Beatles / The Complete John Barrett Tapes Definitive Edition / 5CD

Beatles / The Complete John Barrett Tapes Definitive Edition / 5CD / Non Label

The Complete John Barrett Tapes Definitive Edition

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Almost 10 years after the Roger Scott sound source revolution, the whole picture of John Barrett’s sound source, which he was working with, was revealed. This also caused a big whirlwind among enthusiasts, but Barrett’s version was a rougher and lower version compared to Scott’s sound source that made me feel the high degree of perfection on the premise of release. Is what made enthusiasts crazy. Because, in the case of Barrett, he himself worked at Abbey Road Studios, so he focused on investigating the remaining Beatles sound source.
He not only wrote down the results of the survey in a notebook, but also divided them into several parts, summarized the sound source, and put it in a cassette for internal consideration for release. It is the origin of the sound source that leaked one. Of course, it was leaked in fragments at the end of the 1980s because of Scott’s sound source, but the sound quality was poor compared to his part. That is why the outflow in 1999 caused a great reaction all over the world.
Among the items released at that time, items from two companies such as Vigotone and Yellow Dog series Strawberry seemed to dominate the market, and even among the enthusiasts who are reading this bad sentence, multiple of those items are owned. There will be many people who are doing it. In fact, in 1999, everyone loved those items.

However, as the enthusiasm subsided and time passed, it gradually became clear that the items of those two companies were never the best. After all, 1999 is the year when “Equalize Wars” broke out due to the spread and evolution of remastered equipment. Certainly, there was a strong tendency at that time to eliminate noise, and those items that halved the popularity at that time were more or less equalized.
Also, unlike the time of Scott sound source, it was a big feature that deterioration when the sound source was distributed was kept to a minimum due to the development of digital equipment, but even so, hiss noise is inevitable because it was originally a cassette. .. That would also be the cause of the equalization overheating.
A further problem is that the items of those two companies were released with their respective edits, and it became clear later that the sound source was not commercialized in a faithful manner. In the case of strawberry, the sound before and after the performance was cut considerably, and in some cases, it was faded out. On the other hand, Vigotone was also edited, though not so much, and this time there was a problem that the channel was inverted.

In this way, contrary to the excitement of 1999, the release of the bullet sound source that had some problems. “BARE IT ALL” is a masterpiece compiled by Master Jedi in 2013 based on thorough examination from both sound quality and content. Before that, the compilation of Barrett sound sources such as the remasters workshop version had been released, but while equalization was added there as well, in the case of Master Jedi, the sound source itself is not equalized as much as possible, yet each The great thing was that we were creating the true best version that was particular about the longest recording of the part.
As a result of sticking to naturalness in terms of sound quality, Master Jedi completely excludes the items of the first two major companies. Fortunately, I didn’t need as many items as I did at “GREAT SCOTT! IT’S … THE BEATLES”, the culmination of Scott’s sound sources. Rather, he and the core enthusiasts re-evaluated the bullet sound source items as CD-Rs released by enthusiast-directed labels such as “TRUE MASTERS” of the label “Roning Mouse”, “MORE MASTERS”, and “ABBEY ROAD TAPES” of the unicorn. group. I just released those items, the point is, without any special work, but that’s why I realized the recording in a natural and longest state. It was “BARE IT ALL” that Master Jedi created after scrutinizing and carefully editing these items.

