Rolling Stones / Coventry 2018 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Coventry 2018 / 2CD / Non Label

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Live at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry, UK 2nd June 2018

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Rolling Stones In the third week of the “NO FILTER” tour in 2018, the next to South Hampton was Coventry. Speaking of the same place Mania reminds me of the 1971 Farewell UK tour. It was for a long time as the only full stage sound source in the 71-year tour, that day. Coventry realized after a long tour this time, but surprising since it is the first time in 47 years since then. After that Stones has repeatedly performed in England in his home country, but “Farewell” with Coventry has been nearly 50 years since the previous tour.
Because of that, Coventry in 2018 is literally energetic. The fans waiting for Stones’ visit again will have flowed. Even from the audience recording that is released this time, it will come out clearly. In other words, I am picking up the excitement of the surroundings as it is, but it is not a sense of reality that is nasty. Unlike the environment where Ohbasan’s laughter explodes irrespective of the performance, at least as in South Hampton. Rather, the chorus gets wrapped around choruses other than the major number, it is exciting and it is remembered that Coventry fans who truly love Stones love it. However the chorus that happens does not drown out the performance.

The state of the audience recording this time is just the balance after the start of the show, which is listening and learning the sense of distance of the performance, but fortunately the sound image closes. Still a bit short enough to call “on”. That point is the minus point of this sound source. Besides, there is a texture like Mokomoko that veiled the sound quality itself, and if it is released with a limited press CD, it can be said that it is essential to add hands to the sound source. Therefore, upon this release, as a result of adding considerable equalization to the original audience recording, it has been reborn into a state where the disadvantages listed up to this point are greatly eliminated.
The biggest change was that the condition that made it Mokomoko as if it had been covered with the veil at any moment was sunny and the prospect of playing improved suddenly. It was obvious if you could compare it with the original sound source that you got a sharp clearness. In this year’s 2018 “NO FILTER” tour sound source this time the audience recording which was in the state most oriented for maniacism, it is suitable for release on the press CD if it has made the upper feeling so far I declare that it is quality.

And in Coventry for the first time in 47 years, it was a good start. However, Ronnie’s guitar play can not be boiled down one more time. The most prominent is “Tumbling Dice”. Here, we have plenty of flashy sounds since the tour began. However, from the appearance of him on the screen of the venue with the same day movie, I can not feel anything wrong. Rather, it seems to be full of energy, is there a place like Mr. Ronnie so much momentum to remove the sound?
Because it is because it was good until the second tour “Dead Flowers” of the tour started playing momentarily enough, even then again the phrase became suspicious and ended in the buttocks. The performance of the band is stable from the opening on this day, and since Mick has reached full revival, the disappearance of Ronie’s sound stands out for the first time since the tour began.
But he also regained completely in “You Can not Always Get What You Want” and played a sharp solo, making the whole performance wonderful. Actually, “You Can not ~” of this day is the best possible, and if we reprint like the performance riding on the ride as usual it is also long from there. This is the stone’s engine full throttle. The following “Honky Tonk Women” also has no momentum at any moment.

To tell the first half of the show, why was Rony ‘s play uneven, in fact it might have been “floating”. Anyway the day before was his birthday, Charlie’s birthday on the day of the show. Therefore, Mick tells both people ‘s birthdays from member introduction. “Happy Birthday Charlie” had already rolled up from the audience during the early stage of the show, but here it is a moving scene where a chorus will occur in the whole venue by Mick’s head. On the other hand, Ronnie stayed only when the birthday was announced (this neighborhood is similar to the pattern of 76 years), but when viewing the movie of the day it will not rot but celebrate Charlie rather innocently He likes himself.
It was the first tour “You Got The Silver” that opened the curtain of Keith Corner following this gentle scene. This is perfect for Keith and bands now. Besides Coventry’s audience, even this song is chorused, so you can remove it. As the next classic “Happy” was a perfect performance, the performance of this song was more prominent. And the performance after the midfield is a good result centering on Mick. “Midnight Rambler” is a masterpiece of Charlie and Ronnie’s birthday combination and Mick’s trinity. In addition to that, please enjoy the bogey birthday night together with the upper feeling of sound quality!

