Depeche Mode / Some Great Reward In Tokyo / 4CD

Depeche Mode / Some Great Reward In Tokyo / 4CD / Non Label

Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 7th & Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 8th April 1985

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Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 7th & Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 8th April 1985

The second Japanese tour of Depeche Mode, which accompanied the fourth album “Some Great Reward” in 1985, was performed four times, three times in Tokyo and once in Osaka. The 7th day Shinjuku Welfare Pension Hall performance and the 8th Nakano Sunplaza performance are each fully recorded with super high-quality audio recordings. (First visit to Japan in 1983 is Harajuku “Pitecantropes Electus”, Akasaka “New Latin Quarter”, and episodes that make you feel the era was performed in a legendary club.) Use cassettes directly. In recent years, the recordrs have released a series of ultra-high-quality soundboards, and titles such as Clapton, Jeff Beck, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Mick Jagger, TOTO, Rolling Stones, etc., which have become a big topic among fans, respectively. It is by the rare name taper which recorded, and uses the super high-quality original master which is not circulating between this board and the trader. Both performances are recorded with a very clear and punchy sound that is impossible in this era, not only Japanese fans, but also the fans of overseas fans who are popular in the arena class until now It is a super high quality sound source that is inevitable to become a topic of “Japanese Miracle”. It can be said that it has immense appeal and value as a Western live music document in the mid-1980s. The set is exactly the same for the two days, and the recording equipment is the same, the texture of the sound for the two days is similar, and the total quality, including its totality, is quite amazing and finished in a super high quality 4-disc set The Western music fans who spent their youth in the original sounds that are still exciting enough, such as People Are People and Master And Servant, will have a sweet and sour nostalgia. Throughout the two performances, the music is clear and large enough to keep the audience conscious of the audience, so fans can concentrate on the performance. You can hear female fans singing between songs, but how did they (they) play in this kind of music?
The record of the prestigious Tokyo Live in 1985 by Depeche Mode, which is so popular and capable that it fills large venues around the world. A total of three hours of overwhelming documents full of overwhelming originality and ultra-high musical appeal that cannot be overwhelmed by the usual words such as electronic pop, techno pop, and new romantic. It’s a very shocking piece for overseas fans more than Japanese fans. Please collect this historically important title on this press CD.

★ Review translation of beatleg magazine vol.126 (January 2011) at the time of original release. For your reference. (The reviewer is also very surprised by this incredible content.)

A four-disc CD containing the 1985 performance of Depeche Mode. Discs 1 & 2 contain the performance of the Employees’ Pension Pension Hall on the first day of the Tokyo performance. The sound creation with a hard digital beat on the front was led by Marten Gore, who operates the synth, and its industrial taste can be said to be their feature. There were quite a few bands with this kind of sound in the band from England, but they had played in Japan, so there were many fans in Japan. 5 is a song from the debut work of 1981, and the inorganic beat that arouses craftwork is quite comfortable. The difference from Kraftwerk is that the vocalist David Gahn’s voltage is high. At that time, it was recalled that this mismatch sensation was reflected freshly. 7 who made them known worldwide is a song that has a pop side as a bold introduction of industrial beats. This song, which combines the sound of gorgeous synths with intense beats, will never fade even if you listen to it now. In the unique ballad 11, the fan’s voice tells us that there was probably a fan service like a surprise. From the middle stage recorded on Disc 2, hard digital beats fill the venue as in the first half. The most radically acoustical sound is the sound reminiscent of the hammer beat in 3. Since they are guitar-less, synths and samplers are used all over, but the variety of sounds and skillful arrangements in this song are impressive. The 5 reminiscent of Mepop Sidmo SPK at that time and the familiar 7 were deprived of their ears with aggressive sound creation. If you touch 6 etc., where small beats give off a unique charm, you can not help feeling the breadth of their musicality.
Discs 3 & 4 include performances at Nakano Sun Plaza. Although the set list is the same as the previous Employees Pension Hall performance, it is interesting that the difference between the venues is captured as sound. The fact that almost no fluctuations or blurring is felt in the sound is amazing.