Of course, as soon as “BARE IT ALL” was released, it was commercialized for general distribution, but since it has been released and each item has passed many years, it will be released again on a limited press CD this time. Realized. Basically, it takes in “BARE IT ALL”, but the second version of Disc-2’s unreleased album “GET BACK” has been replaced with the previously released version of “GET BACK COMPLETE EDITION”. Because there was a cut in “Save The Last Dance For Me” for all items, not to mention “BARE IT ALL”, but the title was more complete because that part was repaired extremely smoothly. Because it was the content.
What’s more, this “GET BACK” second version part makes it easy to understand the difference in sound quality from the items listed above. Strawberries are said to have some unnaturalness due to the complete elimination of hiss noise, and even Vigotone is undeniably unnatural because it suppresses hiss. In that respect, the sound quality is quite natural, so if you have these items, please compare them.
Another great thing about “BARE IT ALL” is that it captures all the parts that have been cut with those items. The most obvious scene is the session scene of “Norwegian Wood” in the first half of Disc-3. In other items, it sounds like a piece of rehearsal that seems to have been cut before and after the performance, or left unoverwritten on the tape. These were completely excluded from the items from the two companies in the example. It’s up to you to say that it has nothing to do with playing or taking, but if you’re a Beatlemania, you’ll be worried about these fragments.

Regarding the studio session sound source that occupies Disc-1 and Disc-3, for example, it is true that you can hear how the song changes with each take, including the unreleased song “That Means A Lot”. On the other hand, even for the two mixes of “She Loves You”, which have the same performance and only a monaural master, you can understand how to create a pseudo-stereo by checking with headphones.
Besides, Scott’s sound source was premised on broadcasting, so I extracted the session scenery of famous songs, and I didn’t touch much when it came to the sound source after 1967 when the recording became complicated. Among them, there was almost no sound source in 1969, so it is also attractive to hear the get back session with clear stereo sound of multitrack recording here. And “Come And Get It”, which sees the light of day with “ANTHOLOGY 3” and “ABBEY ROAD” Deluxe Edition, has an overwhelmingly natural finish in this mix, and many people find it rather preferable. Then.
Disc-4’s 1983 Abbey Road Studios show was well known for the release of an LP recording the event from the audience, which enthusiasts were grateful for at the time, but here it’s a solid stereo soundboard recording and the best recording. The attraction is that you can enjoy it at. In addition, take 1 of “She’s A Woman” is missed because it was recorded halfway, but it is still a valuable other take that can only be heard here. The pitch rises depending on the song from around “Lady Madonna”, but it was recorded in that state from the beginning, and the same state can be confirmed in the recorded LP from the audience seat in the example.
And the last disc is the material after the Beatles disbanded except Paul, but recorded the solo session of each person who was archived because it was recorded at Abbey Road Studios. The plastic ono band “Okasan” jam at the beginning is more enjoyable for Japanese people. What’s more, the session between John and George was strangely produced by Phil Spector, and it can be said that it is a valuable sound source in the sense of remembering him. The house time that continues this month will be accompanied by the compilation of these two Beatles rare sound sources!



こうして99年当時の盛り上がりぶりとは裏腹に、何かしら問題のあったバレット音源のリリース。そこに音質面と内容面の両方から徹底的な考証によって2013年にMasterJediがまとめあげた傑作が「BARE IT ALL」。それ以前にもリマスターズ・ワークショップ版などバレット音源の集大成はリリースされていたのですが、そこでもイコライズが加えられていたのに対しMasterJediの場合は音源自体のイコライズは極力行わず、それでいて各パートの最長収録にこだわった真のベストバージョンを作り上げていた点に偉大さがありました。
音質面においてあくまでナチュラルさにこだわった結果、MasterJediは最初に挙げた大手二社のアイテムを完全に除外します。スコット音源の集大成「GREAT SCOTT! IT’S… THE BEATLES」の時ほど多岐に渡るアイテムを必要としなかったことも幸いしました。むしろ彼やコア・マニアたちがバレット音源アイテムで再評価したのはローニング・マウスというレーベルの「TRUE MASTERS」に「MORE MASTERS」、ユニコーンの「ABBEY ROAD TAPES」といったマニア直系レーベルがリリースしたCD-R群。それらのアイテム、要は小細工を加えずにリリースしていただけなのですが、だからこそナチュラルかつ最長という状態での収録を実現させていた。MasterJediはこれらのアイテムを精査かつ念入りな編集の果てに作り上げたのが「BARE IT ALL」だったのです。

