Alcatrazz / Holland 2019 / 2CDR

Alcatrazz / Holland 2019 / 2CDR / Shades

Gebouw-T, Bergen Op Zoom, Holland, 21st March 2019

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ALCATRAZZ who finally got Joe stamp to the new guitarist. The latest original recording is appearance.
Recently, GRAHAM BONNET BAND was intensifying neo-classical color when it met the 80’s guitar hero. Every time I introduce the live album, I have insisted that “This is ALCATRAZZ,” but Graham Bonnet finally made up his mind (?). A performance in Japan named after ALCATRAZZ was also announced. Moreover, it is Joe Stamp’s joining that became the kicker of this name change. If you’re an old fan, you might think, “Who?”, But this is a good resource. So far Joey Tafora and Kurt James were from the so-called 80’s Shrapnel, but Joe was a 90’s man. At the time of his debut he was a neo-classical guitarist who played a guitar that was too Yngwhy and became synonymous with “clone”.
After that, it was a clone image full opening, such as teaming with Mike Vecella, but the evaluation among mania soars in recent years. Became intertwined with Richie, Blackmore sense in the phrase, also improve the composition and composition skills of the solo. Although it does not correspond to Joey Tafora who left the famous board “OUT OF THE SUN” in terms of publicity, it is still evolving on an ongoing basis. Graham is also planning a new album at ALCATRAZZ, and now it has even begun to be described as “the best choice to get back the Yngwie himself”.
Such a new ALCATRAZZ is coming to Japan, but this is the latest live album that is perfect for the preparation. It is a full audience recording of “March 21, 2019 Bergen op some performance (Netherlands)”. First of all, let’s check the show’s position on the 2019 schedule, also in the sense of knowing their status.

“February 8: Join Joe Stamp & Rename”
・ March 14: Tampere performance
・ March 15: Helsinki show
・ March 16: Kuopio performance
・ March 17th: Kouvola performance
・ March 21th: Bergen op some performance ★ ★ this work ★
・ March 22: Hoorn performance
・ March 23: Diet performance
・ March 24: Osnabruck performance
・ May 28-31: Japan (4 performances)
・ June 6-8: Australia (3 performances)

This is a schedule that has been released to date. Joe’s joining and ALCATRAZZ restart were announced in February, and then the tour started from North America. This Bergen op zoum performance was the fifth concert of the new ALCATRAZZ.
This work which recorded such a show is not a little ordinary. In fact, it is the original sound source of only this work which leaked out from the person concerned. As it is microphone recording, category becomes audience recording, but the sound is strange. Direct feeling is more intense than anything. It has not been transmitted until the recording situation, but maybe it’s the seat of concerned people, it’s fiercely on, direct and powerful! In terms of balance, the vocals are a bit sluggish, but the rhythm team and the guitar are just as strong. It’s going to be a blast with so much strength … and not. Powerful sound bursting with the last stop power. It is not required by the beauty for sounding, but you can enjoy the new generation ensemble directly with the power sound that does not become explosion and roar.
What is drawn in that sound is the figure of the beaten ALCATRAZZ! What aside, it is the guitar of Joe stamp that bothers me, but this is a great rumor. Anyway, cleverly, without hesitation, neo-classical phrase bursts, bursts of fires! Of course not dry scale exercise, plenty of crying and irritability, and yet it’s Kirekkire. The Yngwie Clones are sweeping and dumping, but they are not called “representatives” by Date. Of course, it’s not just imitation. The place that incorporates the Obri storm is young Yngwie itself, but its contents are similar and irrelevant. The tone is closer to heavy metal than Yngwie, and the contrast between slow and rapid passage is also imperitative. In the middle of Yngwie and Imperitelli, mixing a little Ritchie-like scale … such a delicious guitar is in full bloom.
And, a sense of active duty that can be done! As a matter of fact, the previous Joey and Kart were so nostalgic that it was like “What have you done up to now?”, But Joe Stamp is the active part of Barribari who keeps making a large number of solo albums. Smoothly and energetically push back without getting lost in the phrase to be spun. His composer’s sense of composition proves that he is the best in the future, just by playing with bullets.
It is a set that is delicious to the performance in Japan without losing to the guitar. As it is the first report of the new ALCATRAZZ, let’s organize all the songs at once.