ローリング・ストーンズ2018年の「NO FILTER」ツアー三週目、サウスハンプトンの次に行われたのはコベントリー。同地と言えばマニアが思い出すのは1971年フェアウェルUKツアーではないでしょうか。長い間71年ツアーにおける唯一のフルステージ音源として有難がられていた、あの日。今回のツアーで久々に実現したコベントリーですが、何とそれ以来で47年ぶりというのだから驚き。その後もストーンズは何度も母国イギリスで公演を行ってきましたが、コベントリーとの「フェアウェル」は先のツアー以来50年近くも続いてしまったことになります。

一番の変化は、何と言ってもあのベールを被せられたかのようなモコモコとした状態が一気に晴れ、演奏の見通しが俄然よくなったということ。そうしてシャープなクリアネスを得られたことは、元の音源と聞き比べてもらえれば一目瞭然。これまでリリースしてきた2018年「NO FILTER」ツアー音源の中ではもっともマニア向けな状態であった今回のオーディエンス録音、それがここまでアッパー感をものにしたのであれば、プレスCDでのリリースに相応しいクオリティだと断言いたします。

そして47年ぶりのコベントリーでのショーですが、出だしは快調。ところがロニーのギター・プレイは今一つ煮え切らない。もっとも顕著なのが「Tumbling Dice」。ここではツアー始まって以来の派手な音の外しっぷり。しかし同日の動画で会場のスクリーンに映し出された彼の姿からは不調な様子が一切感じられない。むしろ元気一杯に感じられるほどで、そこはロニーらしく勢い余って音を外してしまったというところでしょうか。
それだからなのかツアー二回目の「Dead Flowers」では勢いたっぷりに弾き始めたまではよかったものの、またしてもだんだんフレーズが怪しくなって尻すぼみに終わってしまう。この日はオープニングからバンドの演奏は安定していますし、ミックに至っては完全復活を遂げていることから、ツアー開始以来で初めてとも言えるほどロニーの音の外しっぷりが際立っています。
しかし彼も「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」で完全に調子を取り戻し、鋭いソロを弾きまくって演奏全体を素晴らしいものとしてくれました。実際にこの日の「You Can’t~」は最高の出来で、乗りに乘った演奏が当たり前のようにリプライズすると、そこからがまた長い。これこそストーンズのエンジン全開というもの。続く「Honky Tonk Women」もいつになく勢いがある。

この和やかな場面に続いてキース・コーナーの幕を開けたのはツアー初の「You Got The Silver」。これがもう今のキースやバンドにぴったり。しかもコベントリーのオーディエンスはこの曲ですら合唱しているのだから脱帽させられます。次の定番「Happy」がヨレヨレな演奏だっただけに、なおさらこの曲の演奏の出来が際立ちました。そして中盤以降の演奏はミックを中心として快調そのもの。「Midnight Rambler」ではチャーリーとロニーのバースデー・コンビとミックの三位一体となった演奏が圧巻。そこに加えて音質のアッパー感と共にゴキゲンなバースデー・ナイトをお楽しみください!


Disc 1 (62:23)
1. Intro 2. Street Fighting Man 3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 4. Tumbling Dice
5. Paint It Black 6. Ride ‘Em on Down 7. Like A Rolling Stone 8. Dead Flowers
9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 10. Honky Tonk Women 11. Band Introductions
12. You Got the Silver 13. Happy

Disc 2 (59:26)
1. Sympathy For The Devil 2. Miss You 3. Midnight Rambler 4. Start Me Up
5. Jumping Jack Flash 6. Brown Sugar 7. Gimme Shelter 8. Satisfaction

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