Rolling Stones / Perth On Fire / 2DVDR

Rolling Stones / Perth On Fire / 2DVDR / Non Label

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Perth Arena, Perth, Australia 29th October & 1st November 2014



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From “14 On Fire” Australian tour, the Perth concert was held on October 29 and November 1, both performances recorded in high-quality audio es-shot video. Since the size of the venue is small compared to the 50,000 of 15,000 and the Adelaide Oval, the minute, it seems good quality video was easy to take, both days, has high very quality video is up on You Tube. This board is to select a good quality take on each song from their audience shot video, is what you have edited the song order as of the actual concert. Connecting between the song was treated politely, I was compensated as a whole enjoy without stress.

Perth first day and recorded 17 songs with the exception of Brown Sugar and You Can not Always Get What You Want from the song that was played on the day in the 102 minutes of this series the longest. Here, second floor in a clever camera work from the left rear, nice video of fan me up the majority of the number that have been played first, with 11 songs in 17 songs, adopted the shooting take of this person have. It has been really firmly long-time recording from opening, equivalent, there is no doubt that it is a skilled fan to be taken the concert. Pixel also alright, because the sound is also good, from the stage panoramic view to each person of up scene, you can have it Miiru be fun without stress. There are good people in North America who will entertain the fan from the second floor in the shooting of nice shot in the tour, but it is exactly like that. It’s Only Rock’n Roll, Doom And Gloom, Midnight Rambler is the left side of the side of the stage, completely shooting from the side. This also that it has been taken with excellent camera definitely, good thing the video seen as Detail on the stage to take all the hand. Up is also very beautiful. However, since the audio of this person who has became ill limiter, would be wavy undulations of the sound image, sound for this image quality is disappointing! However, the quality of the video is so great enough to be able to assert that series 1, crushed an eye on the instability of the sound can thoroughly enjoy. Especially recommended in this first day take in Worried About You and Bitch, this is really great foremost block the video! Especially Worried About You, which was filmed in the best position, Bitch that each member was captured by the unprecedented windup is exactly the highlight of the first day of this title! Also decided the second half of Keith solo. Satisfaction is also foremost block now slightly from the left. Because it is the video that was taken with a mobile image quality is also dumpling feeling sound in software, but really spectacular encore last 7 minutes and 30 seconds from this position. Spectacle exactly and it is this thing.

Perth Day 2 video changed. Here the first day take accrued Brown Sugar and You Can not Always Get What You Want has been recorded, but the first half of the center to You Got Me Rocking, It’s Only Rock’n Roll, All Down The Line, the Honky Tonk Women 4 songs are accrued. JJF 1 is an example of the official video of the beginning. JJF2 people of shots that had been taken from the side of the previous day also similar stage left side. Angle, it’s a perfect absence of high-quality video to picture quality for both, but the first day as well audio limiter took pity. Tumbling Dice is, shooting from earlier in its own way of arena front. Although there is no zoom, the camera work is stable, you can show me in pretty good position Mick of the runway. Loving Cup is the video from the second floor left, such as the main man of the first day. Screen is stable, is the sound is also good. Doom And Gloom and Out Of Control is shot from the best of the position of the block in the vicinity of the foremost, moreover from directly in front of Mick. It is reasonable to qualitative due to the Recording mobile, but the screen is stable, it has become a must-see take the focus is also firmly. All Down The Line also though it was best if Kurere have taken with this position, it was unfortunately accrued. Then of Keith corner was surprised the fans after a long time of playing it All Down The Line. High-quality video is followed from the left side of the example from here. Did you adjust the Rec level, consists of this song in volume is somewhat soft, the minute, so limiter of the problem is not felt so much, it seems to be easier to listen legible. It is played in a long time in Adelaide, also included a chitin Perth first day did not do Happy. Midnight Rambler and in the second half of Sympathy For The Devil is the same person took the video, the video from the front of the arena from behind. Although this pixel seemed taken with mobile is passable, no zoom, takes leave of the video from the front nothing but happy as the recording take. There is no monotony because the screen looks and Dawn. Miss You, Start Me Up is followed by take from the left side of the example. Miss You In looked like a group of face with the Japanese occupy the front row, you have got reflected in the clear. Gimme Shelter is a take from 2 Kaisekihidari backward, image quality camera work is your superb twist the zoom while soft. Familiar Mick and Lisa singing scene also I am taking a great shot. The angle basis is one of the best. Brown Sugar is 1 minute 30 seconds and the current series shortest, but you can enjoy amazing up from the front row. You Can not Always Get What You Want is a video from a long distance from the second floor left that showed off a nice shot in Gimme Shelter, but you show me fun with camera work that was Tenare examples. Last of Satisfaction shooting from the second floor right. Far but have firmly pixels, up is also very beautiful, Angle also this also good. Finally it makes fun tightened.
On both days, willing to reproduce the Perth concert 2 Days in a number of great video, high-quality audience shot footage. Weekend if even this, Nashi to ride up that mistake immersed in Australia performances! It is a masterpiece of title. 2 Disc epic that exceed the 3 hours in total Duration. Introducing with the original menu.

