Alice Cooper / Scandinavia 1991 / 2CDR + 1DVDR

Alice Cooper / Scandinavia 1991 / 2CDR + 1DVDR / Shades

Olympen, Lund, Sweden 3rd November 1991 & Spectrum, Oslo, Norway 1st November 1991

Play sample :

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The “HEY STOOPID Tour” was also the total settlement of the “Metallic Alice Era” that built the second golden age. Introducing a luxurious set that allows you to experience the precious site in the best possible way.
Two performances in Scandinavia are included in this work. This is a set of 3 audience sets with the full live album of “November 3, 1991 Lund performance” on DISC 1-2 and the climax video of “November 1, Oslo performance” on DISC 3. “HEY STOOPID Tour” is known as an unexplored region with few recordings and videos, but it was also a big turning point for Emperor Alice. To explain what that means, let’s first look back at the schedule at that time.

● 1991
《Released “HEY STOOPID” on July 2nd》
・ July 5th-September 13th: North America (40 performances) ← * LIVE FROM ELECTRIC LADYLAND 1991
・ September 28-November 9: Europe (32 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1994
“July 12” THE LAST TEMPTATION “released”
● 1995
・ September 2-9: South America (4 performances)

This is the history of 5 years since the release of “HEY STOOPID”. Initially the tour was scheduled to continue until 1992, but was interrupted by the recession triggered by the Gulf War. It will enter the silent period as it is. Alice, who hasn’t moved for three years, released “THE LAST TEMPTATION” in 1994, but there is still no tour. As a result, it took four years for the emperor to return to the stage.
Then, “HEY STOOPID” became her last masterpiece in the golden age. While some fans say that the album is a masterpiece that has regained Alice’s poison, when it comes to tours, it’s an unexplored region of sound sources where there are no professional shots or full sound boards. In particular, the “European” leg has been attracting a lot of attention from enthusiasts, partly because it was spinning alone, and her masterpiece “GOTHENBURG 1991 (Shades 1316)” is already popular in our shop. The dates are close to this one, so let’s zoom in on the “Europe” legs and check each other’s positions in detail.

・ September 28-October 10: UK (10 performances)
・ October 12-29: Central Europe (15 performances)
・ November 1: Oslo performance ← ★ This work DISC 3 ★
・ November 2: Copenhagen performance
・ November 3: Lund performance ← ★ This work DISC 1-2 ★
・ November 5-8: Scandinavian (3 performances)
・ November 9: Gothenburg performance ← * GOTHENBURG 1991

This is all 32 performances of the “Europe” leg. The flow was from England (10 performances) → Central Europe (15 performances) → Scandinavia (7 performances), and the 2 performances of this work were the first and 3rd performances of Scandinavia. Let’s introduce each one individually.

[DISC 1-2: The best full live album of the latest excavation] The first thing that appears is the full audience recording of the main Lund performance of this work. It is the latest master that has appeared very recently and has attracted collectors from all over the world. What is talked about is its sound quality. It is a superb sound with beautiful, neat, and extra-thickness. It was made by a recorder called “Crazy Tapes”, and this person was a master who was talked about in “STOCKHOLM 1993 (Shades 1558)” by DEF LEPPARD the other day. This work is also the Alice edition.
For those who haven’t experienced DEF LEPPARD, is it something like “Beautiful like a prestigious Kinney recording, on like a sound board”? Although it has a delicate sound, the core is so dense that you can’t feel the sense of distance. “GOTHENBURG 1991” was also a masterpiece, but this work has a higher density of direct sound. Speaking of the representative sound board of this tour, it is “LIVE FROM ELECTRIC LADYLAND 1991 (Shades 1068)” at our shop, but that is less than an hour. On the other hand, this work allows you to experience the best full show for about 83 minutes. It’s a full live album of “official substitute”.

[DISC 3: Superb view video that allows you to fully experience a valuable tour] Next up is a spectacular audience shot of the Oslo performance. Recording of “HEY STOOPID Tour” is valuable, but the video is even more important. The set of skeletons that hold the entire stage is limited to this tour, and many gimmicks are still a privilege only for the video. And this work is the best video to fully experience such a stage. The most wonderful thing is the superb view. I’m looking down from the second floor seats on the right side of the stage, but there are no obstacles throughout the whole story. Only the precious stage occupies the field of view.
Moreover, the camera work is also exquisite. While placing Alice in the center of the screen, she also holds the surrounding area firmly. The action of Alice’s show is not as good as the zoom name, and the set design that shows the entanglement of the cast and the individuality of the tour is also important. This video is perfect for the world view of such “HEY STOOPID Tour”. You can fully enjoy “Feed My Frankenstein”, which captures and remodels female fans, and “Wind-Up Toy”, which Alice sings sorrowfully in her cage.
Then, what is the set list that builds such a “HEY STOOPID Tour”? The two performances are slightly different, so let’s organize them together.

