Asia / Asia In Asia Japanese Live Broadcast Edition / 1DVDR

Asia / Asia In Asia Japanese Live Broadcast Edition / 1DVDR /Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 7th December 1983 (From 2.00PM).


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major event “ASIA IN ASIA” that Asia has satellite relay to the National live from Budokan. It is the appearance of the video excavation fan the surprise awaited. In is the day before (live first day of (the 6th) December 5, 1983, video and captured the state of the press conference held at the Tokyo Akasaka Prince hotel they had stayed at the time, the Japanese continue to it what local TV station has simultaneously relayed to the domestic market from 14:00 pm It is “ASIA IN ASIA Japanese exclusive live version.” is not so well known for broadcasting was a local station, but the U.S. relay of that day is very Japanese is also part live, it revives here now. both is an image of the first appearance of course.

Video of the two is rare both but, of course, recorded to Bootleg Video · DVD of the past become the excavation video of surprise have never even once to post video sites, etc. were also posted the design of the press conference, especially have. It will not be an exaggeration to say that video Most of the people watching for the first time to become a now because I did not broadcast only once of course. There is a slightly aging image quality but, however (see the sample image that ※ The publication), members who declined to tomorrow that big event, the press has remained clarity that I do not think 30 years ago very It says the enthusiasm and greeting to Japan in the participants before us. How Asia change? By “Greg has subscribed, to continue in this member in the future” about three weeks to Japan, if was spent in Nagoya and Sato (Steinem) silk tree “or interesting and also quite question of the press questions such as “what is flying around, what Greg himself whether the answer curl, and, Steve is against it, and we hope to have crowned a look to say its very interesting. There is going down to speak about about the expected sound and vision of the 3rd album of vision by this lineup that did not happen as a result is in the answer of Steve in particular, quite interesting content has been told.

And it is “ASIA IN ASIA version of broadcasting Japan” and begin design of this press conference is over. It becomes the new video does not have that this video also circulated in the Add Video site and boot market even once in the past. Presenter and popular rock singer of Japan also active current’s served as a program host in two people it is also an interesting point here, but all over the U.S. relay that day, was broadcast live to the living room of some areas of Japan You’ll be able to relive for what it is local broadcast of such time, the excitement. And program caption “relay satellite for the first time!! ASIA IN ASIA exclusive live coverage from Budokan” and, program sponsorship of moving to the CM comes out also is the place of this unique version of Japan Broadcasting. The contents of the live image does not change to that can watch in LD and video of the full version, but in relation to the broadcast pattern of the press conference first, the Japan Broadcasting version starts in the middle of “Here Comes The Feeling” are you also making it the feature. There is Yoreru place only for a moment, even the second half of the “Open Your Eyes” video, and also there is a place Yoreru vigorously at the end of “Only Time Will Tell”, but the video is recorded in the image quality and very good sound quality otherwise are you you also do a nice place. The caption of “BUDOKAN TOKYO → FOR MTV SMITHTOWN NY” from entering the solo of the keyboard also a feature of the first live broadcast at the time, this is no longer in the LD and video of the full version of course. Relay the video is returned to the studio of Japanese television station in the place that began to play the “Wildest Dreams”, but it’s interesting here was the first track of the real day “Time Again” flows at the end of the program will it. This was done in order to match the scale of the program broadcast, but it started to edit it immediately removed the video that was played in the first track, and measure by calculating back from the broadcast end time the playing time, this is in advance a work ticker and sponsorship of the program By flowing at the end as one piece of music that was placed in a state in which it is covered, it is a translation of broadcasting and perfect are the different ending time frame performance does not become left unfinished. It may be an easy task in the current digital age, but it is that great and because he was pulled off the live broadcast of 53 minutes only this in analog work and stick to turn off the video tape, and that put a caption at the time . And at the time these ’83, live feeling on the side of broadcasting the video also has become the charm of this unique version of Japan Broadcasting.

The video clip well-preserved state of “Did It All For Love” also included from the project “PHENOMENA Ⅱ” Wet-N that was involved in 1987 in addition to this in this work. And in putting studying thoroughly, music program of legendary Japanese, who served as moderator popular music DJ in Japan, I collect also to the interview video of the program original broadcast to catch the four Asia in Canada in the summer of ’83 You. It says 2nd album for “ALPHA” mainly here, Wet-N After this, it will take you off of the band immediately’s told the music program for Japanese for “ALPHA” It will place interesting. Carl also has also said passion for Japan, the scene has commented on Nihon (Nihon University) what is also included. (It follows the ※ program notation, I write in the Dai dare), and bonus Yes to Heiroku also “smile of deceit” of Japanese subtitles with lyrics was also a feature of this popular music program as “Do not Cry” and even menu too happy has become a collecting contents of jostling to say. 30 years have passed from that ASIA IN ASIA, but the excitement will spread in front of me I’m sure with the new discovery of that day by the parade of these excavation video. It is the appearance of the gift title mighty special!


