Alcatrazz / No Parole From Rock N Roll Sessions / 1 CDR

Alcatrazz / No Parole From Rock N Roll Sessions / 1 CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Demo And Outakes From ‘ No Parole From Rock N Roll Session 1983.

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ALCATRAZZ (in some of the original this name jacket design, formal title is “ALCATRAZZ”) 1983 historic 1st album, which was announced in “NO PALORE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL” than production session, excavation of startle sound source is appeared! Graham Bonnet After you leave the M.S.G., I was planning the launch of RAINBOW bands in order to achieve the appropriate music activities on their own. He solidify the foundation of the band met to Jimmy Waldo of the original NEW ENGLAND (Key) and Gary Shea (B), the guitar to become the cornerstone of the band welcomed Yngwie Malmsteen of the original STEELER, audition the drum as a result, adopted Jean Yuvena there is a career in the ALICE COOPER, etc., we started the production of a full-fledged band activities and album. This work is in the demo, which was recorded in the production stage of this album, in addition to the installation demo 9 tracks of backing only, further five songs a demo singing is Graham, draw a line with any ordinary excavation demo tape, it records a great sound board sound source!

Installation demo of “NO PALORE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL” has appeared once in a few years ago in the form of 10 songs, in very different that Kyokuso and content with the complete version of each song fans a big surprise I remembered. A comparison of the master that is the source of the its outstanding board and this work, while nearly the configuration and arrangement of the song the same, on a different track order at all, included has been completed as a guitar instrumental of Yngwie album “Incubus” not been, further overall semitone about earlier was pitch difference is observed in everywhere such as the finished album that almost the same thing, this will it be surprised again fan. In particular, “Island In The Sun” and “Starcarr Lane” is, and listen in the take of this work is different from the impression of the keyboard, the job performance of Jimmy Waldo the input in this song is that there was greater clarity and accurately you can grab.

And the most serious and decisive difference is, its outstanding “General Hospital” the Graham of vocals that were not able to listen to a demo “Kree Nakoorie” “Jet To Jet,” “Hiroshima Mon Amour,” “Island In The Sun” and, is the point to listen also a total of five songs! Until Graham of song as well as backing in this five songs, and further closer to the final version as compared to the installation demo, is the impression that finished in front of the rough mix rather than a demo. Still in the “General Hospital”, close to the beginning of the installation demo of the song, Kanjitore a clearly differences in the mix of guitar and keyboard to listen to one. It is even more overall impressive bass that strong heavy tone. The difference is apparent when compared with the final version was a sound that was lean, of lightweight to say honest, especially in great force is such as “Jet To Jet”, you can re-confirm this song original charm. If finished the album with a strong here the sound of the press and more powerful, the evaluation to this work also considered possibilities that were also different.

In addition and that the song containing demos and installation demo are alternately arranged, where the order of songs in the second half of Contents is the same as that when the final version is also very interesting, maybe while listening to the master take of this Omoto, band members, such as producer addition to Graham, might have been kneading the final concept of the album. While Imagine Graham our appearance to work in the studio By contact with this work, will be found also also different fun to the final version, it is one of the finest of Demoteiku unique!

If this is release “No Parole From Milwaukee” is Yngwie and ALCATRAZZ “the final chapter”, this film is just “Prologue”, you listen together both the figure of ALCATRAZZ tinged with more distinct contours would that come into view. Approaching the still immediately after formation unknown part is often ALCATRAZZ, is exceptional and ultra-valuable source collection!

★ is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.125 (2010 December issue). In case you’re wondering.

