Beatles / Complete Recording Sessions Volume 1 / 2CD

Beatles / Complete Recording Sessions Volume 1 / 2CD / Non Label

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4th , 11th & 26th September & 11th February 1963 – EMI Studio 2, London

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Gift · release “LAST LACQUERS” which was promoted to a press CD release with limited popularity was a topic that the Beatles gathered together the acetate sounds that the Beatles left in the process from recording to mixing, but this time their recording It is the appearance of the decision board of the essential collection that summarizes the sessions which are the main books of the. That means that while it was “LAST LACQUERS” that was mainly composed of different sources of mix, this time we could hear a different take, that is to say plenty of different performances.
This is not limited to the Beatles, but speaking of the recording in the early 1960’s, the band was standby by all and the style of recording songs with “Sue” was commonplace. Recording like a puzzle was done by the development of recording technology from the mid 60’s, but the basic is a “Sue” style recording to the last. More and more groups like the Beatles were more likely to record songs with “Sue” throughout this era. Although it is exhausted, such as professional magazines etc., the Beatles’ session sound source leaked out in the latter half of the 1980’s, and a number of masterpieces such as “ULTRA RARE TRAX” will be produced. After that the anthology was released even in the official, and it is now in a blessed situation and it reaches the present.
As a matter of course, maniacs are working to make culmination that makes full use of the sound source that has been circulated abundantly. In the past silent sea, purple tick which was the most highly appreciated, and BACK TO BASICS series. Every time they are released on the net, maniacs were made maddened, but among them the release of the TO BACK BASICS series is also incandescent by press CD.
However, as time goes by so quickly, it’s been 8 years since the BACK TO BASICS series and 10 years have passed since we reached purple and tic, so both series are content-oriented and recorded It is obvious that it is necessary to reexamine. There was also a big disadvantage that the BACK TO BASICS series did not reach the end.
Work of summarizing the recording session of the Beatles is obviously a time-consuming task, and Master Jedi etc. wisely focused on editing on a sound source basis as a substitute for the time series of sessions. As a result, it was the example “LAST LACQUERS”.
But this year, a mania calling for Coltturkey has been settled, we have been reviewing the Beatles / session sound source for a while and releasing a new culmination from this summer. Of course, as well as the above-mentioned two label items, a new generation session sound source collection. In the last few years there was official release of a shock “BOOTLEG RECORDINGS 1963”, and furthermore the excavation of upper version sound from HMC, etc. There was also a place where the emergence and creation of a new comprehensive coverage covering them was awaited.

This time he will release the culmination of the session of the Beatles by him on a limited press CD, but of course it will be a press CD version after reviewing the contents as well as at the time of “LAST LACQUERS”. Coltturkey “COMPLETE RECORDING SESSIONS” was named after releasing it, firstly “Volume 2” which summarizes the session of the first album “PLEASE PLEASE ME” and “Volume 3” which put together the session after releasing album are one Merged into the title.
The first piece starts from “First time single candidate” How Do You Do It “while making by an external writer. However, in the original master by Coltturkey, there was a mistake that the ending edited version was recorded for recording on the unreleased music collection ‘SESSIONS’ in 1984, and there was a mistake in the release of this time to the original 1962 version Replacement. This is basics in basic when it is done from a mania, and the point that I want to put Tsukkomi unintentionally is also something that the sweetness of these stuffs is generally scattered when it is overseas mania. Although it tends to be overlooked unexpectedly, in fact, the best source of this sound source is Daisuke’s “ULTRA RARE TRAX Vol. 1”. I am replacing that sound source with the latest remaster this time. Also, regarding the single “Please Please Me” with no session sound source and the “Ask Me Why” on the B side, both included mono / mix for single use. The mix for single is still an official unrecorded sound source. Especially the latter single item is rare and the echo is a modest finish.
On the contrary, the wonderfulness of Coltturkey editing is that it employs the latest remastered sound source for formatting, especially as an anthology sound source. Since this remaster sound source is not CDized, it will be one of the charms of this release in terms of its sound board. For the session of the first album that was recorded in one day, a stereo session sound source of “Do You Want To Know A Secret?” And “A Taste Of Honey” was found at “BOOTLEG RECORDINGS 1963”. It is finished to the latest version “PLEASE PLEASE ME” session incorporating it. In particular, the past title did not have the ability to listen to “Do You Want To Know A Secret?” On 2-take continuous stereo.
The session of this album is the best use of the style of band recording by “back then” of the time, the difference of performance every time is really interesting, and there is a hearing response. Especially in the session landscape of “I Saw Her Standing There” everyone knows about rock fans, the fact of shock is hiding. Taking 9 times as many times as was convenient, but what was adopted is take 1. However, it does not begin with that performance, that impressive Paul’s cry count. Actually this count, what Paul issued at the time of take 9 which became the last performance, it bothers to take it out and add it to take 1.
And on the master disk, an unrecorded stereo mix that I could listen to the American editing board “RARITIES” (Japanese title “Realismize Vol.2”) is additionally recorded at the time of this release.

