Alcatrazz / Girlschool / Stoke 2021 / 3CDR

Alcatrazz / Girlschool /  Stoke 2021 / 3CDR / Shades
Eleven, Stoke-on-Trent, UK 18th November 2021

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The new ALCATRAZZ with Doogie White and GIRLSCHOOL, who continues to set the longest record for female bands even though Enid Williams has left. Introducing a live set where you can experience the latest tours where both parties share the stage.
It is “Stoke-on-Trent performance on November 18, 2021” that is imbued with such a work. It is the transcendental audience recording. While lagging behind the United States, the British scene is also aiming to revive from the new Corona Pandemic. ALCATRAZZ and GIRLSCHOOL have started a coupling tour as if they were leading the way. First, let’s start with the recent situation of both.

・ November 4: Oslo performance (GIRLSCHOOL)
・ November 11: Great Yarmouth performance (ALCATRAZZ)
・ November 17: Milton Keynes performance
・ November 18: Stoke-on-Trent performance ← ★ This work ★
・ November 19: Blackpool performance
・ November 20: Swansea performance
・ November 21: Grimsby performance
・ November 24: Chesterfield performance
・ November 25: Edinburgh performance
・ November 26: Bradford performance
・ November 27: Troon performance
・ November 28: Newcastle performance
・ December 1: London performance
・ December 2: Wolverhampton performance

This is the schedule that has been announced so far. Both bands performed one warm-up gig earlier this month and started a coupling tour. The Stoke-on-Trent performance of this work was the second concert. This work, which recorded the scene, is exactly the best audience of the “super” moon. The feeling of close contact on a club scale is tremendous, and there is no sense of distance. It is a super direct recording that goes on the ground with the so-called “sound board”. As for the sound, let’s move on to the hottest show content. Let’s organize each set and introduce them individually.

[DISC 1: GIRLSCHOOL where Tracy Ram has returned] ● DEMOLITION (5 songs)
・ Demolition Boys / Nothing To Lose / Take It All Away / Race With The Devil / Emergency
● HIT AND RUN (7 songs)
・ C’mon Let’s Go / The Hunter / Hit And Run / Future Flash / Kick It Down / Watch Your Step / Tush
● Others (5 songs)
・ 80’s: Bomber / Screaming Blue Murder / Action
・ GUILTY AS SIN: Guilty As Sin / Take It Like A Band

The first to appear is GIRLSCHOOL, where the founder Enid Williams has left. However, the successor was Tracy Lamb, who also participated in the 80’s / 90’s. You can enjoy a GIRLSCHOOL-like show without any discomfort. In fact, the set was also a golden Greatest Hits, and the two masterpieces “DEMOLITION” and “HIT AND RUN” were concentrated and reduced, and “Action” and the latest work of “TAKE A BITE” in which Tracy also participated. “Guilty As Sin” and “Take It Like A Band” from “GUILTY AS SIN” are studded. The explosive “Bomber”, which flashes back the memories of the co-starring EP, will also bite you with its close contact and thick sound.

[DISC 3-4: ALCATRAZZ with Doogie White participation] ● New songs (4 songs)
・ Five: Grace Of God / Sword Of Deliverance / Target / Turn Of The Wheel
● Classics (ALCATRAZZ side: 4 songs)
・ No Parole from Rock’n’Roll: Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live / Island In The Sun / Jet To Jet
・ Disturbing the Peace: God Blessed Video
● Classics (Doggy side: 6 songs)
・ Rainbow: Wolf To The Moon / Ariel / Black Masquerade / The Temple Of The King
・ Schenker: The Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes / Vigilante Man

This is the ALCATRAZZ version set. When classified into three in this way, the selection on the Doggy side is the most. Although it is unavoidable that the new “V” number is 4 songs, it is more than the masterpieces of the 1st / 2nd album. It’s true that Graham has sung RAINBOW and MSG songs on ALCATRAZZ, so it shouldn’t be strange, but Duggy has traveled through numerous bands / projects, and his songs have hardly been taken up anywhere. It can be said that receiving the same treatment as Graham is an exceptional hospitality.
What’s more, it’s surprising to select her “The Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes” and “Vigilante Man” with Michael Schenker, and the ultimate is “The Temple Of The King”. It’s true that I was singing live during the RAINBOW era, and Ronnie was also doing “Mistreated” at DIO, so it’s not impossible. It’s not impossible, but … Rather than ALCATRAZZ, it’s a bold selection that feels like a Doggy solo band.
Also, it seems that there was a member change in the latest information. Mark Benkechair, who was the drummer on the album, has left, and it is Larry Patterson who is sitting on the stool in this work. Although it is a veteran with various band backgrounds, the most famous one in our shop is BLAZE BAYLEY BAND …. ). In any case, the new ALCATRAZZ was actually “equal to Doggy” instead of “welcome Doggy as a successor”. This work is the latest and finest full live album where you can witness its unexpected stance and true value.

