Bad Company / Rainbow Theatre 1974 / 2CDR

Bad Company / Rainbow Theatre 1974 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Rainbow Theatre, London, UK 18th December 1974

Play sample :

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BAD COMPANY in 1974, which was shaking the whole world with its shocking debut. Introducing an important historical work that you can enjoy even the super rare cover “Can I Get A Witness” while experiencing the best of the scene.
It is “December 18, 1974 London performance” that is sealed in such a work. It is a superb audience recording recorded at the famous venue “Rainbow Theater” that created many legends. Speaking of 1974, not only did he make his debut work “BAD COMPANY” a big hit, but he also produced “STRAIGHT SHOOTER” during the tour. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

・ February 23-March 9: Europe (3 performances)
・ April 7th-May 18th: UK # 1 (11 performances)
・ June 8: Böblingen performance
<< June 26, “BAD COMPANY” released >>
・ June 26: Landover performance
・ July 13-September 13: North America (29 performances)
<< September “STRAIGHT SHOOTER” production >>
・ November 28-December 19: UK # 2 (17 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is BAD COMPANY in 1974. Three months after the debut album was released, I had already produced “STRAIGHT SHOOTER”, but it was normal for BAD COMPANY in the 70’s to let it sit for about half a year after making the album until it was released. Under such circumstances, the London performance of this work is the 16th performance of “UK # 2” that was held immediately after the completion of “STRAIGHT SHOOTER”. The year of breakthrough ended with two consecutive performances of “Rainbow Theater”, and this work was the first day of that.
The final show was known for its wonderful recordings, and has been loved as one of the masterpieces of 1974. This work is also a famous recording, and has recently been distributed as the best version. The first point is the length. Originally, 14 songs were recorded in this recording, but some of the conventional editions had 13 songs with the last cut off, probably because they fit on one CD. Of course, this work has the longest 14 songs. We have also delivered “LANCASTER UNIVERSITY 1974 (Uxbridge 1127)” from this “UK # 2” leg, so let’s organize it while comparing it.

● Bad Company (6 songs)
・ Rock Steady / Ready For Love / Seagull / Bad Company / Movin’On / Can’t Get Enough
● Straight Shooter (4 songs)
・ Deal With The Preacher / Feel Like Makin ’Love / Shooting Star / Good Lovin’ Gone Bad
● Others (4 songs)
・ Single B-side song: Little Miss Fortune / Easy On My Soul (★)
・ Others: The Stealer / Can I Get A Witness (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in “LANCASTER UNIVERSITY 1974”.

… And it looks like this. The set that condenses the essence of the two masterpieces “BAD COMPANY” and “STRAIGHT SHOOTER” is rich, but FREE’s “The Stealer” and the single B-side songs “Little Miss Fortune” and “Easy On” that complement the lack of repertoire. “My Soul” is studded. Especially important is “Can I Get A Witness”. It is a famous cover of Marvin Gaye that was not recorded in the single, and it is not a little play, but it is a full performance for about 5 minutes. What’s more, it’s extremely rare, as if it happened only once or twice. Even more unforgivable (?), This song has been cut on the conventional version with 13 songs. The whole history of BAD COMPANY … No, it was the most important performance that was too special in the whole history of Paul Rodgers …
I missed the importance of the extremely rare “Can I Get A Witness”, but the sound that conveys such a show is also excellent. There is a vintage feel to it, but it’s just about the tone that comes from PA and equipment. The core is very thick and there is no sense of distance at all, and the details that do not mix even if the sounds of the four people overlap are wonderful. It’s a super direct sound that reminds me, “Oh, by the way, it was an audience” when I sometimes hear a close (small) applause.
BAD COMPANY was a great success with its debut. It is a live album with a dazzling enthusiasm and precious songs unique to the early days overflowing with the finest vintage sound. What’s more, it’s a masterpiece of masterpiece notes, including the historical super rare cover “Can I Get A Witness”. The quality is safe for those who touch the BAD COMPANY title for the first time, and (?) Mania who was deceived by the conventional shortened master is also a must listen. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ The best audience recording of “December 18, 1974 London performance” that you can enjoy even the super rare cover “Can I Get A Witness” that you could not hear in the previous release. The core is very thick and there is no sense of distance at all, and the details that do not mix even if the sounds of the four people overlap are wonderful. It’s a masterpiece recording of super direct sound that reminds me, “Oh, by the way, it was an audience” when I heard a close (small) applause once in a while. The set that concentrates the two masterpieces “BAD COMPANY” and “STRAIGHT SHOOTER” and the single B-side songs “Little Miss Fortune” “Easy On My Soul” and “Can I Get A Witness” that has been played only once or twice are also the best. It is a historically important work that you can experience.

