Geezer Butler Band / The Marquee Club, London 1985 /1CDR

Geezer Butler Band / The Marquee Club, London 1985 /1CDR /Power Gate

Translated Text:

Live at the Marquee Club, London, UK 29th November 1985

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February 4, 2017, the last show of the traditional heavyweight BLACK SABBATH has ended. Perhaps, many people are chewing the weights of history with successive albums. However, do you know that there were some famous bands that disappeared without leaving official work in that history? This work is a precious record of such a name band.
The main character of this work is GEEZER BUTLER BAND. When saying “the band of Gieser”, you may think of “G // Z / R”, “GZR”, “GEEZER” that gave heaviness in the 1990s, but this work is different. A phantom band that existed in “1985” where Iomi was producing “SEVENTH STAR” as a solo. It was totally different from the 1990s, and it was a band oriented towards Melodic · Hard close to “SEVENTH STAR”. Let’s return the watch to “1985” … ….

In 1985, when BLACK SABBATH was in dissolution, Gisar Butler formed a solo band just like IOMI. Members are nephew Pedro House, former SABBATH member Gerald Woodfur, and Jeff Fenholt who also appointed Iomi. You can enjoy a demonstration sound source with that piece (you can enjoy it with “THE BATTLE OF THE DEMOS (Shades 216)”), but then members other than Pedro changed. On November 28, 1985 I did a solo live at “Marquee Club” in London. In this work, it is an audience album that recorded the precious live with high sound quality completely.
Although the sound source of this day was known long ago among some traders, many tapes were incomplete versions that the last “Paranoid” was cut in the middle. However, in this work it is a complete recording version that is securely recorded up to AC / DC’s “Whola Lotta Rosie” which was used in B.G.M. in the place after the performance, as well as “Paranoid”. I’m also playing a tasty BLACK SABBATH number with the unpublished 10 solo numbers heard in “THE BATTLE OF THE DEMOS 1985”, which is synonymous with Gisa “N.I.B.”, “War Pigs”, “Paranoid”.
This work is not only rare, but the quality is also wonderful. Although it can not say “as if it is a sound board”, all of the extraordinary musical sounds from heavy bass to treble are beautiful, and there is little sense of distance. Anyway, even new songs without studio recording are clear enough to listen to lyrics well. Especially the extremely bassy sound is caught without distracting one sound of Giza’s undulating melodic bass.
Yes, melody. Speaking of Giza, the image called “Heaviness” precedes, but the original songs that are being developed here are 80’s ages, catchy and melodic 80’s British Hard Rock. It is a rock concert where the rich melodies overflow like rare hard pops and even AOR. A number of melodic songs are wonderful that it was not officially released as an album. “Patrol” and “I’m Leaving” that glowed also in the demonstration is an excellent number that also leads to VAN HALEN somewhere Sammy Hager was enrolled.
A member who draws famous songs like that is unexpectedly skilled people. Richey Carisson, who is a front man, is a vocal who listens to a powerful high tone while being husky, and even a singing song that is full of expansion is reminiscent of even Ray Guillain. If the vocal is Ray, is the guitar Jake? Pedro House, a nephew of Gisea, also plenty of technical guitar suitable for the 1980s. Taking “Ray & Jake” as an example, it seems to be “BADLANDS っ ぽ い?”, But it is not so. Melodic songs are more bold than BADLANDS which was a bluesy, rather an image such as “Ray of SABBATH + Jake of OZZY”. Although the audience at the scene should have listened to only the songs for the first time, among the songs gorgeously gets excited and the call “Gisea!” Springs up. It is a live album that can be present together in the space of the club.

Iomei “SEVENTH STAR”, Ozzy was making “THE ULTIMATE SIN” “1985”. Another keeper, Giza, stared at the same direction, creating a melodic superb hard rock. This work is a valuable and reliable record.
What is “music of Gieser”? Not only does it convey with it, it is a live album that will change to how hears the various works of BLACK SABBATH. With “THE BATTLE OF THE DEMOS 1985” of the Demo sound collection, one piece indispensable for the BLACK SABBATH history of the 1980s. Please, please encounter the famous group of phantom that disappeared into the dark of history at this opportunity.

