Rolling Stones / Los Angeles 1989 1st Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Los Angeles 1989 1st Night / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, CA. USA 18th October 1989

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In recent years, our shop has continued releasing the sound source of the American tour of Stones 1989. As I mentioned each time, it is hard to say that a good audience recording in real time in this time seems to be said, and on the contrary any American tours that appeared from 1989 to 1990 are those that are also not so clear It was only. It was released at the time in 1989 in a form that can be said to be released as a limited press CD this time.
The name of the item is “LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES”. The image placed on the black and white printing jacket is the deviation of sense called “Stones” when “SOME GIRLS”. Even though it was just a B class item feeling full throttle LP three-piece set item, it was sound quality that did not keep on circulating it. The original audience recording was distant in the sound image, and additionally the recording was from a bad position with a percussive cassette quality that lacked the thickness in the sound, and brought a sense of unrestricted B class.
A label called Starlight that released the item “LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES”. The image called analogue banner label in the latter part of the LP era from the latter half of the 1980s to around 1990 applies exactly. There was something that was quite unclear even from the standards at the time that all the sound sources of various artists were released in a jacket of black and white printing and released. In the shining age that the market has already been replaced by CDs and moreover the amazing quality items were played in a row, it was only labels that were released as items that were to be taken as an anonymous era It was.

As mentioned earlier, Jacket’s sense of absence alone is an item that will shave off charm enough, but in addition to that I remember that the shoveling sound quality was becoming a regular in a second-hand shop. If the audience recording of good sound quality with another sound source is released even after it shifted to the CD era, the impression of the performance of October 18 would have been up with Gun, but in that respect too, the performance of this day is unlucky did.
It is also said that the professional shot video shot taken for the screen of the venue on the 19th show which became the show of the next day runs out after the tour. Of course sound is recorded on the sound board. Even just that was enough to blow away the day before the sound quality that was not clear, but the last was that Eric Clapton jumped into the “Little Red Rooster”. When these elements overlap and speaking of LA performance of 89 years during Mania, it turned into a hoofmark to point to October 19th.

As it was thought that the performance on 18th October was buried in the space between “STEEL WHEELS” American tours (no, actually it was buried), but this year suddenly this day from JEMS A new audience recording was supplied. Moreover, it was familiar Krw_co the strongest tag that digitized tapes for disclosure.
Although it is a new sound source supplied by them, it is sometimes called a sound source that was buried for nearly thirty years as expected, not beyond the quality that can be asserted as being excellent. After all, the popular relapse of Stones ‘STEEL WHEELS’ America tour is a lot of audience recording in such condition from the difficulty of the recording environment. In terms of clearness and the proximity of the sound image, it seems that the army will rise toward “OAKLAND 1989 1ST NIGHT” which was released several weeks ago. However, more importantly, the important point of this sound source is that the recording condition is steadily more stable than in Auckland. In addition, it does not compare with the shabby sound quality of “LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES”. As expected, although the sound image is closer to the LP than the LP, although it is a quality that is suitable for somewhat geeky manners, the state of being able to “hear in” suddenly will be a big appeal.
For that release, we will drastically overhaul. Adjustment of high pitch is natural, dramatically improves guitar and vocal resonance echoes with equalization. In the case of a good sound source, it is often the case that minimizing the equalization can make use of the charm of the original sound, but in the case of rough recording such as this (although not as much as Auckland) equalization exerts enormous power It will be. If you compare the sound source that became the basis of this time to a mania already being acquired, you should remember the overwhelming upper feeling. Furthermore, by tape change, 2 light Years From Home and Jumping Jack Flash where the intro cut was confirmed were carefully compensated from the analog “LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES” earlier. I aimed for a more complete version.

On the other hand, for the performers more than a month have passed since the tour started, and for this series of LA performances, it was also held during this New York, share · stadium performance, and a wonderful performance with a big city switch You will be asked. However, it is a fact that no enthusiastic response to new songs like Oakland time is heard. There is only a big city where fans are coming near, and Mick is also asking the complexion of the audience with “new songs”.
In addition, it is easy to understand that the surroundings become mature when “Undercover Of The Night” first starts with the recording itself. Just because the enthusiasm in other classical songs is prominent, the difference with the song with a faint response is also captured. Even more interesting is the development that Keith sings only “Happy” on this day. In the United States it is a famous episode that the audience starts heading for the toilet when Keith starts singing, perhaps Keith may have been concerned about it. Even so, he is only one song and it is really rare. However, the musical performance itself is rather high rather than decaying, and from around the “Little Red Rooster” before it, the speediness of the Stones of this day stands out as being remarkable.
And it is rare that the sound source of this time is caught up to the sound of the fireworks and the announcement after the performance. If the announcement flows, you can listen to the place where you mutter the bad mouth of the sponsor (Budweiser), it will sound like a documentary fun. Please listen to the dynamism of the Stones that was fascinated by LA in 1989 which is different from the 19th which became standard now!
(About sound processing)
★ Fixed 25% faster pitch.
★ There is a point highlighted in the high and mid range as an impression, the cheer is emphasized and the guitar & vocal becomes like the sound of the AM radio, so we adjust the whole and make a sense of stability of bass, I made the guitar & vocals clearer as possible.
そのアイテムの名は「LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES」。白黒印刷のジャケットに載せられた画像は「SOME GIRLS」の時のストーンズと言うセンスのずれ具合。それだけでもB級アイテム感が全開なLP三枚組アイテムだったのですが、それに輪をかけて冴えなかったのが音質。元になったオーディエンス録音は音像が遠く、おまけに音に厚みを欠いたペラペラなカセット・クオリティでしかも悪いポジションからの録音であったことが揺るぎないB級感を醸し出していた。
そんな「LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES」というアイテムをリリースしたのがStarlightと言うレーベル。LP時代末期の1980年代後半から1990年辺りまでの間におけるアナログの仇花レーベルと言うイメージがぴったりと当てはまる。さまざまなアーティストの音源をすべて白黒印刷のジャケに包んでリリースしたという点が当時の基準からしても相当に冴えないものがあった。既に市場はCDに取って代わられ、しかも驚異的なクオリティのアイテムが連発されていたという輝かしき時代に、それこそ時代錯誤だと取られても仕方のないようなアイテムばかりをリリースしていたレーベルだったのです。

