YES / In Colours Jade / 2CD

YES / In Colours Jade / 2CD / Virtuoso

Live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, California, USA 26th May 1979.

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The Fresno performances of May 24, 1979 was launched in starting, due to the “Tormato” tour, 70s Jesus last US tour third day, the California Long Beach Arena performance the second day of May 26 performances , is the appearance is a piece of fan handbook was completely recorded in ultra-high-quality audience recordings comparable to the line record over a period of about 2 hours and 20 minutes. Fan There is no doubt that to startle the goodness of been opening Siberian Khatru sound of recorded on three tracks eyes. Is “Tormato” tour of Jesus that had sustained the commercial peak there is also a multitude of concert number of times over the 79 years from 1978, but high-quality sound board There are a number, this title using this New Master, exactly it is exceptional! Sound of Ultra clear as crystal clear, and the strangely stable sound image, is a large exceptional sound enough to wonder whether possible because so much of the high-quality sound recording if what way to set what kind of microphone system. Standing sore of the sound of each instrument is impressive, especially the proximity of the guitar solo, a punch of the keyboard is excellent, the sound can be enjoyed, such as you have never heard before. Farsightedness of cheers between songs, and from the whole of the sound (probably) but it is assumed to be recorded in a slightly distant position from the stage, all of the musical tone, including the guitar and lead instrument sounds of the keyboard to the split is as bizarre and large been recorded in a clear sound, is the sound in doubt whether those that have been recorded under the heck any environment. This is really So what is. Spread a sense of stability of the entire sound There are things hard to believe, including the lead instrument sound that was recorded in close sound surprisingly, it is possible to experience the sound experience, such as you have never listened to this in many places you. Future Times entanglement intro of guitar and keyboard are to have been recorded in clear sound enough to stunned, the band ensemble of before and after Rejoice has been beautifully recorded up to this point would be “first” undoubtedly . Exactly It is another dimension of sound, “difference” of this side is you know in one shot if you listen. “Big Medley” is also Time And A Guitar clear of the Long Distance Runaround beginning from the second half of Word is not unusual in the masterpiece, the entire orchestration and Alan of percussion such as in The Fish part, details never heard so far, you can listen clearly a number of details of the sound of the parts. Just a whole volume listening stations, probably Customers who listened in the shop would be surprised a lot. Climax of each part of the Survival / The Fish / Perpetual Change / Gates Of Delirium, etc. to listen in this sound is fiercely, not only just to represent the magical sound that exceeds the sound board. Even in the second half of the disk 2 Its sound is supposed to be more and more terrible. Good And You And I of sound up to this point I think that once did not exist. Starship Trooper, which was full of sense of groove (Wurm of the second half of the speakers raise the beat guitar, keyboard, drums and really Woah!) Closeness of Rick’s keyboard solo sound of a shock than a surprise, a very large venue I do not think the recording. Omagari Awaken also, in the same manner as described above of And You And I, in the existing take would be the best sound. John is chanted as a “Thank you so much, USA!”, Even relaxed Tour Song, including the Kuravi of Rick have been recorded in all musical instruments amazing sound. I’ve Seen All Good You can fine-cut confirmation of the People beginning 0:08, but otherwise it has been recorded in perfect condition until the Roundabout of the last. Why was late instead of “PERFECT” “TRULY PERFECT”, it makes sense in one shot if you listen. Enjoy the Jesus may arise from iron-clad of this era in the sound of all time! Virtuoso is the release decision than a restrictive press CD.

★ is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.126 (No. 1 May 2011). In case you’re wondering.

