Asia / Asia In Asia Live Broadcast / 2DVDR

Asia / Asia In Asia Live Broadcast / 2DVDR / Amity

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 7th December 1983 PRO-SHOT

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“ASIA IN ASIA” has realized a miracle lineup with Greg Lake. Introd

ucing a special version of the broadcast pro shots. This work contains various multi-camera pro shots centered on the performance of “December 7, 1983: Nippon Budokan”. Of course, this show was also commercialized as “ASIA IN ASIA”, but this work is a live broadcast version of a different TV broadcast. What’s more, the live broadcast also includes two types, Japan and North America, and a two-disc set with additional delicious bonus footage. Let’s introduce each video individually. [DISC 1: North American broadcast version longer than the product version] The first to appear is the North American broadcast version. We have introduced the Japanese broadcast version so far, but this show is also a space broadcast (dead language) in the United States. The best master is on DVD. The main point of this broadcast is that it is longer than the product version (!). The awesomeness suddenly explodes from the beginning. When it starts, the Nippon Budokan waiting for the performance is projected suddenly, and an interview with Greg Lake (interviewer is Mark Goodman), which was not in the product version, is inserted. After that, the performance will start with the familiar Japanese announcement, but it doesn’t start smoothly, and it seems that there is a strange gap between the performances. And when the performance starts, “Time Again” instead of “The Heat Goes On” …! It was cut in the product version, and you can witness the start scene that was not in time for the live broadcast on the Japanese broadcast. After that, it is basically the same as the product version, and the camera work etc. are very similar. It’s a good opportunity, so let’s organize the set. ● Songs broadcast in both Japan and the United States ・ Romance to Time: Time Again (★) / Here Comes The Feeling / Wildest Dreams ・ Alpha: Eye To Eye / The Smile Has Left Your Eyes ・ Others: Sketches In The Sun ● US Broadcast (DISC 1) only ・ Romance to Time: Only Time Will Tell / Heat Of The Moment / Sole Survivor ・ Alpha: The Heat Goes On / Open Your Eyes * Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be seen on the official product board. … And it looks like this. After all, there is no “Cutting It Fine” and “Daylight”, so it is not a complete version of the show, but it is the longest version longer than the product version / Japan broadcast. And I am surprised at the quality of spelling the longest video. It doesn’t exceed the product version, but I’m surprised because it’s not inferior. No white line noise or master running twist is seen, and the color is vivid. Even if it is played side by side with the highest peak Japanese laser disc, it is not defeated at all. You can enjoy the longest version of professional shots with the visual beauty that is out of the ordinary of 80’s broadcasting. [DISC 2: Press conference the day before + Japanese live broadcast version] DISC 2 is a Japanese broadcast version, while DISC 1 is a North American broadcast. I have recorded two broadcasts, but it is extremely rare from the beginning. This is a press conference held the day before the performance on the first day (December 5th). At that time, it was a super treasure image that was broadcast only once and could not be seen even in successive boot VHS. And not only is it precious, but the contents are amazing. It’s shocking to see four miraculous people lined up in front of the golden folding screen, but “How did you spend about three weeks in Japan (that’s how much you were there) in Nemunosato and Nagoya?” There are also sharp questions that make you want to ask the same thing even if you time slip, such as “How will Asia change by joining?” “Will this member continue in the future?” The members’ answers to that are deep. When Steve Howe said, “I think Greg’s voice is perfect for ASIA. (The next work) will be an adult sound,” Greg also said, “I want you to be more and more progressive.” I’m wondering how serious it is now, but in the first place Howe and Greg talk about one piece of music … the scene itself is in my eyes. Following such an extremely rare press conference, the main part of the live performance. To be honest, it’s considerably shorter than the North American broadcast, but the sense of the times is deep enough to turn back. The handwritten telop of “The first satellite broadcast from Budokan!” Is also intense, and as soon as the broadcast starts, it is already in the middle of the third song “Here Comes The Feeling”. The feeling of humor that the program host also unintentionally says “I’ve come” and “It’s started …” is also a live broadcast. Moreover, not only was the beginning not in time, but it was not broadcast until the end (bitter smile). Returning to the studio with the intro of “Wildest Dreams,” the moderator also commented whitely, “I’m glad I heard the really good things,” and “I’m crying.” After that, the opening number “Time Again” was played almost full, so it was recovered at once, but if this song was not cut in the product version, the recording master may not have remained until the present day. [DISC 2: Further bonus images (2 types)] After such a live broadcast, a bonus recording of 80’s scented professional shots is also included. The first is the clip “Did It All For Love” from “PHENOMENA II: DREAM RUNNER” in which John Wetton participated. It’s a good song that shines with Wetton’s deep voice, but the scene is even more amazing. First and foremost, the late Mel Galley. Mel’s life as a guitarist is jeopardized by an injury to his arm, but Jin comes back to life safely. The arm support device that caused the dismissal of WHITESNAKE is also visible, but it is not noticeable at all. David Coverdale seems to have accused him of being “not good” … In addition, Scott Gorham is the guitar companion, and the late Ray Gillen is in the console room. He hasn’t participated in this song, but he does show up in the clip. And the big lath is an ASIA special feature of Japan’s super famous program “Beth ○ Hit USA”. The “Don’t Cry” and “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes” clips with Japanese translation subtitles are also delicious, but even more valuable is the program’s original interview. The performance in Japan had already been announced, but Wetton is still enrolled at this point. The four originals are talking about “ALPHA”. Carl Palmer is the one that is unique but can be used in any country. Looking back on his memories of his first visit to Japan at EL & P, he commented, “I want to go to Japan even on vacation. I want to go to the famous Nihon University (Nihon University).” “ASIA IN ASIA” where Howe and Greg lined up and sang Wetton’s song. Rock is entertainment in terms of separation, gathering, and various matching itself, but it was the ultimate. This work is a collection of professional shots that record the miracles of the progressive rock world that still seems to confuse the brain. The supreme work of this project is, after all, the press 3-disc set “DEFINITIVE ASIA IN ASIA (Virtuoso 370/371/372)”, but this work is a subtext that can be enjoyed even deeper. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content. ★ A collection of multi-camera pro shots of “ASIA IN ASIA” with Greg Lake at the front. It is not an official work that you are familiar with, but features a US broadcast version that is longer than the product version and a Japanese broadcast version that is full of time. In addition, there are plenty of related videos such as a press conference in front of the gold folding screen, a special feature of ASIA, a famous program organized just before coming to Japan, and a clip of “PHENOMENA II” in which Wetton who left the program participated. This is a 2-disc pro shot collection where you can deeply enjoy the miracle project of Wetton’s songs with Howe and Greg lined up.

