Allman Brothers Band / Tokyo 1992 1st Night / 2CD

Allman Brothers Band / Tokyo 1992 1st Night / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 19th January 1992.

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The masterpiece “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT (Zion-113)” which was released the other day and received great popularity. The world first appearance which should also be said as a sequel appears again.
“TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT” was a masterpiece of a live album that recorded the first visit to the historical THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND, but this work is the following year. It is a superb audience album that holds the curtain of “SHADE OF TWO WORLDS JAPAN TOUR 1992” which will be the second visit to Japan. First of all, let’s look at the live schedule to look back on those days.

· January 17: Hiroshima Health Pension Center
· January 19th: Tokyo Kokenkin Kinenkin 【This work】
· January 20th: Osaka Health Pension Center
· January 22 – 25: Tokyo Kokendai Kinenkan (4 performances)
· January 28: Sapporo City Hall
· January 30: Sendai Izmiti 21
· February 1: Nagoya City Hall

This is the second whole Japan tour tour. It was 5 performances in Tokyo, Kobe and Osaka for the first time in Japan, but in the following year we received the popularity, we realized even Sapporo and Sendai performances. He dug across the archipelago with 10 performances of doubling. In Tokyo, the schedule of “1 performance + 4 consecutive performances” at the Welfare Pension Center, “January 19th” contained in this work was the first day away from the schedule only once.
The sound of such a work is exactly the best audience sound. Actually, it is a collection of the same recordingists as “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT” in the middle of popularity and it is about the same quality as that masterpiece. That recording man known as a master in the Kanto since the 1980s, who also worked on numerous masterpiece press albums at our shop. This work is one unveiled worldwide from its treasured collection. If you’ve heard “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT”, it will have been ordered by this alone. That sound is a special class even among the masterpieces collection. Of course, proof of audience recording is inscribed only in raw cheers and on-site feeling, but its vivid tones / singing voices are away from the customer record. The drum reaches straight through even one shot of a snare, and the dancing guitar is delicate though it is extremely thick. Chorus · Harmony is enough to understand one word of each person. Although there is a venue acoustics, it also clears clearly, it does not feel any turbidity or cloudiness at all, it is producing a glossy appearance that smells even more. “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT” is “Nakano Semuraza”, this work is different from the “Tokyo Koshienkin Kinenkan” at each venue, but it is a wonderful sound to become “sister work” exactly.
Even if the best sounds are similar, this work is another performance and another tour. The taste of the show is totally different. What is more brilliant than anything is the repertoire of “SHADE OF TWO WORLDS” released on the first visit to Japan. In the “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT”, the previous work “SEVEN TURNS” was featured, but it is swapped, and 5 songs out of 8 albums play a large role. Not only new songs but also “Melissa” “Seven Turns” “Going Down the Road Feelin ‘Bad” “I’m Your Hoochie Coochie Man” “Revival”, and a lot of famous songs that I could not listen to the first visit to Japan. If you suddenly notice it, only 5 songs out of 15 songs with “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT” are pretty fresh.

“TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT” became a hot topic in the world first public high quality sound. That ‘s exactly the continuation of that masterpiece. Despite being of the same quality, the set 2 and the expression are different parts 2. 1992 was the second consecutive year since the first visit to the miracle miracle. At that time, though it was thought that visiting Japan will be standardized, unfortunately this is the last. Never again, THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND will not return to Japan, Dickey Betts has left, and Greg Olman has become a returnee.
I will never come back again, but surely there were twice “live in Japan”. It is a sister work of a vertex record whose name was recorded by a name recordingist and vacuum packed the scene. This work which became the last visit to “TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT” for the first visit to Japan. Two miracles, Please enjoy together.

