Rolling Stones / Dublin 2018 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Dublin 2018 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated text:
Live At Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland 17th May 2018

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The Stones’ ‘NO FILTER TOUR’ was the beginning of the tour last year, so if it were to repeat similar performances in Dublin on the first day this time, the release of CD – R Is not it better to keep in mind? To be honest it was the last week’s release “LIVE IN DUBLIN 2018” that I fearfully released. However, how is it, Stones in a good sense betrayed our expectations (laugh) It was a surprising performance as the first day. In addition to that it was also true that an audience recording boasting a very good quality conveyed the unexpected and powerful performance on the first day. Here is one promotion release by the press CD … again.
Although this sound source released on “LIVE IN DUBLIN 2018” CD-R last week, the sound image is a considerably on balance and it is enough to listen to it from beginner to mania enough. Besides, it will be even more so even as the rounded warming feeling is transmitted. In order to make this good sound source a limited press CD, although it is originally proud of the high sound quality of the level, it is meaningless to contain it in the press CD without adding any hands. Therefore, as a result of subjecting the midrange area to equalization at the promotion release this time, the sound quality which is easy to hear improved to the upper state further. I am proud that it has finished to be enjoyed by a wide range of fans.

Although the sound image was close to it, it was a powerful recording, but the power was doubled by adding the processing. Still, it is not a disgusting finish, rather it will more clearly convey the powerfulness of the performance of this day. One of the great appeal of this sound source is that the base play of Darryl Jones is captured with a really splendid clearness. For example, in the opening “Sympathy for the Devil” and “Satisfaction” it is remarkable. This balance is further clarified by the equalization of this time, and it seems that it seems to be a sound quality that is highly listening compatible. Besides, it is only Dublin that “Sympathy for ~” became the opening number at the moment.
On the contrary, the negative point in this sound source is given by the voices of the surrounding audiences. Based on the members’ age, Stones also has no continuous performances like the past year since 2012. Still it is best to collect many audiences with one performance in order to make sure profit. Among them, when you are doing a tour in Europe you often use a vast open-air venue, which is apt to be noisy as a harmful effect. In fact, even in Dublin, the surrounding noises came to listen with excitement from around “You Can not Always Get What You Want”, and in the second half of the “Midnight Rambler” the woman squeaked at the close distance of the taper I will excuse you.
On the other hand, when “Tumbling Dice” starts, the chorus part is chorused with the audience together with “Woo ~ Woo ~” or “Wild Horses” is played and “Thank you” It is a fact that women who express joy, for example, are not only noisy, but also a sense of reality in which plenty of points can be seen everywhere. Let’s say that it is an immersive feeling of merits and demerits.

In a sense it is Dublin of this time which can also be called the recovery of the stigma at the beginning of the previous tour. Of course it is not that the sense of speed of the whole performance has increased, but “Paint It Black” touched upon release on CD-R, and even the number in the latter half of the show is still being played at a slow tempo. Still, as it is symbolized by “It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll”, there is no performance called tempo that totally stopped. That is completely different from last year’s Hamburg. It is the charm of Dublin that it was asked over the whole of a reliable performance that seemed to have settled down with a rather calm tempo. In addition, I definitely came out with a set list of configurations that was safe throughout.
Among them, “Neighbors” became the centerpiece of Dublin is also wonderful. Speed ​​is not to be compared with the past year, but I still feel the momentum sufficiently. While Mick sings more than that, Keith played a lot of good chuck berry patterns, and when it comes to an interlude, Ronnie plays this time and the development that makes use of each other’s taste creates a great effect. This will be a repertoire you want us to continue playing in the future.
As you can see not only the interlude of this song but also “DUBLIN 2018: THE VIDEO” already released as a gift DVD-R last week, it is more full of ambition than last year’s tour and full of enthusiasm The appearance of Ronnie may be like the eye of a typhoon on this tour. Anyway the sound quality and performances are superb Dublin, the upper feeling due to equalization is enormous. But I will tell you again, but there are few funny points that I often find in the tour first day Stones (laugh).

