Rainbow / Budokan 1982 First Night Collectors Edition / 4CDR

Rainbow / Budokan 1982 First Night Collectors Edition / 4CDR / Shades

Translated text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 21st October 1982

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“1982’s” STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES “Japan tour where RAINBOW when he was enrolled at Joe Lynn Turner has returned to Japan. The Nippon Budokan performances on October 21 that became the Tokyo premiere will be released on “Collector’s Edition” packaged with two different audience masters! It is a RAINBOW maniac great 4 piece set!

In “STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES” which is the second work after joining Joe Lin Turner, pop routes promoted since “DOWN TO EARTH” reach one vertex. ‘The American tour, which began in May’ 82, took place until late August, and vigorously circulated throughout the United States for about three months. It was ranked 30th in Billboard charts and got better results than “DOWN TO EARTH” (66th place) and “DIFFICULT TO CURE” (50th place) (However this year ’82 was the same as the above mentioned USA Despite about a month ‘s tour in Europe, it is also a strange tour that somehow “live” in England which was “home country” was not done).
And the performance took place in October was held from the Osaka Festival Hall on October 12th to the Nippon Budokan on the 22nd (the second day), with all eight performances and the same enthusiasm as the US tour. Budokan performance in this concert in Japan, excellent press CD titles such as “RIPPED APART” on the 21st, “CATCH THE NIGHT” on the 22nd and “SAME OLD DREAM” are familiar as the “decision version”. However, this tour, especially during the high attention, especially the Budokan performance, still has a lot of recordings left. In this work, two kinds of live sauces of October 21 which became Tokyo first day are packaged! Recording a new audience recording on discs 1 and 2, and good master from discreet high LP from masterpieces recorded discs 3 and 4, respectively. I will listen to the special Tokyo premiere more deeply.

In Disks 1 and 2, you can enjoy the audience source recorded from original cassette master which is not known even among traders.
It is a recording that feels a little far from the stage, deterioration of the master can be seen depending on the place, but the balance itself is of good quality. We will reproduce the live with high reality and certain quality. Especially hot texture like hot and natural sound will make the atmosphere of the meeting feel vivid. In the middle of the “Spotlight Kid” the scene in which the place is briskly raised and the fun mood in fans such as “I Surrender” · “All Night Long” which the fans will chant with Joe, feel like tasting the RAINBOW live at the time It should be. Even in pop catchy “Power” you can understand that the fans in the hall are very pleased.
In “Difficult To Cure” of Disk 2, from the beginning you can listen to the Ritchie guitar clearly, making it a big listening place. With “Long Live Rock’n’Roll” and “Smoke On The Water” it’s a great excitement inside the hall and you will be able to fully enjoy the live climax with great presence. Recording continues until the end of the announcement, and there are also tastes as a document in the venue.

For discs 3 and 4, recorded directly from audiences recording from “LIVE AT BUDO KAN” which is well-established as “excellent recording” from maniacs. By remaster that eliminated noise as much as possible, such as needle clap sound, it is finished in a sound which is unlikely to raise LP.
For the impressive discs 1 and 2 such as the audience seats, this is a sound image that is spotted on the performance of the band, you can enjoy a well-balanced recording such as realism and ease of listening to the performance, stability of recording I will. Furthermore Ritchie guitar is a wonderful listening response for any song. The solo at “Spotlight Kid” or “I Surrender” in the first half of the live, playing with the emotional “Tearin ‘Out My Heart” is worth a thing. Especially the real sound at “Difficult To Cure” is surprising, even if it is made into a press CD as it is, it is not wonderful enough!
Unfortunately the encore part is missing due to constraint of analog LP raising. Also during the live midfield flowing from “Child In Time” to “Power”, a disc change will occur in “Blues” on the way. This is because we respect LP’s originality and recorded the song order as it is. You can feel the mood of analog in such a point.

Although the tour to Japan in Japan came to Japan in ’82, it was a pros and cons that ‘somewhat tension was low’ among maniacs, but the excitement that can be felt with Disk 1 or 2 of this work, the contents of the performance that can be heard on Disc 3 · 4 If you do, its view will change as well. Please take this opportunity to take this opportunity to make the Tokyo premiere of ’82 years premiere double-eyed and three-dimensional, deeply understood! If you are an avid RAINBOW mania, please do not miss the 4 piece set which you must listen to!

★ In 2013 it was released for only 30 sets, and the name sound source title that got well received is re-released for the first time in 5 years.
Source # 1

ジョー・リン・ターナー在籍時のRAINBOWが再来日を果たした1982年の「STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES」ジャパンツアー。その東京初演となった10月21日の日本武道館公演が、異なる2種類のオーディエンス・マスターをパッケージした”コレクターズ・エディション”でリリース決定! RAINBOWマニア大注目の4枚組です!