Jesus of the golden age the end, from the 10th anniversary tour of after the announcement “tormato”, Disc 2 was complete recording of the California Long Beach Arena performances of May 26, 1979. Jesus was a rush from April to this 10th anniversary tour, 2 Days in the same arena in the first this Long Beach Arena, this work has been recorded its second day of the sound source. The is first surprised, but the goodness of its sound quality. This “tormato” tour is also that the contents until appeared official album “Live Years” was not very well known, but he had never meet most high-quality sound up to now, this work while audience recording, and it has a special sound enough to startle even the official board. It has been thoroughly cover all of the range from the high-frequency to low frequency, a sense of distance not too far not too near, further natural reverberation of Arena unique, and such as that surrounding the crowd is quiet, for the very boot taper so that the best of the environment are met. Another important factor, would also like splendor of the performance of Jesus himself us. No matter how good the sound quality, essential playing there is no meaning if it is unreasonable. It in this film has come out also the voice of Jon Anderson pat, may be the balance of the Steve Howe and Rick Wakeman, more powerful drum of the base of the beat styles and Alan White of Chris Squire also earnestly running in top form ing. Previously Alan’s of Jesus popular zenith in the United States had said that it was the time of “tormato”, they are wrapped in great cheer, such as exactly what can confirm the situation. It’s extensive content that does not look at the latest keyboard solo part is also kind to the past of Rick just released “RHAPSODIES”, “Buddhahood,” which followed the completion of the much want to be released as the official live album looming in degrees. Fan is a piece of must-have, literally large satisfaction.
It should be noted that the first batch come re-master version of its outstanding album “Ten True Summers” (2CD) is attached as a bonus disc. This work which was recorded the Boston Garden performances of June 19, 1979, almost the performance of the same taste as the “IN COLOURS OF JADE” is deployed. If there is a negative point, in the vicinity of the audience is about a little noisy, after is the height of the quality that is comparable to the “IN COLOURS OF JADE” is also in sound quality. This tour is a highlight try than listening to the “Big Medley” would be how.
1979年5月24日のフレスノ公演を皮切りにスタートした、「Tormato」ツアーに伴う、70年代イエス最後のUSツアー3日目、カリフォルニアはロングビーチ・アリーナ公演2日目の5月26日公演を、約2時間20分に渡ってライン録音に匹敵する超高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録したファン必携の一枚が登場です。3トラック目に収録されたオープニングSiberian Khatruの音の良さにファンは驚愕すること間違いありません。商業的ピークを持続していたイエスの「Tormato」ツアーは1978年から79年にかけてのコンサート回数の多さもあり、高音質盤は数多く存在しますが、このニュー・マスターを使用した本タイトルは、まさに別格です!澄み切ったようなウルトラクリアーのサウンド、異様に安定した音像と、一体どんなマイク・システムをどんなふうにセットすればこれほどの高音質収録が可能なのかと不思議に思うほどの大別格サウンドです。各楽器の音の立ちっぷりは見事で、特にギターソロの近さ、キーボードのパンチは素晴らしく、これまで聴いたことのないようなサウンドが楽しめます。曲間の遠目の歓声、そして全体の鳴りから(おそらく)ステージから若干離れたポジションでの録音と推測されますが、その割にはギターとキーボードのリード楽器音を始め全ての楽音が異様なほどに大きくクリアーな音で録音されており、一体どのような環境下で録音されたものか判断に迷う音です。これは本当に何なのでしょうか。全体の音の安定感と広がりは信じ難いものがあり、驚く程近い音で録音されたリード楽器音を始めとして、各所でこれまで聴いたことのないようなサウンド・エクスペリエンスを体感することができます。Future Timesのイントロのギターとキーボードの絡みは唖然とするほどのクリアーなサウンドで収録されていますし、Rejoice前後のバンド・アンサンブルがここまで見事に録音されているのは間違いなく「初」でしょう。まさに別次元のサウンドですし、この辺の「違い」は聴いて頂ければ一発で判ります。「Big Medley」も圧巻でTime And A Word後半からLong Distance Runaround冒頭のギターのクリアーさは尋常ではなく、全体のオーケストレーション、そしてThe Fishパートでのアランのパーカッション等、これまで聴いたこと無い細部の細部の音のパーツの数々をはっきりと聴くことができます。まさに全編聴き所であり、おそらく店頭で聴いたお客様は大いに驚かれると思います。この音で聴けるSurvival/The Fish/Perpetual Change/Gates Of Delirium等の各パートの盛り上がりは凄まじく、まさにサウンドボードを超えるマジカルなサウンドと表現するしかありません。ディスク2の後半に入ってもそのサウンドはますます凄いことになっています。ここまで音の良いAnd You And Iはかつて存在しなかったと思います。グルーブ感に溢れたStarship Trooper(スピーカーが唸りを上げる後半のWurmはギター、キーボード、ドラムと本当に凄い迫力!)リックのキーボードソロの音の近さは驚きと言うより衝撃であり、とても大会場での録音とは思えません。大曲Awakenも、前述のAnd You And I同様に、現存するテイクではベストのサウンドでしょう。ジョンが「Thank you so much, USA!」と連呼する、リラックスしたTour Songですら、リックのクラヴィを始めとして全楽器凄い音で録音されています。I’ve Seen All Good People冒頭0:08の微細なカットが確認できますが、それ以外はラストのRoundaboutまで完璧な状態で収録されています。なぜ「PERFECT」ではなく「TRULY PERFECT」とレイトしたか、それは聴けば一発で納得できます。空前絶後のサウンドでこの時代の鉄壁のイエス・ショウズをお楽しみ下さい!限定プレスCDでVirtuosoよりリリース決定です。

★beatleg誌 vol.126(2011年1月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

なお初回分にはボーナス・ディスクとして既発盤『Ten True Summers』のリマスター・ヴァージョン(2CD)が付いてくる。この作品は1979年6月19日のボストン・ガーデン公演を収録したもので、『IN COLOURS OF JADE』とほぼ同じテイストの演奏が展開されている。マイナス点があるとすれば、周辺の観客が少しうるさいくらいで、あとは音質的にも『IN COLOURS OF JADE』に匹敵するクォリティの高さである。このツアーのハイライトである「ビッグ・メドレー」を聴き比べてみてはいかがだろう。

Disc 1
1. Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra 2. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Intro.
3. Siberian Khatru 4. Heart Of The Sunrise 5. Future Times/Rejoice 6. Circus Of Heaven
7. Medley: Time And A Word/Long Distance Runaround/Survival/The Fish/Perpetual Change/Gates Of Delirium/Soon

Disc 2
1. Clap 2. And You And I 3. Starship Trooper 4. Wakeman Solo 5. Awaken 6. Tour Song
7. I’ve Seen All Good People 8. Roundabout

Jon Anderson – Vocals Steve Howe – Guitars Chris Squire – Bass Rick Wakeman – Keyboards
Alan White – Drums

Virtuoso. 093/094

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