Who / Cow Palace 1973 / 2CD+1DVD Wx OBI Strip

Who / Cow Palace 1973 / 2CD+1DVD Wx OBI Strip / Tommy Records

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Cow Palace Daly City California USA November 20, 1973. Digitally Remastered


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■ 11 May 20, 1973 Cow Palace show the complete recording.
■ collapse Keith, legendary performances understudy drummer stood in Angkor
■ pro-shot video first appearance time code does not turn
■ switchable audio of the video is the original sound board and audience

THE WHO are older than 50 years from the formation. Is a rare band that has continued its activities on the front lines since the dawn of the lock of history up to the present. While holding a death and various troubles of members in the transition of the long history, what is currently also activities, would be passion solely for their powerful music. To challenge the music of various genres based on the hard rock, also there is also energetic live activities, would be nice to say that the British rock of the typical band. Despite its popularity, there is also that the Japan tour was not long been done, but in Japan have been underestimated, give off a presence that shines brilliantly in the history of rock, along with the Beatles and the Stones.

And charm of THE WHO is a stage than anything. While playing the hard rock at high volume, Roger brandishing buzzing the microphone, Pete or bounce fly, with or playing the guitar by turning round and round the arm, flashy stage action is intended to enjoy the visual . And drumming like pour the entire energy of Keith Moon was also selling of one of the stage. Use the whole body to the full, daring play, such as hold out his soul to the devil, also crazy about a figure of Keith spree hit as has been possessed by something also, was a feature of the stage of THE WHO. And it’s Keith, what is also not only things on the stage, also a number of episodes of private life and off-stage, drag, sex, and drinking in addition to rock ‘n’ roll, it was typical itself of reckless rock musician It has been reported.

1973 THE WHO go on a tour with the album “Quadrophenia” was released. Tour itself is was small ones and only 27 performances, but also left a number of legends in there. The most famous among them is, or would not be in the November 20, Cow Palace performances recorded in this work. As is well known, this day Keith before production, what to do I thought liquor that drank mixed with painkillers for animals. Alternatively it is relaxed representation, actually may have been using some drugs. Is the faces the stage in a drunkenness state in any case. But in fact can be confirmed in this work, Keith is already gudaguda from the beginning of the concert. In addition, fainted during a performance, such as go berserk guards to the other party, it did not seem in obvious normal state. And finally fell into during the concert into a coma, it becomes impossible to more performance.

Here what unheard-of event occurs. “Is not the guy that can beat someone drum?” Toward the audience to be the recruit suddenly the drummer. Although there is anything Daira Kana era, even so and raise the drummer from the audience, will just unheard of thing. Then one of the boys who were in the audience, it is the Scot Halpin has been raised to the stage as an understudy of Keith. Scott Harbin at this point is still 19 years old. Impromptu to completely anonymous amateur is THE WHO concert, the understudy of Keith Moon. He later 26 years from the concert, are the answer to a magazine interview.

Head from up to the “stage was pure white. Pete at high volume was thought impossible not also become a hearing loss. Anyway die terrifying experience, anything and everything crazy. With a huge drum set , Tam was the common bass drum about the size. While listening to the piracy of its performance much later, I feel you are hitting better than I expected to. ”

This work, has become a set where you can enjoy such THE WHO historical happening occurs 1973 November 20, Cow Palace performance in sound and image. On this day there is a pro-shot video while black-and-white, between the collector had become a thing of the classic. However, although I’d like you have an existing departure board is sure, is of the both image quality contains the big time code at the bottom had not been distributed to the only sweet thing now. However, the present work is, newly excavated wax Gené video, is what’s a first appearance video time code is not entered. In a number of collector’s items and has created 1973 Cow Palace performance up to now, would say that the video appeared also say finally Ketteiban.

And features of this video DVD, the audio is in addition to the video accompanying the original sound board sound, is that it is possible to switch on the same day of the audience sound source. Not sound board only, are making it possible to switch sound that can be enjoyed as if the day of the enthusiasm being in the audience at a high quality audience immersive. Since this can be switched even during viewing, and I would like you at all means enjoy.

And it towards the CD, but this is completely recorded in audience sound source. Of course Pete “Is not the guy that can beat someone drum?” Toward the audience that, including the complete recording of the day of the document happening. As can be seen if Moraere listening to the voice of the video accompanying, contrary to the quality of the professional shot the video, the sound board of the video accompanying, although the sound board, vocal is off slightly, not those blessed with sound quality. On the other hand toward the audience sound source is, while somewhat rough has been recorded with sufficient high-quality sound, who here has become the adoption of it is determined that the appropriate viewing.

Keith Moon would fall down in the middle of a concert, recruited survived was a historical happening there was a 1973 November 20, Cow Palace show the drummer from the audience, the set was completely recorded in sound and video is this work . Sound source is fully recorded in high-quality audience recording. The video is low generator video does not enter the first appearance time code, and even voice can be switched the sound board sound source and the audience sound source in real time, has become a decision board of the same performances. CD also permanent firmly press platen of the beautiful picture-disc specification DVD. With Japanese band.


