Rolling Stones / Twickenham 2003 1st Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Twickenham 2003 1st Night / 2CD / Non Label
Translated text:
Live at Twickenham Stadium, London, UK 24th August 2003 STEREO SBD

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Even after thirty years since the European tour in 1973, the Stones were still on stage, even after nearly 15 years since the second year of 2003 ‘LICKS’ tour What is it? From this year’s activity, the official DVD ‘FOUR FLICKS’ as well as’ LIVE LICKS ‘is the core of the album’ s 2003 performance, and in recent years it was memorized that a circus krone in the outflow video was discovered A new place. However, since this year there was no item that can be heard on the sound board for the whole performance with the quality of the official grade, the circus krone has caused a big reaction among fans.
However, it is also true that circus krone was a sound quality with outflow visual image roughness. I want to enjoy the “LICKS” tour in 2003 with a further upscale quality, what if “FOUR FLICKS” Twicken Nam can compensate for unrecorded songs from audience recording so I want to hear it on a complete soundboard … from a maniac says Voice has been received from before. Again I would like a live album that allows you to listen to one performance on a soundboard, much more (literally) at the official level. Anyway “LIVE LICKS” is also an editing board from multiple performances, and there were also some diverted performances from Twickenham. If so, it would be mania psychology to want to listen to it more or more in complete.
In the case of
And this time we will realize Twickenham’s complete sound and live album that was not likely to be ever. Of course, it seems that there are also many people who have been scattered around in the image. Nevertheless, if it is a sound completed up to mixing in this way, it will be established as a super luxury real live album anymore. It is now a nostalgic Twickenham show, as Mick has lost physical condition, it was an overnight to be re-partitioned in the 2003 UK tour. Also, the stage where photographing information was conveyed also to Stones side on the premise of image release on stage. Compared to the circus clone whose looseness was also scattered from the opening (also Stones’ s like this), the stones of “recording mode” are exactly right.
That is also why the video Twickenham’s voice is required as a “total live album”. Although this is normal, it is not necessary to add processing to the main stereo sound board part. Rather, what is sought is not how uncomfortable the song that was being cut is whether to compensate from the audience recording of the same day.
Rest assured, speaking of the audience recording of Twickenham, there is a sound source that is unique to our shop. Perhaps there are people who think that “there was such a thing?” That was supposed to be, this sound source was the sound source of the CD-R item that was attached as the first bonus of the 1999 Tour’s famous board “WEMBLEY 1999 2ND NIGHT”. Even if it is from our shop, I was treated as a bonus CD-R daringly because it is an audience recording of a famous twicken nam, but it came time to make this sound source useful.
So, three songs “Do not Stop”, “Happy”, “Start Me Up” were compensated from the same sound source. Anyway, it is an audience recording of a very-on sound image, so it’s beautifully connected to surprisingly even if it switches from the official level (rather than the official itself) sound board, and it switches vividly again. Originally the audience’s response to the reaction of the audience is also caught in the audience, even on the sound board as well as being mixed up with excitement excited in “Sympathy For The Devil” and so on, such a sense of presence There is also no sense of incongruity with regard to.
And, if it becomes Stones of 15 years ago, it is surprisingly young to be surprised to listen again. Jumping Jack Flash “which the intro was started with Bimmy’s blooming by Keith (It was released in the official corrected and released) Also the performance burst at the end. Furthermore, “Star Star” which could also be called the B stage of the day, is almost full of momentum that makes it reminiscent of 1975 to 76 years. The best item that can reconfirm the dynamics of Stones in such a perfect stereo soundboard. It is a high-quality live album of confidence that you can be realized from beginners to maniacs with confidence, even from 1973 to 2003.

