Rolling Stones / Paris 2017 3rd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Paris 2017 3rd Night / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at U Arena, Nanterre, France 25th October 2017


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The “NO FILTER” tour which all the journals were recorded at the end of last month is now Paris. Although the report that the tour is still safe yet is not new to the memory, it is a timing that is vivid, but this week we will release the day of the Chiaki Paris in limited press CD. Three performances were performed only for the performance in Paris this time and the end of the tour was closed, but at the time of release, we released a performance on October 25, which was the last day of the tour on the third day. In other words, this week is the combination of Munich early in the “NO FILTER” tour and the last day in Paris.
It turned out now that the stage where Stones’s tone does not rise is being demonstrated is actually three performances to Austria. From that there was awakening of Stones in the famous Zurich, and in fact it was actually short that the period during which the maniacs all over the world shook up (lol).
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However, although it is a sound source to be released this time, it is quite rough for sound quality. Of course, this time the new Munich joined “No FILTER” The best audience of the tour It is a level that does not reach the level of the four heavenly kings at all. There is also characteristic of the venue, but overall the echo is strong. And the overall sound quality is rather dong sharp. Moreover, there are parts where the limiter operates and there is a place where the sound subtly retracts in some places. Unexpectedly, however, each part of the performance is unexpectedly close balance. Especially it is amazing to realistic balance with the sound image of Mick’s voice turned on. If such a sound quality and the sound image were blurred, it would be pushed for the magazine sound B class B audience. However, by taking advantage of the sound quality of each part ‘s contour firmly captured, we dedicated the equalization appropriate for the limited press CD, and evolved to an upper state that can be heard much more than the original sound source.
Of course, the original is the sound source that was circulating on the net, there will be some who already have you. I would rather compare the difference with the original sound. Although it is still in the recording state wrapped in echoes, the point of balance that the voice of Mick can also hear it passes is too high. Thanks to this, the press CD release of this limited edition that would be enjoyable without stress was realized.

The stage is also the final day of the tour, and the best performances are being performed over the full story. From the early stage of the show it is lively enough to literally call it another dimension from the time of Hamburg. One and a half months from that relaxing and tedious performance, there are some emotional things if you think that the performance of Stones has reached this level. After all, the “NO FILTER” tour of this time is interesting because it can hear the change “Elderly Stones regains intuition at live”.
In this tour, two blues playing the role of pacemaker in the first half of each show are promoted to a spectacular performance finally. Especially at “Ride ‘Em on Down” Ronnie’s guitar play is a big explosion. The same applies to the solo of “You Can not Always Get What You Want”, but again it seems as though the Mick was playing at the performance level of the “NO FILTER” tour, as well as the Ronnie’s inspiration was great It will not. Incidentally, on YouTube, videos capturing the appearance of Ronnie playing the interlude of “Ride ‘Em ~” are uploaded, but not only on this day, Ronnie’s guitar play on this tour is a wonderful thing had.

Of course Mick also keeps a hyper voltage that seems to be the last day of the tour, but it was such She’s So Cold because it was such an outstanding condition. Besides not only his high-tension songs are exquisite, Keith and Charlie also tell us a momentumful feeling. As expected I do not want to hear the performance that I got with this song, I think it was wise that this song was not picked up at the beginning of the tour.
As I mentioned earlier, this release of audience recording is also a bit of an exciting texture, but it was the voting song of this day “She’s A Rainbow” that fascinated me. Despite short-lived, this song is representative of Stones’ pop band era from 1966 to 67 years. It is the appeal of this sound source that captures the atmosphere of its cheerful performance as a good feeling.
Anyway, it is the last day in Paris where the whole gigging performance is heard, but if there are few coars, “Paint It Black” sounds strange and it sounds like it is ringing off. Of course the main criminal is Keith. A mistone reminiscent of the intro of ‘Beast Of Burden’ in Munich released at the same time this time. It will already be like a famous tour of “NO FILTER” (laugh). Still, Keith seems to be in a bad mood all the time, after all the usual member introduction is over, I will rejoice to the scene that he introduces Mick. Of course it is after Mick has retracted, this is moving.
“NO FILTER” everyone waits for the first day The first bullet in Chiaki music is the final day. The Hararahadokidoki tour which remains on the Stones’ live history has finally arrived at the finale of the stunning stage. The rough sound quality mentioned earlier also makes our own equalization to make it much easier to hear and enjoy the realism of the day on a rich balance. This is the final stage of 2017 Stones!

先月末にすべての行程が収録した「NO FILTER」ツアーの千秋楽はパリとなりました。まだツアー無事終了の報が記憶に新しいどころか生々しいくらいのタイミングですが、今週はさっそく千秋楽パリの一日を限定のプレスCDにてリリースいたします。今回パリ公演だけは三回の公演が行われてツアーの末を閉じましたが、リリースに際しては三日目にしてツアー最終日となった10月25日の公演をリリース。つまり、今週は「NO FILTER」ツアー序盤のミュンヘンと最終日たるパリ三日目という組み合わせなのですね。

ただし今回リリースされる音源ですが、音質的には結構ラフ。もちろん今回の新ミュンヘンが加わった「NO FILTER」ツアーの極上オーディエンス四天王の域には到底及ばないレベル。会場の特性もあるのでしょうが、全体的にエコーが強い。そして全体の音質も、どちらかと言えばドンシャリ気味。おまけにいくつかの箇所ではリミッターが作動して音が微妙に引っ込むところまである。ところが不思議なことに、演奏それぞれのパートは意外なほど近いバランス。特にミックの声の音像のオンでリアルなバランスには驚かされます。こうした音質でしかも音像がぼやけていたとすれば、単なるモヤモヤサウンドのB級オーディエンスの烙印が押されてしまうことでしょう。しかし各パーツの輪郭がしっかりと捉えられた音質を活かし、限定のプレスCDに相応しいイコライズを敢行し、元の音源と比べて格段に聞き込めるアッパーな状態へと進化させました。

ステージの方はツアー最終日ということもあって、全編に渡って最高の演奏が披露されています。ショーの序盤からしてハンブルクの頃から比べると文字通り別次元と呼びたくなるほど活きのよさ。あのゆったり、もっさりな演奏から一か月半、ストーンズの演奏がこのレベルまで到達したのかと思うと感慨深いものがあります。やはり今回の「NO FILTER」ツアーは「高齢ストーンズがライブでの勘を取り戻す」という変化が聞けるからこその面白さ。
今回のツアーにおいて、毎回のショー前半におけるペースメーカーの役割を果たしていたブルース二曲はいよいよ壮絶な演奏にまで昇格。特に「Ride ‘Em on Down」ではロニーのギター・プレイが大爆発。同じことは「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」のソロにも当てはまりますが、やはり「NO FILTER」ツアーの演奏レベルにおいてミックはもちろんながら、ロニーの奮起にもよるところが大きかったように思えてなりません。ちなみにYouTube上では「Ride ‘Em~」の間奏を元気いっぱいに弾いてみせるロニーの姿を捉えた動画もアップされていますが、この日に限らず本当にこのツアーにおけるロニーのギター・プレイは素晴らしいものがありました。

もちろんミックもツアー最終日らしいハイパーなボルテージを保っているのですが、そんな抜群なコンディションだからこそ映えたのが「She’s So Cold」。彼のハイテンションな歌が絶品であるばかりか、キースやチャーリーまでもがいい感じに勢いのある演奏を聞かせてくれる。さすがにこの曲でもたついた演奏は聞きたくありませんし、この曲がツアーの序盤で取り上げられなかったのは賢明だと思います。
先にも触れたように、今回リリースのオーディエンス録音はちょっと刺激的な質感でもあるのですが、それがピッタリとハマったのがこの日の投票ソングだった「She’s A Rainbow」。短命ながらも1966年から67年のストーンズのポップバンド時代を代表するこの曲。その快活な演奏の雰囲気をいい感じに捉えてくれているのが今回の音源の魅力でしょう。
とにかく全体的にゴキゲンな演奏を聞かせてくれるパリ最終日ですが、数少ない粗があるとすれば「Paint It Black」で妙ちくりんな音がデカく鳴り響いてしまったことくらいかと。その主犯はもちろんキース。まるで今回同時リリースのミュンヘンにおける「Beast Of Burden」のイントロを彷彿とさせるようなミストーン。もうこれは「NO FILTER」ツアー名物のようなものでしょう(笑)。それでもキースは終始ご機嫌な様子で、何と言っても通常のメンバー紹介が終わった後で彼がミックを紹介するという場面に和みます。もちろんミックが引っ込んでしまった後だとは言え、これは感動的。
誰もが待ち望む「NO FILTER」ツアー千秋楽音源の第一弾は最終日。ストーンズのライブ史上に残るハラハラドキドキ・ツアーも遂に見事なステージのフィナーレを迎えるに至りました。先にも触れたラフな音質も当店が独自にイコライズを施して格段に聞きやすくなり、当日の臨場感も豊かなバランスで楽しめる。2017年型ストーンズの最終形ステージがこれだ!


Disc 1 (69:06)
1. Intro 2. Sympathy for the Devil 3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 4. Tumbling Dice
5. Just Your Fool 6. Ride ‘Em on Down 7. She’s So Cold 8. She’s A Rainbow
9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 10. Paint It Black 11. Honky Tonk Women
12. Band Introductions 13. Happy 14. Slipping Away

Disc 2 (63:27)
1. Miss You 2. Midnight Rambler 3. Street Fighting Man 4. Start Me Up
5. Brown Sugar 6. Jumping Jack Flash 7. Gimme Shelter 8. Satisfaction

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