Beatles / In Sweden 1963-1964 / 2CD+2DVD Wx Booklet & Slipcase

Beatles / In Sweden 1963-1964 / 2CD+2DVD Wx Booklet & Slipcase / Misterclaudel

Translated Text:

Karlaplans Studios, Stockholm October 24, 1963, Johnneshovs Isstadion Stockholm July 28, 1964. Digitally Remastered


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The recorded car plan performance in the long upgrade sound source than previously Hatsu-ban
First appearance October 26, 1963 Stockholm concert sound source
In recent years excavations have been July 28, 1964 Stockholm concert sound source not only the video also included
The documentary footage from the arrival in Sweden to return home
3 times recorded drop-in
With the booklet at the time that was abundantly use the photos of Sweden tour

Among the must-have mania M Claudel label, especially popular live Chronicle latest series of will stock. Also it includes the first appearance in the video overwhelming grade-up and first appearance sound source this time, it is a great content that does not live up to the same series of name. This time, as it was the culmination of the Sweden tour that was done over a two-time 1963 and 1964, when including the offstage not playing only the Beatles in fruitful Sweden along the series, all of the material that remains recording is doing.

The Beatles in 1963, after finishing the recording of “WITH THE BEATLES”, will head for the first time the Swedish tour. So radio appearances, TV appearances, concerts and, to energetically activity in a short period of time, the legendary Budokan concert Similarly in Japan, has been handed down in Sweden today. That short-term stay in 1963 was one full of welcome, and that performance was also be one that can be fully satisfactory (it is what you can convince even listening to this work) from reasons such as, the next 1964 Swedish tour also was bear. In Sweden tour over two years, sound and video remaining is not so much more, that none has a higher quality of performance, also sound and video quality also excellent, taking a lot of time to be placed in the anthology It is as had been recorded.

Disk 1 of the CD, we have recorded around the live sound source in Sweden of Beatles. First is the car plan performances October 24, 1963. In the 1980s it has been known for a long time as a high-quality live sound source, such as if the rumor that was scheduled to be official release is true, it has been featured in even exceptional handling in that “bootlegs Dictionary” below. Moreover, this concert is not only a high-quality sound, also famous as overflowing name performance in the fierce just hot air, although in terms of content is incomplete, barely seeing the light of day in the 1995 anthology project It is the live sound source. It is what is recorded in this work, exactly the full version. In addition the same full version, but only played the part of the Beatles in its outstanding panel had been recorded, this work, slightly introduction and out Roda transfection of co-star Nosumen has been recorded in first appearance, and longer recording now it has. As can be seen from the fact that there is a first appearance part, further improve the sound quality younger generation than the main part of the Beatles part also its outstanding panel. And in this Meien it is has become a name sound source Ketteiban of.

Then, as the first appearance sound source, from Stockholm performances October 26, 1963, two songs as “I Saw Her Standing There,” “She Loves You” has been recorded. Both Unfortunately both the song is a short recording, but it is a valuable live recordings of the first appearance in this work. Continued DROP IN is, in the familiar sound in the video, the Beatles shows off the four songs. Here and I think if you could enjoy in conjunction with the video.

July 28, 1964 Stockholm performances, in recent years is broadcast first “All My Loving” in Swedish radio program, was what was surprised to its distinct sound. Only microphone of Paul a bad thing John microphones balanced that off on, from such deficiencies, is unlikely valuable live recordings that probably is officially released. Then, what kind of circumstances, the overall length version was leaked. This work, of course, not only in “All My Loving”, has recorded this July 28, 1964 the full-length version of the Stockholm concert. On the day of the set list if not all, the fact that the sound source that is settled in this way was leaked to the 21st century could be very shock to mania. Moreover, those very interesting both in terms of content, the Beatles to afford plenty, you are playing to full playfully us, you can enjoy a little live evil glue feeling.

Disc 2 of the CD is fully recorded Swedish radio program that one song, “All My Loving” in the Stockholm concert July 28, 1964 described above has become a hot topic is broadcast. Stockholm performance “All My Loving” is what was broadcast at the end as the centerpiece of this program, but the interesting contents of radio programs other than it. Not only shed the songs of The Beatles, it’s sprinkled with interviews and live recordings of officials, it said that the Swedish local, well it is the contents of surprise that Na has allowed the broadcasting of such sound source. In Magic to Pete Best and Shijiminikoru et al., For the first time Beatles record the legend of a man named was purchased in NEMS, it is a place especially interesting that until Raymond Jones is the answer to the interview.