当然「BARE IT ALL」は公開されるやいなや、一般流通する商品化も実現していましたが、その公開と各アイテムからも年月を経てしまったことから、今回改めて限定プレスCDでのリリースが実現。基本的には「BARE IT ALL」を取り込む形となっていますが、Disc-2の未発表アルバム「GET BACK」セカンド・バージョンに関しては以前リリースされた「GET BACK COMPLETE EDITION」のバージョンへと差し替え。というのも「BARE IT ALL」はもとより、すべてのアイテムで「Save The Last Dance For Me」にカットが生じていましたが、同タイトルはその個所を極めてなめらかに補修していたことでより完全な内容となっていたからです。
しかも、この「GET BACK」セカンド・バージョンのパートこそ、先に挙げたアイテムとの音質の違いが分かりやすい。ストロベリーはヒスノイズを完全に消し去ったが故の不自然さがありありと出ていますし、ビゴトーンですらヒスを抑えてしまった不自然さが否めない。その点こちらは俄然ナチュラルな音質ですので、これらのアイテムをお持ちの方は是非とも聞き比べていただきたい。
もう一つ「BARE IT ALL」の偉大な点は、それらのアイテムでカットされてしまった個所も寸分漏れなく捉えてくれたこと。それが一番わかりやすい場面がDisc-3前半における「Norwegian Wood」のセッション風景。他のアイテムではカットされた演奏前後のやりとり、あるいはテープに上書きされずに残ったと思われるリハーサルの断片のような音。これらは例の二社からのアイテムからは完全に排除されていました。演奏やテイクとは無関係と言ってしまえばそれまでですが、ビートルマニアならこうした断片も気になるはず。

Disc-1とDisc-3を占めるスタジオセッション音源に関しては、例えば未発表曲「That Means A Lot」を始めとしてテイクを重ねるごとに曲が変わっていく様子が聞けるのが真骨頂。反対に同じ演奏、しかもマスターがモノラルしか存在しない「She Loves You」二つのミックスに関しても、いかにして疑似ステレオを作り上げるか試行錯誤した様子をヘッドフォンで確かめればよく解るというもの。
それに何といってもスコット音源の方は放送を前提としたことから有名曲のセッション風景を抜き出し、おまけにレコーディングが複雑になってゆく1967年以降の音源になるとあまり手を触れませんでした。それらの中でも69年の音源が皆無に等しかったので、こちらではゲット・バック・セッションがマルチトラック録音のクリアーなステレオ・サウンドで聞かれるのも魅力。そして「ANTHOLOGY 3」や「ABBEY ROAD 」デラックスエディションなどで日の目を見ている「Come And Get It」はこちらのミックスの方が圧倒的に自然な仕上がりであり、むしろ好ましく感じる人の方が多いのでは。
Disc-4の1983年アビー・ロード・スタジオ・ショーは客席からイベントを録音したLPがリリースされて知れ渡り、当時マニアはそれをありがたく聞いたものですが、ここではれっきとしたステレオ・サウンドボード録音かつ最高録音で楽しめるというのが魅力。おまけに「She’s A Woman」のテイク1は途中までの収録という点が惜しまれますが、未だにここでしか聞けない貴重な別テイクでもある。「Lady Madonna」辺りから曲によってピッチの上昇がみられますが、元からそうした状態で収録されており、例の客席からの録音LPでも同様の状態が確認できます。


Disc 1 (X1 to X8) (65:13)
1. She Loves You (RS 1)
2. She Loves You (RS 2)
3. This Boy (RS of take 15)
4. That Means A Lot (takes 20 and 22)
5. That Means A Lot (take 23)
6. That Means A Lot (test take)
7. Strawberry Fields Forever (RM3 of take 7)
8. Strawberry Fields Forever (RM9)
9. Penny Lane (RM8)
10. Penny Lane (RM9)
11. Penny Lane (RM10)
12. Mr. Moonlight (common stereo version)
13. Mr. Moonlight (take 4)
14. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (take 5)
15. What You’re Doing (take 11)
16. From Me To You (master take)
17. From Me To You (edit of takes 8 and master take)
18. Thank You Girl (take 14 with end from Take 30)
19. Thank You Girl (RS 30)
20. Yes It Is (RS 1)
21. Down in Havana
22. Step Inside Love, Los Paranoias
23. The Way You Look Tonight
24. Jamming
25. Can You Take Me Back
26. Bonus – Can You Take Me Back (incomplete)

