Scorpions / Loud Park 16 / 2CD

Scorpions / Loud Park 16 / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan 8th October 2016


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Finally, finally. …… Was realized “Sasoridan + Uli Roth” in Japan. Live album that contains the LOUD PARK 16, which was the night of such a miracle at the highest sound is appeared!
Already it has become a hot topic in various places “Sasoridan + Uri”. 9 years of the Japan tour is also a big success, the hot rock soul, not weakening yet went Nejifuse also a new generation. But once once that was the best of the SCORPIONS lock, the co-star of the Uri it was realized was the only “LOUD PARK 16” that took place in the “2016 October 8, Saitama Super Arena”. This work, we the memorial concert master craftsman of finest quality goods that “strongest taper West” Mr. is fully recorded. The other day also “strongest” Mr. of work “TOKYO 2016 (ZODIAC 208)” because there is also just been released, let’s organize here.

– October 6: Zepp diversity Tokyo “TOKYO 2016”
– October 8: Saitama Super Arena [this work] – October 11, 2011: Osaka International Convention Center

[Sound better than the site:!? Inscription goods master craftsman’s work shines] Or more, three performances of the 2016 Japan tour all. The real purpose of Mr. the “strongest” expedition in the Kanto region is as it was in “LOUD PARK 16” rather than a single performance. Quality of this work, which played the “true purpose” is, this also sounds great. “TOKYO 2016”, but was brain miso direct sound that take advantage of the narrowness of the 2,000 scale, this time huge “Saitama Super Arena”. Indeed good sound It thinks …… it would be impossible, pop downright detailed clear sound!
Straight “TOKYO 2016” is also no less in the thick, there faintly is “sound” and “spectacle” of the Saitama Super Arena to have been plus. This “sound”, but is not there also a little different nuance from that of the “like sound board” in order that there is, it has also become a beauty seems on the other hand audience. Bass tend to be weak in the audience recording also fiercely, drumming of Mickey Dee approaching the thick-de-force, also based Powell Makioda until one one of the grain Goriggori. Of course, it is brilliant to come cutting Rudolf Schenker slams, … the voice of Klaus Meine go full of strong throughout the venue.
Once referred to as “the” strongest “Mr. + LOUD PARK 16”, but has also been released, “LOUD PARK 2016 (Shades 688)” of WHITESNAKE recently, the sound of this work to say clearly is not a comparison. Its primary cause is, site sound output of. “LOUD PARK” is was the type of festival that big sound by the band is changed, different from the roaring death metal to the beautiful sounds of the band. Although WHITESNAKE was a former unfortunately, was recording Mr. it the “strongest” that took far to say overcome by setting and positioning, to experience person and “was it so good sound?”. In contrast, SCORPIONS was superb and from the sound output of the field. Of course, it is why further high-quality sound that there “strongest” Mr. settings & positioning surgery is applied is revealing.
Cheers can best experience the weirdness of his position training. While best of the musical tone is roar, there is little cheer! Of course, SCORPIONS and only have been said to be in the “best act of LOUR PARK 16”, eddy field enthusiasm. When it comes to inter-song it also its enthusiasm is felt, it even Eraku far, small. Of course, kind of close of conversation, screaming, chanting is completely zero. The balance of the “thick of the musical tone” and “I’m thousands small cheers” is, it’s also a live album basis of the so-called official.