1985年4枚目のアルバム「Some Great Reward」に伴う、デペッシュ・モードの2度目の日本ツアーは東京3回、大阪1回の計4公演が行われましたが、本盤はツアー初日と2日目の4月7日新宿厚生年金会館公演と8日中野サンプラザ公演を、それぞれ極上レベルの超高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録しています。(1983年の初来日は4月に原宿「ピテカントロプス・エレクトス」赤坂「ニューラテンクォーター」と、伝説のクラブで行われたという時代を感じさせるエピソードがあります。)完全初登場のオリジナル・マスター・カセットをダイレクトに使用。録音者は、近年、続々と超高音質盤を発表、それぞれがファンの間で大きな話題となったクラプトン、ジェフ・ベック、ピンク・フロイド、ジェネシス、ミック・ジャガー、TOTO、ローリング・ストーンズ等々のタイトルを録音した稀代の名テーパーによるもので、本盤もトレーダー間でも出回っていない超高音質オリジナル・マスターを使用しています。両公演とも、この時代としてはあり得ない程の、クリアーでパンチ抜群の大変優れたサウンドで収録されており、日本のファンは勿論、現在に至るまでアリーナ級の人気を誇る海外でのファンの間で「ジャパニーズ・ミラクル」と話題となること必至の超高品質音源です。1980年代中期の洋楽ライブ・ドキュメントとしても計り知れない魅力と価値を持っていると言えます。セットは2日間とも全く同じで、その録音機材も同一のためか、2日間の音の質感は似通っており、そのトータル性も含め、全く持って驚くべき、超高品質4枚組に仕上がっています。People Are People、Master And Servantをはじめとする、今もって十分に刺激的なオリジナルなサウンドに、当時、青春期を過ごした洋楽ファンは、甘酸っぱいような懐かしさを覚えるでしょう。2公演とも全編を通して、観客の存在を意識させない程に楽音がクリアーかつ大きく録音されているので、ファンはじっくりと演奏に集中することができます。曲間では女性ファンの嬌声も聞こえますが、こういった音楽で彼ら(彼女達)がどうやってのっていたのでしょうか。

★オリジナルリリース時のbeatleg誌 vol.126(2011年1月号)のレビュー要訳です。ご参考まで。(レビュアーも、この信じ難い内容に非常に驚いているのが分かります。)

ディペッシュ・モードの1985年の来日公演を収めた4枚組CD。ディスク1&2は東京公演初日の厚生年金会館の演奏を収録している。硬質なデジタル・ビートを前面に打ち出した音創りは、シンセを操るマーテン・ゴア主導によるものでインダストリアルなテイストが彼らの特徴と言える。イギリス出身のバンドではこの 手のサウンドを持ったバンドは少なからず存在したが、彼らは来日公演まで果たしていたのだから、日本にも多くのファンが居たことになる。5は81年のデビュー作からの曲で、まるでクラフトワークを喚起させる無機質なビートが何とも心地良い。クラフトワークと異なるのはヴォーカリストのデヴィッド・ガーンのヴォルテージ が高いことだろう。当時はこのミスマッチ感覚が新鮮に映ったことが思い出された。彼らを世界的に知らしめた7は、インダストリアル・ビートを大胆に導入した、彼らとしてはポップな面を併せ持った曲だ。煌びやかなシンセの響きと強烈なビートが融合したこの曲は、今の感覚で聞いても決して色褪せていない。異色のバラード11では、おそらくサプライズの如きファン・サーヴィスがあったことがファンの喚声から伝わってくる。ディスク2に収録された中盤以降も、前半同様に硬質なデジタル・ビートが会場を埋め尽くす。ひときわ音響的に過激なのが、3におけるハンマー・ビートを思わせる響きだ。彼らはギター・レス編成なので、シンセとサンプラー が全面に駆使されているが、この曲における多彩な音色と巧みなアレンジには目を見張らされるものがある。当時のメポップ・サイドモSPKを彷彿させる5やお馴染みの7は、アグレッシヴな音創りで耳を奪われる。小刻みのビートが独特の魅力を放つ6などに接すると、彼らの音楽性の幅広さを感じずにはいられない。

Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 7th April 1985

Disc 1(42:40)
1. Opening 2. Master And Servant (Intro) 3. Something To Do 4. Two Minute Warning 5. Puppets
6. If You Want 7. People Are People 8. Leave In Silence 9. New Life 10. Shame 11. Somebody

Disc 2(52:18)
1. Ice Machine 2. Lie To Me 3. Blasphemous Rumours 4. Told You So 5. Master And Servant
6. Photographic 7. Everything Counts 8. See You 9. Shout 10. Just Can’t Get Enough

Live at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 8th April 1985

Disc 3(41:41)
1. Opening 2. Master And Servant (Intro) 3. Something To Do 4. Two Minute Warning 5. Puppets
6. If You Want 7. People Are People 8. Leave In Silence 9. New Life 10. Shame 11. Somebody

Disc 4(51:34)
1. Ice Machine 2. Lie To Me 3. Blasphemous Rumours 4. Told You So 5. Master And Servant
6. Photographic 7. Everything Counts 8. See You 9. Shout 10. Just Can’t Get Enough

David Gahan – Lead Vocals Martin Gore – Synthesizers, Samplers, Vocals
Alan Wilder – Synthesizers, Samplers, Vocals Andrew Fletcher – Synthesizers, Samplers, Tokyo, Japan 8th April 1985


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