I there in the limited bonus disc … that came with the first delivery worth of “NO PAROLE FROM MILWAUKEE (Shades-270)”, but this is the one piece of startle. Although 1st demo of the album had been past the out already issued titled “NO PAROLE FROM ALCATRAZZ (BONDAGE MUSIC / BON309)”, the board’s another demo with different contents of inclusion with it. The main difference between such the existing departure board is, in all is said and done this work will be vocal take is included also take five songs left to be. By the way, for Lee Nsutodemo sound source other than the five songs is the same as the take that is included in the already issued Edition (confirmed than listening). But this, after you have different playing content for the five songs that vocal was overlying, yet after both 1st album finished version in playing completely different take, which are different, for example, “Kree Nakoorie” In the introduction section and the finale after ( !) to or has become the image is close to more to complete version is added helicopter propeller sound as SE also, or have different is classic approach of at the beginning of the guitar in the “Jet to Jet”, the reservoir of the guitar solo rush just before part with or been without frankly, something different with the final version after the demo both that have been heard in its outstanding board has been recorded. Only under such circumstances, only the “Hiroshima Mon Amour” is clearly not differ in degree of completion of the other four songs, this would probably those of the same as the album take after. The last has already echo processing is performed also in the lyrics part of “Hiro ~ shi — ma !!”, only this song already the last track at this point in time is estimated to have been completed. But are in the same manner as in “General Hospital” is also quite close to playing in the finished plate after, on the other hand also became the single “Island In The Sun” is still very interesting there is a rough impression slightly at this point I place. In addition, we concluded the song is back playing again but the album as well fade in has been recorded in the installation of its outstanding board the same content “Starcarr Lane” In the finale part, whether or not to fade the finale part, this suggests a child like that was undecided at the time of the demonstration. And this thing is strange, but not for some reason in this demo contains the “Incubus”. Because it is also the place to be a little foreboding the album version to be completed later and take a look at the song order, this is when divided into A surface · B surface and possibly in order to we consider where to arranging the Pieces of the guitar such as a dare or not you’re removing the “Incubus”, it has also become a piece over a variety of speculation about the purpose of the original that this demo is used.
Sundehatsuban “NO PAROLE FROM ALCATRAZZ” includes, but is was also the impression that mere karaoke 1st album that does not contain vocals rather than a demo, this work This is what discovery and surprise that the demo is full of everywhere there. Only if the demo tape that probably is the original of this work in person, but I think the thing that has been produced at the stage that has been quite boiled down before the album announcement include, but who have grown accustomed to the 1st album, the inevitable take to Arekore imagine I think I marvel at. Honesty, sound source that raised the voice and this only, “Oh!”, “To Yeah …!” To listen to a song was a long time. Bonus disk.

ALCATRAZZが1983年に発表した歴史的な1stアルバム「NO PALORE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL」(この名称は本来ジャケットデザインの一部で、正式なタイトルは「ALCATRAZZ」)の製作セッションより、驚愕の発掘音源が登場です!グラハム ボネットはM.S.G.を脱退した後、自分に相応しい音楽活動を実現するためにRAINBOW的なバンドの立ち上げを計画しました。彼は元NEW ENGLANDのジミー・ウォルドー(Key)とゲイリー・シェーア(B)に出会ってバンドの基礎を固めると、バンドの要となるギターには元STEELERのイングヴェイ・マルムスティーンを迎え、ドラムにはオーディションの結果、ALICE COOPER等でのキャリアがあるジャン・ユヴェーナを採用し、本格的なバンド活動とアルバムの製作をスタートさせました。本作はこのアルバムの製作段階で収録されたデモ音源で、バッキングのみのインストデモ9曲に加え、グラハムが歌っているデモをさらに5曲、いずれも普通の発掘デモテープとは一線を画する、素晴らしいサウンドボード音源で収録しています!

「NO PALORE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL」のインストデモは10曲入りの形で数年前にも一度登場しており、各曲で完成版と大きく異なったその曲想や内容にファンは大きな驚きを覚えました。その既発盤と本作の元となったマスターを比較すると、曲の構成やアレンジはほぼ同一ながら、曲順が全く違う上に、アルバムではイングヴェイのギターインストとして完成された「Incubus」が含まれておらず、さらに全体的に半音ほど早かったピッチも完成したアルバムとほぼ同じものになっているなど随所で違いが認められ、これには再びファンが驚く事でしょう。特に「Island In The Sun」や「Starcarr Lane」は、本作のテイクで聴くとキーボードの印象が違っており、この曲でのインプットが大きかったとされるジミー・ウォルドーの仕事ぶりを明瞭かつ正確に掴む事が出来ます。

そしてもっとも重大かつ決定的な相違が、既発デモ音源では聴く事が出来なかったグラハムのヴォーカルを「General Hospital」「Kree Nakoorie」「Jet To Jet」「Hiroshima Mon Amour」・「Island In The Sun」と、計5曲も聴ける点です!この5曲ではバッキングだけでなくグラハムの歌まで、インストデモと比較してさらに完成版へ近づいており、デモというよりは完成手前のラフミックスという印象です。それでも「General Hospital」では、曲の冒頭部分がインストデモに近く、一聴してはっきりとギターやキーボードのミックスの違いを感じ取れます。さらに全体的に低音が強いヘヴィな音色なのも印象的です。正直いって軽量級のスカスカしたサウンドだった完成版と比べればその違いは明らかで、特に「Jet To Jet」などは凄い迫力で、この曲本来の魅力を再確認できます。 よりパワフルで押しの強いこちらのサウンドでアルバムが仕上げられていれば、この作品への評価はまた異なっていた可能性も考えられます。