2017年2月4日、伝統の重鎮BLACK SABBATHのラスト・ショウが終わりました。恐らく、多くの方が歴代アルバムで歴史の重みを噛みしめていらっしゃることでしょう。しかし、その歴史には正式な作品を残さずに消えていった名バンドもいたことをご存じでしょうか。本作は、そんな名バンドの貴重な記録なのです。
本作の主役はGEEZER BUTLER BAND。「ギーザーのバンド」と言うと、90年代にヘヴィネスを振りまいた「G//Z/R」「GZR」「GEEZER」を思い浮かべるかも知れませんが、本作は違います。アイオミがソロとして『SEVENTH STAR』を制作していた“1985年”に存在していた幻のバンド。90年代とはまったく違い、『SEVENTH STAR』にも近いメロディック・ハードを志向するバンドでした。それでは、時計を“1985年”に戻してみましょう……。

BLACK SABBATHが解散状態にあった1985年、ギーザー・バトラーはアイオミと同じくソロ・バンドを結成しました。メンバーは甥のペドロ・ハウスや元SABBATHメンバーのジェラルド・ウッドルフ、さらにアイオミも起用したジェフ・フェンホルト。そのメンツでデモ音源を製作(『THE BATTLE OF THE DEMOS(Shades 216)』でお楽しみ頂けます)するも、その後ペドロ以外のメンバーが交代。1985年11月28日にはロンドンの”マーキー・クラブ”でソロ・ライヴを敢行しました。本作ではその貴重なライヴを高音質で完全収録したオーディエンス・アルバムなのです。
この日の音源は一部のトレーダー間で昔から知られていましたが、多くのテープはラストの「Paranoid」が途中で切れた不完全版でした。しかし本作では「Paranoid」はもちろんの事、終演後の場内B.G.M.で使用されたAC/DCの「Whola Lotta Rosie」までしっかりと収録されている完全収録版。前述した『THE BATTLE OF THE DEMOS 1985』でも聴けた未発表のソロナンバー10曲に、ギーザーの代名詞「N.I.B.」、さらに「War Pigs」「Paranoid」と、美味しいBLACK SABBATHナンバーも演奏しています。
そう、メロディ。ギーザーといえば「ヘヴィネス」というイメージが先行しますが、ここで展開されているオリジナル曲はいかにも80年代な、キャッチーでメロディックな80年代ブリティッシュハードロック。ある種ハードポップやAORにさえ通じるほどに豊かなメロディが溢れ出るロック・コンサートなのです。このメロディアスな楽曲の数々は、アルバムとして正式リリースされなかった事が悔やまれる素晴らしさ。デモにおいても光っていた「Patrol」や「I’m Leaving」は、どこかサミー・ヘイガー在籍時のVAN HALENにも通じる優れたナンバーです。

アイオミが『SEVENTH STAR』を、オジーが『THE ULTIMATE SIN』を作っていた“1985年”。もう1人のキーマンであるギーザーも同じ方向を見つめ、メロディックな極上のハードロックを生み出していました。本作はその貴重な、そして確かな記録です。
「ギーザーの音楽」とは何なのか。それをムキ出しで伝えてくれるだけでなく、BLACK SABBATHの諸作の聞こえ方まで変わってしまうライヴアルバム。デモ音源集の『THE BATTLE OF THE DEMOS 1985』と共に、80年代BLACK SABBATHヒストリーに欠かせない1枚。どうぞ、この機会に歴史の闇に消えていった幻の名曲群に出会ってください。

1. Intro 2. I Can’t Stand Much Longer 3. Long Ago 4. Lonely One 5. Patrol
6. Looking Back 7. I’m Leaving 8. N.I.B 9. Reasons 10. Secret Lives
11. Dancing With The Devil 12. Street Wars 13. War Pigs 14. Paranoid

Geezer Butler – Bass  Pedro Howse – Guitars
Ritchie Callison – Vocals  John Mee – Drums

Power Gate-117

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