Whitesnake / Judgement Day In Kobe / 2CDR

Whitesnake / Judgement Day In Kobe / 2CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At World Memorial Hall, Kobe, Japan 22nd September 1990.




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WHITESNAKE is from 1990, “SLIP OF THE TONGUE” World Tour, which celebrated its Steve Vai, valuable Japan tour sound source is the gift-release decision! September 22-year ’90 to hit Japan 3 performances eyes in this work, the Kobe World Memorial Hall performances, recorded music media of good quality audience master. Birthday of this day Kavu~aderu. Surprise also to enjoy a special live there, it is one of mania must listen!

Album featuring full of personality guitar of Steve Vai “SLIP OF THE TONGUE” is now in the works, especially divided pros and cons in WHITESNAKE history. But despite a negative tone of the media and enthusiasts, live that took place in 1990 Rocked very in various places. And to representative it would be Donington “Monsters of Rock” of the same year (but was met with German version festival “THE HEAT BEGINS TO RISE”, the climax will have a great thing). 1990 Japan tour which took place in the last of the tour, you will not lose in such overseas live the excitement, now those full of hot air. This visit to Japan of time starting with the Yokohama Arena concert of September 19, was held a total of five performances until the Tokyo Nippon Budokan concert of the 25th and the 26th. In particular, special deep emotion of the tour last is as press CD title “FINAL JUDGEMENT” convey strongly.
Japan sound of 1990 is special is too the last day, but in fact another, live where you want remembered exists. It is Kobe World Memorial Hall performances of the three-day tour. Compared with the final performance of somewhere Budokan that sadness was dogged, this live was held on September 22 is the birthday of Kavu~aderu, you can say to have been wrapped in warm mood at home. The recorded music media of such a live from high-quality audience master in this work. Also including live the second half of the surprise, you can enjoy thoroughly the stage of “this day unique”.

There is little input of bass is stronger, but the balance of lightness and performers of sound is good. The 1990 live that Oshimakuru in high tension power, it is vividly captured the sound image. Starting from intense shout one shot of Kavu~aderu from “Slip Of The Tongue”, swelling of the hall is full swing. Steve guitar also volley a unique play, I amused fully the collision of different personality. Kavu~aderu sing along with the audience of the venue “Slide It In” is, in the beginning of the full mood of Japan tour unique is (“Is This Love”, we caution that “here quietly” to the audience that Kavu~aderu was too climax masu). Profound and “Judgement Day”, in Vai play also surprised audience “Kitten’s Got Claws” such as the time of the new song also, has won a good reaction of the audience.
In the disk 2 start from “Crying In The Rain” of great power. Adrian and Steve co-star, is a perfect score meet listen also drum solo of Tommy Aldridge, such as echoing to fill space. It is followed by “Fool For Your Loving” of 1990 version, “For The Love Of God” and “The Audience Is Listening” also listen miss not solo part of the feature was Steve a.
Following this solo part, this live up to the surprise has occurred! Cry to celebrate the birthday of Kavu~aderu from venue is flying about, birthday song by the band members will be played. Mood of the hall that peaceful air and laughter envelops nice, warm mood is very at home. Also in the audience recording of the 1990 live, here is a noteworthy one scene. Take over this mood “Here I Go Again” also for the hand to hear there will be a special taste. Then the “Bad Boys” of excitement, overflowing tension “Still Of The Night” is volley. The live beyond the 120 minutes, I concludes with certain satisfaction.

Surprise and special feeling of “this day unique” what, the best part of the audience recording. In the final performance of the Budokan shed tears of Bankan Kavu~aderu also, this day will it was a smile.
This work is “THE HEAT BEGINS TO RISE” and also compared, not inferior precious live source in fun of German performances. Was met with Budokan final performance is aligned with the “FINAL JUDGEMENT”, an important sound source impress the 1990 Japan tour, so that it does not miss out please!

WHITESNAKEがスティーヴ・ヴァイを迎えた1990年の「SLIP OF THE TONGUE」ワールドツアーより、貴重な来日公演音源がギフト・リリース決定です! 本作では来日3公演目に当たる’90年9月22日,神戸ワールドメモリアルホール公演を、良質なオーディエンス・マスターから音盤化。この日はカヴァデールの誕生日。サプライズもあった特別なライヴを満喫させる、マニア必聴の一本です!