それと言うのも翌日のショーとなった19日の公演を会場のスクリーン用に撮影して録画されたプロショット映像がツアー終了後に流出。当然ながら音はサウンドボード録音。それだけでも冴えない音質の前日を吹き飛ばしてしまうには十分だったのですが、とどめは「Little Red Rooster」にエリック・クラプトンが飛び入りしたこと。こうした要素が重なり、マニアの間において89年のLA公演と言えば10月19日を指すことが蹄跡と化したのです。

このまま10月18日の公演は「STEEL WHEELS」アメリカ・ツアーの狭間に埋もれてしまうのかと(いや、実際に埋もれていました)思われていましたが、今年に入って突如JEMSからこの日の新たなオーディエンス録音が供給されました。しかも公開に際してテープをデジタル化したのはおなじみKrw_coという最強タッグ。
彼らによって供給された新音源ですが、さすがに30年近く埋もれていた音源ということもあり、エクセレントだと断言できるようなクオリティには及ばず。やはりストーンズの人気再燃「STEEL WHEELS」アメリカ・ツアーは録音環境の難しさからこうした状態のオーディエンス録音が多いですね。クリアネスや音像の近さと言う点においては、数週間前にリリースされた「OAKLAND 1989 1ST NIGHT」の方に軍配が上がるかと。しかしながら、それ以上に今回の音源で重要な点は、オークランドよりも録音状態が俄然安定しているということでしょう。ましてや「LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES」のショボい音質とは比べ物になりません。さすがに同LPよりは音像が近く、ややマニア向けなクオリティではあるものの、俄然「聞き込める」状態が大きな魅力でしょう。
そのリリースに当たっては、大幅なオーバーホールを敢行。高いピッチのアジャストは当たり前、団子状でギターやボーカルのくぐもった響きをイコライズにて大幅に改善。良質な音源の場合はイコライズを最小限にとどめた方が原音の魅力を活かせる場合が多いのですが、こうした(オークランドほどではないにせよ)荒くれ録音の場合はイコライズが絶大な威力を発揮してくれます。今回の元になった音源を既に入手されているマニアが聞き比べれば、圧倒的なアッパー感を覚えるはず。更にテープチェンジにより、イントロカットが確認された2000 Light Years From HomeとJumping Jack Flashの2箇所は、先のアナログ「LOVE YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES」より丁寧に補填。より完成度の高いヴァージョンを目指しました。

おまけに録音自体もまず「Undercover Of The Night」が始まると周囲が大人しくなるという解りやすさ笑。それ以外のクラシック・ソングでの熱狂が顕著なだけに、なおさら反応が淡泊な曲との落差も捉えられています。さらに面白いのが、この日に限ってキースが「Happy」しか歌わないという展開。アメリカではキースが歌い始めるとオーディエンスがトイレに向かい始めるのは有名なエピソードですが、もしかしたらキースもそれを気にしていたのかもしれません。それにしても彼が一曲だけとは本当に珍しい。しかし演奏自体は腐るどころかむしろテンション高めであり、その前の「Little Red Rooster」辺りから、この日のストーンズのスピーディさが際立った好調ぶりもリアルに捉えられている。
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles CA. October 18th 1989

Disc 1 (66:10)
1. Continental Drift 2. Start Me Up 3. Bitch 4. Sad Sad Sad 5. Undercover Of The Night
6. Harlem Shuffle 7. Tumbling Dice 8. Miss You 9. Ruby Tuesday 10. Play With Fire
11. Rock And A Hard Place 12. Mixed Emotions 13. Honky Tonk Women 14. Midnight Rambler

Disc 2 (68:03)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 2. Little Red Rooster 3. Happy 4. Paint It Black
5. 2000 Light Years From Home ★0:00 イントロ欠落 ●前後数秒LPより補填 6. Sympathy For The Devil
7. Gimme Shelter 8. Band Introductions 9. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 10. Brown Sugar
11. Satisfaction 12. Jumping Jack Flash ★0:00 イントロ欠落 ●前後数秒LPより補填 13. Outro.

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