The second disc is gathered around the session of the third single “From Me To You”. On this day they recorded “Thank You Girl” of B side, and “One After 909” which is re-recorded after five years or more. It became a hot topic recently, and the demo · acetate of “What Goes On” recorded in the latest release “LAST LACQUERS” was actually based on the regular recording of this day, but the song of the song It was a song whose recording was not realized because I was running out of my studio’s reservation time in the session.
As evidenced, every song has repeatedly taken over. Besides that, after taking a take as a master, I am trying out different patterns and arrangements that I came up with for endings and interludes. When connecting these parts, a difference in mix was created between UK and the United States. Among them, the scene where you try Hamming “From Me To You” as “Wo Wo Wo” instead of “La la la la la” is interesting.
Also included bonuses include “From Me To You” playfully played in a rock band and playfully playful. From the voice quality of John, it is speculated that it was plucked between sessions around the time of the white album, but many of you will hear for the first time in this release. “One After 909” was one of the original Coltturkey version and “BACK TO BASICS” sound quality falling by one rank, but this time also review the contents and replace it with a proprietary upgrade sound source. This is a must watch out!
Another bonus includes a version of the fans remastered “She Loves You” where session tapes do not exist. The song is a song that has been gathered together in one song by joining multiple takes, and the bridge becomes bigger and smaller as a result of master’s aging. This is a version that fans have successfully solved.
And as with the purple · tick which was the release before the album was remastered, it does not take in the album itself, or as original like the BACK TO BASICS, it is the same mix, different versions of the equalization added independently in each country Unlike the core over content that covers up to the end, the latest upgrade version with no waste will finally come on as a culmination of studio sessions to the last!