● ALCATRAZZ (7 songs)
Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Jet To Jet, Kree Nakoorie, Starcarr Lane, General Hospital, Big Foot
● RAINBOW (4 songs)
Love’s No Friend, All Night Long, Since You Been Gone, Lost In Hollywood
● MSG (3 songs)
Desert Song, Rock You To The Ground, Assault Attack
● IMPELLITTERI (2 songs)
Stand In Line, Tonight I Fly
● Graham’s solo (2 songs)
Night Games, Long Island Tea
● BLACKTHORNE (1 song)
We Wo n’t Be Forgotten

… and is like this. The axis is (of course?) “NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL”. So far, I have always put in some songs from “DISTURBING THE PEACE”, but with all exclusions, it will come close with super neokura. And, it is various at the level which does not break the neokura route other. It covers unusual places like IMPELLITTERI’s “Tonight I Fly” and BLACKTHORNE’s “We Won’t Be Forgotten”.

Joey Tafora → Kurt James → Joe Stamp and, every time I change the guitarist, I jumped in three steps and scaled up. Graham Bonnet finally climbed to a dimension appropriate for the ALCATRAZZ gold billboard. In the coming performances coming to Japan, “NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL” and “DOWN TO EARTH” are scheduled to be reproduced, and the fun will not stop. The guilt making board which pours oil in the feeling of doing and makes it burn up magnificently. Please have fun and enjoy!

★ Super high-quality sound source of the outflow of officials. Although some noise is included (by the way of recording), it is caused by the master. Still excellent sound quality!

このところ、80年代ギターヒーローを迎えてはネオクラシカル色を強めていたGRAHAM BONNET BAND。そのライヴアルバムをご紹介する度、内心で「これ、ALCATRAZZじゃん」とは思ってきましたが、グラハム・ボネットも遂に決心(?)。ALCATRAZZを名乗っての来日公演も発表となりました。しかも、今回改名のキッカケとなったのはジョー・スタンプの加入。オールドファンの方は「誰?」と思われるかも知れませんが、これがなかなかの逸材なのです。これまでのジョーイ・タフォーラやカート・ジェームズはいわゆる80年代シュラプネル出身でしたが、ジョーは90年代の人。デビュー当時はあまりにもイングヴェイすぎるギターを弾き倒し「クローン」の代名詞にもなってしまったネオクラシカル・ギタリストなのです。
その後もマイク・ヴェセーラと組むなど、クローン・イメージ全開だったのですが、それが近年になってマニア間での評価が急上昇。フレーズにリッチー・ブラックモア的なセンスを織り交ぜるようになり、ソロの構成や作曲能力もメキメキ上達。知名度で言うと名盤『OUT OF THE SUN』を残したジョーイ・タフォーラには及びませんが、現在進行形で進化を続けている。グラハムはALCATRAZZでの新作も予定しており、今や「イングヴェイ本人を戻すより良いベストな選択」とさえ言われ始めているのです。