 スティーヴ・ヴァイの個性溢れるギターをフィーチャーしたアルバム「SLIP OF THE TONGUE」は、WHITESNAKE史上でも特に賛否両論分かれる作品になりました。しかしメディアやマニアの否定的な論調をよそに、1990年に行われたライヴは各地で非常に盛り上がりました。それを代表するのが同年のドニントン”モンスターズ・オブ・ロック”でしょう(ドイツ版フェスティバルを収めた「THE HEAT BEGINS TO RISE」でも、その盛り上がりは素晴らしいものがあります)。’90年ツアーのラストに行われた来日公演も、そんな海外ライヴの興奮に負けない、熱気溢れるものになりました。この時の来日は9月19日の横浜アリーナ公演を皮切りに、25日および26日の東京・日本武道館公演まで全5公演が行われました。特にツアーラストの特別な感慨は、プレスCDタイトル「FINAL JUDGEMENT」が色濃く伝えるとおりです。

 やや低音の入力が強めではありますが、音の明度や演奏のバランスは良好。ハイテンションなパワーで押しまくる’90年ライヴを、生々しく捉えた音像です。カヴァデールの強烈なシャウト一発から始まる「Slip Of The Tongue」から、場内の盛り上がりは最高潮。スティーヴのギターも個性的なプレイを連発し、異なる個性の衝突を存分に楽しませます。カヴァデールが会場の観客とともに歌う「Slide It In」は、来日公演ならではのムードがいっぱい(「Is This Love」の冒頭では、カヴァデールが盛り上がりすぎた観客に「ここは静かに」と注意を促しています)。重厚な「Judgement Day」や、ヴァイのプレイにオーディエンスも驚く「Kitten’s Got Claws」など当時の新曲も、観客の良好なリアクションを獲得しています。
 ディスク2では大迫力の「Crying In The Rain」からスタート。エイドリアンとスティーヴの共演、空間いっぱいに響き渡るようなトミー・アルドリッジのドラムソロも聴き応え満点です。’90年バージョンの「Fool For Your Loving」に続いては、「For The Love Of God」と「The Audience Is Listening」をフィーチャーしたスティーヴのソロパートも聴き逃せません。
 このソロパートに続き、本ライヴ最大のサプライズが発生! 会場からカヴァデールの誕生日を祝う叫び声が飛び交い、バンドメンバーによるバースデイ・ソングが演奏されます。和やかな空気と笑い声が包む場内のムードは素晴らしく、温かいムードは非常にアットホーム。’90年ライヴのオーディエンス録音中でも、ここは特筆すべきワンシーンです。このムードを引き継ぐ「Here I Go Again」は、聴き手にとっても特別な味わいがあるでしょう。その後は大興奮の「Bad Boys」,緊張感みなぎる「Still Of The Night」が連発。120分間を越えるライヴを、確かな満足感で締めくくります。

 本作はドイツ公演の「THE HEAT BEGINS TO RISE」と較べても、面白さでは遜色ない貴重なライヴ・ソース。武道館最終公演を収めた「FINAL JUDGEMENT」と並び、’90年ジャパンツアーを印象付ける重要音源を、どうぞお見逃しありませんように!

Disc 1(56:30)
1. Introduction 2. Slip Of The Tongue 3. Slide It In 4. Judgement Day 5. Slow An’ Easy
6. Kitten’s Got Claws 7. Adrian Vandenberg Guitar Solo 8. Is This Love 9. Cheap An’ Nasty 

Disc 2(66:04)
1. Crying In The Rain 2. Tommy Aldridge Drums Solo 3. Crying In The Rain (Reprise) 
4. Fool For Your Loving 5. Steve Vai Guitar Solo – For The Love Of God 6. The Audience Is Listening
7. “Happy Birthday David” 8. Here I Go Again 9. Bad Boys (Incl. Children Of The Night)
10. Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City 11. Still Of The Night 

David Coverdale – Vocals Steve Vai – Guitar Adrian Vandenberg – Guitar, Keyboards
Rudy Sarzo – Bass Tommy Aldridge – Drums 


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