ギフト・リリース好評のあまり限定のプレスCDリリースに昇格したバージョンが絶好調な「LAST LACQUERS」はビートルズがレコーディングからミキシング作業への過程で残したアセテート音源をまとめたタイトルでしたが、今回は彼らのレコーディングの大本であるセッションをまとめたエッセンシャル・コレクションの決定盤の登場です。ということは、主にミックスの違う音源がまとめられていたのが「LAST LACQUERS」だったのに対し、今回は別テイク、つまり違う演奏がたっぷりと聞けてしまうということ。
これはビートルズに限ったことではないのですが、1960年代初頭におけるレコーディングと言えば、バンドが全員でスタンバイし「せーの」で曲を録音するスタイルが当たり前でした。60年代の半ばから録音技術の発達によってパズルのような録音も行われるようになったものですが、あくまで基本は「せーの」スタイルの録音。増してやビートルズのようなグループはこの時代を通して「せーの」で曲を録音する場合の方が多かったのです。専門誌などを始めとして語り尽されたことではありますが、1980年代の後半にビートルズのセッション音源が流出、あの「ULTRA RARE TRAX」を始めとした数々の名盤が生み出されることになります。その後オフィシャルでもアンソロジーがリリースされるなど、さらに恵まれた状況となって今に至ります。
当然のことながら、そうして豊富に出回った音源を駆使した集大成を作るべくマニアが取り組みます。古くはサイレント・シー、もっとも評価の高かったパープル・チック、そしてBACK TO BASICSシリーズといった具合です。それらがネット上で公開される度にマニアは狂喜させられたものですが、中でもBACK TO BASICSシリーズはプレスCDによるリリースも白熱。
ところが時が経つのは早いもので、BACK TO BASICSシリーズからは8年、パープル・チックに至ってはもはや10年もの歳月が過ぎてしまったことから、どちらのシリーズも内容的な古さや収録内容の見直しが必要になって来たのは当然のこと。またBACK TO BASICSシリーズは最後まで辿りつかなかったという大きな欠点もありました。
ビートルズのレコーディング・セッションをまとめるという作業は当然ながら手間を要するものであり、Master Jediなどはセッションの時系列の代わりとして、賢明にも音源単位での編集に着目。その結果として生み出されのが例の「LAST LACQUERS」だったのです。
しかし今年に入ってColtturkeyを名乗るマニアが決起、久々にビートルズ・セッション音源の見直しと新たな集大成のリリースに今年の夏から取り掛かっています。目的はもちろん、先に挙げた二レーベルのアイテムに代わる新世代のセッション音源コレクション。ここ数年はオフィシャルでまさかの「BOOTLEG RECORDINGS 1963」という衝撃のリリース、さらにはHMCからのアッパー版音源の発掘などもあり、それらを網羅した新たな集大成の登場と作成が待ち望まれていたところでした。

今回はそんな彼によるビートルズのセッション集大成を限定のプレスCDにてリリースいたしますが、もちろん「LAST LACQUERS」の時と同様に内容を見直した上でのプレスCDバージョンとなります。Coltturkey「COMPLETE RECORDING SESSIONS」と名打ってリリースした中から、まずはファースト・アルバム「PLEASE PLEASE ME」のセッションをまとめた「Volume 2」とアルバム・リリース後のセッションをまとめた「Volume 3」を一つのタイトルへと合体。
一枚目は外部ライターによる作ながらもファースト・シングル候補であった「How Do You Do It」からスタート。ところがColtturkeyによる原盤では何と84年に未発表曲集「SESSIONS」への収録用にエンディングが編集されたバージョンが収録されるというミスがあり今回のリリースに際しては、そこをオリジナルの1962年バージョンへと差し替え。これはマニアからすると基本中の基本であり、思わずツッコミを入れたくなるようなポイントも、海外のマニアだと概してこうした詰めの甘さが散見されてしまうものです。意外と見過ごされがちですが、実はこの音源の最良ソースはいにしえの「ULTRA RARE TRAX Vol.1」。今回その音源を最新リマスターで差し替え収録しています。またセッション音源が現存しないシングル「Please Please Me」とB面の「Ask Me Why」に関しては、どちらもシングル用モノ・ミックスを追加収録。シングル用ミックスはいまだにオフィシャル未CD化音源。特に後者のシングル用モノはレアですし、エコーが控えめな仕上がりとなっています。
反対にColtturkey編集の素晴らしさは、特にアンソロジー音源に最新のフォーマット用リマスター音源を採用しているところが挙げられます。このリマスター音源はCD化されていませんので、その音盤化という点で今回のリリースの魅力の一つとなるでしょう。それに一日でレコーディングされたファースト・アルバムのセッションに関しては「Do You Want To Know A Secret?」や「A Taste Of Honey」のステレオ・セッション音源が「BOOTLEG RECORDINGS 1963」にて発掘。それを取り入れた最新バージョンの「PLEASE PLEASE ME」セッションへと仕上がっています。特に「Do You Want To Know A Secret?」が2テイク連続ステレオで聴けるようになったのは過去タイトルにはありませんでした。
このアルバムのセッションこそ当時の「せーの」によるバンド録音のスタイルが最大限に生かされており、毎回の演奏の違いが本当に面白く、しかも聞き応えのあるものです。中でもロックファンなら誰もが知っているであろう「I Saw Her Standing There」のセッション風景は衝撃の事実が潜んでいる。都合9回ものテイクが重ねられましたが、採用されたのは何とテイク1。ところがその演奏、あの印象的なポールの叫ぶカウントから始まらないのです。実はこのカウント、最後の演奏となったテイク9の際にポールが発したものであって、わざわざそこから切り取ってテイク1に付け足していたのですね。

二枚目のディスクはサード・シングル「From Me To You」のセッションを中心にまとめられています。この日の彼らは他にB面曲の「Thank You Girl」、さらには五年以上後になってレコーディングし直される「One After 909」が録音されました。最近公開されて話題となり、最新リリースの「LAST LACQUERS」に収録された「What Goes On」のデモ・アセテートも実はこの日の正規レコーディングを踏まえてのものでしたが、ここまで挙げてきた曲のセッションでスタジオの予約時間を使い切ってしまったことから録音が実現しなかった曲だったのです。
それを証明するように、どの曲も念入りにテイクが繰り返されている。それだけでなくマスターとなるテイクが録れた後、エンディングや間奏用に思い付いたパターンやアレンジを別録りで試しているのです。それらのパートをつなぎ合わせる際に、UKとアメリカでミックスの違いが生み出されることになりました。中でも「From Me To You」のハミングを「ラララーララ」ではなく「ウウウーウウ」と試している場面は面白い。
またボーナスにはロックバンドでひっそりと聞かれた「From Me To You」おふざけ調な演奏まで収録。ジョンの声質からしてホワイト・アルバムの頃に、セッションの合間で爪弾いたのだと推測されますが、今回のリリースで初めて耳にする人も多いのではないでしょうか。「One After 909」はオリジナルのColtturkeyバージョンや「BACK TO BASICS」でも音質がワンランク落ちるものでしたが、今回この箇所も内容を見直し、独自入手のアップグレード音源へ差し替え。ここは要注目です!
ボーナスにはもう一つ、セッション・テープが現存しない「She Loves You」をファンがリマスターしたバージョンを収録。同曲は複数のテイクをつなぎ合わせて一曲にまとめられており、マスターの経年と相まってそのつなぎ目が大なり小なり気になってしまう曲でした。そうした粗をファンが見事に解消してみせたバージョンがこれ。
そしてアルバムがリマスターされる前のリリースだったパープル・チックのようにアルバム本体を取り込むこともなく、あるいはBACK TO BASICSのように元は同じミックスながら、各国で独自に加えられたイコライズの違うバージョンまで網羅するというコア過ぎる内容とも違い、あくまでスタジオ・セッション集大成として無駄のない最新アップグレード・バージョンが遂に登場します!

Disc 1 (79:07)
4th September 1962 – EMI Studio 2, London – 7:00PM-10:00 PM
1. How Do You Do It [Take 2] 2. Love Me Do [The Ringo Version]

11th September 1962 – EMI Studio 2, London – 10:00AM-1:00 PM
3. Please Please Me [Take Unknown From Acetate]

26th November 1962 – EMI Studio 2, London – 7:00PM-10:00 PM
4. Please Please Me [Take Unknown UK Single Mix] 5. Ask Me Why [Take 6 UK Single Mix]

11th February 1963 – EMI Studio 2, London – 10:00AM-1:00 PM
6. There’s A Place [Take 1] 7. There’s A Place [Take 2] 8. There’s A Place [Take 3] 9. There’s A Place [Take 4] 10. There’s A Place [Take 5] 11. There’s A Place [Take 6] 12. There’s A Place [Take 7] 13. There’s A Place [Take 8] 14. There’s A Place [Take 9] 15. There’s A Place [Take 10] 16. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 1] 17. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 2] 18. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 3] 19. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 4] 20. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 5] 21. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 6] 22. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 7] 23. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 8] 24. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 9]