「14 On Fire」オーストラリア・ツアーから、10月29日と11月1日に行われたパース公演を、両公演とも高品質なオーディエス・ショット映像で収録。会場の規模が15000人とアデレード・オーバルの5万人と比べると小さめなので、その分、良質な映像が撮りやすかったようで、両日とも、とても質の高い映像がYou Tubeにアップされています。本盤は、それらのオーディエンスショット映像から曲ごとに良質なテイクをセレクトし、実際のコンサートの曲順通りに編集したものです。曲間の繋ぎも丁寧に処理し、全体をストレスなく楽しめるように補整しました。

パース初日は当日演奏された曲からBrown SugarとYou Can’t Always Get What You Wantを除く17曲を今回のシリーズ最長の102分で収録。こちらは、2階席左側後方から巧みなカメラワークで、演奏された大多数のナンバーをアップしてくれたファンの映像がまず素晴らしく、17曲中11曲で、この人の撮影テイクを採用しています。オープニングから実にしっかりと長時間記録しており、相当、コンサートを撮影することに熟練したファンであることは間違いありません。画素も申し分なく、音も良いので、ステージ全景から各人のアップシーンまで、ストレスなく楽しく見入ることが出来ます。良く北米ツアーで2階席からナイスなショットの撮影でファンを楽しませてくれる人がいますが、まさにそんな感じです。It’s Only Rock’n Roll、Doom And Gloom、Midnight Ramblerはステージの向かって左側のサイド、完全に真横からの撮影。これまた優秀なカメラで撮影されたことは間違いなく、ステージ上のディテイルが全て手に取るように分かる優れモノ映像。アップも大変綺麗です。ただし、この方のオーディオはリミッターがかかってしまっているため、音像の起伏が波打ってしまい、この画質に対し音が残念!しかし、映像の品質はシリーズ1と断言できるほどに素晴らしいので、音の不安定さに目をつぶれは十分に楽しめます。この初日テイクで特にお薦めはWorried About YouとBitchで、これが本当に素晴らしい最前ブロック映像!特にベストポジションで撮影されたWorried About You、各メンバーを空前のドアップで捉えたBitchはこの初日タイトルのまさにハイライト!後半のキースのソロも決まっています。Satisfactionも最前ブロック今度はやや左から。携帯で撮った映像なので画質はソフトで音もダンゴ気味ですが、この位置からのアンコールラスト7分30秒は本当に圧巻。スペクタクルとはまさにこのことです。