● 70’s Classics (9 songs)
・ Billion Dollar Babies: No More Mr. Nice Guy / Billion Dollar Babies / Sick Things / Elected
・ Others: I’m Eighteen / Under My Wheels / Go To Hell (*) / School’s Out / Cold Ethyl
● 80’s / 90’s (7 songs)
Hey Stoopid: Love’s A Loaded Gun / Feed My Frankenstein / Snakebite / Hey Stoopid
・ Others: He’s Back (The Man Behind The Mask) (★) / Trash / Bed Of Nails / Poison
● Medley (2 types)
・ I Love The Dead-Devil’s Food-Steven-Black Widow Jam / Only Women Bleed-Wind-Up Toy-Ballad Of Dwight Fry
* Note: The “★” mark is for the Lund performance (DISC 1-2) only, and the “*” mark is for the Oslo performance (DISC 3) only.

“HEY STOOPID Tour” was hidden behind “THE NIGHTMARE RETURNS” and “TRASHES THE WORLD”, and it was difficult to even know the site. It is a gorgeous set where you can enjoy the full show with the best sound and superb view for 2 performances. This is the final destination of the second golden age. Please enjoy the 3-disc set to your heart’s content!

★ Audience set 3 discs with the full recording of “November 3, 1991 Lund performance” on DISC 1-2 and the climax video of “November 1, Oslo performance” on DISC 3. The main Lund recording is the finest master that has recently appeared, and while the on and thick core directly roars, the sound is neat and delicate. It is a live album that can be an “official substitute” for “HEY STOOPID Tour”, which does not have a full sound board. The Oslo video is also a superb view video where you can witness valuable sets and gimmicks with zero obstruction. It is a decisive board where you can experience the full show, which is the culmination of the metal era.