[Of 38 years “Sasoridan + Uri”] Than enough splendor to the Scorpion team of the show of being drawn in the best sound is to prove the “best act of LOUR PARK 16”. Its weirdness Although omitted because suffer also and commentary of “TOKYO 2016”, the special of only this work will not afford to not touch. So, it is the co-star of the SCORPIONS and Uli Jon Roth. “Strongest” Mr., MICHAEL SCHENKER in FEST “3 large singer + Michael” also I always was housed in “OSAKA 2016 (ZODIAC 195)”, I now took a amazing arm even “Sasoridan + Uri”.
In fact, “Sasoridan + Uri” has been implemented several times in a long career. Its starting in 2005 Colmar (France). Both played here in 27 years encounter is, then in 2006 Wacken, London 2007, co-starring in 2009 Essen and the like. However, they are only in Europe (perhaps, Europe is the main battlefield of would be the relationship of the selling of schedule) It was, then it had become estranged again. Among such, it was realized by the Japanese of 2016. They But Not Alone of in Japan is the first visit to Japan in 1978, the first time since Kano name album “TOKYO TAPES”. On visit to Japan itself of SCORPIONS is the first time in nine years, is why the scene was revived further beyond the time of 38 years.
Such the “time of 38 years” visit is, of encore second song “We’ll Burn The Sky”. Not playing alone performance, was the number that have been made available for the co-star of the day. “I introduce the special guest. Uli Jon Roth!” Klaus Uri that appeared along with the call of, sounded a tone which is not said to be to give the Sky guitar in hand, to transform the site of the air. It began singing the beautiful Claus riding on the arpeggio is plangently, soon the song will explode along with the Rudolph of cutting. Exactly, … the sound world that can not be only in this 3 people spread.
However! This is not even just a reprint reproduction. Sasoridan will follow faithfully the original, but the strength of the rhythm Corps successive No.1. And, Sky guitar current “SCORPIONS REVISITED” flow to dance there. Different and so far have been carried out in Europe of “Retrospective-reprint” full commitment performance, it spreads intense what the beauty of the world because it is 2016. Uri is the case was a production on the day I arrived in Japan, Tomosureba I mean was also could lead to situations in which gudaguda, was because not the case “a miracle”. It drifts concentration like each other sure each note of each other, … that no two air swallowed even the tension in the crowd go wrapped venue.

Finally co-star was realized in Japan. It was beyond the “reproduction of the legendary”, was “a new legend”. Until the smell of the site is a live album that flows also from the speaker. After a month and a half from the miracle of Michael Schenker, now scorpion delegation played a co-star of the Uri. One, which is also the highlight of such 2016. Large masterpiece burn the chest of classic rock fans, it will be delivered this weekend to your handy.


遂に、遂に。日本で“蠍団+ウリ・ロート”が実現した……。そんな奇跡の夜となったLOUD PARK 16を最高サウンドで収めたライヴアルバムが登場です!
すでに各所で話題となっている“蠍団+ウリ”。9年ぶりの来日公演も大成功し、未だ衰えぬ熱いロック魂が新世代をもねじ伏せていきました。その1回1回が最高のSCORPIONSロックでしたが、ウリとの共演が実現したのは「2016年10月8日さいたまスーパーアリーナ」で行われた“LOUD PARK 16”だけでした。本作は、その記念碑コンサートを名匠“西日本最強テーパー”氏が記録しきった極上品なのです。先日も“最強”氏の作品『TOKYO 2016(ZODIAC 208)』がリリースされたばかりでもありますので、ここで整理しておきましょう。

・10月6日:Zeppダイバーシティ東京『TOKYO 2016』
・10月8日:さいたまスーパーアリーナ 【本作】

以上、3公演が2016年ジャパンツアーのすべて。関東に遠征した“最強”氏の真の目的は、単独公演ではなく“LOUD PARK 16”にあったようです。その“真の目的”を果たした本作のクオリティは、これまた素晴らしいサウンド。『TOKYO 2016』は2000人規模の狭さを活かした脳ミソ直結サウンドでしたが、今回は巨大な“さいたまスーパーアリーナ”。さすがに良い音はムリだろう……と思いきや、なんとも詳細なクリア・サウンドが飛び出す!
極太で真っ直ぐな『TOKYO 2016』も劣らず、そこにほんのりとさいたまスーパーアリーナの“鳴り”と“スペクタクル”が上乗せされている。この“鳴り”があるために「まるでサウンドボード」とはちょっと違うニュアンスでもあるわけですが、その一方でオーディエンスらしい美しさにもなっている。オーディエンス録音では弱点になりがちな重低音も凄まじく、ミッキー・ディーのドラミングは極太ド迫力に迫り、パウエル・マキオダのベースも粒の1つひとつまでゴリッゴリ。もちろん、ルドルフ・シェンカーのカッティングは叩きつけてくるように鮮やかですし、クラウス・マイネの歌声が会場全体に力強く満ちていく……。
「“最強”氏+LOUD PARK 16」というと、先日はWHITESNAKEの『LOUD PARK 2016(Shades 688)』もリリースされましたが、ハッキリ言って本作のサウンドは比較にならない。その一番の原因は、現場の出音。“LOUD PARK”はバンドによって大きくサウンドが変わるタイプのフェスでして、爆音デスメタルから美しい鳴りのバンドまで様々。WHITESNAKEは残念ながら前者だったものの、それを“最強”氏がセッティングとポジショニングで克服、体験者に「こんなに良い音だったっけ?」と言わせるところまで持って行った録音でした。それに対し、SCORPIONSは現場の出音からして見事だった。もちろん、そこに“最強”氏のセッティング&ポジショニング術が加わることで更なるハイクオリティ・サウンドが現出しているわけです。
そのポジションニングの凄味を一番実感できるのは歓声。極上の楽音が轟きつつ、歓声がほとんどない! もちろん、SCORPIONSは「LOUR PARK 16のベストアクト」とも言われているだけに、現場熱狂の渦。曲間になるとその熱狂が感じられもするのですが、それさえもえらく遠く、小さい。もちろん、間近の会話・絶叫・唱和の類は完全にゼロ。“極太の楽音”と“万単位だけど小さい歓声”のバランスは、いわゆるオフィシャルのライヴアルバム的でもあるのです。