グレッグ・レイクを迎え、奇跡のラインナップが実現した“ASIA IN ASIA”。その放送プロショットを集成した特別バージョンが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは「1983年12月7日:日本武道館」公演を中心とした各種マルチカメラ・プロショット。もちろん、このショウは『ASIA IN ASIA』として商品化もされたわけですが、本作はそれとは異なるテレビ中継の生放送版なのです。しかも、その生放送も日本・北米の2種を収録し、さらに美味しいボーナス映像も追加した2枚組。それでは、各映像を個別にご紹介していきましょう。

【DISC 1:製品版よりも長い北米放送版】
この放送の一番のポイントは、製品版よりも長い(!)こと。その凄味は冒頭からいきなり炸裂。スタートさせるといきなり開演を待つ日本武道館が映し出され、製品版にはなかったグレッグ・レイクのインタビュー(インタビュアはマーク・グッドマン)が挿入。その後はお馴染みの日本語アナウンスで開演となるわけですが、スムースには始まらず、妙に間が空くのがいかにも中継らしい。そして、いざ演奏が始まると「The Heat Goes On」……ではなく、「Time Again」! 製品版ではカットされ、日本放送では生中継が間に合わなかった開演シーンが現場通りに目撃できるのです。

・時へのロマン:Time Again(★)/Here Comes The Feeling/Wildest Dreams
・アルファ:Eye To Eye/The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
・その他:Sketches In The Sun
●米国放送(DISC 1)のみ
・時へのロマン:Only Time Will Tell/Heat Of The Moment/Sole Survivor
・アルファ:The Heat Goes On/Open Your Eyes

……と、このようになっています。やはり「Cutting It Fine」「Daylight」がないのでショウの完全版とはいきませんが、製品版/日本放送よりも長い最長版なのです。そして、その最長映像を綴るクオリティにも驚かされる。さすがに製品版を超えはしませんが、劣ってもいないからびっくり。白線ノイズやマスターの走行ヨレも見られず、発色もビビッド。最高峰の日本盤レーザーディスクと並べて再生させてもまったく負けていない。80年代放送の常識外となる映像美で最長版プロショットを楽しめるのです。

【DISC 2:前日記者会見+日本生放送版】
北米放送のDISC 1に対し、DISC 2は日本放送版。2つの放送を収録しているのですが、冒頭から激レア。初日公演の前日(12月5日)に行われた記者会見です。当時、一度だけ放送されたもので歴代のブートVHSなどでも観られなかった超お宝映像なのです。そして、貴重なだけでなく中身が凄い。奇跡の4人が金屏風の前に並んでいるだけでも衝撃的ですが、「来日して約3週間(そんなに居たんですね)、合歓の里や名古屋でどう過ごしたのか」「グレッグが加入したことによってエイジアはどう変わるのか」「今後もこのメンバーで継続するのか」など、タイムスリップしても同じ事を聞きたくなる質問も鋭い。それに対するメンバーの回答こそがディープ。スティーヴ・ハウが「グレッグの声がASIAにピッタリだと思う。(次作は)大人の音になるのではないか」と語れば、グレッグも「ますますプログレッシヴになって欲しい」と返す。今となってはどこまで本気なのかとも思ってしまいますが、そもそもハウとグレッグが並んで1つの音楽について語る……その光景自体が目に染みるのです。
そんな激レアな記者会見に続くのは、ライヴ本編。正直なところ北米放送よりかなり短いわけですが、時代感はむせ返るほどに濃い。「武道館から初の衛星中継!」の手書きテロップも強烈ですし、中継が始まるやすでに3曲目「Here Comes The Feeling」の途中。番組司会者も思わず「来た来た」「始まっちゃってるんですね……」と口走ってしまうマヌケ感も生中継らしさ満点なのです。しかも、冒頭が間に合わなかっただけでなく、最後まで放送もしない(苦笑)。「Wildest Dreams」のイントロでスタジオに戻り、司会者も「ここまでですけど、本当に良いところが聴けて良かった」「涙出てきちゃう」と白々しくコメントするのです。その後、オープニング・ナンバー「Time Again」がほぼフルで流されるので一気に挽回されるものの、もしこの曲が製品版でカットされていなかったら現代まで録画マスターが残らなかったかも知れません。