第二次黄金時代を築いた「メタリック・アリス時代」の総決算でもあった“HEY STOOPID Tour”。その貴重な現場を極上体験できる豪華セットが登場です。
 そんな本作に収められているのは北欧の2公演。「1991年11月3日ルンド公演」のフル・ライヴアルバムをDISC 1-2に、「11月1日オスロ公演」の絶頂映像をDISC 3に配したオーディエンス・セット3枚組です。“HEY STOOPID Tour”は録音も映像も少ない秘境として知られますが、同時に帝王アリスにとって大きな大きなターニング・ポイントでもありました。その意味をご説明する為にも、まずは当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。
《7月2日『HEY STOOPID』発売》
・7月5日ー9月13日:北米(40公演)←※LIVE FROM ELECTRIC LADYLAND 1991
 これが『HEY STOOPID』発売以降、5年間の歩み。当初ツアーは1992年まで続く予定でしたが、湾岸戦争に端を発する不況によって中断。そのまま沈黙期に入ってしまいます。丸3年動きがなかったアリスは1994年に『THE LAST TEMPTATION』をリリースするものの、それでもツアーはなし。結果、帝王が再びステージに立つまで4年もの歳月が必要だったのです。
 そうして黄金時代最後の名作となってしまった『HEY STOOPID』。一部のファンから「アルバムはアリスの毒気を取り戻した最高傑作」とも言われつつ、ツアーとなるとプロショットやフル・サウンドボードが存在しない音源の秘境地帯。特に「欧州」レッグは単独で回っていたこともあってマニア筋から熱い注目を注がれ、当店でもすでに傑作『GOTHENBURG 1991(Shades 1316)』が人気です。本作とも日程が近いので、「欧州」レッグをさらにズームして互いのポジションを詳しくチェックしてみましょう。
・11月1日:オスロ公演 ←★本作DISC 3★
・11月3日:ルンド公演 ←★本作DISC 1-2★
・11月9日:ヨーテボリ公演 ←※GOTHENBURG 1991
【DISC 1-2:最新発掘の極上フル・ライヴアルバム】
 まず登場するのは、本作のメインとなるルンド公演のフル・オーディエンス録音。ごく最近登場して世界中のコレクターが色めき立っている最新マスターです。何が話題かと言えば、そのサウンド・クオリティ。美麗・端正・極太と三拍子揃った極上サウンドなのです。「Crazy Tapes」なる録音家の作なのですが、この人物は先日DEF LEPPARDの『STOCKHOLM 1993(Shades 1558)』でも話題になった達人。本作は、そのアリス編でもあるのです。
 DEF LEPPARD篇を体験されていない方向けに申しますと「名門キニー録音のように美しく、サウンドボードのようにオン」といったところでしょうか。きめ細やかな鳴りでありつつ、芯がやけに濃密で距離感がまるで感じられない。『GOTHENBURG 1991』も名作ではありましたが、本作はさらに密度が高いダイレクト・サウンド。このツアーの代表サウンドボードと言えば、当店での『LIVE FROM ELECTRIC LADYLAND 1991(Shades 1068)』となるわけですが、あちらは1時間弱。それに対し、本作は約83分のフルショウを極上体験できる。まさに「公式代わり」のフル・ライヴアルバムなのです。
【DISC 3:貴重なツアーをフル体験できる絶景映像】
 続いて登場するのは、オスロ公演の絶景オーディエンス・ショット。“HEY STOOPID Tour”は録音も貴重ですが、映像は更に重要。ステージ全体を抱え込むような骸骨のセットはこのツアー限定のものですし、数々の仕掛けはやはり映像だけの特権です。そして、本作は、そんなステージをフル体験するのに最高の映像。何より素晴らしいのは、その絶景。ステージ右側の2階席からやや見下ろし気味に捉えているのですが、全編を通して遮蔽物がまったく入らない。貴重なステージだけが視界を占領するのです。
 しかも、カメラワークも絶妙。アリスを画面のド真ん中に据えつつ、その周辺もしっかり押さえている。アリスのショウはアクションがズーム名ほど良いというものではなく、キャストの絡みやツアーの個性が出るセット・デザインも重要。この映像は、そんな“HEY STOOPID Tour”の世界観がばっちり。女性ファンを捕まえて改造する「Feed My Frankenstein」も、アリスが檻の中で悲痛に歌う「Wind-Up Toy」も余すことなく味わい尽くせるのです。
 では、そんな“HEY STOOPID Tour”を構築するセットリストはどんなものなのか。2公演で微妙に異なりますので、併せて整理しておきましょう。
・ビリオン・ダラー・ベイビーズ:No More Mr. Nice Guy/Billion Dollar Babies/Sick Things/Elected
・その他:I’m Eighteen/Under My Wheels/Go To Hell(*)/School’s Out/Cold Ethyl
・ヘイ・ストゥーピッド:Love’s A Loaded Gun/Feed My Frankenstein/Snakebite/Hey Stoopid
・その他:He’s Back (The Man Behind The Mask)(★)/Trash/Bed Of Nails/Poison
・I Love The Dead-Devil’s Food-Steven-Black Widow Jam/Only Women Bleed-Wind-Up Toy-Ballad Of Dwight Fry
※注:「★」印はルンド公演(DISC 1-2)のみ、「*」印はオスロ公演(DISC 3)のみの曲。
 『THE NIGHTMARE RETURNS』『TRASHES THE WORLD』の影に隠れ、現場をうかがい知ることさえ難しかった“HEY STOOPID Tour”。そのフルショウを極上サウンドと絶景で丸ごと2公演楽しめる豪華セットです。これこそ第二期黄金時代の最終到達点。どうぞ、3枚組でお腹いっぱいお楽しみください!
★「1991年11月3日ルンド公演」のフル録音をDISC 1-2に、「11月1日オスロ公演」の絶頂映像をDISC 3に配したオーディエンス・セット3枚組。メインのルンド録音は最近登場した極上マスターで、オンで極太な芯がダイレクトに轟きつつ、鳴りも端正できめ細やか。フル・サウンドボードの存在しない“HEY STOOPID Tour”の「公式代わり」になり得るライヴアルバムです。オスロ映像も遮蔽物ゼロで貴重なセットや仕掛けを目撃できる絶景映像。メタル時代の集大成となるフルショウを極上体験できる決定盤です。

Disc 1(41:37)
1. Tubular Bells Intro / Under My Wheels
2. Trash
3. No More Mr. Nice Guy
4. Billion Dollar Babies
5. Love’s a Loaded Gun
6. Bed of Nails
7. I’m Eighteen
8. I Love the Dead/Devil’s Food/Steven/Black Widow Jam (Instrumental)
9. Sick Things
10. Feed My Frankenstein
11. Cold Ethyl

Disc 2(41:15)
1. Only Women Bleed/Wind-Up Toy/Ballad of Dwight Fry
2. Guitar Solo
3. Poison
4. Snakebite
5. He’s Back (The Man Behind the Mask)
6. School’s Out
7. Hey Stoopid
8. Elected / Tubular Bells Outro

Disc 3
Spectrum, Oslo, Norway 1st November 1991

1. Intro
2. Under My Wheels
3. Trash
4. No More Mr. Nice Guy
5. Billion Dollar Babies
6. Love’s A Loaded Gun
7. Bed Of Nails
8. I’m Eighteen
9. I Love The Dead/Devil’s Food/Steven/Black Widow Jam
10. Sick Things
11. Feed My Frankenstein
12. Cold Ethyl
13. Only Women Bleed/Wind-Up Toy/Ballad Of Dwight Fry
14. Guitar Solo
15. Poison
16. Snakebite
17. Go To Hell
18. School’s Out
19. Hey Stoopid
20. Elected / Tubular Bells Outro

COLOUR NTSC Approx.86min.

Alice Cooper – Vocals
Stef Burns – Guitar
Pete Freezin – Guitar
Greg Smith – Bass
Derek Sherinian – Keyboards
Eric Singer – Drums


Shades 1572

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