Roger Waters / Newport Folk Festival 2015 The Video / 1DVDR

Roger Waters / Newport Folk Festival 2015 The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Fort Adams State Park, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 24th July 2015 (MULTI-CAM)


This is amazing …. This is a great video work that would also exceed the main press CD! This work, DVDR of audience shots that contains the same “Newport Folk Festival July 24, 2015” and the main press CD. Performance of the day sometimes attention was high, have come out already various audience video. This work, a number of those shot Koamania overseas is carefully sorted, I multi-camera work which spelled the best shot.
Dattari Roger in the distant view of one by one camera pea, but you or severe shaking in windup, there is a moment that was only for a few seconds Bishitsu and stability in such video, the movement of the zoom there is a dynamic cut. So it was “shining moment” picked up the only, you’re properly using many kinds of angle among the one song. No part of the video we supplemented with a still image, but the connecting portion is also without a sense of discomfort in the smooth fade, really as if the multi-camera professional shot. GE Smith of the guitar, go excitement hot while a combination of Sara Watkins of the violin and the close-up of Roger, “Wish You Were Here” …. Visual beauty of precisely because Kyokuso also a mania also exhausted understand attractions, really, really great.
Furthermore wonderful is the voice are also using the same superb master and main press CD. Things that the sound is great of course, and would try to Kirikawaro the angle because of voice master of burst through to a still image, is not that the core of the last until one is interrupted from the beginning of this work. This is what I wrote at the beginning is the meaning of “would be beyond the main press CD”. “Well, why do it? Does not press the Koch” result might be would have been thought to, there it is giving priority to the “weight of a single recording master”. The video version, as a part in the still picture is used, not a perfect at regrettable. Future, the video of the still picture part also been discovered, and I was a bonus DVDR for there are still more might would come out perfect …… that possibility.
However, also true that there is no video seen the “latest casual Roger” at the moment at higher quality. In “Forever Young” in the last, Roger, such as taste the sense of openness with open arms while leave the vocals to MY MOURNING JACKET and chorus team. And, cheers …… this wonderful spectacle that rush to the appearance is, It will not show only voice, come floating in the eyelids every time you listen to the live CD When will look once. one of great live album is the scene of birth site, was braided affection of mania that pulled fell in love with genuinely Roger. Since travel is the feeling that you want to apply the time and effort to it, and because known, it would be Naonokoto impressed. Masterpiece video that exceeds much the realm of mere bonus. This weekend, you can gift tail is packed with plenty Mania Love in Your hand.
これは……凄い。本編プレスCDをも超えてしまう素晴らしい映像作品です! 本作は、本編プレスCDと同じ「2015年7月24日ニューポート・フォーク・フェスティバル」を収めたオーディエンス・ショットのDVDR。この日のパフォーマンスは注目度が高かったこともあり、すでにさまざまなオーディエンス映像が出てきています。本作は、そうしたショットの数々を海外のコアマニアが丁寧に選別し、ベストショットで綴ったマルチカメラ作品なのです。
カメラ1台ずつでは遠景でロジャーが豆粒だったり、ドアップでも揺れが酷かったりしますが、そうした映像にも数秒間だけビシッと安定した瞬間があり、ズームインの動きがダイナミックなカットがある。そうした“輝く瞬間”だけを拾い出し、1曲の中でも何種類ものアングルを使い分けているのです。動画のない部分は静止画で補填していますが、繋ぎ部分もスムースなフェイドで違和感なく、本当にマルチカメラのプロショットかのよう。G.E.スミスのギター、サラ・ワトキンスのヴァイオリン、そしてロジャーの接写を組み合わせながら熱く盛り上げていく「Wish You Were Here」……。曲想も見所も理解し尽くしたマニアだからこその映像美、本当に、本当に素晴らしいです。
しかし、現時点で“普段着の最新ロジャー”をこれ以上のクオリティで見られる映像がないのも事実。ラストの「Forever Young」で、ヴォーカルをMY MOURNING JACKETやコーラス陣に任せながら両手を広げて開放感を味わうようなロジャー。そして、その姿に沸き上がる歓声……この素晴らしい光景は、音声だけでは分かりませんし、一度見てしまうとライヴCDを聴く度にまぶたに浮かんでくる。素晴らしいライヴアルバムが生まれた現場の光景を、心底ロジャーに惚れ抜いたマニアの愛情が編み上げた1枚。そこまで手間暇をかけたい気持ちが伝わるから、分かるから、なおのこと感動してしまうのです。単なるオマケの域を遙かに超えた傑作映像。今週末、マニア愛をたっぷりと詰め込んであなたのお手元にお贈りします。

1. Intro 2. Crystal Clear Brooks 3. Mother 4. The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range
5. Hello In There 6. Wish You Were Here (with Sara Watkins)
7. Wide River To Cross (with Amy Helm) 8. Amused To Death 9. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse 11. Forever Young (with Sara Watkins and Amy Helm)

COLOUR NTSC Approx.63min.

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