Rolling Stones / Glasgow Apollo 1973 / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Glasgow Apollo 1973 / 1CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Apollo Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland 16th September 1973


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New sound of 1973 European tour which has received overwhelming support from enthusiasts around the world has appeared! Had been this time excavated Glasgow performances in September. Previously Speaking of our shop you’ll be is imagined has released “GLASGOW 1973”. It is, however, is another performance content it to that this excavation, yet what it is and Glasgow? It is controversial between mania and. In that The Complete Works Site, Glasgow are noted to have been carried out over the two days of September 16 and 17. For further authenticity, already issued this week of gift board where you copied the press platen of the “Glasgow 1973 2nd Night” CD-R would like seeing the text of, but certainly Mick in the current sound source is, “It’s great to be back, that it is issued with Glasgow “, than a sound source of this excavation what the 16th? We are increasing the credibility that.
In any case, even in just a sound source, which has been around for ever and another live appeared from ’73 European tour, you do not have mania around the world doubt that the attention undoubtedly. And happy is the recording quality. What is the saying, but compared to the previous sound source to be heard in this gift CD-R (= already issued press platen “GLASGOW 1973”), also that it has been excavated as much clear audience recording with noteworthy award. Compared with just analog boot Chick “GLASGOW 1973”, much to easy-to-hear clearness and freshness of height, it is that this is the sound source was sleeping also forty years there is what is hard to believe Showers.
However, the sound source when you appeared similar to the ’69 Oakland to “Brown Sugar” in high pitch, there is a sound drop of unique time opening record. In addition, “You Can not Always Get What You Want” in the tape change and looked like cut that occurred. Cut will occur even for a moment in the beginning of “Rip This Joint”. And all such levels fall you’ve mixed at the time of appearance cut other than the problem of “Rip This ~” to adjust. This alone is the original sound source is has become the finish that you promise the playback state of stability beyond comparison, but the point or with which I would like you to taste all means also that it was Mise finish in sound quality that is more rounded.

And more than anything, ’73 European tour of the performance is by far the great legend. In particular is a highlight of Taylor “Gimme Shelter” guitar solo is the highest rolled playing surpass the play of traditional Glasgow sound source! Also in these two times of the show it would be a scene can feel a rare and yell even that Mick is fully sing the melody of “Angie” in the same melody as the studio version. Place seems to be in ’73 European tour of his fighting spirit is shine through the full-length live. Here in the “Star Star” and “Midnight Rambler” Mick shout also a really intense in, still ’73 European tour which day amazing too! After all wild Mick will Abaremakuri. And cast a new fact of Glasgow performances mania around the world, and yet Please enjoy slowly and carefully by a press CD of limiting the new sound of the impact, which also combines the charm of sound quality and playing content!

世界中のマニアから絶大な支持を受けた1973年ヨーロッパ・ツアーの新音源が登場しました!今回発掘されたのは9月のグラスゴー公演。と言えば以前当店がリリースした「GLASGOW 1973」が思い浮かべられることでしょう。ところがです、今回発掘されたのはそれと別の演奏内容、それでいてグラスゴーとはどういうこと?とマニアの間で物議を醸しています。あのThe Complete Works Siteにおいて、グラスゴーは9月16日と17日の二日間に渡って行われていたと記されています。さらなる真偽に関しては、既発のプレス盤をコピーした今週のギフト盤「Glasgow 1973 2nd Night」CD-Rの文章をご覧いただきたいのですが、確かに今回の音源でミックは「It’s great to be back, Glasgow」と発していることが、今回の発掘こそ16日の音源であるのでは?という信憑性を高めています。
いずれにせよ、今まで出回っていた音源とは別のライブが73年ヨーロッパ・ツアーから登場したというだけでも、間違いなく世界中のマニアが注目することは間違いありません。しかも嬉しいのはその録音クオリティ。こう言っては何ですが、今回のギフトCD-R(=既発プレス盤「GLASGOW 1973」)で聴かれる以前の音源と比べ、はるかにクリアーなオーディエンス録音として発掘されたことも特筆すべきでしょう。正にアナログ・ブート・チックな「GLASGOW 1973」と比べ、格段に聴きやすいクリアネスと鮮度の高さ、これが四十年も眠っていた音源だとはにわか信じがたいものがあります。
ただし、登場した時の音源はピッチが高くて「Brown Sugar」には69年オークランドと同じような、オープニング録音時ならではの音落ちがあります。さらに「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」で起きたテープ・チェンジと思しきカット。カットは「Rip This Joint」の序盤でも一瞬発生します。そして登場時に混入してしまったレベル落ちといった「Rip This~」のカット以外の問題はすべてアジャスト。これだけでも元音源とは比較にならないほど安定の再生状態を約束してくれる仕上がりのなっているのですが、より丸みを帯びた音質に仕上げてみせた点も是非味わっていただきたいポイントかと。

そして何よりも、演奏が断然素晴らしいのが伝説の73年ヨーロッパ・ツアー。特にテイラーの見せ場である「Gimme Shelter」のギター・ソロは従来のグラスゴー音源のプレイを凌ぐ弾きまくりが最高!またこれら二回のショウではミックが「Angie」のメロディをスタジオ・バージョンと同じメロディで歌い切っているという点もレアかつ気合を感じられる場面でしょう。彼の気合がライブの全編を通して輝きを放っているのも73年ヨーロッパ・ツアーらしいところ。ここでの「Star Star」や「Midnight Rambler」におけるミックのシャウトも本当に強烈で、やはり73年ヨーロッパ・ツアーはどの日も凄い!何しろワイルドなミックが暴れまくります。世界中のマニアにグラスゴー公演の新事実を投げかけ、それでいて音質と演奏内容の魅力も兼ね備えた衝撃の新音源を限定のプレスCDにてじっくりとお楽しみください!

1. Intro. 2. Brown Sugar 3. Gimme Shelter 4. Happy 5. Tumbling Dice 6. Star Star
7. Dancing With Mr.D 8. Angie 9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 10. Midnight Rambler
11. Honky Tonk Women 12. All Down The Line 13. Rip This Joint 14. Jumping Jack Flash
15. Street Fighting Man 16. Outro.

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