Rolling Stones / Manchester 2018 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Manchester 2018 / 2CD /  Non Label

Translated Text:

Live at Old Trafford, Manchester, UK 5th June 2018

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In 2018 “NO FILTER” tour, the Manchester performance next to Coventry will also be released at the same time. On this day I feel good playing anyway. The fact that the opening was “Jumping Jack Flash” that was accustomed to playing has also proved successful, from the beginning supple playful supple performance is clear. Even in Dublin on the first day of the tour, it was a very powerful performance that I was told, but after that it was basically powerful, yet it was a fact that uneven performance was scattered in the first half of the show. It is as evidenced by items that have been released so far. However, in Manchester it’s been great from the opening! It is no exaggeration to say that the whole group has come back here and got back to the live intuition.
What’s interesting is the third song “Tumbling Dice”. While the momentum from the opening keeps good performance, the timing of the band is shifted from Mick before the interlude. This is a pleasant sensation with a sense of momentum with a good meaning. Even when watching the movie of the day, each one does not move at all and keeps playing, and he is devoting himself to playing without mistakes such as this mistake. What I was playing following this little incident was “Shattered” which first appeared in “NO FILTER” tour itself. Of course we can not expect such as the speediness of the past year, but still it is the Stones where we can tell the 2018 version when the waist was standing firmly. If I continue to play with this condition, I wonder if it will be better.
As I was already in good shape from the opening, yet I played early in the show till “Shattered”, so the engine is full of Stones without waiting for usual “Just Your Fool”. Thanks to “Let’s Spend The Night Together” the original charm is reviving. It is far better than the second day London, which was played in the second song, rather it seems like a repertoire to play still in this position. “Like A Rolling Stone” was also very good at Coventry, but here it is more powerful. Thus the Stones are doing great just in the first half of the show. Also at Keith Corner, “You Got the Silver” was performed following Coventry, and it was still a wonderful performance to suit Keith today.

I have to listen to the fact that this tour is a powerful performance on the same day and the next “Miss You” after Dublin after “Sympathy For The Devil” shifted to the middle stage of the show . To support it, Mick is doing great on “Miss You” on this day. Familiar Daryl Jones’ bass solo ends and it’s a thrilling development that cuts into an ad lib scat.
And while “Midnight Rambler” was already performing in the Southampton and Coventry, it was already an incredible performance, but this day it showed us not to be an exaggeration to call it the best version after the 2018 tour started. What is the main character here is Charlie. In the first half of the performance, as ever as aggressive guitar by Ronnie pulled the performance, Charlie repeatedly hit the drum rolls on the way and the performance was incandescent. In the end, Mick sang “You Gotta Move” on ad lib instead of “Come On In My Kitchen” until then. Of course, the audience is also very excited and it is good for calling this as a masterpiece.

Although the excitement of the audience is quite right from the start of the show, the audience recording of this day has hardly any harsh parts like South Hampton. Among them, the only blemish is the scream that came out from the audience after “Like A Rolling Stone”. What a Japanese it is. The embarrassing scream of “Charlie Watts, 76, old, do your best!” Was caught in the audience recording of overseas performances. Although it can not be caught in the 2018 edition “Kachoi-i”, this is unusual as well. It was happiness that unfortunately ended only there.
The sound source of the British performance in 2018 which has been released so far is all due to the taper calling “CL”, but its quality is the most callable level so far. Like Coventry, I feel like the veiled texture, but the sound recording is very exciting with a very strong sound recording. So we applied equalization at this release, and here again the mist like that veil was fine, and the original powerful sound image changed to the upper version with further increased clearance. Not only that, it improved to the stereo feeling, it became the limited press CD release of this ideal audience recording. In any case it is good to play!