ストーンズの「NO FILTER TOUR」は昨年のツアー開始序盤があのような調子でしたので、もし今回も初日のダブリンで似たような演奏が繰り返されるのだとしたら、いっそのことCD-Rのリリースに留めておいた方が良いのではないか。正直に言えば恐る恐るリリースしたのが先週の「LIVE IN DUBLIN 2018」でした。ところがどうでしょう、ストーンズはいい意味で我々の予想を裏切ってくれ(笑)初日としては驚くほどの好演を聞かせてくれたのでした。それに加えて非常に良好なクオリティを誇るオーディエンス録音が初日の予想外に力強い演奏ぶりを伝えてくれたのも事実。ここはひとつ、やはりプレスCDで…という昇格リリースが実現します。
先週「LIVE IN DUBLIN 2018」CD-Rにてリリースされたこの音源ですが、音像は相当にオンなバランスで、それだけでも十分に初心者からマニアまで安心して聞けるレベルかと。おまけに丸みを帯びたウォーミー感すら伝わってくるのだからなおさらでしょう。この優良音源を限定プレスCD化するに当たっては、元々がレベルの高い音質を誇っているものの、だからと言って手を加えずにプレスCDに封じ込めるのでは意味がない。そこで今回の昇格リリースに当たって中域エリアに調整を加えるイコライズを施した結果、聞きやすい音質がさらにアッパーな状態へと向上しました。いよいよ幅広いファン層に楽しんでもらえる仕上がりになったのではと自負しています。

そもそも音像が近くて迫力のある録音でしたが、その処理を加えたことで迫力が倍増。それでいて嫌味な仕上がりにはなっておらず、むしろこの日の演奏の力強さをよりリアルに伝えてくれることでしょう。この音源の大きな魅力の一つにはダリル・ジョーンズのベース・プレイが実に見事なクリアネスで捉えられているということ。例えばオープニングの「Sympathy for the Devil」や「Satisfaction」においてはそれが顕著。このバランスが今回のイコライズによってさらに明瞭になっており、非常に聴き応えのある音質に感じられるのではないかと。それに「Sympathy for~」がオープニング・ナンバーとなったのは、今のところダブリンだけです。
逆にこの音源におけるマイナス・ポイントを挙げると、それは周囲の観客の声。2012年以降のストーンズはメンバーの年齢も踏まえ、往年のような連続公演を一切行わなくなっています。それでいて確実な利益を上げるには一回の公演で多くのオーディエンスを集めるのが一番の策。中でもヨーロッパでツアーを行う際には広大な野外会場を使うことが多く、その弊害として周囲が騒がしくなりがちなもの。実際ダブリンでも「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」辺りから盛り上がりと合わさって周囲の騒がしさが耳を突くようになり、「Midnight Rambler」の後半ではテーパーの至近距離で女性が奇声を発してしまいます。
その一方で「Tumbling Dice」が始まるとコーラスパートを観客も一緒に「う~う~う~」と合唱してみたり、あるいは「Wild Horses」が演奏されることが告げられて「サンキュー」と喜びを表す女性など、ただ騒がしいだけでなく、随所でほっこりポイントが見られる臨場感であるのも事実。一長一短の臨場感であると申し上げておきましょう。

ある意味では前回のツアー序盤の汚名挽回とも呼べる今回のダブリン。もちろん演奏全体のスピード感が増したということではなく、CD-Rでのリリース時に触れた「Paint It Black」、さらにはショー後半のナンバーも相変わらず遅めのテンポで演奏されている。それでいてこの日の「It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll」が象徴しているように、止まりそうなほどもたついたテンポという演奏というのもない。そこが昨年のハンブルクとはまったく違うのです。むしろ落ち着いたテンポのままでどっかりと腰を落ち着けたような頼もしい演奏ぶりが全体に渡って聞かれたのがダブリンの魅力でしょう。さらには全体を通して無難な構成のセットリストで通したことも間違いなく吉と出ました。
この曲の間奏だけでなく、既にギフトDVD-Rとして先週からリリースされている「DUBLIN 2018: THE VIDEO」を観てもらえれば分かるように、昨年のツアー時よりも覇気に溢れ、なおかつやる気満々な様子のロニーは今回のツアーにおける台風の目のような存在となるかもしれません。とにかく音質も演奏も上々なダブリン、イコライズによるアッパー感も絶大。でも、もう一度申し上げておきますがツアー初日ストーンズにありがちな笑えるポイントは少ないです(笑)。


Disc 1 (64:56)
1. Sympathy for the Devil 2. Tumbling Dice 3. Paint It Black 4. Just Your Fool
5. Ride ‘Em On Down 6. Neighbours 7. Wild Horses 8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
9. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 10. Honky Tonk Women 11. Band Introductions 12. Before They Make Me Run
13. The Worst

Disc 2 (53:12)
1. Miss You 2. Midnight Rambler 3. Start Me Up 4. Jumping Jack Flash 5. Brown Sugar
6. Gimme Shelter 7. Satisfaction

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