Band / Greek Theatre 1976 Second Night / 2CD + Bonus

Band / Greek Theatre 1976 Second Night / 2CD + Bonus / ZION

Live at Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA 25th August 1976

Play sample :

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America in the summer of 76, which was the last tour for The Band. Speaking of this tour, the masterpiece audience “LENOX 1976 STEVE HOPKINS MASTER” by Steve Hopkins is a masterpiece, and it is very valuable in that it captures the whole live performance that cannot be heard in the example radio broadcast with superb sound quality. It has become a high bestseller.
Certainly, there is no doubt that “LENOX 1976 ~” is the top regarding the audience recording of this tour, but there is also an unexpected fact that valuable audience recordings recorded by Japanese people have been around for a long time. There was. Since it was the band’s first live performance in a long time, it was also featured in Japanese music magazines, and it was also a tour where unexpectedly many Japanese people participated. It can be said that those who were witnessed were even more fortunate because it was virtually the last tour for them.

Such a valuable record is the Greek Theater on August 25th. Although it is not as good as the exceptional quality of “LENOX 1976 ~”, the solid texture of monaural recording is really comfortable to listen to the band and the sound image is surprisingly close. Finally, besides “LENOX 1976 ~”, there is a feeling that a high-quality audience of the 76-year tour, which is sufficient for the release on the limited press CD, has appeared.
However, this sound source is not the first appearance. It has been around among traders for a long time, and on the contrary, it has a track record of releasing the title “TEARS OF GRIEF” in the 90’s. However, due to the fact that the version between traders passed from Japan to overseas, the result was that cassette dubbing was extremely repeated and spread, and in the trader list etc., the label “sound quality is not good” was stuck .
Of course, “TEARS OF GRIEF”, which was made into a CD from a cassette tape that was in such a state as it is, is also now in a considerably rough quality, with a higher pitch and less hiss noise. Indeed, this is the reason why it was called “sound quality is not good”, and I could see that the generation had risen considerably. It is also a record of The Band, the last tour with precious Japanese recording. The value of such a sound source has been halved.

I was really surprised because the master cassette of this unfortunate sound source was suddenly provided. Of course, at the master level, it has not been circulated among traders at all, and excavation of shock without multiplication. Above all, the quality has improved dramatically, and it seems that the 5th rank has become easier to hear. Indeed, there is no doubt that you will be surprised that the original recording was such a wonderful sound quality. Therefore, the version that has been circulating among traders and the old CD “TEARS OF GRIEF” are completely incomparable. You will truly be reminded of the power of the master.
After the end of “Up On Cripple Creek”, the scene that eloquently tells us that this sound source was a recording by a Japanese person said, “It was good!” It’s so warm. However, in the same song and “Ophelia” there is a cut that seems to have accidentally pressed the recording stop button, but in “TEARS OF GRIEF” it is clear that such a part was boldly cut and hidden I guess. It’s a disappointing part, but this time we recorded it completely without cutting, including those parts.
Also, compared to “LENOX 1976~”, The Band’s performance is played in a more relaxed atmosphere that is unique to them. Among them, “Tears Of Rage”, in which the decline of Richard Manuel’s voice had come to the fore, sings well as the tour goes on, and “LENOX 1976 ~” and Asbury Park’s black and white pro shot video It is a 76-year version that can be heard with much more peace of mind than such.
In addition, the flow from the familiar “Genetic Method” by Garth Hudson to “Chest Fever” is approaching with his organ with tremendous power, but it is also in comparison with the existing board and the gene drop cassette between traders. a level that should not be

A special bonus track suitable for the limited press CD release of a Japanese recording that realized such a shocking master recording is also included. When the movie “THE LAST WALTZ” was released in 1978, Robbie came to Japan to promote the movie. The event that took place at that time was also held at the theater, and a jam session with the band was realized, not just a press conference or preview.
This pattern was widely reported in the rear tie, but the existence of a sound source that actually captured the pattern of the session was not known at all. However, the tapers who recorded the Greek Theater this time were recording up to this event!
I was surprised that it was a very epoch-making event where Robbie’s question and answer session on the movie was completed briefly, and moved to a jam where he would be able to demonstrate his true strength. First of all, I played “The Weight” with the instrumental band. What’s more, Robbie puts up a main guitarist without putting out his ego, and yet he puts in a dry phrase that seems to be him.
And, like the finale of “THE LAST WALTZ”, during “I Shall Be Released”, the artists who were present on the day went up on the stage and sang in chorus, while Robbie exploded with his favorite phrase in the interlude. This very precious scene is also captured in monaural sound quality, and it is a bonus track that is as shocking as the master recording of the main story Greek Theater. A limited press CD release that combines the super upper version master and the first visit to Japan of the phantom lobby that will surprise maniacs all over the world!

