Beatles / Live At Washington Coliseum 1964 / 1CD+1DVD With OBI Strip

Beatles / Live At Washington Coliseum 1964 / 1CD+1DVD With OBI Strip / Valkyrie

Live At Washington Coliseum , Washingston DC, 11 February 1964. Digitally Remastered

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America is the home of entertainment and the largest market in the world. Although the Beatles made its popularity in the UK and European countries a short time from its debut until 1963, it was unknown whether it succeeded in the United States. Above all, there has never been a successful British band in the past in the United States. Actually, the Beatles album released for the first time in the US is from a minor label, and it can be said that it was not so much expected. In fact, sales were almost impossible to say success. Under such circumstances, Epstein will book an American expedition. If you want more than the European market, there is only America. The Beatles’ first visit to the United States is February 1964, but from a schedule of only two shows and television appearances, prudent Epstein thought that it was just for the purpose of showing off, rather than entering the full-scale US market. Is not it?

In 1964, a long series of French shows have been held since the beginning of the year. Along the way, big news was brought to the Beatles. “I want to hug” won the first place on the national chart. This is the moment when the first visit to the United States scheduled for the following month is not just a face-to-face show, but the first visit to the United States as a group playing the most popular songs. Fans from all over the country were looking forward to the Beatles. It was the Beatles first visit to the United States in February 1964 to rush into the eyes of the unexpected huge typhoon.

When the Beatles first landed at JFK Airport on February 7, 1964, the airport was greeted by a large number of fans. It seems that he himself misunderstood that the president was riding with too many people. As soon as they arrived at the airport, the press conference was held, embarrassed by the fact that their popularity was buzzing without their knowledge. The somewhat high-tensioned members calmed down with witty responses to reporters’ questions. This response was to foresee a new era not seen in traditional groups.

The Beatles’ first visit to the United States in February 1964, it has become a definite theory that Epstein intentionally dreaded the exposure in order to boost the sense of hunger for the fans, but as stated at the beginning, the first record It might not have been sold, and at first it might have been a face show. The concert is single and only 2 times. Only Carnegie Hall and the Washington Coliseum. The concert at Carnegie Hall was scheduled for live recording, but was canceled. At present, neither the sound source nor the set list is known. Luckily, the next concert in the Washington Coliseum is full of footage. This work is a complete recording of the concert in the Washington Coliseum with sound and video.

This complete recording was finally realized in recent years, and when the set of M Claudel was released last time, “Twist And Shout” has not been recorded as it has been in the previous release boards. There was nothing incomplete. The M Claudel’s set is no exception, and it was still an epoch-making as it was restored from the remaining “Twist And Shout” fragments as much as possible. This work is a work that will be a new standard that is fully recorded, including “Twist And Shout”, with the addition of newly excavated materials.

The sound source of Washington itself has been available as a collector’s item since ancient times, and some titles have been released in recent years following the excavation of the complete recording version. However, they all had low bass and almost no bass. Washington’s sound source recorded in this work is an excellent balance that you can hear clearly the bass line that Paul beats, which is the most characteristic of the Beatles, although the sound is somewhat rough. This is not only the effect of remastering, but is derived from the generation of the original material, and conveys the enthusiasm of the day without hesitation. Of course it is a complete recording including “Twist And Shout” and “Long Tall Sally”.

The second half of the CD contains the sound source of a familiar film source that I used to miss. As you know, this is a part of “Twist And Shout”, but “Long Tall Sally” is not included. The content may now be recorded in a jerky manner, but the sound quality of this moist and sober film is hard to throw away, and it is co-recorded with this work.

You can see if you can see the image below, but you can see a man trying to record with a microphone in the audience. I have no idea what that quality is, but it is interesting to note that even in 1964, there was a sense to record a concert and record it. This work is only three songs “Roll Over Beethoven”, “I Wanna Be Your Man” and “She Loves You”, but the audience recording of the day is included. This is quite beautifully recorded, and it is a quality that makes it seem that it would be nice if a carnegie hall etc. was recorded with this sound quality. And at the end of the CD, a press conference shortly after arrival at JFK Airport is recorded.

The DVD of this film contains two types of fully recorded images from the Washington concert. The first is “COLORIZED VERSION”. So far, I have tried to colorize various images such as around, Germany, Melbourne, etc. This is also a colorization of the original monochrome images. Unfortunately, it’s a spotlighted concert in a dark indoor venue, so it’s a better ride than any other colored video on the same label. The part of up is reasonable, but it is a monotonous color in the distant view shot that reflects the entire stage. Anyway, I would like you to see it as a new attempt while developing.