その極上サウンドで描かれるの蠍団のショウは「LOUR PARK 16のベストアクト」を証明するに十分すぎる素晴らしさ。その凄味は『TOKYO 2016』の解説とも被るので割愛しますが、本作だけのスペシャルには触れないわけにはいかないでしょう。そう、SCORPIONSとウリ・ジョン・ロートとの共演です。“最強”氏は、MICHAEL SCHENKER FESTでの“3大シンガー+マイケル”も『OSAKA 2016(ZODIAC 195)』に収めたわけですが、今度は“蠍団+ウリ”でもスゴ腕を発揮したのです。
実のところ、“蠍団+ウリ”は長いキャリアの中で幾度か実現してきました。その皮切りは2005年コルマー(フランス)。ここで27年ぶりの邂逅を果たした両者は、その後も2006年ヴァッケン、2007年ロンドン、2009年エッセン等でも共演。しかし、それらはヨーロッパばかり(恐らく、欧州が主戦場なウリのスケジュールの関係でしょう)でしたし、その後は再び疎遠になっていました。そんな中、実現したのが2016年の日本。彼らが日本で並び立つのは1978年の初来日、かの名盤『TOKYO TAPES』以来のこと。SCORPIONSの来日自体が9年ぶりな上、さらに38年の時を超えた光景が蘇ったわけです。
そんな“38年ぶりの時”が訪れるのは、アンコール2曲目の「We’ll Burn The Sky」。単独公演では演奏されず、この日の共演用に用意されたナンバーでした。クラウスが「スペシャル・ゲストを紹介するよ。ウリ・ジョン・ロート!」のコールと共に現れたウリは、スカイギターを手に得も言われぬトーンを響かせ、現場の空気を一変させる。その美しいアルペジオに乗ってクラウスが切々と歌い出し、やがてルドルフのカッティングと共に曲が爆発する。まさに、この3人でしかあり得ない音世界が広がる……。
しかし! これがただの復刻再現でもないのです。蠍団はオリジナルを忠実に踏襲しますが、リズム隊の力強さは歴代No.1。そして、そこに踊るスカイギターは現行“SCORPIONS REVISITED”流。これまでヨーロッパで行われてきた「回顧・復刻」一辺倒のパフォーマンスとは違う、2016年だからこその美世界が強烈に広がる。ウリが日本に到着したのは本番当日だったそうで、ともすればグダグダにもなりかねない状況だったわけですが、そうはならないから“奇跡”だった。互いの1音1音を確かめ合うような集中力が漂い、観客の緊張感さえも飲み込んで2つとない空気が会場を包み込んでいく……。


Disc 1 (50:21)
1. Intro 2. Going Out With A Bang 3. Make It Real 4. The Zoo 5. Coast To Coast
6. Top of the Bill / Steamrock Fever / Speedy’s Coming / Catch Your Train
7. We Built This House 8. Delicate Dance 9. Kojo No Tsuki 10. Send Me An Angel
11. Wind of Change

Disc 2 (54:40)
1. Rock ‘n’ Roll Band 2. Dynamite 3. Overkill 4. Drum Solo 5. Blackout 6. Big City Nights
7. Still Loving You 8. We’ll Burn the Sky (with Uli Jon Roth)
9. Rock You Like a Hurricane

Klaus Meine – lead vocals Rudolf Schenker – rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Matthias Jabs – lead guitar, backing vocals Pawel Maciwoda – bass, backing vocals
Mikkey Dee – drums

Zodiac 210

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