Rolling Stones / Chicago 2006 2nd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Chicago 2006 2nd Night / 2CD / Non Label

Translated text:
Live at United Center, Chicago, IL. USA 25th January 2006

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This time another Check This Out! Label entangled ‘A BIGGER BANG’ tour sound source will be released another one. Moreover, this is an American tour of 2006. The label released the Chicago show on January 23rd as “abiggerbangtourchicago06” from the sound source of this period. As a bonus there were several songs recorded from the 25th performance which is the second day of Chicago. Regarding the performance on the 25th, we only stayed at the release of the part I could hear with the bonus here until now. Unlike in the second half of October 2005, it can be said that in the US tour in January 2006, which is blessed with a number of items, it was completely overlooked. In “bonus of abiggerbangtourchicago 06”, “Rough Justice”, “Love Is Strong”, “Memory Motel”, “Get Off Of My Cloud” and “Get Off Of My Cloud” were included from the 25th performance.
Toronto in September 2005 which was released at the same time this time was using the same sound source treated as a bonus to Check This Out! Label, but this is another audience recording different from the sound source treated as a bonus. When speaking from the result, this time boasts the sound quality that this time is overwhelmingly easy to hear. Although the sound source of “abiggerbangtourchicago 06” was in the state of being wrapped in echo and it had been subjected to the equalization peculiar to the label, it was a sound quality with a feeling that sound was gathered only in the midrange, but this time the newly released The sound source is quite different. It is a powerful recording in which the word “boned” is perfectly appropriate. “A BIGGER BANG” tour sound source which releases three titles at a stroke this time is an attractive sound quality with each personality, but this sound quality also full of charm completely different from the other two. Furthermore, there is almost no change in sound quality in B stage.

A solid texture capturing the power of the performance including Charlie’s base is wonderful. Besides, on this day it is attractive that only the songs that reflect the sound quality are played. Stones which the engine was fully opened from November of the previous year will let us play the stone from the opening even this day, but in the previous year “It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll” tried by the finale can be called normal handling Not only is it being played in the early stage of the show, but its high tension stands out. The following “Rough Justice” still has plenty of momentum. But the charm of this day will rather accelerate after the same song.
First of all, “Love Is Strong”. As the song continued to be played continuously following “Rough Justice”, the songs of recent years have continued to evolve, so that the audience in the US is going to buy toilets and hot dogs (lol). However, the performance itself is quite powerful enough to be missed by sporadic treatment, including this day. When “Memory Motel” is played following this song, it appears as if it had been a time slip to 1994 or 95, but from 2005 to 2006 it will be on display for the second day of Chicago It will be the last.
The flow is “Is not Too Proud To Beg” and “Midnight Rambler” flow. It was the day when it became a considerably delicious set list even in the first half of the show, and this is a deployment that reminds me of 1975. What a luxurious song order, a suddenly attractive set list compared to the set list on the first day of Chicago. Among them, “Midnight Rambler” is accompanied by this sophisticated sound quality to hear the powerful full-score performance. Especially Charlie’s drum is amazing!
As you can see from this, as for this sound source, the power of the bass directed us a unique feeling of peculiarity, but there was a peculiarity that it sounded like a doodo dog in some places depending on the place. So in this release, I equalize it to a restless state that suppressed this range. Furthermore, while the bass is conspicuous, the point that the sound of the cymbal or snare loses to the bass and has turned into an unnatural tone is also corrected. These changes are abruptly easier to hear compared to the original sound source, and they have changed to a natural state.

Also, as for the sound source of 2005 released at the same time this time, when the show was not started at the beginning of the show, it seemed that the condition of raising the condition from the moment of chance was nothing. However, unlike those days, it was a day that “the show will be lost” this day. It was Keith ‘s “Happy” that became the primary cause of it, but the momentum that it had until then will fall to a performance with no ambition like a lie (it did not stop well). After that, when shifting to the stage B, the state of “Respectable” will not have an ambition, even if again. Perhaps there is a possibility that a troubles such as a monitor occurred, but it is a dangerous performance that is quite satisfactory for that. Regarding “Get Off Of My Cloud” that followed, it will not compare with Seattle this time. Such condition continues up to “Sympathy For The Devil”, but since it clearly understands that the condition begins to rise again in the middle of this song, it makes me laugh.
Even at the end of the show Keith ‘s “Satisfaction” intro is unstable, but the overall performance is high tension, the last is to remember of Wilson · Picket who died then back to “In the Midnight Hour” It is incandescence that it is included. The development and the change of performance different from the other two performances are really interesting, the first appearance of the second day of 2006 Chicago for the first time became clear for the first time!