Then it is completely recorded with original monochrome video. It is not from mp4 but from the closed circuit DCP (Digital Cinema Package), it has the highest image quality and sound quality to date. It is a wonderfully clear image with well-balanced light and dark, and the goodness of monochrome is fully demonstrated. It was a Washington performance that was dominated by old songs that were missing songs and films were noticeable, but in recent years complete recordings have appeared, and it has been decided that the complete recording version of this work should also be the best in both image quality and sound quality The edition is out. It will be a missing piece that fans have long been waiting for.

The last part of the DVD contains films and films related to the Washington performances. What is surprising is that in 1964, there is an image by the audience shooting of the day. It captures the Beatles of the stage from the Coliseum’s audience, and it is an excellent shot that I would like to insert in the main part, such as an image of tracking each member up using a zoom or a shot from the back of an apple hitting a drum. While shooting the audience, such as photographing the appearance of Epstein, I think that this is not something taken by a general fan, but taken by a reporter for news footage or something.

The news video that tells the situation on the day is the appearance of fans coming to the venue one after another in the snow on the Coliseum, which is the venue in Washington. The Beatles arrive by train late and when they get off the scene they will receive an interview immediately. Another news video shows the inside of the venue before the show. A fan looking forward to the opening while watching the brochure. The Beatles set the stage while the presenter is playing a joint venture. Above all, the focus is on the completely different camera from the main story, and the Beatles stage video with different angles. Taken at a very short distance, you can see the familiar Washington performance from another angle. Although it was in the record that it was photographed with eight cameras on the day, although some variations have been confirmed, the details have not been known before. In this work MULTI ANGLE, it was made to be able to see those shot differences in parallel according to the tune, and to understand what kind of angle differences and editing differences.

Interviews on the Washington Coliseum are also short but rare. Although the press conference at JFK Airport is famous, it may not have been much to see the video on the stage where it became the venue. Next is a movie trailer. As you know, the day was photographed and screened at the cinema. The trailer is the trailer. Not only the Beatles trailer, but also the trailer of the movie theater in 1964 is not so valuable. Other related images such as 16mm low film are also recorded.

The Washington Coliseum show to be commemorated in 1964 when the Beatles first came to the United States. The performance, which has been released several times so far, is finished as a work that should be called the definitive version in all of content, image quality and sound quality. One of the last pieces that did not see the sun while being known, this film is a complete recording of high-quality and high-quality sound that Beatles collectors have been waiting for. A permanent press with beautiful picture and disc specifications. Japanese band included.





この完全収録というのは近年になってようやく実現したもので、前回Mクローデルのセットがリリースされた時点では、それまでの既発盤がそうであったように「Twist And Shout」が未収録ないし不完全なものしか存在しなかった。Mクローデルのセットも例外ではなく、それでも残された「Twist And Shout」の断片から可能な限り復元した当時としては画期的なものであった。本作はその後に発掘されたマテリアルを新たに加え、音も映像も「Twist And Shout」を含め完全収録した新たなスタンダードとなるであろう作品である。

ワシントンの音源自体は古くからコレクターズ・アイテムとして入手可能であり、完全収録版の発掘を受けて近年もいくつかタイトルはリリースされてきた。しかしそれらはいずれも低音が弱くベースがほとんど聴こえないものであった。本作に収録のワシントンの音源は、いくぶん音が荒いながらも、ビートルズ最大の特徴であるポールの唸るベース・ラインがはっきりと聴き取れる優れたバランスとなっている。これはリマスターの効果もさることながら、元素材のジェネレーションに由来するもので、当日の熱狂を余すところなく伝えてくれる。もちろん「Twist And Shout」「Long Tall Sally」を含む完全収録である。

CDの後半は昔懐かしい、慣れ親しんだフィルム・ソースの音源を収録している。こちらはご存知の通り「Twist And Shout」の途中までの収録で、「Long Tall Sally」は未収録である。内容的には今となっては蛇足的な収録かもしれないが、このしっとりと落ち着いたフィルムの音質も捨てがたく、本作に併録している。

