Beatles / Let It Be Japanese Broadcast Edition / 1DVD

Beatles / Let It Be Japanese Broadcast Edition / 1DVD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Broadcast Date: 14th April 1984. PRO-SHOT COLOUR NTSC Approx. 89min.



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Last movie of the Beatles’ LET IT BE “has become the official release still remains not be realized on DVD even while desirable. Rumor and “release! Finally” flows like every year since the beginning of the 21 century, but does not provide at all. Version which recorded what was televised in the United Kingdom currently seems to be the best among enthusiasts, but had been popular as a basic video hidden among Japanese fans of this “Japanese Broadcast” version is. Document properties was strong difference movies and other Beatles was easy familiarity of content and also in feature films typical “LET IT BE” was what frequency to be broadcast on TV in Japan bought low. And video software is released in that before the activity is re-activated right of Apple as “A HARD DAY’S NIGHT” and “MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR” In the 1980s the video deck began to spread in earnest It is a thing had.  In the movie of the Beatles, released at the level actually called video software was delayed most are “HELP!”, Video software has been released in the first half of the 1980s abroad For “LET IT BE”, further even laser disk had been released would be a famous story. But I knew of their existence is a fan of geek level, that (the sound itself it is nostalgic) look at the screening of the film-concert at the was Tebayaka~tsu most Japanese fans at the time or would not. It was about was also the case of comment musicians in Japan, such as entered in place of the dubbing was done when television broadcast once in a while.  TV broadcasting of this film was realized in 1984 under such circumstances was something very innovative. To begin planning itself that broadcasts only break and commercial time once during the masterpiece of cinema in the late-night frame even more than, who rapture to the broadcast of the film of the Beatles last to be washed away by the state that respects such a movie should it were many. Besides, I mean that broadcasting in the video deck is spread, it may be better to record the pattern of when this will be or not were many? Or it would be that some people who have scheduled recording in that late-night television. I say whatsoever I had recorded while rubbing sleepy eyes the actual broadcast, but the part performance of “Kansas City” begins would misjudged the timing of the pause when the movie resume from the break time of the destination was what upset to impair-record (laughs).  I think that it has released as a gift item version was recorded whole uncut also CM the broadcast whether fresh in our minds, but it would become popular unprecedented as gift items since, at the time of purchase in our store Those who request this gift did not die out. It is inferior compared to the UK, etc. broadcasting version available at the moment in terms of image quality, but the video because that was trapped in a wonderful degree the feeling of air reruns at the time that good old 1984 more than that, when the “Budokan finally it has become to be to get to the voice of “I wonder what this is not me and pressed into as. It’s up to where it was decided to press on DVD this time as well as our store. The film is the (is inferred to be one of the reason it is not on DVD still) monaural sound, except none of stereo Hi-Fi also included not miss hear good old CM between. And the peculiar state and “? Do I do here really” apple, subtitles paraphrasing plentiful in the good sense can enjoy a lot in front of the roof live like “!’ll Be Park George when caught” in the electric shock accident in rehearsal Please enjoy by all means eternal press the DVD! (Original menu with) 80 sheets of ★ only the first will be the release of a sticker with numbering entered. 


ビートルズのラスト・ムービー「LET IT BE」はDVD化が望まれながらも未だに正式なリリースが実現しないままとなっています。21世紀に入ってからは毎年のように「遂にリリース!」といった噂が流れるものの、一向に実現しません。マニアの間では現在イギリスでテレビ放送されたものを録画したバージョンがベストとされているようですが、日本のファンの間で隠れた定番映像として親しまれてきたのが今回の「Japanese Broadcast」バージョンです。典型的な劇映画で内容的にも親しみやすかったビートルズ他の映画と違いドキュメント性が強かった「LET IT BE」は日本のテレビで放送される頻度が低くかったものでした。それにビデオ・デッキが本格的に普及し始めた1980年代に入ると「A HARD DAY’S NIGHT」と「MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR」はアップルの権利は活動が再活性化するまえということでビデオ・ソフトがリリースされていたものです。
ビートルズの映画において、実はビデオ・ソフトというレベルでのリリースがもっとも遅れたのは「HELP!」であり、「LET IT BE」に関しては海外でビデオ・ソフトが80年代前半にリリースされており、さらにはレーザー・ディスクまでもがリリースされていたのは有名な話でしょう。しかしそれらの存在を知っていたのはマニア・レベルのファンであり、当時の日本のファンはフィルム・コンサート(この響き自体が懐かしいものですね)の上映会で見ることがもっとも手早かったのではないでしょうか。たまにテレビ放送された場合は吹き替えの代わりで日本のミュージシャンのコメントが入ったような場合もあったくらいでした。
そんな中で1984年に実現した本映画のテレビ放送は非常に画期的なものでした。そもそも深夜枠の中で映画の名作を間一回の休憩兼コマーシャル・タイムだけで放送する企画自体もさることながら、そんな映画を尊重した状態で流されるビートルズ最後の映画の放送に狂喜した人は多かったはず。しかもビデオ・デッキが普及された中での放送ということで、この時の模様を録画した方も多かったのではないでしょうか?あるいは深夜の放送ということで予約録画された方もいたことでしょう。かく言う私も実際の放送を眠い目こすりながら録画していたのですが、先の休憩タイムから映画が再開する際に一時停止のタイミングを見誤ってしまい「Kansas City」の演奏が始まる部分を録り損なってひどく狼狽したものでした(苦笑)。


1. Programme Intro 2. Let It Be Intro (Japanese)

3. CM Twickenham Film Studio
4. Opening 5. Adagio For Strings 6. Don’t Let Me Down
7. Conversation 8. Maxwell’s Silver Hammer 9. Conversation 10. Two Of Us
11. I’ve Got A Feeling 12. I’ve Got A Feeling 13. Oh! Darling 14. Conversation
15. One After 909 16. Piano Jam 17. Two Of Us 18. Conversation 19. Across The Universe
20. Dig A Pony 21. Suzy’s Parlour 22. I Me Mine

Apple Studio

23. For You Blue 24. Conversation 25. Besame Mucho 26. Octopus’s Garden
27. You Really Got A Hold On Me 28. The Long And Winding Road 29. Shake, Rattle And Roll
30. CM (Intermission) 31. Kansas City/Miss Ann/Lawdy Miss Clawdy 32. Dig It 33. Conversation
34. Two Of Us 35. Let It Be 36. The Long And Winding Road


37. Rooftop Intro 38. Get Back 39. Don’t Let Me Down 40. I’ve Got A Feeling
41. One After 909 42. Dig A Pony 43. Get Back 44. End Credit 45. CM 46. End Credit (Japanese)
47. CM 48. End Credit (Japanese) feat. Let It Be Intro.


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