ザ・バンドにとって最後のツアーとなってしまった76年夏のアメリカ。このツアーと言えばスティーブ・ホプキンスによる傑作オーディエンス「LENOX 1976 STEVE HOPKINS MASTER」が代表作となっており、例のラジオ放送では伺い知れないライブ全体を極上音質で捉えてくれたという点でも非常に価値が高いベストセラーとなっています。
確かに本ツアーのオーディエンス録音に関しては「LENOX 1976~」がトップであることは疑いようもないのですが、何と日本人によって記録された貴重なオーディエンス録音が昔から出回っているという意外な事実もあったのです。ザ・バンド久しぶりのライブ活動であったことから日本の音楽誌においても取り上げられ、思いのほか多くの日本人が参戦していたツアーでもあったのです。それが実質的に彼らにとって最後のツアーとなってしまったのだから、なおさら目撃された方は幸運であったと言えるでしょう。

そんな貴重な記録が8月25日のグリーク・シアター。さすがに「LENOX 1976~」の別格クオリティには及ばないものの、それでもモノラル録音のどっしりとした質感が実にザ・バンドに打ってつけな聞き心地で音像も驚くほど近い。ようやく「LENOX 1976~」以外でも限定プレスCDでのリリースに足る76年ツアーの良質オーディエンスが登場してくれた感があります。
ところがこちらの音源、今回が初登場ではありません。以前からトレーダー間にも出回っており、それどころか90年代に「TEARS OF GRIEF」というタイトルがリリースされた実績まである。しかしトレーダー間のバージョンは日本から海外を経由したせいで極端にカセット・ダビングが繰り返されて広まる結果となってしまい、トレーダーリストなどにおいては「音質イマイチ」とのレッテルが貼られてしまったのです。
当然こんな状態のジェネ落ちカセットをそのままCD化した「TEARS OF GRIEF」もまた今となっては相当な荒くれクオリティで、ピッチが高くなってしまった上にヒスノイズはマシマシといった具合。なるほどこれが「音質イマイチ」呼ばれてしまった所以でして、相当にジェネが上がってしまっていたことが伺えたのです。せっかく貴重な日本人録音でザ・バンド、ラスト・ツアーの記録でもある。そんな音源の価値が半減してしまった。

この不遇の音源のマスターカセットが突如として提供されたものだから、これには本当にびっくり。マスター・レベルでは当然トレーダー間にも一切出回っておらず、掛け値なしに衝撃の発掘。何よりクオリティが飛躍的に向上しており、もはや5ランクは聞きやすくなったのではと思えるアッパー感。なるほど、オリジナルの録音はこんなに素晴らしい音質だったのか…と驚かれること間違いなし。よって従来トレーダー間に出回っていたバージョンや古のCD「TEARS OF GRIEF」などまるで比較にならない。正にマスターの威力を思い知らされます。
本音源が日本人による録音であったことを雄弁に物語ってくれる場面が「Up On Cripple Creek」終了後に「よかったぁ~」としみじみする声で、お目当ての曲が聞けた喜びからか、これにはほっこり。もっとも同曲や「Ophelia」では間違って録音停止ボタンを押してしまったようなカットが生じているのですが、そうした箇所を「TEARS OF GRIEF」では大胆にもカットして隠蔽していたことが分かるでしょう。残念な部分ではありますが、そうした部分も含めて今回はカットすることなく完全に収録しています。
そして「LENOX 1976~」と比べてザ・バンドの演奏がより彼ららしいリラックスした雰囲気で奏でられているのも魅力。中でもリチャード・マニュエルの声の衰えが前面に出てしまっていた「Tears Of Rage」はツアーをこなすにつれて声が出ないなりに上手く歌えており、「LENOX 1976~」やアズベリーパークの白黒プロショット映像などよりもはるかに安心して聞ける76年バージョンとなっています。
またガース・ハドソンによるおなじみ「Genetic Method」から「Chest Fever」への流れは彼のオルガンがもの凄い迫力で迫ってくるのですが、それもまた既発盤やトレーダー間のジェネ落ちカセットとは比較にならないレベル。

