UK / Waiting For You Hamburg 1979 / 2CD

UK / Waiting For You Hamburg 1979 / 2CD /Virtuoso

Translated text:

Live At Audimax, Hamburg, Germany 9th December 1979.


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Virtuoso 164/165

Live at Audimax, Hamburg, Germany 9th December 1979 TRULY AMAZING / PERFECT SOUND (UPGRADE) Danger Money European Tour your title “THE FINAL CHAPTER (Ayanami-166)” and 11 years ago, received a hot support from the UK many fans was released in October 2002 from now person of memory or will come much now. It was the title of Kitai, which is supported and long, wide fan as the name sound captured by the full set of 1979 European Tour final stage just before the UK is to dissolve. But these days, it succeeded in obtaining the tape generator very young of this sound source, our store this as a successor instrument to the next generation to take over “THE FINAL CHAPTER” – has given birth to “WAITING FOR YOU Hamburg 1979”. Recording stereo audience recording of course. And it is to come close to the performance of the day in the high-grade sound quality of its outstanding about each board is all hazy, and outstanding collecting contents exactly. First, please listen to this sound. Opening of surprise seems to end activities in the “Caesar’s Palace Blues”, state of the middle and later driving force of the song Yuku sharply accelerated from heavy early is handed down in vivid sound. And I would like than to hear first here If you have a pre-departure board, but I think it is too high, the sound pressure of its outstanding and notice that there was a strange feeling of pressure in the sound from this early scene You. It could also be your impression of how much be that tell the performance sound natural sound quality of this work at the same time.Start intro is disconnected in the “Danger Money”, please pay attention to (22 seconds to 3 minutes near) part of the rhythm through the middle and begins to move. I think the sound that slide into simultaneously three instruments while each other hit the actual sound is, and notice that it is vividly reproduced in sound image close with a jerk than those listen in its outstanding panel. Movement of the sound has become like chase in more detail “As Long As You Want Me Here”. (08 seconds near-finale ※ 4 minutes as well) Part mellow and quiet from 34 seconds around 2 minutes, will be assent to state that captures the charm of complaints with moderate clarity and space especially . On the other hand, the charm of the whole performance sound’s out strongly “Night After Night”. This day is felt particularly strongly virtuosity of ensemble assembled dense not think three very, but it has become a recorded sound that comes through in a straight ball. In (06 seconds to 3 minutes) solo synth coming out towards the end, because it is output comparison of the sound of rhythm and back melody ringing loudly becomes the powerful sound of between high range from the middle range as it is above all , and I would like to have you pay attention to the sound image with this growth. It is great to hear processing “Alaska” Reproductions work that follows. The (45 seconds near to 2 minutes). Expansion of the middle part which can be called the liver of this song, after coming hanging attack vividly in the sound image dynamic scoff at the pre-departure board, separation of the sound emanating from each musical instrument is a wonderful thing there. And “Nothing To Lose” is Yuki connected without a break as a developing feature of the activity from the end here, but will be deprived of the ear first to sing you twist the fist of Wet-N in this case. I also think that there was no in the past what the sound and tone of wavering in the violin solo, was recorded in a sound with texture and clarity about this. connection of where this Eddie and solo during Mochikaeru the instrument also has become one of the processing to hear you are connected by movement-based very rare this day, except that the movement and sound of the base is also played in crisp sound It will be noted also. Improvisation of this day of Disc-2 is beginning, is what base which worked of the dos stands out in that hard. However, are you leading the improvisation of the day this certainly is a Wet-N, but it has become a scene selection eye of the scale and rhythm of two of the other come launch a wildly dialogue in the expansion a thrilling stand out You.You will also be reminded of that again also for sound moving finely also hear well, is a multi-faceted improvisation that combines also fine structure in the Kyokuso tough. Moment cut turns on in 42 seconds around 00 minutes to Sunde-hatsu-ban similar “Nostalgia”, but the way the sound of the tone is better beyond comparison with its outstanding panel also features. Interaction of sound of violin resound gorgeously by carrying the sound of their own that was assembled in the Yamaha CS-80 is, will be impressed by that it reaches the ear with a sense of transparency is very high. I think “Presto Vivace” also be surprised how the motion of sound fine chase each instrument in detail. More easily than is listening because there is no sound that stands out loudly this song, you have a board its outstanding I think I want crowned than the difference of the sound image by all means. Sound that was crushed poor separation as a whole stands out clearly in this work, the bass sound was hard to listen to recessed also hear about liking, you should feel strongly richness of sound the sound of more than one place simultaneously. And of surprise Yuku stand up from there also “In The Dead Of Night”, there is a feeling of condensation specific this time is played in the form of pretty close to the studio version, jump out at the sound image with excellent good the dense ensemble of Tsubudachi will come.Approach to further expand the potential of the music scene there is intensive pizzicato violin solo in the middle resulted in the “The Only Thing She Needs”, that there is a speedy ensemble part also in the meantime have been included. Sense coming tickle your hearing vivid sound dense ensemble with its high tension up to the high range from the low range will give you special joy. And last, “Waiting For You”. It varies from listeners if I listen to the lyrics with unreleased tracks of this 3rd album left in the UK top-end activity. There will also argue that “Do ran into pop route” for some people. But while has become a sound pop towards the outside to outside melody line, the music is so constructed tough left like stay there with a jerk as resisting against the 80’s to visit soon, the complexity I think that it does not miss the point you are. The customers are possible Tanoshimi us as first-class as well as a sound source of research material because this song has been recorded in vivid sound high resolution of course. At the same time, and that glimpse is or was doing music with the power of UK 70’s of activity most end-stage appeal much in its recorded sound with the expanse dynamic, a song that symbolizes this title also has become. Upgraded version of the Hamburg concert December 9, 1979 that appeared at last and will it steal the scene of progressive rock fans of all. Super strong title of the absolute must-have UK fan, Wetton fans is the release determined from the label in the Virtuoso CD2 Disc Press. ★ 