今回リリースされる「No Parole From Milwaukee」がイングヴェイとALCATRAZZの”最終章”ならば、本作はまさに”序章”であり、両方を併せて聴けばALCATRAZZの姿がよりはっきりとした輪郭を帯びて見えてくる事でしょう。 いまだに不明な部分が多い結成直後のALCATRAZZに迫る、破格かつ超貴重な音源集です!

★beatleg誌 vol.125(2010年12月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

『NO PAROLE FROM MILWAUKEE (Shades-270)』の初回納品分に付属している限定ボーナスディスク…ではあるのだが、これは驚愕の一枚である。1st アルバムのデモ音源は過去に『NO PAROLE FROM ALCATRAZZ (BONDAGE MUSIC / BON309)』という既発タイトルが出ていたが、本盤はそれとは収録内容の違う別のデモ音源だ。そんな上記既発盤との大きな違いは、何と言っても本作ではボーカルテイクが被 さったテイクが5曲も含まれている事だろう。ちなみに、この5曲以外のイ ンストデモ音源については上記既発盤に収録されているテイクと同一である(聴き比べて確認済み)。しかし この、ボーカルが被さった5曲については演奏内容が違っているうえ、しかも後の1stア ルバム完成版とも違っている全く別テイクの演奏で、例えば「Kree Nakoorie」では導入部と終曲後(!)にもSEとしてヘリコプターのプロペラ音が付加されて一層と完成版にイメージが近くなっていたり、名曲「Jet To Jet」ではギターの冒頭でのアプ ローチが違っていたり、ギターソロ突入直前の溜め部分が無くアッサリしていたりと、既発盤で聴いてきたデモとも後の完成版とも違ったものが収録されている。そんな中で唯一、「Hiroshima Mon Amour」だけは明らかに他の4曲とは完成度が 違っていて、これは後のアルバムテイクと恐らく同一のものだろう。最後の「Hiro~shi— ma!!」の歌詞部分にも既にエコー処理が施されており、この曲のみこの時点で既に最終トラックが完成していたと推測される。同様に「General Hospital」も後の完成版にかなり近い演奏をしているが、一方でシングルにもなった「Island In The Sun」がこの時 点でもまだ若干ラフな印象があるのは大変興味深いところだ。また、既発盤同内容のインストで収録されている「Starcarr Lane」では終曲部でアルバム同様にフェイドアウトをするものの再び演奏が戻って曲を締め括っており、終曲部をフェイドアウトさせるかどうか、このデモの時点でも決めかねていた様 子が伺える。そしてこれは不思議なことだが、何故かこのデモでは「Incubus」が含まれていない。曲順を見てみると後に完成するアルバム版を少し予感させる配置にもなっている ので、これはもしかするとA面・B面に分ける際にギターの小曲をどこに配するかを考え る為にあえて「Incubus」を外しているのではないかなど、このデモ音源が使用された 元々の目的について様々な思惑が巡る一枚にもなっている。
既発盤『NO PAROLE FROM ALCATRAZZ』は、デモというよりもむしろボーカルの入っていない1stアルバムの単なるカラオケという印象もあったが、本作はこれこそデモ音源という驚きと発見が随所に満ち溢れている。恐らく本作の元になっているデモテープはアルバム発表前のかなり煮詰まってきた段階で製作された物だと思うが、それだけに1stアルバムに慣れ親しんできた方であればこそ、アレコレ想像する こと必至のテイクに驚嘆すると思う。 正直、一曲聴くのにこれだけ「おお!」「へえぇ…!」と声を上げた音源は久し振りだった。ボーナスディスク。

1. General Hospital 2. General Hospital (on vocal) 3. Kree Nakoorie 4. Kree Nakoorie (on vocal)
5. Jet To Jet 6. Jet To Jet (on vocal) 7. Hiroshima Mon Amour 8. Hiroshima Mon Amour (on vocal)
9. Island In The Sun 10. Island In The Sun (on vocal) 11. Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live
12. Big Foot 13. Starcarr Lane 14. Suffer Me

Graham Bonnet – Vocal Yngwie Malmsteen – Guitar Gary Shea – Bass Jan Uvena – Drums
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards


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