そんなショウを記録した本作は、ちょっと普通じゃない。実は関係者から流出した、本作だけのオリジナル音源なのです。マイク録音なのでカテゴリーはオーディエンス録音になるわけですが、そのサウンドは異様。何よりも強烈なのはダイレクト感。録音状況までは伝わっていませんが、恐らくは関係者席なのか、猛烈にオンでダイレクト、そしてパワフル! バランス的にはヴォーカルが少し引き気味ですが、リズム隊もギターもとにかく強烈。あまりの力強さに爆音になりそう……で、ならない。ギリギリの寸止めパワーが炸裂するパワフル・サウンド。鳴りに美しさまでは求められませんが、爆裂・轟音にはならないパワーサウンドで新生アンサンブルをダイレクトに楽しめるのです。
そのサウンドで描かれるのは、甦ったALCATRAZZの姿! 何はさておき、気になるのはジョー・スタンプのギターですが、これがもう噂に違わぬ素晴らしさ。とにかく巧く、淀みなく、ネオクラシカル・フレーズの連発・連射・速射!! もちろん無味乾燥なスケール練習ではなく、泣きも激情もたっぷりとまぶし、それでいてキレッキレ。イングヴェイ・クローンは掃いて捨てるほどいるわけですが、伊達に「代表」と呼ばれたわけじゃないわけです。もちろん、ただの物まねではない。オブリの嵐を盛り込むところは若きイングヴェイそのものですが、その内容は似て非なるもの。トーンはイングヴェイよりもヘヴィなメタル寄りですし、スローと光速パッセージのコントラストはインペリテリ的でもある。イングヴェイとインペリテリの中間で、ちょっとリッチーっぽい音階を混ぜる……そんな美味しすぎるギターが満開なのです。
そして、ハジける現役感! 実のところ、前任のジョーイやカートは懐かしすぎて「これまで何してたの?」という感じでしたが、ジョー・スタンプはソロアルバムも大量に作り続けているバリッバリの現役。紡がれるフレーズに寸分の迷いもなく、滑らかに、エネルギッシュに弾き倒す。彼の作曲センスは今後の新作のお楽しみとしても、弾きっぷりだけで最適任者を証明しているのです。

Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live、Hiroshima Mon Amour、Jet To Jet、Kree Nakoorie、Starcarr Lane、General Hospital、Big Foot
Love’s No Friend、All Night Long、Since You Been Gone、Lost In Hollywood
Desert Song、Rock You To The Ground、Assault Attack
Stand In Line、Tonight I Fly
Night Games、Long Island Tea
We Won’t Be Forgotten

……と、このようになっています。軸となるのは(当然?)『NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL』。これまでは『DISTURBING THE PEACE』からも何曲か入れるのが常でしたが、一切排除で超ネオクラで迫りまくる。そして、その他もネオクラ路線を崩さないレベルで多彩。IMPELLITTERIの「Tonight I Fly」やBLACKTHORNEの「We Won’t Be Forgotten(隠れ名曲!)」といった珍しいところも取り上げてくれるのです。

ジョーイ・タフォーラ→カート・ジェームズ→ジョー・スタンプと、ギタリストを替える度に三段跳びでスケールアップ。遂にALCATRAZZの金看板に相応しい次元まで登り詰めたグラハム・ボネット。来る来日公演では『NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL』『DOWN TO EARTH』再現まで予定され、楽しみが止まらない。そのはやる気持ちに油を注ぎ、盛大に燃え上がらせてくれる罪作り盤。どうぞ、刮目してお楽しみください!


Disc 1(48:36)
1. Shooting Star (Intro) 2. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live 3. Hiroshima Mon Amour
4. Jet to Jet 5. Love’s No Friend 6. Kree Nakoorie★冒頭ノイズあり
7. All Night Long 8. Desert Song 9. Night Games 10. Rock You to the Ground ★冒頭ノイズあり

Disc 2(52:36)
1. MC 2. Stand in Line 3. Starcarr Lane 4. General Hospital ★ノイズと合わせて音量が不安定になる箇所がある。
5. We Won’t Be Forgotten 6. Big Foot 7. Since You Been Gone 8. Tonight I Fly
9. Long Island Tea 10. Assault Attack 冒頭ノイズあり 11. Lost in Hollywood

Graham Bonnet – Vocals Joe Stump – Guitar Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards
Beth-Ami Heavenstone – Bass Mark Benquechea – Drums

Shades 1040

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