先日リリースされ、大好評を賜った名作『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT(Zion-113)』。その続編とも言うべき、世界初登場の銘品が再び登場です。
『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』は、歴史的なTHE ALLMAN BROTHERS BANDの初来日を記録したライヴアルバムの大傑作でしたが、本作はその翌年。2度目の来日となる“SHADE OF TWO WORLDS JAPAN TOUR 1992”の一幕を収めた極上オーディエンス・アルバムなのです。まずは、当時を振り返るためにもライヴスケジュールから見ていきましょう。

・1月19日:東京厚生年金会館 【本作】

そんな本作のサウンドは、まさに最高のオーディエンス・サウンド。実は、大好評真っ最中の『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』と同じ録音家のコレクションでして、あの大傑作とほぼ同じクオリティなのです。その録音家は80年代から関東で名手として知られ、当店でも数々の名作プレスアルバムを手がけた方。本作は、その秘蔵コレクションから世界初公開された1本なのです。『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』をお聴きになった方なら、もうこれだけでご注文されていることでしょう。そのサウンドは、名手コレクションの中でも特級。もちろん、生々しい喝采や現場感にこそオーディエンス録音の証が刻まれてはいますが、その鮮やかな楽音/歌声は客録離れしている。ドラムはスネアの一発までも真っ直ぐに届き、舞い踊るギターは極太なのに繊細。コーラス・ハーモニーは1人ひとりの1単語まで分かるほど。会場音響もあるにはありますが、それもクリアに透き通り、濁りや曇りがまったく感じられず、いっそ匂い立つような艶やかさを醸し出している。『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』は“中野サンプラザ”、本作は“東京厚生年金会館”と会場ごと違うわけですが、まさに“姉妹作”となる素晴らしいサウンドなのです。
サウンドの極上ぶりが似ていても、本作は別公演・別ツアー。ショウの味わいはまったく異なります。何よりも鮮烈なのは、初来日の後にリリースにされた『SHADE OF TWO WORLDS』のレパートリー。『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』では前作『SEVEN TURNS』がフィーチュアされましたが、それが入れ替えられ、アルバム8曲中5曲を大盤振る舞いしてくれる。新曲だけでなく「Melissa」「Seven Turns」「Going Down the Road Feelin’ Bad」「I’m Your Hoochie Coochie Man」「Revival」と、初来日では聴けなかった名曲群が盛りだくさん。ふと気づけば『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』との被りは15曲中5曲のみで、えらくフレッシュなのです。

世界初公開のハイクオリティ・サウンドで話題となった『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』。まさに、あの名作の“続き”。同じクオリティでありながら、セットも表情も異なるパート2です。奇跡の初来日から2年連続となった1992年。当時は、そのまま来日が定番化するかとも思われましたが、残念ながらこれが最後。二度とTHE ALLMAN BROTHERS BANDが日本に戻ることなくディッキー・ベッツが去り、グレッグ・オールマンも還らぬ人となってしまいました。
二度とは戻らないけれど、確実に二度はあった“ライヴ・イン・ジャパン”。その現場を名録音家が丹精込めて真空パックした頂点記録の姉妹作です。初来日の『TOKYO 1991 1ST NIGHT』と、最後の来日となった本作。2つの奇跡、どうぞ併せてお楽しみください。

Disc 1 (75:35)
1. Introduction 2. Statesboro Blues 3. End of the Line 4. Blue Sky 5. Nobody Knows
6. Low Down Dirty Mean 7. Melissa 8. Come On in My Kitchen 9. Seven Turns
10. Going Down the Road Feelin’ Bad 11. I’m Your Hoochie Coochie Man

Disc 2 (66:23)
1. Kind Of Bird 2. Get on With Your Life 3. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed
4. Band Introductions 5. Revival 6. Whipping Post

Gregg Allman – organ, piano, guitar, vocals Dickey Betts – guitar, slide guitar, vocals
Warren Haynes – guitar, slide guitar, vocals Allen Woody – bass, background vocals
Butch Trucks – drums, percussion Jai Johanny “Jaimoe” Johanson – drums, percussion
Marc Quinones – drums, percussion


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