そんな衝撃のマスター収録が実現した日本人録音の限定プレスCDリリースに相応しいボーナストラックも特別に収録。1978年の映画「THE LAST WALTZ」の公開時、ロビーが映画のプロモーションの為に来日を果たしています。その際に行われたイベントでは劇場で行われたこともあり、単なる記者会見や試写会でもなくバンドとのジャム・セッションが実現しました。
そこではロビーの映画に対する質疑応答も手短に済まされ、より彼の本領が発揮できるであろうジャムへと移る大変に画期的なイベントであったことに驚かされます。まず最初は「The Weight」をインストでバンドと演奏。しかもロビーはエゴを出すことなくメインのギタリストを立てつつ、それでいていかにも彼らしい乾いたフレーズを入れるという見事な対応ぶり。
そして「THE LAST WALTZ」のフィナーレよろしく「I Shall Be Released」では当日居合わせたアーティストが舞台に上がって大合唱しつつ、ご本尊ロビーが間奏ではお得意のフレーズを炸裂。このあまりに貴重な場面もモノラルながら実に素晴らしい音質にて捉えられており、本編グリーク・シアターのマスター収録に負けじと衝撃のボーナストラックとなっています。世界中のマニアを驚愕させること間違いなしの超アッパー版マスターと幻のロビー初来日が一つにまとめられた極めつけの限定プレスCDリリース!

Disc 1 (48:15)
1. Baby Don’t You Do It
2. The Shape I’m In
3. It Makes No Difference
4. The Weight
5. King Harvest (Has Surely Come)
6. Forbidden Fruit
7. This Wheel’s on Fire
8. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
9. Across the Great Divide
10. Ophelia

Disc 2 (74:34)
1. Up on Cripple Creek
2. Twilight
3. Introductions of Horn Section
4. The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show
5. Tears of Rage
6. Stage Fright
7. Acadian Driftwood
8. The Genetic Method / Chest Fever
9. Life Is a Carnival
10. Ring Your Bell
11. Rag Mama Rag

Rick Danko – bass guitar, fiddle, vocals
Levon Helm – drums, mandolin, vocals
Garth Hudson – organ, piano, accordion, synthesizer, clavinet, saxophones
Richard Manuel – piano, drums, organ, clavinet, Dobro, vocals
Robbie Robertson – guitars, piano, vocals

ROBBIE ROBERTSON at 銀座みゆき座(映画館)

★ First appearance ★ Super important sound source

The Last Waltz Premier Show
Miyuki-Za, Tokyo, Japan 14th July 1978 PERFECT SOUND (from Original Masters)

12. Interview (Q&A) ★Including an interpreter
13. The Weight Co-starring with a famous Japanese band (good)
14. I Shall Be Released★Famous Japanese musicians of the time improvised on stage, singing and chorus. Amazing ★ super valuable ★ dream-like time

Moderator: “I think I gave you a lyric card when you entered, so please sing along with me.”


★★Special project

★In commemoration of the release of “GREEK THEATER 1976 SECOND NIGHT”, which has a shocking upper version released from the master cassette, the CDR “GREEK THEATER 1976 FIRST NIGHT” that contains the previous day’s recording is included only with the limited edition number and sticker. To do. This is also a valuable record by the same Japanese recording person as the press!

Live at Greek Theater, Los Angeles, CA, USA 24th August 1976 PERFECT SOUND(from Original Masters)*UPGRADE

In commemoration of the release of “GREEK THEATER 1976 SECOND NIGHT”, a shocking upper edition released from the master cassette, the CD-R “GREEK THEATER 1976 FIRST NIGHT” containing the previous day’s recording will be included with the first delivery.
The tapers who boldly participated in the 1976 Greek Theater from Japan also recorded The Band’s stage at the same venue the day before. This was also captured with a wonderful sound quality comparable to the next day.

