun also the Japan tour schedule or are introduced. Just such as Let It Be, which program has its own edited video flowing to the third hour I would say that valuable. In addition, the I is not directly related to the Beatles, it is eye-catching, it will be filled with the person if nostalgia you have spent the time in real time, a number of commercials. or your sex appeal mood full of hotels CM that Monroe look-alike appeared, to the great performance of Aderans youth flowing to the last you will be stunned (It is a good era Nante there is no computer in the office of each person’s desk). It is recorded in the finest quality in both image quality and audio. After this just three months, age but is not transitory from “Showa”, “March”, fan must-see video that was broadcast while taking the outline of three and a half hours in this era. Just also can be called as one of the (back) cultural heritage, the Japan outbound-1988 major Beatles and John Lennon feature of autumn, tonight, enjoy slowly and carefully.

これは凄い!!映像マニア放出の逸品、1988年10月に民放で深夜に放送された3時間15分に及ぶ「ビートルズ大特集」をノンカット収録したファン必見のDVDです。ちょうど10月9日のジョンの誕生日に合わせた放送企画で(冒頭「Happy Birthday John Lennon」というテロップが流れます)、ビートルズの映像をオンエアしながら、多彩なゲストがそれぞれのビートルズ論を語り合うというマニアには堪らない内容です。ネットがないのでマニアサイドからのつっこみも何もない時代、ゆるい進行や適当(すぎる)コメントも、なにもかもがほのぼのした印象であり、観ていて「昭和ってよかったな~」と関係ないところで和んでしまう番組です。凄いのは開始11分目、ちょうどエグジビションの関係でパリに来ていた小野洋子さんと司会者が生で電話で話すところで、このような民放の深夜の企画番組で、小野洋子さんがジョンやビートルズについて生で語ってしまう、それが生で放送されてしまってるという事実に驚かされます(終了後、司会者も「プレステージに出て頂いて感動しました」などとコメントしています)。途中、「ビートルズに影響を受けた曲」「ビートルズナンバーにそっくりな曲」でスタジオで実際に曲をかけながら紹介したり(映画「人間の証明」のテーマが、Hey Judeに似ていると、曲を連続してかけたりします。やや強引ですが、こういうの懐かしいですね)、ビートルズの曲を使ってるCMや映画をセレクトして紹介したりと楽しい独自企画にも目を奪われます(イマジンをフィーチャーしたKDDのコマーシャルとか懐かしい)。2時間27分目に放送されている「ビートルズ情報」では年末にリリースされる『ザ・ビートルズ CDボックス』の紹介が(この後にポールの新譜ということでThis Oneのプロモが流されます)。ちょうどリンゴ・スター来日3週間前ということで、日本公演スケジュールが紹介されたりするのもこれまた一興です。ちょうど3時間目に流れる番組が独自に映像編集したLet It Beなどは貴重と言えるでしょう。更に、ビートルズとは直接関係ないのですが、目を引くのが、当時をリアルタイムで過ごされた方なら懐かしさでいっぱいになるであろう、コマーシャルの数々。モンローそっくりさんが登場するお色気ムードいっぱいのホテルCMや、ラストに流れるアデランス青年の凄いパフォーマンスには唖然とさせられます(オフィスの各人のデスクにコンピュータが無いなんて良い時代ですね)。画質・音声ともに極上クオリティで収録されています。このちょうど3カ月後、時代は「昭和」から「平成」に移り変わるわけですが、そんな時代に3時間半という大枠をとりながら放送されたファン必見映像。まさに一つの(裏)文化遺産とも呼べる、日本発信・1988年秋の一大ビートルズ&ジョン・レノン特集を、今宵、じっくりとお楽しみ下さい。

1. CM 2. Pre Stage Intro 3. Opening Beatles Special feat. She Loves You 4. Imagine
5. CM 6. Jealous Guy feat. Telephone Interview with Yoko Ono 7. Film Music Medley
8. CM 9. Nice 街(ガイ)四方八方物語 10. CM 11. Telephone Requests In Studio 12. CM
13. A Hard Day’s Night 14. Studio Talk & Guests Introduction 15. CM 16. Love Me Do
17. Studio Talk 18. CM 19. Let It Be 20. Back In The USSR 21. Stand By Me 22. CM
23. Studio Talk 24. You Can’t Do That 25. CM 26. Yesterday
27. Old Fans In The Street, Studio Talk etc 28. Studio Talk 29. CM
30. Let It Be/Hey Jude, etc 31. CM 32. Studio Talk 33. Please Please Me 34. Studio Talk
35. Japanese popular songs influenced by Beatles/Studio Talk
36. CM 37. CM & Movies with Beatles tracks 38. Studio Talk 39. Beatles Information
40. This One 41. Studio Talk 42. Ringo Starr & His All Starr Band 43. Studio Talk
44. CM 45. Studio Talk 46. Let It Be 47. Studio Talk 48. Mother 49. CM

COLOUR NTSC Approx.194min.

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