GIRLSCHOOL that keeps the taste of a long-established store and the surprising new ALCATRAZZ that exceeds the freshness. It’s like the opposite, but both are live sets where you can fully experience the coupling show unique to veterans. A set of 3 discs that can be present at the forefront of the British scene that has come back to life with superb sound. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ A live set that conveys the coupling tour of the new ALCATRAZZ with Doogie White and GIRLSCHOOL with the return of Tracy Lamb. It is a transcendental audience recording of “Stoke-on-Trent performance on November 18, 2021”. You can experience the hottest full show with the famous recording of super direct sound that goes on the ground with a “sound board” that has a tremendous sense of closeness on a club scale. You can experience the best experience of ALCATRAZZ, which plays the songs of Duggy such as RAINBOW and Michael Schenker, and GIRL SCHOOL, which stubbornly protects the taste of long-established stores, and the full show of both males with different personalities.


・11月18日:ストーク=オン=トレント公演 ←★本作★


【DISC 1:トレイシー・ラムが復帰したGIRLSCHOOL】
・Demolition Boys/Nothing To Lose/Take It All Away/Race With The Devil/Emergency
・C’mon Let’s Go/The Hunter/Hit And Run/Future Flash/Kick It Down/Watch Your Step/Tush
・80年代:Bomber/Screaming Blue Murder/Action
・GUILTY AS SIN:Guilty As Sin/Take It Like A Band

まず登場するのは、創設者でもあるイーニッド・ウィリアムズが去ったGIRLSCHOOL。しかし、後任に収まったのは80年代/90年代にも参加していたトレイシー・ラム。違和感もなく、GIRLSCHOOLらしいショウが楽しめます。実際、セットも黄金のグレイテスト・ヒッツでして、2大名盤『DEMOLITION』『HIT AND RUN』を濃縮還元し、そこにトレイシーも参加していた『TAKE A BITE』の「Action」や最新作『GUILTY AS SIN』の「Guilty As Sin」「Take It Like A Band」を散りばめる。思わず共演EPの想い出がフラッシュバックする爆走「Bomber」もド密着&極太サウンドでブチかましてくれます。

【DISC 3-4:ドゥギー・ホワイト参加のALCATRAZZ】
・ファイヴ:Grace Of God/Sword Of Deliverance/Target/Turn Of The Wheel
・ノー・パロール・フロム・ロックン・ロール:Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live/Island In The Sun/Jet To Jet
・ディスタービング・ザ・ピース:God Blessed Video
・レインボー関係:Wolf To The Moon/Ariel/Black Masquerade/The Temple Of The King
・シェンカー関係:The Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes/Vigilante Man

しかも、マイケル・シェンカーとの「The Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes」「Vigilante Man」をセレクトする辺りも意外ですし、極めつけは「The Temple Of The King」。たしかにRAINBOW時代にライヴで歌っていましたし、ロニーもDIOで「Mistreated」をやっていましたから別にあり得ない事じゃない。あり得なくはないんですが……ALCATRAZZと言うより、まるでドゥギーのソロ・バンドかのような大胆セレクトです。
また、最新情報ではメンバーチェンジもあった模様。アルバムでドラムを務めていたマーク・ベンケチェアが脱退し、本作でスツールに座っているのはラリー・パターソン。様々なバンド経歴のあるベテランですが、当店的に一番有名なのはBLAZE BAYLEY BAND……という渋い人選です(公式サイトにも反映されていない人事ですが、SNSで公開しているので間違いないでしょう)。ともあれ、実は「ドゥギーを後任に迎えた」ではなく「ドゥギーと対等に組む」だった新生ALCATRAZZ。本作は、その意外なスタンスと真価を目の当たりにできる最新・極上のフル・ライヴアルバムなのです。




Disc 1(75:04)
01. Intro
02. Demolition Boys
03. C’mon Let’s Go
04. The Hunter
05. Guilty As Sin
06. Hit And Run
07. Action
08. Future Flash
09. Kick It Down
10. Nothing To Lose
11. Take It Like A Band
12. Watch Your Step
13. Take It All Away
14. Race With The Devil
15. Bomber
16. Emergency
17. Screaming Blue Murder
18. Tush

Kim McAuliffe – vocals, guitar
Jackie Chambers – guitar, vocals
Tracey Lamb – bass
Denise Dufort – drums


Disc 2(44:38)
1. Intro
2. Grace Of God
3. Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live
4. Wolf To The Moon
5. Sword Of Deliverance
6. Target
7. Island In The Sun
8. Ariel
9. Jet To Jet

Disc 3(37:57)
1. MC
2. Turn Of The Wheel
3. The Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes
4. Black Masquerade
5. God Blessed Video
6. Vigilante Man
7. The Temple Of The King

Doogie White – vocals
Joe Stump – guitar
Gary Shea – bass
Jimmy Waldo – keyboards, vocals
Larry Paterson – drums

Shades 1436

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