However, thanks to the Internet, it was commonplace in the Showa era to fly to the site without any preliminary knowledge, as it is today. As a result of recording without knowing what the live composition was, “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” hit the tape change and was hardly recorded, and “The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show” was also recorded from the middle of the performance for the same reason. And when it comes to the finale “Rag Mama Rag”, the recording stops at the beginning of the performance due to the end of the tape.
This alone would be fine, but the most regrettable thing is that the microphone faces downward from “Stage Fright” and the sound image becomes distant. It is a pity that this state continues until the beginning of “Life Is a Carnival”. Even if the cut caused by the above reason is unavoidable, it is really a waste because it is a quality that could be released on a press CD if there is no change in this sound image.

To tell the truth, this sound source has also been circulating among traders via overseas for a long time, and the sound quality was just as disappointing as the next day. In addition, it was a disaster that it had a recording problem like the one before, and it was a sound source that tended to be avoided even among traders, and it was also in a situation where it was not distributed as much as the next day.
Even with the recording on the first day, the sound quality improved dramatically with the provision of the master cassette this time. Once again, if there were no previous problems, it would have been a press CD with plenty of room … The goodness of the sound convinces me.
Therefore, it is perfect as a rare sound source that will be included in the first delivery of the upper version sound source the next day, and for the above reason, most of the enthusiasts have never heard it before. In that respect, it can be said that it is an attached CD-R with a very gorgeous rare sound source.

The performance itself was in great shape this day as well, but the only song “Tears Of Rage” sung by Richard was sung in a much rougher tone than the next day, and it would be fun to hear and compare how the atmosphere is so different.
Don’t miss the first delivery!


The Last Waltz Premier Show
Miyuki-Za, Tokyo, Japan 14th July 1978 PERFECT SOUND (from Original Masters)

12. Interview (Q&A) ★通訳者入り
13. The Weight ★有名日本人バンド(上手い)との共演
14. I Shall Be Released ★当時の有名日本人ミュージシャン達がステージに即席で参加、歌とコーラス。凄い★超貴重★夢のような時間



★マスターカセットから衝撃のアッパー版リリースが実現する「GREEK THEATRE 1976 SECOND NIGHT」のリリースを記念し、初回限定ナンバー・ステッカー付に限り、前日の録音を収録したCDR「GREEK THEATRE 1976 FIRST NIGHT」が付属します。こちらもプレスと同じ日本人録音者による貴重な記録!
Live at Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA 24th August 1976 PERFECT SOUND(from Original Masters)*UPGRADE
 マスターカセットから衝撃のアッパー版リリースが実現する「GREEK THEATRE 1976 SECOND NIGHT」のリリースを記念し、初回納品分には前日の録音を収録したCD-R「GREEK THEATRE 1976 FIRST NIGHT」が付属します。
 ですが、ネットのおかげで現在のように予備知識を仕込むことなく現地に飛ぶのが当たり前だった昭和。ライブがどんな構成かも知らずに録音された結果「The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down」はテープチェンジに当たってしまってほとんど収録されず、「The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show」もまた同様の理由によって演奏の途中から収録。そしてフィナーレ「Rag Mama Rag」になるとテープ終了につき演奏の序盤で録音が停止。
 これだけならまだしも、一番惜しまれるのが「Stage Fright」からマイクが下を向いてしまい音像が遠くなってしまうということ。この状態が「Life Is a Carnival」の序盤まで続いてしまうのが残念。先の理由から生じたカットは仕方ないにしても、この音像の変化さえなければ十分プレスCDでリリースできたクオリティなのだから本当にもったいない。
 演奏自体はこの日も絶好調なのですが、唯一リチャードが歌っていた「Tears Of Rage」は翌日と比べるとかなり荒っぽい調子で歌われており、あまりに雰囲気が違う様を聞き比べるのも楽しいかと。
1. Intro
2. Baby Don’t You Do It
3. The Shape I’m In
4. It Makes No Difference
5. The Weight
6. King Harvest (Has Surely Come)
7. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
8. Across the Great Divide
9. Ophelia
10. Up on Cripple Creek
11. Twilight
12. The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show
13. Tears of Rage
14. Stage Fright
15. The Genetic Method / Chest Fever
16. life is a carnival
17. Ring Your Bell
18. Rag Mama Rag

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