1973年のヨーロッパ・ツアーから30年もの歳月が経過してもなお、ストーンズはステージに立っていました、それどころか2003年の「LICKS」ツアー二年目からも15年近い歳月が経過してしまったとは…。この年の活動からはオフィシャルのDVD「FOUR FLICKS」はもちろん、「LIVE LICKS」においてもアルバムの中核は2003年のパフォーマンスですし、近年には流出映像のサーカス・クローネが発掘されたのは記憶に新しいところ。しかしこの年はオフィシャル級のクオリティで一公演を丸ごとサウンドボードで聴けるアイテムがなかったことから、サーカス・クローネはファンの間で大きな反響を巻き起こしたものです。
ところがサーカス・クローネは流出映像的な粗さがある音質だったのも事実。もうワンランク上のクオリティで2003年の「LICKS」ツアーを楽しみたい、何なら「FOUR FLICKS」のトゥイッケナムで未収録曲をオーディエンス録音から補填してでもいいからコンプリートな音盤で聴きたい…というマニアからの声は以前から寄せられていたもの。やはり一公演をサウンドボード、ましてや(文字通りの)オフィシャル級で聴き通せるライブ・アルバムが欲しい。何しろ「LIVE LICKS」も複数公演からの編集盤ですし、そこにもトゥイッケナムからの演奏がいくつか流用されていたもの。そうなれば、なおさらコンプリートで聴きたい、あるいは持っていたいというのがマニア心理でしょう。

ご安心ください、トゥイッケナムのオーディエンス録音と言えば、当店独自入手の音源が存在します。「そんなのあったっけ?」と思われる方がいらっしゃるかもしれません。それもそのはず、この音源は1999年ツアーの名盤「WEMBLEY 1999 2ND NIGHT」の初回ボーナスとして付属していたCD-Rアイテムの音源だったのです。当店からしても映像が有名なトゥイッケナムのオーディエンス録音ということから、敢えてボーナスCD-R扱いとしたのですが、図らずもこの音源が生かされる時がやってきたのです。
そこで「Don’t Stop」、「Happy」、「Start Me Up」の三曲を同音源から補填。何しろ非常にオンな音像のオーディエンス録音ですので、オフィシャル級(というよりオフィシャルそのもの)サウンドボードから切り替わってもびっくりするくらい綺麗につながっており、また鮮やかに切り替わります。元々オーディエンスの反応が賑やかな様子がオーディエンスにも捉えられており、サウンドボードの方においても「Sympathy For The Devil」などにおいて盛り上がりがクローズアップされるミキシングが施されていたほどですので、そうした臨場感に関しても違和感がありません。
そして15年前のストーンズともなれば、いま改めて聴いてみるとビックリするほどの若さ。イントロこそキースによるビミョーなあやふさやで始まってしまった(ところをオフィシャルでは修正してリリースされた)「Jumping Jack Flash」も最後は演奏が爆裂。さらにはこの日のBステージの目玉とも呼べた「Star Star」などは、まるで1975年から76年を彷彿とさせる様な勢いが溢れている。そんな2003年のストーンズの躍動を完璧なステレオ・サウンドボードで再確認できる最高のアイテム。ビギナーからマニアまで安心して聴けるのは当たり前、さらには1973年から2003年という時の流れまで実感させられること請け合いのハイクオリティ・ライブ・アルバムです!

Disc 1 (65:16)
1. Introduction 2. Brown Sugar 3. You Got Me Rocking 4. Don’t Stop 5. Rocks Off
6. Wild Horses 7. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 8. Paint It Black 9. Tumbling Dice
10. Band Introductions 11. Slipping Away ★6:10 – 最後まで補填 12. Happy ★全部補填
13. Sympathy For The Devil

Disc 2 (53:28)
1. Intro S.E. 2. Star Star (B-stage) 3. I Just Want To Make Love To You (B-stage)
4. Street Fighting Man (B-stage) 5. Gimme Shelter 6. Honky Tonk Women ★4:31 – 最後まで補填
7. Start Me Up ★0:00 – 4:19 補填 8. Satisfaction 9. Jumping Jack Flash



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