Queen / Stockholm 1986 The First Show Of The Magic Tour / 2CD

Queen / Stockholm 1986 The First Show Of The Magic Tour / 2CD / Wardour

Translated text:

Live at Rasunda Stadium, Stockholm, Sweden 7th June 1986


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From the result, the 1986 Magic tour, which has become the queen last live tour, will be a three-tenth anniversary this year. Is it the flow of time what early …. Last year from our shop, the tour the last day Crazy. Ultimate title “KEBWORTH 1986” of S transcendence audience recordings that Mr. recorded is still fresh in memory was released. The last live at the end of the live tour, that was containment Final Live Show of the Queen in the best possible way (although John Deacon I have tossed the base) of It was this title. And is the first day of our tour to this release in that thirty anniversary of the Magic tour, I Stockholm performances of June 7 this year.
There Speaking of the Magic tour to Wembley Stadium on the 2nd minute any time of the condition, such as Hungary is the official video release of are substantial, it may also become the last of the live tour in Freddie Mercury during his lifetime to the single There is no doubt that it was closed is a big factor. Furthermore, all of the fact that large-scale tour of Europe at the venue only of the stadium-class call the big topic from that time, there was also the result that story had been raised of recording and shooting. Thus This Stockholm performance does not fit into the existence of mere tour the first day, I think in comes down to the fact that because it is the origin of live activities had also become the final tour.

Queen was thinking disbanded break the hesitation in Live Aid, large-scale tour was dared by Hissage the new work has created new leaf “A KIND OF MAGIC”. This state, as the official video listed above had been proved, last hurray as a tour … it is also a result waged the Queen is imposing performance that has reached the maturity of the band. Only the strong are such an image, is really interesting playing content and atmosphere of Stockholm that this time will be released! After all, this is a tour the first day. Rock-solid serving another dimension to the play the first time, such as after the Wembley and Knebworth. Such as “One Vision” of the opening, it is not if Once went committing messed playing the first time in about seen to listen to one.
Moreover, it is a recording has been audience recorded here, is also interesting sound image of the back-chorus of Roger Taylor that awfully on-state in the early stages. Thanks to the first day of the tour, yet will come from the tension of the opening number, where the back-chorus distracted to play is doubtful is pampered. From only that have familiar each picture of Knebworth and official, it is a sight that reflected in anything fresh. Opposite to the “A Kind Of Magic” is such as already show off the excellent stability of the performance, even in the repertoire from the same album, enough to know the difference of up to try to put the members care about.

And if me and the first day of the tour, of course Freddie top form is tone of voice. On the evidence, without any chorus in the audience, he sang as possible at the end to one person, “I Want To Break Free” is Not the testifies eloquently to the strong first time. This tour from the previous only song chorus of the audience has been a staple in, here in the form of Freddie that Mise banged sing stoic is dignified would also be rare occasions. However, tour the first day seems to presumption of rare occasions, it will comes down to that the “Bohemian Rhapsody” is had been played subsequently to this song.
One of the aims of the Magic tour, it was possible for group long-standing hesitation is Miseru by expanding the frenzy of live Aid you’ve sunny in a moment with a short stage in the afternoon to their own tour. Where is what you’ve played the “Bohemian Rhapsody” Short version in opening has created a great effect. So around that live in Stockholm is about to Sashikakaro in the middle, there is also the bold was Mise showing off this song. But unlike Live Aid that was not less than 30 minutes, it does not wipe discomfort that would pick up the Queen largest anthem at the position of the usual repertoire for a long time live. This attempt will be only the first day after all, and later was Ainari and live the second half of the play is a classic. It just even the very funny scene, but there is the fact that there to tour the first day, Freddie does not miss to hear like singing this classic in the singing voice with a sharp reminiscent of a heyday, such as 1981 and ’82. You might also rare occasions in that regard.
Without shake to Brian in the middle of the song, as after the “Baby I Do not Care”, “Duwa” chorus is or was still irregular, further “Hello Mary Lou” is a further middle of acoustic cover corner, here But the tour first day unique rare scene that Freddie as possible singing alone listens. And what as through the whole volume Nevertheless anyway interesting momentum of playful tea playing the first time! There is something deeply impressive considering that went promoted to the frequency of Wembley and Knebworth from here.

And it is the audience recordings that were used against the current release, this is before Uxbridge label is “SWEDISH MAGIC NIGHT” 4CD-R set had been recorded when you release the “source # 1” a remastered recording. Unique sound image captured on the play in the sound quality of the field seems harder recordings of charm. A result of it was re-this time remastered, hum of bass that was worrisome from the middle live is wiped out, yet more natural, yet now enjoy direct state. This is improved when listening with headphones clear, and the sound from the speaker to the state of play of the contour hear a more pronounced (this time adjusting to the pitch which has been subtly shifted to the bonus). Originally “SWEDISH MAGIC NIGHT” itself is “MAGIC IN STOCKHOLM” in the past, resulting in high levels of mania as low Generation Upper version of the sound source, which has been released in the (here there was a advantage that the press CD) “only here Press limited press CD release of a sound source to the voice of those or “you do not put out will be finally realized. Queen last “magic” began from here!