【DISC 2:更なるボーナス映像(2種)】
そんな生中継の後には、80年代の薫り漂うプロショットもボーナス収録しています。1つめはジョン・ウェットンが参加した『PHENOMENA II: DREAM RUNNER』からのクリップ「Did It All For Love」。ウェットンのディープ・ヴォイスが映える佳曲ですが、それ以上に光景が凄い。まず何と言っても故メル・ギャレイ。腕の怪我によってギタリスト人生が危ぶまれたメルですが、無事に復帰した姿がジンと来る。WHITESNAKE解雇の原因にもなった腕のサポート器具も映りますが、まったく目立たたない。デヴィッド・カヴァデールは「みっともない」となじったそうですが……。さらにギターの相方を務めているのはスコット・ゴーハムですし、コンソール・ルームにいるのは故レイ・ギラン。この曲には参加していないのですが、クリップにはちゃっかり顔を出しています。
そして、大ラスは日本の超有名番組“ベス○ヒットUSA”のASIA特集。日本語対訳の字幕付き「Don’t Cry」「The Smile Has Left Your Eyes」クリップも美味しいですが、さらに貴重なのが番組の独自インタビュー。すでに来日公演が発表になっていましたが、この時点ではまだウェットンが在籍。オリジナル4人が『ALPHA』について語っています。独自ではあってもどの国でも通用するような内容……かと思いきや、思いっきり日本寄りなのがカール・パーマー。EL&P初来日の想い出を振り返りつつ、「休暇でも日本に行きたい。有名な日大(日本大学)にも行ってみたいね」とナゾのコメントを寄せているのです。

ハウとグレッグが並び立ち、ウェットンの曲を歌った“ASIA IN ASIA”。ロックは離合集散と多彩なマッチング自体がエンターテインメントだったりしますが、その極めつけでした。本作は今でも脳が混乱しそうなプログレ界の奇跡を記録したプロショット集です。このプロジェクトの至高作は何と言ってもプレス3枚組『DEFINITIVE ASIA IN ASIA(Virtuoso 370/371/372)』に尽きますが、本作はさらにディープに味わえるサブテキスト。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください。

★グレッグ・レイクをフロントに迎えた“ASIA IN ASIA”のマルチカメラ・プロショット集。お馴染みの公式作品ではなく、製品版より長い米国放送版や時代感満点の日本放送版をフィーチュア。さらに金屏風を前にした記者会見や来日直前に組まれた名物番組のASIA特集、脱退したウェットンが参加していた『PHENOMENA II』のクリップ等、関連映像もたっぷり。ハウとグレッグが並び立ち、ウェットンの曲を歌った奇跡のプロジェクトをディープに味わえる2枚組プロショット集です。

Disc 1
Live Broadcast In USA

1. Greg Lake Interview
2. Introduction by Mark Goodman ★「ロックノ用意イイデスカ!」の挨拶終了後 間が開いてる(直ぐにスタートできない。)
3. Time Again ★珍しい
4. The Heat Goes On
5. Here Comes The Feeling
6. Eye To Eye
7. Sketches In The Sun
8. Only Time Will Tell
9. Open Your Eyes
10. Keyboard Solo
11. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
12. Wildest Dreams
13. Drum Solo
14. Heat Of The Moment
15. Sole Survivor
16. End Credit ★市販よりも長い


Disc 2(54:08)
Live Broadcast In Japan

1. Press Conference(Akasaka Prince Hotel 5th December 1983)
2. Programme Intro. 手書きテロップ「武道館から初の衛星中継!ASIA IN ASIA 独占生中継」

3. Here Comes The Feeling 「来た来た!」「始まっちゃってるんですね」(結構間抜けな感じ)
4. Eye To Eye
5. Sketches In The Sun
6. Only Time Will Tell
7. Open Your Eyes
8. Keyboard Solo
9. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
10. Wildest Dreams ここでCM入っておわり 司会者あいさつ
11. Time Again 特別に一曲目を放送(公式未収だったため貴重だった)

Bonus Tracks

12. Did It All For Love (Phenomena II)

Best Hit USA 1983 “Star Of The Week”
13. Don’t Cry (with Japanese subtitles)
14. Interviews with John Wetton, Steve Howe, Geoff Downes & Carl Palmer in Montreal
15. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (with Japanese subtitles)



Amity 625

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