Rolling Stones / Sydney 2014 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Sydney 2014 / 2CD /Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At Allphones Arena, Sydney, Australia 12th November 2014.


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Mick Although it is 2014 Australian tour which upset the was that there was a change in the schedule in the appeal of the throat, last week our shop is released “MELBOURNE 2014” of November 5 in the live prior to cancel the following awards Although the first time in his upset became clear, this time to stop hangin lock performances of eight days, live in Sydney on the 12th that was the Mick resurrection live is now that this time will be released. This shop I was supposed to document coincidentally the “Until demodulation from Mick of bad health”.
Became the original is’s a recent audience recording that appeared on the net, but immediately after the start of the live that compared to the sound pressure of playing Mick’s voice is losing ground, making it the there tend to balance early in the concert . But might this balance can be said that the Fortunately for Mick. Early on this day that became a return live This is because, his singing voice because it was as usual tone that threw himself the throat. In other words, is from beginning to end sings in a tone that down a similar melody line and time of Melbourne, and frankly I say the “convalescence feeling” has become a fully open.
Araara, and I still want put plunged whether … and Will not a complete recovery, but there may be because had fast-tune of “Respectable” is ahead of this day maybe from early live. Actually Mick song obviously powerful than the early two songs, is one of as Mise been suppressed not force a stretch release up to it. Here finally Mick to But signs of demodulation was observed, while the ones that are in trouble because of the power to the performance itself of this song is not felt. That you have to play with no such guest as the United States and Tokyo Dome too? Will backfired. In addition, “Tumbling Dice” even from intro Keith and remove flashy, Mick also overall unity group not only enough. Tension at this point you hear as no time much different of Melbourne.

Slow numbers become the salvation is played in the first half set such time to. It was “Sweet Virginia” came out and Gil to take tone to a group of such state. Both songs and back of the playing of Mick in a good atmosphere, than if such performance has been terrible performance in Japan “Ruby Tuesday” and “Angie”, enough to feel wanted rather play this song. Mick following Stones that would grabbed the tone in this song is this day, has made a bold decision to set list. And I had what removed from the set of “Doom And Gloom”, which has been playing ever since 2012. Certainly also at the Tokyo Dome that there was a scene that has been allowed to Hear, hear in this song is new to the storage, it was also in Europe. And given the fact that Mick was singing anything spicy likely in Melbourne, there is no any wonder to say he is a “today try to stop you to play.”
But this was the obvious paid off, after this also I will continue to raise the tone group also Shiriagari Mick. Moreover, although is Mick Taylor further state that took Shine in the play was a glimpse in Perth than in the summer of Europe, the Taylor clause in “Midnight Rambler” in this day fierce! Moreover, the fact that he is applied where the tone of the group who came up, the first half, etc. are really crazy playing violently enough to stunned. It is the usual as usual “phrase jamming phenomenon” and it’s accidentally disconnect sound strange timing, but another rarity is feeling rolled playing cleave without even as it. Well, not only that, playing inflame the Stones in the audience clapping at that slow down (!) Rare excitement that occurs, Charlie did things pleasing scene also great like match the rhythm in response to it. And Mick demodulation the second half of the live, it emerged from Songs Without enough to likely force Kieiri, such as in the case of Melbourne, reliable as long as it is because of me through singing in the usual tone.

Compared with on sound pressure such as the Melbourne, us little light texture and clearness is a unique charm of recording, entertained lightly listening ease conditions that echo that unlike honor student specific Melbourne . The echo is not that that would blurs the outline of the play, it would be to make me feel the listening comfort of good rather. But the original sound source can not have some of the problems, restore the places where a moment of sound interruption or noise occurs at pin point. This will make it easier to listen to much from the original state. Achieve a recording of a complete state further editing fatal cut had accidentally enter the “Miss You” another sound source in “Gimme Shelter” (Miss You 7: same day to 56-Gimme Shelter 0:33 supplemented with another sound source). Only excellent sound quality of the sound source itself, thus asserts that it is a must listen this time even if familiar with the limitations of the press CD in-depth state that restoration has been performed! And, Mick will Ainari a complete revival in the next release.


