Queen / Budokan 1979 2nd Night / 2CD

Queen / Budokan 1979 2nd Night / 2CD / Wardour
Translated Text:

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 14th April 1979

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The second volume of surprised world first appearance recording appeared. This time is “JAZZ TOUR 1979” live in Japan!
“NAGOYA 1975 (Wardour – 249)” which was released the other day caused a tremendous impact. There is also a live that no one has ever heard before, but the sound that was shocking beyond that sound is sound. Neat recording is wonderful unexpectedly in the 70’s, especially in the latter half of the sound board as Kakuya. It was a powerful title to forget even the rarity of the new excavation. However, the impact was still a prelude. Actually, the same recordingist caught QUEEN even in the third Japan tour. This work is an audience album of the performance “2 April 1979: Nippon Budokan” which is the second collection of such a good collection. Since the Nippon Budokan was in Japan 5 times this year, let’s first check the position of the show in the schedule of arrival in Japan.

· April 13: Nippon Budokan
· April 14: Nippon Budokan 【this work】
· April 19th + 20th: Osaka Festival Hall
· April 21: Practice Ethics Memorial Hall
· April 23 – 25: Nippon Budokan (3 performances)
· April 27: Kobe Central Gymnasium
· April 28: Nagoya International Exhibition Center
· 30th April + May 1st: Fukuoka Kyushu Gymnasium
· May 2: Yamaguchi prefectural gymnasium
· May 5th + 6th: Makomanai Ice Arena

Over, all 15 performances of large volume. Although it was QUEEN of popular explosion from the first visit to Japan, this third time is the most numerous. The popularity of boiling is transmitted only on schedule. This work was not only the 2nd time at Nippon Budokan but also the whole concert as the 2nd tour in the whole tour.
The quality of such a work is superb. This show has long been known for powerful recording, has been loved as “PRIDE AND JOY (Wardour-047)”. However, the sound of this work has even exceeded that masterpiece! Although it has been praised as “Budokan in the martial arts building”, this work is clearer and sparkling shining sound. Compared with the previous episode, the venue sound is quite small and it is transparent. Especially the mid to high spirit feeling stands out, vocal and guitar reach vivid like laser beam.
And the sound suits you very well in this show. Brian’s legendary MC “I can hear well!” Also sounds clearly clear (laugh), but more than that is Freddie’s vocal. When saying “Japan tour of” JAZZ TOUR “, it is also famous for Freddie ‘ However, this work is the 2nd performance show, the condition is still great. Of course, it is not “historical best condition”, but it will blow away the wave of upsetting problems! It is filled with the spirit of just saying. Although the latter half of the Japanese tour will still be unable to cover up, in this work the fight surpasses the bad condition. The spirit of “Now I’m Here”, “Love Of My Life” emotional singing … …. Depending on the songs, they are singing a bit different to cover outstanding voices, but this is not a “painful” but a “live feeling” as well.
Of course, if the three people trying to support such Freddie are fully pitching, the audience welcoming is also hot. Although the sound of this work does not give up the position of the leading role with a clear singing voice and a brutal musical sound, it also contains a realistic sense of the place on it. It is also a furious era sense. While playing, do not speak, clap your hand clapping like a metronome, and the yellow chill of “Gyaaaa!” Boils at the required points. