Bay City Rollers / On TV 1977-1978 Japanese Broadcast / 2DVDR

Bay City Rollers / On TV 1977-1978 Japanese Broadcast / 2DVDR / Non label

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A sequel to the super-topic work that became a record-breaking hit! The second installment of the 70’s Japanese broadcasting series is born.
The hit series is a collection of TV professional shots that portrays “Western music of the 70’s” itself with BAY CITY ROLLERS as the axis. The theme of the first “1975-1976” was the legendary first visit to Japan, but this time around the second (October 1977) and third (September 1978) visits to BAY CITY ROLLERS. Archive of 4 special TV programs that appear in PAT McGLYNN’S SCOTTIES and BUSTER. Of course, it is a super masterpiece that has been digitized directly from the treasured master by the same enthusiast as the first one. Now, let’s introduce each of the four types of programs.

[DISC 1: October 1977 Rollers return to Japan special program (about 48 minutes)] First of all, the TV special program that came back to Japan, which was realized in just 10 months from the legendary first visit to Japan. “Exclusive!” Broadcast on a commercial broadcaster. “Bay City Rollers Special”. There was a studio live even when I first came to Japan, but this is also the version that will come back to Japan. This is a special performance held at “October 9, 1977 CX # 6 Studio”.
The main is a stage performance (9 songs), and the princes will have a repertoire centered on the 6 songs of the latest work “Koi no Game” in front of Western music girls who have heart-shaped eyes like their first visit to Japan. Unfold. “(Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha) We want ROLLERS !!” I don’t think it’s as dangerous as it was a year ago. The members also stood up with a rough appearance, and it was a return to Japan with a mood that became an adult.
And it is telop that the sense of the times unique to Japanese programs oozes. Immediately after the start, the handwritten characters “This is BCR!” Were caught in the handwriting, and “BCR was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, England in 1968. > Began, and it was the heyday of Tigers and Blue Comets. ” There is no MC or lyrics translation for this program, but instead (?) It is also a point that almost all songs have explanations. For example, in “It’s A Game”, it was introduced as “Sales number … 700,000 copies, the biggest hit song, the final number of the concert. A million-seller song of BCR in the United States. The song most familiar to fans”, and in “Rebel Rebel” “Eric is in charge of lead vocals, David Boy’s original song”. The ultimate is the last “Don’t Let the Music Die”. Only this song has no song commentary, and Japanese messages from the members flow. If you think this is like a graduation ceremony, the end is “Goodbye Youth”. It’s a very moving ballad, but the production of suddenly forcibly ending youth is quite forcible and close to my heart.
Although the order was different, interviews and documentary corners were also inserted at the beginning and key points of this program. Interviews that say “I’m tired of tartan checks” and mention Pat McGlynn’s withdrawal are interesting, and the appearance of female voice fans who resist being picked up by airport guards is also super real. Even better is the scene of moving from the hotel to Nippon Budokan. It feels like “Mission Impossible” or Carlos Ghosn lurking in a truck carrying musical instruments and escaping the hotel, and after that, the female fans who rush in as soon as they switch to hire are almost zombie movies. I wonder, “Why did you switch from the truck?”, But the sight of police officers, guards of broadcast songs, and employees rushing in to protect the members is quite impressive.

[DISC 1: Pat McGlynn special program for visiting Japan in November 1977 (about 27 minutes)] Pat McGlynn is unforgettable when it comes to returning to Japan in 1977. Having left Rollers in May of the same year, he released his debut work “Pat Debut! That Girl is an Idol” and came to Japan as PAT McGLYNN’S SCOTTIES to pass by Rollers. And, in this work as well, following the Rollers version, the special number of the Pat version is recorded.
This special program was also mainly for studio live performances, and performed 5 songs at the same “101 Studio” as when he first came to Japan. It is exactly the “sequel to Japan for the first time” and “Pat for Rollers”. And the performance is wonderful. Although the gesture of raising his right hand while playing the guitar seems to be innocent, he has grown rapidly not only as a singer but also as a frontman in just one year. The MC is also in Japanese, and she will show us the entertainer who will introduce “She’d Rather Be With Me” in the Japanese title “That girl is an idol”.
And it is the comment corner that is confused by the position of such a leading role. Along with Brian Spence, he answers the questions given in advance, but he seems to be nervous but trying hard to answer. In terms of content, there are many things that I want to be familiar with, such as my favorite foods and types of women, but the one that surprises me is “Why did you quit Rollers?” Even though he was stubborn, he said, “It will be a long time to talk, but in fact, I was told to stop. I can’t say anything more. I will talk about it in the near future. Everyone at Rollers,” Hello “.” It’s not a shock now that I know it after that, but Pat, who was 19 years old at the time, is soaked in the best of his ability.

[DISC 1: July 1977 BUSTER special number (about 19 minutes)] DISC 1 contains another 1977 TV program. It is a special program of BUSTER, which was divided into two popularity with Rollers in Japan at that time. Rollers and Pat featured coming to Japan, but this is a special feature produced in the UK broadcast by the Japanese “Young Music Show” in Japan. The first broadcast version of “August 6”, the time signal “5:05” is also super-realistic.
The content is an interview and recording scene in his hometown Liverpool. In addition, he is performing 6 songs in a studio set like “The Best Ten”. Although it is a mime, it is valuable just to be able to see BUSTER that moves with official-grade visual beauty, and it is also intense because it comes with Japanese specifications with lyrics translations for MC and two songs “Sunday” and “I’m A Fool”. rare. “Buster is a group of four young people who grew up listening to the Beatles from Liverpool, the same as the Beatles. Their musical journey has just begun.” The telop is also full of time.

[DISC 2: Special program for Rollers’ third visit to Japan in September 1978 (about 47 minutes)] The theme of DISC 2 instead was the third Rollers visit to Japan, which was realized in September 1978, about a year later. This is the Bay City Rollers special program that was produced at that time and broadcast on a commercial broadcaster. This program is also mainly a studio performance, and 9 songs will be shown in a special set with disco-style illumination and glare. It’s like doing “Yoru no Hit Studio” with Rollers alone, with no audience. The selection is wider than ever, and while taking up “Rock’N’Roller” and “Yesterday’s Hero” that were played even in Japan for the first time, the axis is the latest 5 songs “Strangers in the Wind”. In addition, “Wouldn’t You Like It” and “You Made Me Believe In Magic” are also delicious repertoires that have never been seen in special programs.
And, off-shots and interviews are inserted between such studio performances. It seems that it was taken on a holiday during his visit to Japan, and the members who enjoy playing pocket bikes, off-road bikes, go-karts, horse riding, etc. with the three songs “Bye Bye Baby”, “It’s A Game” and “I Only Wanna Be With You” in the background. The figure is reflected. It’s also a little PV style. And at the scene, an interview unique to the program. Leslie likes VAN HALEN (!), Which has just debuted, Eric talks about his homage to Paul McCartney, and Alain has a ranch. So far, my two visits to Japan have been “chasing frenzy” and “how about Japanese girls? Interviews”, but in 1978 for the third time, tell me an interesting story in a different and calm mood. I will.

This is the second collection of masterpiece professional shots depicting Rollers expanding their possibilities from idols to musicians. The first “1975-1976” was scooped out to the world of the 1970s surrounding the Rollers phenomenon, but this work also covers the surroundings of scenes such as rivals such as Pat McGlynn and BUSTER who withdrew. At that time, I cut out the late 70’s from the perspective of a fan who loved Rollers. The spectacle of each song permeates the chest, and the scent of the times is rich because it is wide. A sister version of such a masterpiece series (there is no plan for the third edition). Please enjoy it together with the first blockbuster “ON TV 1975-1976”.

★ A collection of Japanese broadcast TV professional shots with the theme of the second (October 1977) and third (September 1978) visits to Japan. Not only Rollers, but also PAT McGLYNN ’S SCOTTIES and BUSTER are archived in 4 special TV programs. It is a sister work directly made into a DVD from the original master by the same enthusiast as the first “1975-1976” dealing with the first visit to Japan. Not to mention the gorgeous hit parade studio performance, the escape drama lurking in the equipment transport truck to escape from the airport guards and the fans who are flirting, the putt who can be confused as “actually it was a dismissal”, etc. You can enjoy plenty of images for 2 hours and 21 minutes.

記録的大ヒットとなった超話題作に、まさかの続編が登場! 70年代の日本放送シリーズの第二弾が誕生です。
そのヒットシリーズとは、BAY CITY ROLLERSを軸として「70年代の洋楽」そのものを超リアルに描き出すTVプロショット集。第一弾の『1975-1976』では伝説の初来日がテーマでしたが、今回はBAY CITY ROLLERS二度目(1977年10月)・三度目(1978年9月)の来日を基軸に、PAT McGLYNN’S SCOTTIESやBUSTERまで登場するテレビ特番4種をアーカイヴ。もちろん、第一弾と同じマニアによる秘蔵マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化した超名品です。それでは、さっそく4種の番組をそれぞれご紹介していきましょう。

【DISC 1:1977年10月ローラーズ再来日特番(約48分)】
メインはステージ・パフォーマンス(9曲)でして、初来日と同じように目がハートな洋楽女子たちを前に王子様たちが最新作『恋のゲーム』の6曲を軸としたレパートリーを繰り広げる。ビシッとした「(チャチャッチャ・チャ・チャ)We want ROLLERS!!」やキャアキャアっぷりは初来日にも負けていませんが、大きな会場で距離を作ったせいか、それとも現場の仕切りが手慣れてきたのか、1年前ほど危険な感じはしない。メンバー達もラフな出で立ちで、グッと大人になったムードの再来日なのです。
そして、日本番組ならではの時代感が滲むのはやはりテロップ。開始早々「これがB・C・Rだー!」の手書き文字に鷲づかみされ、「B・C・Rは1968年イギリスのスコットランド・エジンバラで誕生した。この年、日本では〈夜のヒットスタジオ〉が始まり、タイガース、ブルーコメッツの全盛期であった」の略歴もむせ返る70年代臭。この番組はMCや歌詞対訳はないのですが、その代わり(?)ほとんど全曲に解説が付いているのもポイント。例えば「It’s A Game」では「売り上げ枚数……70万枚 最大のヒット曲、コンサートのファイナルナンバー。米国でB.C.R.のミリオンセラー曲。ファンにとり一番おなじみの曲」と紹介され、「Rebel Rebel」では「エリックがリードボーカルを担当、デヴイッド・ボーイのオリジナル曲」と流れます。極めつけはラストの「Don’t Let the Music Die」。この曲だけは曲解説がなく、メンバーからの日本語メッセージが流れる。これがやけに卒業式っぽいと思ったら、最後には「さようなら青春」で〆。たしかに大感動バラードではありますが、唐突に青春を強制終了する演出がなかなか強引で胸に迫ります。

【DISC 1:1977年11月パット・マッグリン来日特番(約27分)】
1977年の再来日と言ったら、忘れられないのがパット・マッグリン。同年5月にローラーズを脱退していた彼はデビュー作『パット・デビュー! あの娘はアイドル』をリリースし、ローラーズとすれ違うようにPAT McGLYNN’S SCOTTIESとして来日を果たした。そして、本作でもローラーズ篇に続いてパット篇の特番を収録しているわけです。
この特番もスタジオ・ライヴがメインで、初来日の時と同じ「101スタジオ」で5曲を披露。まさに「初来日の続編」「ローラーズに対するパット篇」なのです。そして、そのパフォーマンスが素晴らしい。ギターを弾きながらときため右手を挙げる仕草には初々しさが見られるものの、たった1年でシンガーとしてだけでなく、フロントマンとしても急成長。MCには日本語も交え、「She’d Rather Be With Me」も邦題「あの娘はアイドル」で紹介するエンターテイナーぶりを見せてくれます。

【DISC 1:1977年7月BUSTER特番(約19分)】
DISC 1には、さらに1977年のテレビ番組をもう1つ収録。当時の日本ではローラーズと人気を二分していたBUSTERの特番です。ローラーズやパットは来日をフィーチュアしていましたが、こちらはイギリス制作の特集を日本の「ヤング・ミュージック・ショウ」が日本放送したもの。“8月6日”の初回放送版で、時報「5:05」も超リアルです。
内容は、故郷リバプールでのインタビューやレコーディング風景。さらに「ザ・ベストテン」的なスタジオ・セットで6曲を披露しています。マイムではありますが、オフィシャル級の映像美で動くBUSTERが観られるというだけでも貴重ですし、さらにMCや2曲「Sunday」「I’m A Fool」に歌詞対訳も付く日本仕様と来るのですから激レア。ラストに流れる「バスターはビートルズと同じリバプール出身でビートルズを聞いて育った若い四人のグループである。彼らの音楽の旅はいまようやくはじまったばかりだ」テロップも時代感全開です。

【DISC 2:1978年9月ローラーズ三度目の来日特番(約47分)】
代わってのDISC 2のテーマは、約1年後の1978年9月に実現したローラーズ三度目の来日。その際に制作され、某民放局で放送されたベイ・シティ・ローラーズ特番です。この番組もスタジオ・パフォーマンスがメインで、ディスコ調の電飾ギラギラな特設セットで9曲を披露します。観客を入れないタイプで『夜のヒットスタジオ』をローラーズだけでやっているような感じです。そのセレクトはこれまで以上に幅広く、初来日でも演奏していた「Rock ‘N’ Roller」「Yesterday’s Hero」も取り上げつつ、軸はあくまで最新作『風のストレンジャー』の5曲。さらに「Wouldn’t You Like It」「You Made Me Believe In Magic」辺りもこれまでの特番では観られなかった美味しいレパートリーです。
そして、そんなスタジオ・パフォーマンスの合間に挿入されているのがオフショット&インタビュー。来日中の休日に撮影されたと思われ、3曲「Bye Bye Baby」「It’s A Game」「I Only Wanna Be With You」をバックにポケバイやオフロード・バイク、ゴーカート、乗馬などに興じるメンバーの姿が映される。ちょっとしたPV風でもあります。そして、その現場では番組独自のインタビュー。レスリーがデビューしたばかりのVAN HALEN(!)を気に入っていたり、エリックがポール・マッカートニーへの敬愛を語ったり、アランが牧場持ちだったり。これまでの二度の来日は「追っかけ狂乱」と「日本の女の子はどう?的インタビュー」ばかりでしたが、三度目の1978年は違って落ち着いたムードの中で興味深い話を披露してくれます。

アイドルからミュージシャンへと可能性を広げていくローラーズを描いた傑作プロショット集の第二弾です。第一弾の『1975-1976』はローラーズ現象を囲む70年代の世相までえぐり出していましたが、本作は脱退したパット・マッグリンやBUSTERといったライバル達といったシーンの周辺もカバー。当時、ローラーズを愛したファンならではの視点で70年代後期を切り取っています。1曲1曲の光景が胸に染み渡り、広がりがあるから時代の薫りも濃厚。そんな傑作シリーズの姉妹篇(第三弾の予定はありません)。どうぞ、大ヒット中の第一弾『ON TV 1975-1976』と併せてたっぷりとお楽しみください。

★二度目(1977年10月)・三度目(1978年9月)の来日をテーマにした日本放送TVプロショット集。ローラーズだけではなく、PAT McGLYNN’S SCOTTIESやBUSTERまで登場するテレビ特番4種をアーカイヴしています。初来日を扱った第一弾『1975-1976』と同じマニアによるオリジナル・マスターからダイレクトにDVD化された姉妹作です。豪華ヒット・パレードなスタジオ・パフォーマンスはもちろんのこと、空港警備員とモメるファン達や追っかけから逃れるために機材運搬トラックに潜む脱走劇、「実はクビだった」とぶっちゃけるパット等々、生々しい衝撃映像がたっぷり2時間21分に渡って楽しめます。

Disc 1(94:03)
Live at Studio, Tokyo, Japan 9th October 1977

1. Interview
2. Introduction
「9月15日18:00 BCR台風上陸 取材人員200名」「ごった返す空港ロビー」「電話殺到」

3. It’s A Game ★曲解説入り
4. Saturday Night ★曲解説入り
5. Move from hotel to Budokan ★脱走劇
6. Rock And Roll Love Letter ★曲解説入り
7. Rebel Rebel ★曲解説入り
8. Sweet Virginia ★曲解説入り
9. Love Forever ★曲解説入り
10. Dance, Dance, Dance ★曲解説入り
★テロップ字幕「演奏が中断するこの騒ぎ! ファンBNのコール……We want ROLLERS」
11. Honey Honey ★曲解説入り
12. Don’t Let the Music Die

Pat McGlynn & Scotties(26:52)
Live at NHK Studio, Tokyo, Japan 4th November 1977
Broadcast Date: 3rd January 1978

13. Introduction
14. Pat & Brian talk★実は「やめろ」と言われた。それ以上のことは言えません
15. Funky Music
16. Hang Loose
17. Write A Letter
18. We Made It Last Summertime
19. She’d Rather Be With Me ★邦題「あの娘はアイドル」で紹介

Buster (19:19)
Young Music Show
Broadcast Date: 6th August 1977

20. Introduction
21. Goodbye Paradise
22. Sunday ★歌詞字幕入り
23. Love Breaker
24. I’m A Fool ★歌詞字幕入り
25. Saturday Night
26. Who Told You


Disc 2(47:26)
TV Special 1978
Broadcast Date: September 1978

1. Rock ‘N’ Roller ★歌詞字幕入り
2. Yesterday’s Hero ★歌詞字幕入り
3. Bye Bye Baby ★オフショット
4. Love Brought Me Such a Magical Thing
5. You Made Me Believe In Magic ★歌詞字幕入り
6. It’s A Game ★オフショット
7. Another Rainy Day In New York City ★歌詞字幕入り
8. Back On The Street ★歌詞字幕入り
9. I Only Wanna Be With You ★オフショット
10. Where Will I Be Now ★歌詞字幕入り
11. Wouldn’t You Like It
12. All of the World Is Falling In Love ★歌詞字幕入り



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