今から11年前、2002年10月にリリースされ多くのU.K.ファンから熱い支持を受けた『THE FINAL CHAPTER (Ayanami-166)』というタイトルを御記憶の方は今どれだけいらっしゃるでしょうか。U.K.が解散する直前の1979年ヨーロッパツアー最終期をフルセットで捉えた名音源としてファンに広く、そして長く支持された稀代のタイトルでした。しかし当店は昨今、この音源の非常に若いジェネのテープ入手に成功、『THE FINAL CHAPTER』を引き継ぐ次世代への後継音源としてこの『WAITING FOR YOU – Hamburg 1979』を誕生させました。もちろん収録はステレオ・オーディエンス録音。まさに各既発盤が全て霞むほどの高品位な音質でこの日の演奏に肉迫する、傑出した収録内容となっています。

まずはこのサウンドを聴いてみて下さい。活動末期らしい驚きのオープニング「Caesar’s Palace Blues」では、重苦しい序盤から曲の推進力が一気に加速してゆく中盤以降の様子が鮮烈な音で伝わってきます。既発盤をお持ちの方はここでまず聴き比べて戴きたいのですが、この序盤シーンから既発の音圧は高過ぎて、サウンドに奇妙な圧迫感があった事に気付かれると思います。また同時に本作の音質がどれだけナチュラルに演奏音を伝えているかもお感じになるでしょう。イントロが外されて始まる「Danger Money」では、中盤のリズムが動き出す部分(3分22秒付近~)に御注目下さい。3つの楽器が実音をぶつけ合いながら同時進行してゆく響きが、既発盤で聴けたものよりグッと近い音像で生々しく再生されている事に気付かれると思います。

「As Long As You Want Me Here」は音の動きが更に詳細に追える様になっています。特に2分34秒付近からの静かでメロウなパート(※4分08秒付近~終曲も同様)では、適度な空間性と透明感を伴う弱音の魅力を捉えた様子に御納得されるでしょう。一方、演奏音全体の魅力が色濃く出ているのが「Night After Night」。とても3人とは思えない密度の高いアンサンブル組み上げの妙技がこの日は特に強く感じられますが、それが直球で伝わってくる収録音となっています。中でも終盤で出てくるシンセのソロ(3分06秒~)では、高らかに鳴り響く旋律とバックのリズムという音の対比がそのままミドル・レンジからハイ・レンジにかけての力強い響きとなって出力されますので、この伸びのある音像にも御注目戴きたいと思います。