2018年「NO FILTER」ツアー、コベントリーの次に行われたマンチェスター公演も今回は同時にリリースされます。この日は何と言っても演奏がいい感じ。オープニングがやり慣れた「Jumping Jack Flash」だったことも功を奏したのでしょう、最初から足腰しなやかな演奏が冴えわたっている。そもそもツアー初日のダブリンでもあれだけ力強い演奏を聞かせてくれていた訳ですが、その後は基本的に力強いながら、それでいてショー前半にムラのある演奏が散見したのは事実。それはこれまでリリースされてきたアイテムが証明した通り。ところがマンチェスターではオープニングから絶好調!ここにきてグループ全体がライブの勘を取り戻したと言っても過言ではない。
面白いのは三曲目の「Tumbling Dice」。オープニングからの勢いそのままで好調な演奏が続くのですが、間奏前でミックとバンドのタイミングがずれてしまいます。これはいい意味で勢い余った感があってむしろ微笑ましい。当日の動画を見ても各人がまったく動じずに演奏を続けており、この程度のミスなど気にせずに演奏に打ち込んでいるのです。このちょっとしたハプニングに続いて演奏されたのは何と「NO FILTER」ツアー自体で初登場の「Shattered」。もちろん往年のスピーディーさなど望むべくもありませんが、それでいてどっかりと腰が据わった2018年バージョンを聞かせてくれるのが今のストーンズならでは。この調子で演奏し続ければ、もっと良くなることは間違いないかと。
既にオープニングから調子が良く、それでいて「Shattered」までショー序盤に演奏してみせたことから、いつもの「Just Your Fool」を待たなくともストーンズはエンジンが全開。おかげで「Let’s Spend The Night Together」は本来の魅力が蘇っている。二曲目に演奏されていたロンドン二日目よりもはるかに出来が良く、むしろこの位置でこれからも演奏すべきレパートリーのように思えるほど。「Like A Rolling Stone」の方はコベントリーでも非常に良い出来でしたが、ここではさらに力強い。こうしてショーの前半だけでもストーンズは絶好調。またキース・コーナーではコベントリーに続いて「You Got the Silver」が披露され、やはり今のキースに合う素晴らしい演奏となったのです。

今回のツアーはダブリンの後で「Sympathy For The Devil」がショーの中盤に移行してからというもの、同曲と次の「Miss You」が連日で力強い演奏となっている点も聞き逃せません。それを裏付けるように、この日の「Miss You」はミックが絶好調。おなじみダリル・ジョーンズのベース・ソロが終わったところでアドリブのスキャットに切り込む展開が実にスリリング。
そして「Midnight Rambler」はサウサンプトンやコベントリーでも既に白熱した演奏が繰り広げられていましたが、この日は2018年ツアー開始後における最高のバージョンと呼んでも過言ではない展開を見せてくれたのです。ここでの主役は何とチャーリー。演奏の前半はロニーによる相変わらずのアグレッシブなギターが演奏を引っぱりますが、途中でチャーリーがドラム・ロールを連打したことでさらに演奏が白熱。とどめはミックがそれまでの「Come On In My Kitchen」の代わりに「You Gotta Move」をアドリブで歌い出したのです。当然ながら観客も大いに盛り上がっており、これこそ名演と呼ぶに相応しい。

観客の盛り上がりはショー開始直後から相当なものですが、この日のオーディエンス録音はサウスハンプトンのような耳障りな個所がほとんどない。そんな中で唯一の汚点は「Like A Rolling Stone」の後で客席から発せられた絶叫でしょう。それは何と日本人。「チャーリー・ワッツ、76歳、がんばれぇぇぇ!」という気恥ずかしい絶叫が海外公演のオーディエンス録音で捉えられてしまったのです。2018年版「かっちょいー」という風に捉えられなくもないですが、やはりこれはウザい。そこだけで終わってくれたのが不幸中の幸いでした。


Disc 1 (64:26)
1. Intro 2. Jumping Jack Flash 3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 4. Tumbling Dice
5. Shattered 6. Just Your Fool 7. Let’s Spend The Night Together 8. Like A Rolling Stone
9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 10. Paint It Black 11. Honky Tonk Women
12. Band Introductions 13. You Got The Silver 14. Before They Make Me Run

Disc 2 (57:46)
1. Sympathy For The Devil 2. Miss You 3. Midnight Rambler 4. Start Me Up
5. Brown Sugar 6. Gimme Shelter 7. Satisfaction

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