変わってパース2日目映像。こちらは初日テイク未収のBrown SugarとYou Can’t Always Get What You Wantは収録されていますが、前半を中心にYou Got Me Rocking、It’s Only Rock’n Roll、All Down The Line、Honky Tonk Womenの4曲が未収です。冒頭のJJF 1は例の公式映像。JJF2は前日も同じようなステージ向かって左側の真横から撮影していた人のショット。アングル、画質ともに申し分ないハイクオリティな映像なのですが、初日同様にリミッターがかかったオーディオが残念。Tumbling Diceは、アリーナ正面のそれなりに前の方からの撮影。ズームは無いものの、カメラワークは安定しており、花道のミックをなかなか良い位置で見せてくれます。Loving Cupは初日のメインの人のような2階席左からの映像。画面は安定しており、音も良いです。Doom And GloomとOut Of Controlは最前付近のブロック、しかもミックの真正面からという最良のポジションからのショット。携帯で録画・録音しているため質的にはまずまずですが、画面は安定しており、フォーカスもしっかりしているので必見のテイクになっています。All Down The Lineもこの位置で撮っていてくれれば最高だったのに、残念ながら未収でした。続いては久々の演奏でファンを驚かせたキースコーナーのAll Down The Line。ここから例の左サイドからの高品質映像が続きます。Recレベルを調整したのか、この曲から音量がややソフトになっており、その分、リミッターの問題がそれ程感じられないので、見やすく聴きやすくなっているようです。アデレードで久々に演奏され、パース初日はやらなかったHappyもキチンと収録。Midnight Ramblerと後半のSympathy For The Devilは同じ人が撮った映像で、アリーナ後方からの真正面からの映像。これは携帯で撮ったようで画素はまずまずですが、ズームもなく、ただただ正面からの撮りっぱなしの映像は記録としては嬉しいテイク。スクリーンがドーンと見えるので単調さはありません。Miss You、Start Me Upは例の左サイドからのテイクが続きます。Miss Youでは最前列に陣取る日本人とおぼしき一群の顔が、クリアーに映ってしまっています。Gimme Shelterは2階席左後方からのテイクで、画質はソフトながらズームを効かせたカメラワークはお見事。お馴染みのミックとリサの熱唱シーンも素晴らしいショットで撮っています。アングル的にはベストの一本です。Brown Sugarは1分30秒と今回のシリーズ最短ですが、前列からの凄いアップが楽しめます。You Can’t Always Get What You Wantは、Gimme Shelterでナイスなショットを披露した2階席左からの遠目からの映像ですが、例によって手慣れたカメラワークで楽しく見せてくれます。ラストのSatisfactionは2階席向かって右からの撮影。遠いが画素がしっかりしていて、アップも大変綺麗、アングルもこれまた良好。最後を楽しく締めてくれます。

Disc 1(102:08)
Perth Arena, Perth, Australia 29th October 2014 

1. Intro 2. Start Me Up 3. Get Off Of My Cloud 4. It’s Only Rock’n Roll 5. Tumbling Dice
6. Worried About You 7. Doom And Gloom 8. Bitch 9. Out Of Control 10. Honky Tonk Women
11. You Got The Silver 12. Can’t Be Seen 13. Midnight Rambler(with Mick Taylor)
14. Miss You 15. Gimme Shelter 16. Jumping Jack Flash 17. Sympathy For The Devil
18. Satisfaction(with Mick Taylor) 

COLOUR NTSC Approx.102min.

Disc 2(81:03) 
Perth Arena, Perth, Australia 1st November 2014 

1. Jumping Jack Flash 1 2. Jumping Jack Flash 2 3. Tumbling Dice 4. Loving Cup 
5. Doom And Gloom 6. Out Of Control 7. Before They Make Me Run 8. Happy
9. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor) 10. Miss You 11. Gimme Shelter 12. Start Me Up
13. Sympathy For The Devil 14. Brown Sugar
15. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (with The Giovanni Consort Choir) 
16. Satisfaction(with Mick Taylor)

COLOUR NTSC Approx.81min.

TOTAL: COLOUR NTSC Approx.183min.

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