エイジアが武道館からそのライブを全米に衛星中継した一大イベント”ASIA IN ASIA”。ファン驚愕の発掘映像が満を持して登場です。何と1983年12月5日(ライブ初日(6日)の前日ですに、当時彼らが宿泊していた東京・赤坂プリンスホテルで行われた記者会見の様子を捉えた映像と、それに続けて日本のローカルテレビ局が午後14時から国内向けに同時中継した”日本独占生放送版のASIA IN ASIA”です。放送が地方局だった為にあまり知られていませんが、あの日の全米中継は日本のごく一部でも生放送されており、それがいまここに蘇ります。勿論どちらも初登場の映像です。


そしてこの記者会見の模様が終わると始まるのが”日本放送版のASIA IN ASIA”です。この映像も過去に一度もブート市場や投稿動画サイトで出回った事が無い新映像となっています。ここでは現在も活躍する日本の人気ロック歌手と司会者が二人で番組ホストを務めているのも面白いポイントですが、あの日、日本の一部地域のお茶の間にも生放送された全米中継の興奮を、そんな当時のローカル放送そのままの姿で追体験して戴けます。「武道館から初の衛星中継!! ASIA IN ASIA 独占生中継」という番組テロップや、CMに移行する際の番組協賛が出るのもこの日本放送版のユニークなところです。ライブ映像の内容は正規版のビデオやLDで鑑賞できたものと変わりませんが、最初に記者会見の模様を放送した関係で、この日本放送版は「Here Comes The Feeling」の途中から始まっているのも特徴となっています。映像は「Only Time Will Tell」の終盤で激しく映像がヨレる箇所があり、また「Open Your Eyes」の後半でも一瞬だけヨレる箇所があるものの、それ以外は大変良好な音質と画質で記録されているのも嬉しいところでしょう。またキーボードのソロ中に「BUDOKAN TOKYO → FOR MTV SMITHTOWN N.Y.」というテロップが入るのも初回生放送時の特徴で、勿論これは正規版のビデオやLDには入っていません。中継映像は「Wildest Dreams」を演奏し始めた所で日本のテレビ局のスタジオに戻されますが、ここで面白いのはこの日の本当の1曲目であった「Time Again」が番組の最後に流れる事でしょう。これは番組放送の尺を合わせる為の措置ですが、1曲目に演奏した映像をすぐに取り出して編集を始め、その演奏タイムを放送終了時刻から逆算して計り、番組の協賛や著作テロップを予め被せた状態にした1曲分として最後に流す事で、演奏が尻切れトンボにならずに時間枠でピッタリと放送が終わる様にしてある訳です。デジタル時代の現在では簡単な作業かもしれませんが、当時は映像テープを切ったり貼ったり、テロップを入れたりというアナログ作業でこれを僅か53分間の生放送中にやってのけたのだから凄い事です。そしてこうした83年当時の、映像を放送する側のライブ感もこの日本放送版独特の魅力となっています。

また本作にはこれ以外にもウエットンが1987年に関わったプロジェクト”PHENOMENA Ⅱ”から「Did It All For Love」の保存状態の良いビデオクリップも収録。そして極め付けに、日本の人気音楽DJが司会を務めた伝説的な日本の音楽番組が、83年の夏にカナダでエイジア4人をキャッチして放送した番組オリジナルのインタビュー映像も併せて収録しています。ここでは主に2ndアルバム『ALPHA』について語っていますが、この後、直ぐバンドから離れる事になるウエットンが『ALPHA』について日本の音楽番組向けに語っているのは興味深いところでしょう。またカールは日本に対する熱い思いも語っており、何と日大(日本大学)についてコメントしているシーンも含まれています。更にはこの人気音楽番組の特徴でもあった日本語字幕歌詞付きの「ドント・クライ」と「偽りの微笑み」も併録してあり(※番組表記に倣い、あえて邦題で書いてます)、オマケと言うには余りにも嬉しいメニューが目白押しの収録内容となっています。あのASIA IN ASIAから30年が経過しましたが、これら発掘映像のオンパレードによってあの日の新たな発見と興奮がきっと目の前に広がるでしょう。とびっきりスペシャルなギフトタイトルの登場です!!

1. Press Conference(Akasaka Prince Hotel 5th December 1983) 2. Programme Intro. (feat. Don’t Cry) 
3. Here Comes The Feeling 4. Eye To Eye 5. Sketches In The Sun 6. Only Time Will Tell
7. Open Your Eyes 8. Keyboard Solo 9. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes 10. Wildest Dreams 11. Time Again 

Greg Lake – Lead Vocal, Bass Steve Howe – Guitar, Vocal Geoffrey Downes – Keyboards, Vocal
Carl Palmer – Drums, Percussion

Bonus Tracks

12. Did It All For Love (Phenomena II)

Best Hit USA 1983 “Star Of The Week”
13. Don’t Cry (with Japanese subtitles)
14. Interviews with John Wetton, Steve Howe, Geoff Downes & Carl Palmer in Montreal
15. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (with Japanese subtitles)

PRO-SHOT COLOUR NTSC Approx. 54min. 

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