Followed by the introduction of DVD. DVD disc 1 has recorded a video of 1963. From the first time of the Beatles at London Airport towards the Swedish tour, we arrived at Stockholm airport, in which a large number of fans greet, such as the state toward the hotel to ride in the car, recorded valuable documentary footage from the time of the news video It is doing. Especially Stockholm concert video October 26, 1963, the short while ultra-valuable things. Playing a scene of “honey taste” among them is the image that has been left only you are playing the same song live. This is the Beatles are playing “honey taste” at a stage! ! Video of next October 27, 1963 from the undercard of the performance, the Beatles appeared, and to play a scene, I have been recorded in what beautiful color image. It is a valuable color live video of Beatles dressed in youthful collar without a suit.

The second half I have recorded “Drop In” recording television program on October 30, 1963 with two sources. Although the first “ALTERNATE VERSION” is the only Beatles scene, the time code is not entered, the image quality also anthology recording the same high quality of things. And “COMPLETE VERSION” to enter the time code, image quality, although somewhat inferior to the former, we have complete recording of the day of the broadcast.

Disc 2 of the DVD has been recorded video of 1964. Continue to Swedish tour for the second time in the previous year. Here also, a lot of fans, and until the brass band starts from how to welcome the Beatles in the Stockholm airport. While at a press conference smoking a cigarette in plain clothes wearing a Frank, and threw a leg, we answer to the very question in a relaxed state. And attention, live sound source is the video of the Stockholm concert July 28, 1964 that has flowed out in recent years. Here while also short recording, and the fact that the image of the day “that live sound source” has been recorded, you can see very Kangaibukaku.

Then called “PA Ne Sverigeturne”, was produced in Sweden, have been recorded documentary program that specializes in Swedish tour. And using plenty at the time of the video, the positioning of the Beatles in Sweden, it is a great documentary that recalls the excitement of the time. Precious video, studded film looked like a fan is provided, photos, and memorabilia, etc., is a documentary of truly local unique. For example, if the image of the Japan tour, the Japanese side and the film and at the time of the officials of the testimony taken, so that there is no material only in Japan, the fact that the documentary of the Swedish production that featured the Swedish tour exists, very It has become what is meaningful in that it leaves the history of the Beatles in.

The second half of the disk 2, existing is “Drop In” that have been identified, December 1, 1963 minute broadcast, I fully recorded double dose of January 13 minute broadcast, 1965. Beatles does not have appeared, but have appeared the same period of the artist many, it has become a first-class materials to know the time of the music scene. “Drop In” The Beatles and the minute broadcast October 30, 1963, which appeared, here two times of recording, a total of three doses only, you will remain in full. Attention will point pacemaker figure has appeared in minute broadcast December 1, 1963. But from this time of the video “How Do You Do It” it has been used to partially video edition anthology, not the full version only in this work, and the other one song “A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues” is also recording are we. The anthology CD Beatles play “How Do You Do It?” But have been recorded, good can be far better performance of this pacemaker’s, members of The Beatles is not a glue mind, eventually become a dead issue The reason was, but I can ask from the performance of the pacemaker’s of this day.

Lastly, a booklet that was featured appearance at the time of the tour in this work is included in the full set. It had been introduced solemnly in the above-mentioned documentary as rare items at the time of the vintage, only those precious that had been launched in Sweden, does not have that number of remaining was also seen as less Most. Contents Beatles stage photos in Sweden, off photos of, such as a fan photo of, and one that was fulfilling me to tell the very best the frenzy of the time, has become a precious souvenir of Sweden performances.

Live Chronicle latest series of M Claudel, the culmination Sweden performances of 1963 and 1964. First appearance sound source and the first appearance the video, it is heavily heavy ultimate set containing the upgrade. The inclusion abundantly special issue booklet at the time using a photo of Sweden performances in the entire set. Permanent Athletic Press board of beautiful picture disc specification. With a slip case.



ビートルズは1963年、「WITH THE BEATLES」のレコーディングを終えた後、初めてのスウェーデン・ツアーに向かいます。そこでラジオ出演、テレビ出演、コンサートと、短い期間に精力的に活動、その伝説は日本における武道館コンサート同様に、現在でもスウェーデンで語り継がれています。1963年の短期滞在が大歓迎に満ちたものであったこと、そしてパフォーマンスも充分に満足できるものであったこと(それは本作を聴いても納得できるものです)などの理由から、翌1964年にもスウェーデン・ツアーが組まれました。2年に渡るスウェーデン・ツアーにおいて、残存する音源および映像はそんなに多くありませんが、そのどれもがパフォーマンスのクオリティが高く、また音源&映像のクオリティも抜群で、アンソロジーに置いてもかなり時間をとって収録されていたほどです。