衝撃のデビューで全世界を揺るがしていた1974年のBAD COMPANY。その現場を極上体験しつつ、激レアカバー「Can I Get A Witness」まで楽しめる歴史的重要作が登場です。
そんな本作に封じられているのは「1974年12月18日ロンドン公演」。数々の伝説を生み出した名会場“レインボー・シアター”で記録された極上オーディエンス録音です。1974年と言えば、デビュー作『BAD COMPANY』を大ヒットさせただけでなく、ツアー中に『STRAIGHT SHOOTER』も製作していました。まずは、そんな当時のスケジュールを振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《6月26日『BAD COMPANY』発売》

これが1974年のBAD COMPANY。デビュー作が発売された3ヶ月後にはもう『STRAIGHT SHOOTER』を制作していたわけですが、70年代のBAD COMPANYはアルバムを作ってからリリースされるまで半年ほど寝かせるのが常道でした。そんな中で本作のロンドン公演は『STRAIGHT SHOOTER』完成直後に行われた「英国#2」の16公演目。躍進の1年を締めくくったのは“レインボー・シアター”2日連続公演であり、本作はその初日だったわけです。
そんな最終盤のショウは素晴らしい録音が残された事でも知られ、1974年を代表する名作の1つとして愛されてきました。本作もまたその名録音であり、最近ベスト・バージョンとして流通しているもの。一番のポイントは、長さ。本来、この録音は14曲が記録されていますが、従来盤の中にはCD1枚に収めるためか、ラストが削られた13曲仕様のものもありました。もちろん、本作は最長の14曲仕様。この「英国#2」レッグからは『LANCASTER UNIVERSITY 1974(Uxbridge 1127)』をお届けした事もありますので、比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Rock Steady/Ready For Love/Seagull/Bad Company/Movin’ On/Can’t Get Enough
・Deal With The Preacher/Feel Like Makin’ Love/Shooting Star/Good Lovin’ Gone Bad
・シングルB面曲:Little Miss Fortune/Easy On My Soul(★)
・その他:The Stealer/Can I Get A Witness(★)
※注:「★」印は『LANCASTER UNIVERSITY 1974』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。2大名盤『BAD COMPANY』『STRAIGHT SHOOTER』のエッセンスを凝縮したセットは濃厚ですが、そこにレパートリー不足を補完するようなFREEの「The Stealer」やシングルB面曲「Little Miss Fortune」「Easy On My Soul」が散りばめられている。特に重要なのが「Can I Get A Witness」。シングルにも収録されなかったマーヴィン・ゲイの名カバーであり、それもちょっとした遊びではなく、約5分に渡ってしっかりフル演奏するのです。しかも、1回だけか、2回あったか……という次元の激レア度。さらに許し難い(?)ことに、13曲仕様の従来盤でカットされてきたのがこの曲。BAD COMPANY全史……いえ、ポール・ロジャース全史においても特別すぎる最重要パフォーマンスを削っていたとは……。
激レア「Can I Get A Witness」の重要度に思わず書きそびれてしまいましたが、そんなショウを伝えるサウンドも絶品。ヴィンテージ感もあるのですが、それはあくまでPAや機材に起因する音色の話。その芯は極太で距離感などまったくなく、4人のサウンドが重なり合っても混じり合わないディテールも見事。たまに間近(でささやか)な拍手が聞こえると「あ、そういえばオーディエンスだった」と思い出すような超ダイレクト・サウンドなのです。
デビューと共に大成功を収めたBAD COMPANY。その絶頂の勢いも眩しい熱演と初期ならではの貴重曲が極上のヴィンテージ・サウンドで溢れ出すライヴアルバムです。しかも、歴史的激レアカバー「Can I Get A Witness」という“トドメ”まで揃った名作注の名作。初めてBAD COMPANYタイトルに触れる方にも安心のクオリティで、従来の短縮マスターに騙されていた(?)マニアも必聴。どうぞ、思う存分お楽しみください。

★既発では聴けなかった激レアカバー「Can I Get A Witness」まで楽しめる「1974年12月18日ロンドン公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。芯は極太で距離感などまったくなく、4人のサウンドが重なり合っても混じり合わないディテールも見事。たまに間近(でささやか)な拍手が聞こえると「あ、そういえばオーディエンスだった」と思い出すような超ダイレクト・サウンドの名録音です。2大名盤『BAD COMPANY』『STRAIGHT SHOOTER』を濃縮したセットやシングルB面曲「Little Miss Fortune」「Easy On My Soul」、1ー2回しか演奏していない「Can I Get A Witness」も極上体験できる歴史的重要作です。

Disc 1(45:13)
1. Intro
2. Deal With The Preacher
3. Rock Steady
4. Little Miss Fortune
5. Ready For Love
6. Feel Like Making Love
7. Shooting Star
8. Seagull
9. Bad Company

Disc 2(36:41)
1. Easy On My Soul
2. Good lovin’ Gone Bad
3. Movin’ On
4. Can’t Get Enough
5. The Stealer
6. Can I Get A Witness

Paul Rodgers – Vocal, Guitar, Piano
Mick Ralphs – Guitar
Boz Burrell – Bass
Simon Kirke – Drums

Uxbridge 1435

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