ミックが喉の不調を訴えたことでスケジュールに変更のあった2014年オーストラリア・ツアーですが、先週当店が11月5日の『MELBOURNE 2014』をリリースして次のショウをキャンセルする前のライブにおける彼の不調ぶりが明らかとなりましたが、今回は8日のハンギン・ロック公演を中止し、ミックの復活ライブとなった12日のシドニーでのライブが今回はリリースされることになりました。これによって当店は奇しくも「ミックの体調不良から復調まで」をドキュメントすることになったのです。
あらあら、まだ全快じゃないのでしょうか…と突っ込みを入れたくなるのですが、もしかしたらこの日はライブの序盤から「Respectable」というファスト・チューンが控えていたからかもしれません。実際にミックの歌は序盤二曲よりも明らかに力強く、それまで抑えていた力を一気に放出してみせたかのようです。ここでようやくミックに復調の兆しが見られたのですが、一方でこの曲の演奏自体に力が感じられないのだから困ったもの。アメリカや東京ドームのようなゲストなしで演奏したことも裏目に出たのでしょうか。さらに「Tumbling Dice」でもイントロからキースが派手に外すなど、ミックだけでなくグループ全体のまとまりも今一つ。この時点でのテンションはメルボルンの時と大差ないように聴こえます。

そんな時に救いとなるのがセット前半で演奏されるスロー・ナンバー。それが「Sweet Virginia」だったはこんな状態のグループに調子とって吉と出ました。ミックの歌とバックの演奏のどちらもいい雰囲気で、こんな演奏ならば日本でも散々演奏されてきた「Ruby Tuesday」や「Angie」よりも、むしろこの曲を演奏してほしかったと感じるほど。この曲で調子を掴んだであろうミック以下のストーンズはこの日、セットリストに大胆な決断を下しています。2012年からずっと演奏されてきた「Doom And Gloom」を何とセットから外してしまったのです。確かに東京ドームでもこの曲で冷や冷やさせられた場面があったことは記憶に新しく、ヨーロッパでもそれは同様でした。それにメルボルンでミックが何とも辛そうに歌っていたことを考えれば、彼が「今日は演奏するのを止めよう」と言っても何ら不思議はありません。
しかしこれが功を奏したのは明らかで、この後はミックもグループも尻上がりに調子を上げて行きます。しかも夏のヨーロッパの時よりもさらにプレイに磨きがかかった様子がパースで垣間見られたミック・テイラーですが、この日の「Midnight Rambler」でもそのテイラー節は壮絶!しかもグループの調子が上がってきたところで彼が加わったことで、前半などは本当に唖然とするほど激しく弾きまくっています。いつもの「フレーズつっかえ現象」や妙なタイミングで音を外してしまうのは相変わらずなのですが、それをものともせずに突き進む弾きまくり感はもう絶品。しかもそれだけではありません、演奏がスロー・ダウンしたところで観客が手拍子でストーンズを煽る(!)というレアな盛り上がりが起こり、チャーリーがそれに応えてリズムを合わせるような微笑ましい場面も素晴らしいものでした。そしてライブの後半はミックが復調、メルボルンの時のような消え入りそうなほど力のない歌から脱し、いつもの調子で歌い通してくれるのだから頼もしい限り。

そのメルボルンのようなオンな音圧と比べると、少しライトな質感とクリアネスが独特の魅力の録音で、かるくエコーのある状態が優等生的なメルボルンとはちがった聴きやすさで楽しませてくれます。そのエコーが演奏の輪郭をぼやけさせてしまうようなことはなく、むしろ聴き心地の良さを感じさせてくれることでしょう。しかし元の音源はいくつかの問題を抱えていて、一瞬の音切れやノイズが発生する個所をピンポイントでレストア。これによって元の状態から格段に聴きやすくなっています。さらに致命的なカットが入ってしまっていた「Miss You」 と 「Gimme Shelter」にも別音源を編集して完全な状態での収録を実現(Miss You 7:56-Gimme Shelter 0:33まで同日別音源で補填)。音源自体の音質が優秀なだけに、こうして綿密なレストアが施された状態で限定のプレスCDとなれば今回も必聴であることを断言します!そして、ミックは次のリリースで完全復活と相成ります。


Disc 1 (68:29)
1. Intro 2. Jumping Jack Flash 3. It’s Only Rock’n Roll 4. Respectable 5. Tumbling Dice
6. Sweet Virginia 7. Bitch 8. Paint It Black 9. Honky Tonk Women 10. Band Introductions
11. You Got The Silver 12. Before They Make Me Run 13. Happy
14. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)

Disc 2 (52:33)
1. Miss You 2. Gimme Shelter 3. Start Me Up 4. Sympathy For The Devil 5. Brown Sugar
6. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (with The Sydney Philharmonia)
7. Satisfaction (with Mick Taylor)

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