続いて、初登場音源として、1963年10月26日ストックホルム公演から、「I Saw Her Standing There」と「She Loves You」の2曲が収録されています。残念ながら両曲とも短い収録ですが、本作で初登場の貴重なライヴ音源です。続くDROP INは、映像でもお馴染みの音源で、ビートルズは4曲を披露しています。こちらは映像とあわせて楽しんでいただけたらと思っています。

1964年7月28日ストックホルム公演は、近年になってスウェーデンのラジオ番組で「All My Loving」まず放送され、その明瞭な音源に驚かされたものでした。ポールのマイクばかりがオンでジョンのマイクがオフというバランスの悪いもので、このような不備から、おそらく公式にリリースされることはまずない貴重なライヴ音源です。その後、どういう経緯か、その全長版が流出しました。本作は、もちろん「All My Loving」のみならず、この1964年7月28日ストックホルム公演の全長版を収録しています。当日のセットリスト全てではないにせよ、このようにまとまった音源が21世紀になって流出したということがマニアには非常に衝撃なことでした。しかも内容的にも非常に興味深いもので、ビートルズは余裕たっぷりに、おふざけいっぱいに演奏している、ちょっと悪ノリ気味のライヴが楽しめます。

CDのディスク2は、前述の1964年7月28日ストックホルム公演の「All My Loving」1曲が放送されて話題となったスウェーデンのラジオ・プログラムを完全収録しています。ストックホルム公演の「All My Loving」はこのプログラムの目玉として最後に放送されたものですが、それ以外でも興味深い内容のラジオ・プログラム。単にビートルズの曲を流すだけでなく、関係者のインタビューやライヴ音源を交えての、スウェーデン・ローカルとはいえ、よくこのような音源の放送を許可したなという驚きの内容です。ピートベストやシジミーニコルらに交じって、初めてビートルズのレコードをNEMSで買い求めたという伝説の人物、レイモンドジョーンズまでがインタビューに答えているのが特に興味深いところです。

続いてDVDの紹介です。DVDのディスク1は1963年の映像を収録しています。初めてのスウェーデン・ツアーに向かうロンドン空港でのビートルズから、ストックホルムの空港に到着して、大勢のファンが出迎える中、車に乗ってホテルに向かう様子など、当時のニュース映像から貴重なドキュメンタリー映像を収録しています。特に1963年10月26日ストックホルムのコンサート映像は、短いながら超貴重なもの。その中でも「蜜の味」の演奏シーンは、同曲をライヴで演奏している唯一残されている映像です。「蜜の味」をステージで演奏しているビートルズです!! 翌1963年10月27日の映像は、前座の演奏から、ビートルズ登場、そして演奏シーンまで、なんと美しいカラー映像で収録されているのです。若々しい襟なしスーツに身を包んだビートルズの貴重なカラー・ライヴ映像です。

後半は1963年10月30日に収録されたテレビ番組「Drop In」を2種のソースで収録しています。最初の「ALTERNATE VERSION」はビートルズのシーンのみですが、タイムコードが入らず、画質もアンソロジー収録と同様のハイクオリティのもの。そして「COMPLETE VERSION」はタイムコードが入り、画質は前者に若干劣るものの、当日の放送を完全収録しています。


続いて「PA Ne Sverigeturne」という、スウェーデンで制作された、スウェーデン・ツアーに特化したドキュメンタリー番組が収録されています。当時の映像をふんだんに使用し、スウェーデンでのビートルズの位置付け、当時の盛り上がりを振り返る素晴らしいドキュメンタリーです。貴重な映像、ファンが提供したと思しきフィルム、写真、そしてメモラビリアなどを散りばめ、さすが地元ならではのドキュメンタリーです。例えば日本公演の映像であれば、日本側が撮影したフィルムや当時の関係者の証言など、日本にしかないマテリアルがあるように、スウェーデン・ツアーを特集したスウェーデン制作のドキュメンタリーが存在するということは、非常にビートルズの歴史を残すという点で意義あるものとなっています。

ディスク2の後半は、現存が確認されている「Drop In」、1963年12月1日放送分、1965年1月13日放送分の2回分を完全収録しています。ビートルズは出演していませんが、同時期のアーティストが数多く出演しており、当時のミュージックシーンを知る一級の資料となっています。「Drop In」はビートルズが出演した1963年10月30日放送分と、ここに収録の2回分、合計3回分のみ、フルで残っていることになります。注目は1963年12月1日放送分にペースメーカーズが出演している点でしょう。この時の映像から「How Do You Do It」が部分的に映像版アンソロジーに使用されましたが、本作にはその完全版のみならず、もう1曲「A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues」も収録されています。アンソロジーCDにはビートルズが演奏する「How Do You Do It?」が収録されていますが、このペースメーカーズの演奏の方が断然出来が良く、ビートルズのメンバーがノリ気でなかった、結局ボツになった理由が、この日のペースメーカーズの演奏から伺えます。