結果的にクイーン最後のライブ・ツアーとなってしまった1986年のマジック・ツアーから、今年で三十周年となります。時の流れは何と早いことか…。当店からも昨年、ツアー最終日をCrazy. S氏が録音した超絶オーディエンス録音の究極タイトル「KEBWORTH 1986」リリースされたのは記憶に新しいところ。最後のライブ・ツアーにおける最後のライブ、つまりクイーンのファイナル・ライブ・ショウを最高の形で封じ込めた(ジョン・ディーコンはベースを放り投げてしまいましたが)のがこのタイトルでした。そして今年はマジック・ツアーの三十周年ということで当店が今回リリースするのはツアー初日である、6月7日のストックホルム公演なのです。

解散を考えていたクイーンがライブ・エイドで迷いを断ち切り、心機一転作り上げた新作「A KIND OF MAGIC」を引っ提げて敢行した大規模ツアー。その様子は先に挙げたオフィシャル映像が証明していたように、円熟の域に達したクイーンが堂々たる演奏を繰り広げたツアー…それもまた結果としては有終の美。そんなイメージが強いだけに、今回リリースされるストックホルムの演奏内容や雰囲気が本当に面白い!何しろこれはツアー初日なのです。後のウェンブリーやネブワースのような盤石たる演奏ぶりとは別次元。オープニングの「One Vision」など、一聴して解るほどにハチャメチャな演奏ぶりがおかしいったらありゃしない。
しかもここに収録されたオーディエンス録音ですが、序盤においてロジャー・テイラーのバックコーラスの音像がやけにオンな状態というのがまた面白い。おかげでツアー初日、しかもオープニング・ナンバーという緊張から来るのでしょう、演奏に気を取られてバックコーラスが怪しくなる箇所がちやほや。ネブワースやオフィシャルの各映像を親しんできた身からすると、何とも新鮮に映る光景です。反対に「A Kind Of Magic」は既に安定感抜群の演奏を見せつけるなど、同じアルバムからのレパートリーでも、メンバー気の入れようの違いまで判ってしまうほど。

それにツアー初日とくれば、もちろんフレディは声の調子が絶好調。その証拠に、観客に一切合唱させず、彼が最後まで一人で歌い切る「I Want To Break Free」がその好調ぶりを雄弁に物語っているではありませんか。このツアー以前から観客との合唱が定番となっていた曲だけに、ここでストイックに歌い切ってみせたフレディの姿が凛々しくもレアな場面でしょう。しかし、ツアー初日らしい極めつけのレアな場面、それはこの曲に続いて「Bohemian Rhapsody」が演奏されてしまったことに尽きるでしょう。
マジック・ツアーの狙いの一つ、それはグループ積年の迷いが午後のショート・ステージで一瞬にして晴れてしまったライブ・エイドの熱狂を自身のツアーに拡大させてみせることがありました。そこではオープニングに「Bohemian Rhapsody」ショート・バージョンを演奏したことが大きな効果を生み出したものです。そこでストックホルムでもライブが中盤に差し掛かろうとしている辺り、そこで大胆にもこの曲を披露してみせました。しかし30分にも満たなかったライブ・エイドと違い、長時間のライブでクイーン最大のアンセムを普通のレパートリーの位置で取り上げてしまうことの違和感は拭えません。結局この試みは初日だけとなり、以降は定番であるライブ後半の演奏と相成りました。それだけでも非常に面白い場面なのですが、そこへツアー初日ということもあり、フレディが1981年や82年といった絶頂期を思わせるキレのある歌声でこの名曲を歌い上げる様も聞き逃せません。その点でもレアな場面かもしれません。
さらに中盤のアコースティック・カバー・コーナーでは「Baby I Don’t Care」の「ドゥワ」コーラスがまだ不揃いだったり、さらに「Hello Mary Lou」では後のように歌を途中でブライアンに振ることなく、ここでもフレディが一人で歌い切るというツアー初日ならではのレアな場面が聴かれます。それに何といっても全編を通してのはちゃめなちゃな演奏ぶりの勢いがとにかく面白い!ここからウェンブリーやネブワースの域へと昇格して行ったことを考えると感慨深いものがあります。

そして今回リリースに当たって使用したオーディエンス録音ですが、これは以前Uxbridgeレーベルが「SWEDISH MAGIC NIGHT」4CD-Rセットをリリースした際に収録されていた「source #1」をリマスター収録。野外らしい硬めの音質で演奏をオンに捉えた独特の音像が魅力の録音。それを今回リマスターし直した結果、ライブ中盤から気になった低音域のハムノイズが一掃され、より自然でありながら、それでいてダイレクトな状態を楽しめるようになりました。これはヘッドフォンで聴くとクリアー、スピーカーから鳴らすと演奏の輪郭がより際立って聴こえるという状態へと向上したのです(おまけに微妙にずれていたピッチまで今回アジャスト)。元々「SWEDISH MAGIC NIGHT」自体が過去に「MAGIC IN STOCKHOLM」(こちらはプレスCDというアドバンテージがありました)でリリースされていた音源のロージェネレーション・アッパー版としてマニアから高い評価を受け「こちらだけプレスで出せないものか」という声まであった音源の限定プレスCDリリースが遂に実現します。クイーン最後の「魔法」がここから始まった!

Disc 1 (60:53)
1. One Vision 2. Tie Your Mother Down 3. In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited 4. Seven Seas Of Rhye
5. Liar 6. Tear It Up 7. A Kind Of Magic 8. Day-O 9. Under Pressure 10. Another One Bites The Dust
11. Who Wants To Live Forever 12. I Want To Break Free 13. Bohemian Rhapsody 14. Impromptu
15. Guitar Solo 16. Now I’m Here

Disc 2 (44:55)
1. Love Of My Life 2. Is This The World We Created? 3. You’re So Square (Baby I Don’t Care)
4. Hello Mary Lou 5. Tutti Frutti 6. Hammer To Fall 7. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
8. Radio Ga Ga 9. We Will Rock You 10. We Are The Champions 11. God Save The Queen


Wardour 180

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