Van Halen / Definitive Hammersmith 1978 / 1CD

Van Halen / Definitive Hammersmith 1978 / 1CD / Zodiac

Translated text:
Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 1st June 1978 STEREO SBD

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What a shock. What live album. The history highest peak master of legend sound board famous for history is new excavation. Ultimate masterpiece of the masterpiece decision at the same time as birth. Of course, it is a permanent preservation press CD appearing.
That legendary board is “London Show on June 1, 1978”. Yes, an ultra-powerful sound board that represents the era of “flame firing line” that brought about revolution in the whole world. The upgrade of that standard classic and historical masterpiece has been realized. Before introducing the quality of the shock, it is basic first. Let’s check the position of the show from the whole picture of the debut tour which shook the earth as a whole.

· January 27 + February 8: Warm up
“February 10” Fire fuse line “released”
· February 18 – April 28: North America # 1 (46 shows)
· May 4th – 12th: Europe # 1 (7 performances)
· May 16 – June 10: Britain (20 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
· June 17 – 28: Japan (9 shows)
· July 1 – September 30: North America # 2 (54 shows)
· October 9 – 27: Europe # 2 (13 performances)
· November 3 – December 3: North America # 3 (24 performances)
“December 11” Legendary bomber “started production”

This is the world tour of 1978 that made the VH revolution known to the whole world. The number of concerts etc are not strict because there are some obscure parts in the record at that time, but I think that you can grasp the approximate flow. This tour is also realizing the legendary first visit to Japan, but the London performance of this work is just before that. It was a concert that was the 14th tour of ‘UK’ tour. This British tour was a European tour linked with “Europe # 1” and was the first overseas tour of VAN HALEN.
As mentioned above, this show is also famous for the fact that the sound board was left. It is possible to experience brisk live music immediately after debut with direct brain sound, and it has become a lock textbook even though it is not an official. This work is an upgrade board of such legend soundboard. It is a new master that I got independently.
That sound quality is just a shock! The last “Bottoms Up!” Ends in the middle is the same as in the previous episode, but its sound is completely different. Although it was originally an official class death-grade sound board, this work is correct even though the pitch which was deviated by 1/4 sound is exact, but it seems even trivial to upgrade it. Obviously the generation is young, the response is glossy, and the edges are sharp as long as the ringing is fresh. There is no feeling of lump of the midrange range that was in the past, the whole area is well-balanced, and it seems to get out of the sky. It is different super powerful sound from the density of sound more than anything.
The power of this new master has changed everything. Michael Anthony’s base that rocks the five organs is not only powerful but also vibe delicate, and the shout of diamond · dave which extends anywhere is super sharp. Sukon! Alex van Halen’s drumming is also a sharp one stroke. However, it is more frightful than that, the revolutionary guitar essential! “Flame fuse line” is not only the style and phrase of Eddie but also the intensely unspoiled guitar sound was revolutionary, but this work is exactly the stage version. It is much better to withdraw than the previous episode, and the details are delicate. Even so, the original sound that powered the power pipe hits the brain nicely.
The show drawn with that sound is also amazing, it’s too amazing. It was shorter than the first visit to Japan, because it was the undercard of the 10th anniversary tour of BLACK SABBATH, but it is special. All songs other than “Jamie’s Cryin” and “Ice Cream Man” are played from “Fire fuse line”, and the solo time of each person is interwoven there. And last thrust out “D.O.A.” “Bottoms Up!” Of “Legendary Bombers”. Looking back from now on, it seems powerful to finish with new songs, but what about it! It is a ferocious performance that it is to say. And above all, the sense of rocking like hitting the Britain for the first time is too great. Although the enthusiasm of enthusiasm is quite far only on the sound board, you can see well that the small small volume is excitingly oddly raised. In this tour, it is becoming a story to tell the fact that I have eaten the head liner ‘s BLACK SABBATH, but if this is the only show, no one will win any headliner. There is no reason. It is exactly the live album where energy released only by revolutionary children is condensed.

This real version “Fire fuse line”. The legendary sound board has reached the area of ​​historical debut work by the upgrade master. It does not start even if I say the Four Five to the super masterpiece of this level. “Fans must listen carefully” is not lively kind. It is a cultural heritage of music history, a live album symbolizing rock itself. The moment of its birth. Please experience it with a permanent preservation press CD.




これがVH革命を全世界に知らしめた1978年のワールドツアー。当時の記録にはあやふやなところもあるので公演数等は厳密ではありませんが、おおよその流れは把握していただけると思います。このツアーでは伝説の初来日も実現しているわけですが、本作のロンドン公演はその直前。「英国」ツアーの14公演目にあたるコンサートでした。この英国ツアーは「欧州#1」と連動したヨーロッパ巡業であり、VAN HALEN初の海外ツアーでもありました。
そのサウンド・クオリティは、まさに衝撃! ラストの「Bottoms Up!」が途中で終わってしまうのは既発とは同じものの、そのサウンドはまるで違う。元からオフィシャル級のド級サウンドボードだったわけですが、本作は1/4音ほどズレていたピッチが正確になってもいますが、それさえ些細に思えるほどのアップグレード。明らかにジェネレーションが若く、鳴りも瑞々しければ手応えも艶やかで、エッジもシャープ。既発にあった中音域の塊感がなく、全域がバランスも良く、スカッと抜けるよう。何よりも音の密度からして違う超強力サウンドなのです。
この新マスターの威力はすべてを塗り替えている。五臓六腑を揺るがすマイケル・アンソニーのベースはド迫力なだけでなくヴァイヴも繊細ですし、どこまでも伸びるダイヤモンド・デイヴのシャウトも超鮮明。スコン!と抜けるアレックス・ヴァン・ヘイレンのドラミングも1打1打が鮮やかなのです。しかし、それ以上に凄まじいのが、肝心要の革命ギター! 『炎の導火線』はエディの奏法・フレーズだけでなく強烈無比なギター・サウンドも革命的だったわけですが、本作はまさにそのステージ版。既発よりも遙かに抜けが良く、ディテールも繊細。それでいてパワー管をドライブさせた本来のサウンドが見事に脳みそを直撃してくるのです。
そのサウンドで描かれるショウがまた凄い、凄すぎる。BLACK SABBATHの10周年ツアーの前座だったために初来日よりも短いのですが、その分特濃。『炎の導火線』から「Jamie’s Cryin」「Ice Cream Man」以外の全曲が演奏され、そこに各人のソロタイムが織り交ぜられる。そして、ラストは『伝説の爆撃機』の「D.O.A.」「Bottoms Up!」を繰り出す。今から振り返ると新曲で終えるのも力業に思えますが、それがどうした!と言わんばかりの苛烈な演奏。そして何より、初めての英国をブン殴るようなロック感が豪快すぎる。サウンドボードだけに観客の熱狂はかなり遠いのですが、その小さな小さなヴォリュームでも異様に盛り上がっているのがよく分かる。このツアーではヘッドライナーのBLACK SABBATHを食ってしまった事が語り草になっていますが、これだけのショウなら誰がヘッドライナーでも敵う者はいない。いるわけがない。まさに革命児だけが放つエナジーが凝縮されたライヴアルバムなのです。



1. Intro 2. On Fire 3. I’m The One 4. Bass Solo 5. Runnin’ With The Devil 6. Atomic Punk
7. Little Dreamer 8. Feel Your Love Tonight 9. Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
10. Eruption 11. You Really Got Me 12. D.O.A. 13. Bottoms Up



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