11th February 1963 – EMI Studio 2, London – 2:30PM – 6:00 PM
25. Do You Want To Know A Secret [Take 7] 26. Do You Want To Know A Secret [Take 8] 27. A Taste Of Honey [Take 6] 28. A Taste Of Honey [Take 7] 29. There’s A Place [Take 11] 30. There’s A Place [Take 12] 31. There’s A Place [Take 13] 32. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 10] 33. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 11] 34. I Saw Her Standing There [Take 12] 35. Misery [Take 1] 36. Misery [Take 2] 37. Misery [Take 3] 38. Misery [Take 4] 39. Misery [Take 5] 40. Misery [Take 6] 41. Misery [Take 7] 42. Misery [Take 8] 43. Misery [Take 9]

20th February 1963 – EMI Studio 2, London
44. Misery [Take 16 US Stereo Mix For ‘Rarities’]

Bonus Tracks
45. “That’s It, Thats A Master” [Undated Studio-Outtake] 46. How Do You Do It [Take 2 – 1,2,3,4 Tape Extended Edit] 47. Do You Want To Know A Secret [Take 8 Mono] 48. There’s A Place [Take 13 US Stereo Mix For ‘Rarities’]

Disc 2 (70:11)
5th March 1963 – EMI Stuido 2, London – 2:30PM – 10:00 PM
1. From Me To You [Take 1] 2. From Me To You [Take 2] 3. From Me To You [Take 3] 4. From Me To You [Take 4] 5. From Me To You [Take 5] 6. From Me To You [Take 6] 7. From Me To You [Take 7] 8. Thank You Girl [Take 1] 9. Thank You Girl [Take 2] 10. Thank You Girl [Take 3] 11. Thank You Girl [Take 4] 12. Thank You Girl [Take 5] 13. Thank You Girl [Take 6] 14. Thank You Girl [Take 7] 15. Thank You Girl [Take 8] 16. Thank You Girl [Take 9] 17. Thank You Girl [Take 10] 18. Thank You Girl [Take 11] 19. Thank You Girl [Take 12] 20. Thank You Girl [Take 13] 21. Thank You Girl [RS from Takes 14+30 – Barrett Mix] 22. Thank You Girl [RS from Take 30 – Barrett Mix] 23. From Me To You [Take ‘8’ – Edit Master] 24. From Me To You [Edit of Takes 9,10,11,12,13 And Pieces 1,2] 25. From Me To You [RS from Takes 8-10 – Barrett Mix] 26. One After 909 [Take 1] 27. One After 909 [Take 2] 28. One After 909 [Take 3] 29. One After 909 [Take 4] 30. One After 909 [Take 5]

1st July 1963 – EMI Stuido 2, London
31. She Loves You [Unknown Takes – Fan Remaster]

30 July 1963 – EMI Stuido 2, London – 10:00AM – 11:00PM
32. Piano and Drums Instrumental
33. Please Mister Postman [Take 3 – Monitor Mix] 34. Please Mister Postman [Take 9 – Monitor Mix] 35. It Won’t Be Long [Take 7 – Monitor Mix] 36. It Won’t Be Long [Take 10 – Monitor Mix] 37. All My Loving [RS14 from Take 14]

21st August 1963 – EMI Studios, London
38. Money (That’s What I Want) [RM7 from Take 7 – Undubbed] Recording Date: 18th July 1963

Bonus Tracks
39. From Me To You [Unknown Date & Take] 40. Thank You Girl [Mono version in stereo (Fan Edit)] 41. From Me To You [Mono version in stereo (Fan Edit)] 42. One After 909 [Edit of Takes 4+5 Anthology 1 Mix]

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