Karlaplans Studio, Stockholm October 24, 1963

01. Introduction by Klas Burling
02. I Saw Her Standing There
03. From Me To You
04. Money
05. Re-introduction The Norsemen
06. Roll Over Beethoven
07. You Really Got A Hold On Me
08. She Loves You
09. Twist And Shout

Kungliga Hallen, Stockholm October 26, 1963
10. I Saw Her Standing There
11. She Loves You

DROP IN October 30, 1963
12. Drop In Signature Tune
13. introduction by Klas Burling
14. She Loves You
15. Twist And Shout
16. I Saw Her Standing There
17. Long Tall Sally
18. Drop In Signature Tune

The Johnneshovs Isstadion Stockholm July 28, 1964
19. introduction
20. I Saw Her Standing There
21. You Can’t Do That
22. She Loves You
23. All My Loving
24. Roll Over Beethoven
25. Can’t Buy Me Love
26. I Wanna Be Your Man


01. From Us To You
02. Introduction
03. Raunchy
04. That’ll Be The Day
05. Ain’t She Sweet
06. Raymond Jones Interview
07. My Bonie
08. Love Of The Loved
09. Ken Thompson Interview
10. Love Me Do
11. Pete Best Interview
12. How Do You Do It
13. George Harrison Interview
14. Love Me Do
15. Please Please Me
16. Ask Me Why
17. Beatles Introducing themself
18. Drop In Introduction – She Loves You
19. Paul McCartney Interview
20. Till There Was You
21. Rattle Your Jewerly
22. Komme Gimme Dine Hand
23. Twist And Shout
24. Fans Interview
25. Jimmy Nicol Interview
26. Beatles Interview
27. All My Loving
28. Beatles Interview

Klas Burling MEETS The Beatles
29. Interview #1
30. Interview #2
31. Interview #3
32. Interview #4


01. London Airport
02. Stockholm Airport
03. Beatles’ Arrival #1
04. Beatles’ Arrival #2
05. Beatles’ Arrival #3

Kungliga Hallen, Stockholm October 26, 1963
01. A Taste Of Honey – She Loves You

Cirkus, Goteborg October 27, 1963
01. Opening Acts
02. Beatles Concert Footage

TV SHOW “DROP IN” October 30, 1963

01. Introduction
02. She Loves You
03. Twist And Shout
04. I Saw Her Standing There
05. Long Tall Sally
06. Drop In Theme

01. Drop In Signature Tune
02. Leva Livet
03. Bossanova U.S.A.
04. Hully Gully Holiday
05. Save all Your Love For Me
06. She Loves You
07. Twist And Shout
08. I Saw Her Standing There
09. Long Tall Sally
10. Drop In Signature Tune
33. Interview #5
34. Interview #6


01. Stockholm Airport #1
02. Stockholm Airport #2
03. Fans Waiting for The Beatles
04. Interview #1
05. Interview #2
06. Interview #3

The Johnneshovs Isstadion Stockholm July 28, 1964
01. Can’t Buy Me Love
02. Airport #1
03. Airport #2

Beatles P.A Ne Sverigeturne
01. Opening
02. Unknown Artist
03. London Palladium
04. Interview #1
05. Interview #2
06. Foto Martin Dyfverman
07. Foto Sture Karlsson
08. She Loves You
09. I Saw Her Standing There

TV SHOW “DROP IN” December 1, 1963
01. Drop In Signature Tune

Michael Cox
02. Stand Up
03. I’ve Been Thinking

The Telstars and Gals & Pals
04. Five Hundred Miles

Monika Lind
05. Jag Maste Ga I Skolan

Osten Warnerbring
06. Unknown Song #1
07. Unknown Song #2

08. A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues
09. How Do You Do It?

TV SHOW “DROP IN” January 13, 1965
01. Drop In Signature Tune

The Dee Jays
02. Farmer John
03. Long Tall Shorty

Git Hill
04. Downtown
05. Hundred Sixty

Bob Asklof
06. I Love You
07. I Who Have Nothing

The Honeycombs
08. Have I The Right
09. Is It Because
10. That’s The Way
11. She’s Too Way Out
12. Drop In Signature Tune

01. How Do You Do It?

Misterclaudel MCCD-466/467/468/469

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