続く「Alaska」も本作大きな聴き処です。この曲のキモとも言える中間部の展開(2分45秒付近~)は、既発盤を一蹴するダイナミックな音像で鮮烈に襲い掛かってくるうえ、各楽器から出る音の分離感も素晴らしいものがあります。そしてここから活動末期の特徴的な展開として「Nothing To Lose」が切れ目無く繋がってゆきますが、ここではウエットンのコブシを効かせた熱唱にまず耳を奪われるでしょう。またヴァイオリン・ソロでの揺らめく音色と響きが、これほど透明感と質感を伴う音で記録されたものは過去に無かったと思います。このソロ中やエディが楽器を持ち替える箇所の繋ぎもこの日はベースが大変珍しい動きで繋いでいて聴き処のひとつとなっていますが、このベースの響きと動きも鮮明な音で再生される点も特筆されるでしょう。

Disc-2冒頭のこの日のインプロは、その硬質でドスの効いたベースが際立つ内容です。ただ、確かにこの日のインプロを牽引しているのはウエットンですが、スリリングな展開の中に荒々しく対話を仕掛けてくる他の二人のリズムと音階の選択眼も際立つシーンとなっています。また細かく動く音もよく聴こえるため、タフな曲想の中に微細構造も併せ持った多面的なインプロである事にも改めて気付かされるでしょう。「Nostalgia」は既発盤同様に00分42秒付近で一瞬カットが入りますが、音色の響き方は既発盤とは比較にならないほど優れているのも特徴です。ヤマハCS-80で組み上げた独自のサウンドに載せて艶やかに鳴り響くヴァイオリンという音の対話が、非常に高い透明感を伴って耳に届く事に感銘を受けるでしょう。「Presto Vivace」も各楽器の細かい音の動きがつぶさに追える様子に驚かれると思います。この曲は派手に目立つ音が無いので聴き比べがし易く、既発盤をお持ちの方は是非音像の違い比べて戴きたく思います。全体的に分離が悪く潰れていた音が本作ではくっきりと際立ち、奥まって聴き辛かったベース音も程好く聴こえ、複数の音が同時に進行する響きの豊かさが色濃く感じられる筈です。そしてそこから立ち上がってゆく驚きの「In The Dead Of Night」も、スタジオ版にかなり近い形で演奏されるこの時期特有の凝縮感があり、その濃密なアンサンブルが粒立ちの良い優れた音像で飛び出してきます。

「The Only Thing She Needs」は中盤のヴァイオリン・ソロでピチカートを多用するシーンがあり、その合間にもスピーディなアンサンブルパートがあるという楽曲の可能性を更に広げるアプローチが盛り込まれています。その高い緊張感を伴う濃密なアンサンブルがロー・レンジからハイ・レンジに至るまで鮮烈な音で聴覚をくすぐってくる感覚は特別な喜びを与えてくれるでしょう。そして最後は「Waiting For You」。U.K.活動最末期に残されたこの3rdアルバム用の歌詞付き未発表曲をどう聴くかは聴き手によって様々です。人によっては「ポップ路線に走ったな」という意見もあるでしょう。しかしメロディラインが外へ外へと向かうポップな音となっているのに対し、楽曲は間もなく訪れる80年代に抗う様にグッとそこに留まるような、複雑さを残したタフな構成となっている点は見逃せないと思います。勿論この曲も解像度の高い鮮烈な音で収録されていますので研究素材の音源としても第一級のものとしてお愉しみ戴けます。そして同時に、ダイナミックで広がりのあるその収録音の中に活動最末期の70年代U.K.がどれだけ訴える力のある音楽をやっていたかが垣間見えるという、本タイトルを象徴する一曲ともなっています。

Disc 1(43:39)
1. Intro 2. Caesar’s Palace Blues 3. Danger Money 4. As Long As You Want Me Here
5. Thirty Years 6. Drum Solo 7. Night After Night 8. Alaska 9. Nothing To Lose

Disc 2(45:12)
1. Spanish Tune (Bass Solo) 2. Rendezvous 6:02 3. Violin Solo 4. Nostalgia
5. Presto Vivace 6. In The Dead Of Night 7. The Only Thing She Needs
8. Waiting For You

John Wetton – Bass, Vocal Eddie Jobson – Keyboards, Electric Violin
Terry Bozzio – Drums, Percussion

Virtuoso 164/165

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