後述の映像を見てもらえればわかるが、客席でマイクを手にして録音を試みている男性が映っている。それがどのようなクオリティなのか今となっては知る由もないが、1964年当時でもコンサートを録音して記録に残そうという意識があったというのが興味深い。本作には「Roll Over Beethoven」「I Wanna Be Your Man」「She Loves You」の3曲のみだが、当日のオーディエンス録音が収録されている。これがなかなかキレイに録音されており、この音質でカーネギー・ホールなどが録音されていれば良いのになと思わせるクオリティである。そしてCDの最後には、JFK空港到着直後の記者会見を収録している。

本作のDVDには2種類のワシントン・コンサート完全収録映像が収録されている。まず最初が「COLORIZED VERSION」である。これまでアラウンドやドイツ、メルボルンなど、様々な映像のカラー化を試みてきたが、これもまた元がモノクロ映像のものをカラー化したものである。残念ながら暗い屋内会場でスポットライトが当てられたコンサートなので、これまでの同レーベルの他のカラー化映像に比べて色の乗りはいまひとつである。アップの部分はそれなりだが、ステージ全体を映す遠景ショットでは単調な色彩となっている。何はともあれ発展途上ながら新しい試みとして見ていただきたい。

続いてオリジナルのモノクロ映像で完全収録である。mp4由来のものではなく、クローズドサーキット版DCP(Digital Cinema Package)からの収録で、これまでの最高画質と音質となっている。濃淡のバランスがとれた素晴らしくクリアな映像で、モノクロならではの良さが存分に発揮されている。古くから曲が欠落したものやフィルム傷が目立つものが主流だったワシントン公演であったが、近年になり完全収録が登場し、さらに本作でその完全収録版にして画質音質ともにベストというべき決定版が出たことになる。長らくファンが待ち望んでいたミッシング・ピースであろう。


当日の様子を伝えるニュース映像は、ワシントンの会場であるコロシアムに雪の降る中で続々と会場入りするファンの姿。遅れてビートルズが列車で到着し、下車すると早速インタビューを受ける様子などが収録されている。もうひとつ別のニュース映像では開演前の会場内の様子が収録されている。パンフレットを見ながら開演を心待ちにするファン。司会者が繋ぎ弁士をしている間にステージ・セッティングをするビートルズ。何より注目は本編とは完全に別カメラ、別アングルによるビートルズのステージ映像である。かなり近距離で撮影されており、見慣れたワシントン公演を別角度から新鮮に見ることができる。当日は8台のカメラで撮影されたと記録にあるが、いくつかバリエーションが確認されているものの、その詳細は以前判明していない。本作のMULTI ANGLEには、曲に合わせてそれらショット違いを平行してみることが出来るようにし、どのようなアングル違い、編集違いがあるかわかるようにしてある。



01. introduction & tuning
02. Roll Over Beethoven
03. From Me To You
04. I Saw Her Standing There
05. This Boy
06. All My Loving
07. I Wanna Be Your Man
08. Please Please Me
09. Till There Was You
10. She Loves You
11. I Want To Hold Your Hand
12. Twist And Shout
13. Long Tall Sally
14. outroduction

15. introduction & tuning
16. Roll Over Beethoven
17. From Me To You
18. I Saw Her Standing There
19. This Boy
20. All My Loving
21. I Wanna Be Your Man
22. Please Please Me
23. Till There Was You
24. She Loves You
25. I Want To Hold Your Hand
26. Twist And Shout

27. Roll Over Beethoven
28. I Wanna Be Your Man
29. She Loves You #1
30. She Loves You #2

31. JFK Airport Feburuary 7


01. introduction & tuning
02. Roll Over Beethoven
03. From Me To You
04. I Saw Her Standing There
05. This Boy
06. All My Loving
07. I Wanna Be Your Man
08. Please Please Me
09. Till There Was You
10. She Loves You
11. I Want To Hold Your Hand
12. Twist And Shout
13. Long Tall Sally
14. Outroduction

01. introduction & tuning
02. Roll Over Beethoven
03. From Me To You
04. I Saw Her Standing There
05. This Boy
06. All My Loving
07. I Wanna Be Your Man
08. Please Please Me
09. Till There Was You
10. She Loves You
11. I Want To Hold Your Hand
12. Twist And Shout
13. Long Tall Sally
14. Outroduction

01. Video Source
02. Audience Shot
03. News Film #1
04. News Film #2
05. Color 8mm
06. Multi Aungled
07. Press Conference On Stage
08. Cinema Trailer
09. Auction Sampler
10. 16mm Film Raw
11. 16mm Alternate Reel (unspliced)


Valkyrie Records. VAL-032

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