THE WHOは結成から50年以上経過している。ロックの歴史の黎明期から現在に至るまで第一線で活動を継続している稀有なバンドである。長い歴史の変遷の中ではメンバーの死去や様々なトラブルを抱えつつ、現在も活動しているのは、ひとえに彼らのパワフルな音楽に対する情熱であろう。ハード・ロックをベースに様々なジャンルの音楽性に挑戦し、また精力的なライヴ活動もあり、英国ロックの代表的バンドといってもいいだろう。その知名度に反し、来日公演が長らく行なわれていなかったこともあり、日本では過小評価されているが、ビートルズやストーンズと並んでロックの歴史に燦然と輝く存在感を放っている。

そしてTHE WHOの魅力は何といってもステージである。大音量でハードなロックを演奏しながら、ロジャーはマイクをブンブン振り回し、ピートは飛んだり跳ねたり、腕をグルグルまわしてギターを弾いたりと、派手なステージ・アクションは視覚的にも楽しめるものである。そしてキース・ムーンの全精力を注ぐようなドラミングもステージのウリのひとつであった。全身をフルに使い、魂を悪魔に差し出すような破天荒なプレイ、何かに憑依されたように夢中で叩きまくるキースの姿もまた、THE WHOのステージの特徴であった。そしてキースのそれは、何もステージ上だけのことではなく、私生活やオフ・ステージのエピソードの数々も、ドラッグ、セックス、ロックンロールに加え飲酒と、無謀なロック・ミュージシャンの典型そのものであったことが伝えられている。

1973年THE WHOはアルバム『四重人格』リリースに伴うツアーに出る。ツアー自体はわずか27公演と小規模なものであったが、そこにおいても数々の伝説を残している。その中で最も有名なものが、本作に収録の11月20日カウ・パレス公演ではないだろうか。よく知られているように、この日キースは本番前に、何を思ったか酒に動物用の鎮痛剤を混ぜて飲んだという。あるいはこれは緩和した表現であり、実際は何らかのドラッグを使用したのかもしれない。いずれにせよ酩酊状態でステージに臨んだのである。実際に本作で確認することが出来るが、キースはコンサートの序盤から既にグダグダである。また、演奏中に気絶し、警備員を相手に暴れだすなど、明らかな普通の状態ではなかったようだ。そして遂にコンサート中に昏睡状態に陥り、これ以上の演奏が不可能になってしまう。

ここで何と前代未聞の出来事が起きる。客席に向かって「誰かドラムを叩ける奴はいないか?」とドラマーを急遽募るのである。何とも大らかな時代ではあるが、それにしても客席からドラマーを募るとは、まさに前代未聞のことであろう。そこで客席にいた一人の少年、スコット・ハルピンがキースの代役としてステージに上げられたのである。この時点でスコット・ハルピンはまだ19歳である。まったくの無名の素人がTHE WHOのコンサートに飛び入り、キース・ムーンの代役を務めるとは。彼はコンサートから26年後に、雑誌のインタビューに答えている。


本作は、このようなTHE WHO歴史的なハプニングが生じた1973年11月20日カウ・パレス公演を音と映像で楽しめるセットとなっている。この日はモノクロながらプロ・ショット映像が存在し、コレクター間では定番のものとなっていた。しかし、既発盤をお持ちの方は確認してもらいたいのだが、そのいずれも下部に大きくタイムコードが入り画質が甘いものしか今まで流通していなかったのである。しかし本作は、新たに発掘されたロウ・ジェネ映像、なんとタイムコードが入っていない初登場映像なのである。今まで数多くのコレクターズ・アイテムを生み出してきた1973年カウ・パレス公演において、ようやく決定盤ともいえる映像が登場したといえるだろう。





01. I Can’t Explain
02. Summertime Blues
03. My Generation
04. I Am The Sea
05. The Real Me
06. The Punk And The Godfather
07. I’m One
08. Helpless Dancer
09. 515
10. Sea And Sand
11. Drowned
12. Bell Boy

01. Doctor Jimmy
02. Love Reign O’er Me
03. Won’t Get Fooled Again
04. Magic Bus
05. See Me Feel Me
06. ‘Can anybody play the drums?’
07. Smokestack Lightning – Spoonful
08. Naked Eye


01. I Can’t Explain
02. Summertime Blues
03. My Generation
04. I Am The Sea – The Real Me
05. The Punk And The Godfather
06. I’m One
07. Helpless Dancer
08. 515
09. Sea And Sand
10. Drowned
11. Bell Boy
12. Doctor Jimmy
13. Love Reign O’er Me
14. Won’t Get Fooled Again
15. Magic Bus
16. See Me Feel Me
17. Smokestack Lightning – Spoonful
18. Naked Eye


Tommy Records. TMR-08/09/10

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