ジョー・リン・ターナー加入後の二作目となる「STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES」では、「DOWN TO EARTH」以降に推し進められたポップ路線がひとつの頂点に達します。’82年5月からスタートしたアメリカツアーは8月後半まで行われ、約三ヶ月間にわたってアメリカの各地を精力的にサーキット。ビルボード・チャートでも30位にランクされ、「DOWN TO EARTH」(66位)や「DIFFICULT TO CURE」(50位)を上回る成績を収めました(しかしこの’82年は、上記したアメリカのほかヨーロッパでも約1ヶ月のツアーが行われたにも関わらず、なぜか”本国”であるイギリスでのライヴは行われなかったという不思議なツアーでもあります)。
そして10月に実現した来日公演は、10月12日の大阪フェスティバルホールから22日の日本武道館(二日目)まで全8公演、アメリカツアー同様の熱気で行われました。この来日公演における武道館公演は、21日が「RIPPED APART」、翌22日は「CATCH THE NIGHT」や「SAME OLD DREAM」といった、優れたプレスCDタイトルが”決定版”として親しまれています。しかし高い注目の中行われたこのツアー、特に武道館公演は、まだまだ多くの録音が残されているのです。本作ではそのうち、東京初日となった10月21日のライヴ・ソースを2種類パッケージ! 新登場となるオーディエンス録音をディスク1・2に、マニアからの評価も高いアナログLPから起した優良マスターをディスク3・4へそれぞれ収録。特別な東京初演をよりディープに聴き込ませます。

ややステージから遠めに感じる録音で、所によってはマスターの劣化も見られるのすが、バランスそのものは良質。ライヴを高い臨場感と確かなクオリティで再現します。特に沸き立つような熱気やナチュラルな音の質感は、会場のムードを生々しく感じさせるでしょう。「Spotlight Kid」の中盤で場内がわっと盛り上がる場面や、ファンがジョーと唱和する「I Surrender」・「All Night Long」等での楽しいムードは、当時のRAINBOWライヴを肌で味わうような気持ちになるはず。ポップでキャッチーな「Power」でも、会場のファンは大いに喜んでいるのが理解できます。
ディスク2の「Difficult To Cure」では、冒頭からリッチーのギターが明瞭に聴き取れ、大きな聴き所となっています。「Long Live Rock’n’Roll」や「Smoke On The Water」では場内が一体になる大盛り上がりで、ライヴのクライマックスを素晴らしい臨場感で満喫できるでしょう。録音は終演アナウンス終了後まで続いており、場内のドキュメントとしても味わい深いものがあります。

ディスク3・4では、マニアからも「優秀な録音」として定評がある「LIVE AT BUDO KAN」より、ダイレクトにデジタル化したオーディエンス録音を収録。針パチ音などノイズを可能な限り排除したリマスターにより、LP起しとは思えないほどのサウンドに仕上がっています。
客席真っ只中といった印象のディスク1・2に対し、こちらはバンドの演奏にスポットが当てられた音像で、臨場感と演奏の聴き易さ、録音の安定感など、均整の取れた録音を楽しめます。さらにリッチーのギターはどの曲でも素晴らしい聴き応え。ライヴ前半の「Spotlight Kid」や「I Surrender」におけるソロ、情感溢れる「Tearin’ Out My Heart」でのプレイは一聴に値します。特に「Difficult To Cure」でのリアルなサウンドは驚きで、このままプレスCD化されても不思議は無いほどのテイクです!
こちらはアナログLP起しという制約上、残念ながらアンコール部分が欠落しています。また「Child In Time」から「Power」へと流れるライヴ中盤において、途中の「Blues」でディスク・チェンジが起こります。これはLPのオリジナリティを尊重し、曲順もそのまま収録したためです。こんな点でもアナログのムードを感じて頂けるでしょう。

’82年の来日公演はマニアの間でも「ややテンションが低かった」と賛否あるツアーでしたが、本作のディスク1・2で実感できる盛り上がり、ディスク3・4で聴ける演奏の中身を前にすれば、その見方も変わるはず。’82年の東京初演を複眼的・立体的に、さらに深く理解させる本作を、この機会にぜひゲットしてください! 熱心なRAINBOWマニアならば必聴必携の4枚組を、どうぞお見逃しありませんように!

Source #1

Disc 1 (50:05)
1. Land Of Hope And Glory 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Spotlight Kid 4. Miss Mistreated
5. I Surrender 6. Can’t Happen Here 7. Tearin’ Out My Heart 8. Lazy 9. All Night Long
10. Child In Time/Stone Cold 11. Blues 12. Woman From Tokyo 13. Power

Disc 2 (52:02)
1. Difficult To Cure 2. Keyboard Solo 3. Difficult To Cure(Reprise) 4. Guitar Solo
5. Drum Solo 6. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll 7. Maybe Next Time 8. Since You Been Gone
9. Smoke On The Water 10. Kill The King 11. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll(reprise)
12. Over The Rainbow

Source #2
Taken from the analogue 2LP “Live at Budo Kan”

Disc 3(44:22)
1. Land Of Hope And Glory 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Spotlight Kid 4. Miss Mistreated
5. I Surrender 6. Can’t Happen Here 7. Tearin’ Out Of My Heart 8. Lazy 9. All Night Long
10. Child In Time/Stone Cold

Disc 4(39:30)
1. Blues 2. Power 3. Keyboard Solo 4. Difficult To Cure(Reprise) 5. Guitar Solo 6. Drum Solo
7. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Joe Lynn Turner – Vocals Roger Glover – Bass
David Rosenthal – Keyboards Bob Rondinelli – Drums

Shades 553

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