今回はCheck This Out!レーベル絡みの「A BIGGER BANG」ツアー音源がもう一つリリースされます。しかもこちらは2006年のアメリカ・ツアー。同レーベルはこの時期の音源から1月23日のシカゴ公演を「abiggerbangtourchicago06」としてリリース。そのボーナスとしてシカゴ二日目である25日の公演からいくつかの曲を収録していたのです。25日の公演に関しては、現在に至るまでここのボーナスで聞けたパートだけのリリースにとどまっていました。2005年の10月後半と違い、アイテムの数に恵まれている2006年1月のアメリカ・ツアーにおいては完全に見過ごされた日だと言えるでしょう。「abiggerbangtourchicago06」のボーナスには25日の公演から「Rough Justice」「Love Is Strong」「Memory Motel」「Get Off Of My Cloud」そして「Get Off Of My Cloud」が収録されていたのです。
今回同時リリースとなった2005年9月のトロントはCheck This Out!レーベルにボーナス扱いされたのと同じ音源を使用していましたが、こちらはボーナス扱いの音源とは別のオーディエンス録音。結果から言ってしまうと今回の方が圧倒的に聞きやすい音質を誇ります。「abiggerbangtourchicago06」の音源はエコーに包まれた状態だった上に同レーベル特有のイコライズが施されていたおかげで、中域にばかり音が集まった感のある音質でしたが、今回リリースされる新たな音源はまったく違います。それは「骨太」という言葉がピッタリと当てはまる迫力の録音。今回一挙に三タイトルがリリースされる「A BIGGER BANG」ツアー音源はそれぞれが個性を持った魅力的な音質ではありますが、こちらの音質も他の二つとはまったく違った魅力が溢れるもの。さらにBステージでは音質の変化もほとんどない。

チャーリーのベースを始めとした演奏の迫力を捉えたずっしりとした質感が素晴らしい。しかもこの日はそのずっしりとした音質が映える曲ばかりが演奏されている点が魅力でしょう。前年の11月からエンジンが全開となったストーンズはこの日もオープニングから盤石の演奏を聞かせてくれるのですが、前年はフィナーレに試されていた「It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll」が通常扱いと呼べるショー序盤で演奏されているだけでなく、そのテンションの高さが際立ちます。続く「Rough Justice」も相変わらず勢いがたっぷり。しかしこの日の魅力はむしろ同曲の後で加速します。
まずは「Love Is Strong」。「Rough Justice」と続けて演奏されたことから近年の曲が続く展開となり、アメリカのオーディエンスがトイレやホットドッグを買いに向かう様子が浮かんでしまうような選曲(笑)。ところが演奏自体は実に力強く、この日を始めとした散発的な扱いに留まったことが惜しまれるほど。この曲に続いて「Memory Motel」が演奏されると、まるで1994年や95年へとタイムスリップしたかのようにすら映りますが、2005年から2006年にかけてはここシカゴ二日目での披露が最後となってしまいます。
とどめは「Ain’t Too Proud To Beg」に「Midnight Rambler」という流れ。ショー前半だけでも相当においしいセットリストとなった日であり、こちらはまるで1975年を彷彿とさせるような展開。何という贅沢な曲順でしょう、シカゴ初日のセットリストと比べてみても俄然魅力的なセットリスト。その中で「Midnight Rambler」はこの骨太な音質と相まって迫力満点の演奏が聞かれます。特にチャーリーのドラムが凄い!

また今回同時にリリースされる2005年の音源はどれもショー開始当初はエンジン全開となっていなかったところ、ふとした瞬間から調子を上げてゆく様子が捉えられていました。ところがそれらと違い、この日は「ショーが中だるみしてしまう」一日だったのです。その元凶となったのはただしキースの「Happy」で、それまでの勢いがウソのような覇気のない演奏(よく止まらなかったものです)に堕ちてしまいます。その後Bステージに移ると「Respectable」の演奏がまたしても覇気のない状態。もしかしたらモニターのトラブルなどが起きた可能性も考えられますが、それにしては随分ちぐはぐで危うい演奏だこと。続いた「Get Off Of My Cloud」に関しても今回のシアトルとは比べ物になりません。そんな調子は「Sympathy For The Devil」まで続きますが、この曲の途中でまた調子が上がり始める様子が伝わってくるのがはっきりと解ってしまうから笑ってしまいます。
ショーの終盤でもキースの弾く「Satisfaction」のイントロが不安定といった場面が見られますが、全体的な演奏はテンションが高く、最後は当時亡くなったウィルソン・ピケットを偲んだ「In the Midnight Hour」まで盛り込まれるという白熱ぶり。そんな他の二公演とは違った展開や演奏の変化が実に面白い、2006年シカゴ二日目の全貌が初めて明らかになりました!

Disc 1 (66: 22)
1. Intro. 2. Jumping Jack Flash 3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 4. Rough Justice 5. Love Is Strong
6. Memory Motel 7. Rain Fall Down 8. Is not Too Proud To Beg 9. Midnight Rambler
10. Tumbling Dice 11. Band Introductions 12. This Place Is Empty 13. Happy

Disc 2 (52: 44)
1. Miss You 2. Respectable 3. Get Off Of My Cloud 4. Honky Tonk Women 5. Sympathy For The Devil
6. Start Me Up 7. Brown Sugar 8. You Can not Always Get What You Want 9. Satisfaction

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