Disc 2 (X11-Get Back, X10) (61:37)
1. One After 909
2. Rocker
3. Save The Last Dance For Me
4. Don’t Let Me Down
5. Dig A Pony
6. I’ve Got A Feeling
7. Get Back
8. Let It Be
9. For You Blue
10. Two Of Us
11. Maggie Mae
12. Dig It
13. The Long And Winding Road
14. I Me Mine
15. Across The Universe
16. Get Back (reprise)
17. Teddy Boy (Glyn Johns mix)
18. Teddy Boy (Phil Spector mix)
19. Old Brown Shoe (take 2)
20. All Things Must Pass (take 2)

Disc 3 (X12-1965, Barrett Compilation) (78:45)
1. That Means A Lot (take 1)
2. That Means A Lot (take 2)
3. Norwegian Wood (take 1)
4. Norwegian Wood (take 2)
5. Norwegian Wood (take 4)
6. I’m Looking Through You (take 1)
7. I’m Looking Through You (take 4)
8. 12-Bar Original (takes 1 and 2)
9. How Do You Do It
10. One After 909 (take 2)
11. One After 909 (edit of takes 4 and 5)
12. Leave My Kitten Alone
13. If You’ve Got Troubles
14. That Means A Lot
15. Norwegian Wood (take 1)
16. I’m Looking Through You (take 1)
17. Not Guilty
18. What’s The New Mary Jane (incomplete)
19. Come And Get It
20. Rip It Up, Shake Rattle And Roll
21. Kansas City, Miss Ann, Lawdy Miss Clawdy
22. Blue Suede Shoes
23. Cannonball, Not Fade Away, Hey Little Girl, Bo Diddley
24. Mailman Bring Me No More Blues
25. 12-Bar Original (take 2)

Disc 4 (extracts from The Beatles at Abbey Road) (65:01)
1. Love Me Do (RS 1)
2. How Do You Do It (incomplete)
3. I Saw Her Standing There (composite of takes 1, 6, 11, and 12)
4. Twist And Shout (edit)
5. One After 909 (take 4 – incomplete)
6. Don’t Bother Me (takes 11 and 12 edit – incomplete)
7. A Hard Days Night (composite takes 2, 3, 4, and 9)
8. Leave My Kitten Alone (incomplete)
9. I’m A Loser
10. She’s A Woman (take 1)
11. Help (take 4)
12. Norwegian Wood (take 1), I’m Looking Through You (take 1)
13. Paperback Writer
14. Rain
15. Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1)
16. Strawberry Fields Forever (take 7 – incomplete)
17. Strawberry Fields Forever (take 26 – incomplete), A Day In The Life (Barrett mix)
18. Hello Goodbye, Lady Madonna (take 4 – incomplete)
19. Hey Jude (take 9 – incomplete)
20. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (unedited take 1)
21. Because (Barrett mix)
22. #9 Dream (spoken intro by Ringo)

Disc 5 (Lennon-Starr-Harrison) (58:44)
1. Plastic Ono Band – Slow Blues Jam
2. Plastic Ono Band – Fast Rocker
3. Ringo Starr – The Wishing Book
4. Ringo Starr – Nashville Freakout
5. Ringo Starr – Stormy Weather
6. Ringo Starr – Octopus’s Garden
7. Ringo Starr – Wine, Women, Loud Songs
8. Ringo Starr – Coochy Coochy
9. George Harrison – I Live For You
10. George Harrison – Dehradun
11. George Harrison – Gopala Krishna
12. George Harrison – Going Down To Golders Green
13. George Harrison – Get Back
14. George Harrison – Pete Drake’s Talking Steel Guitar

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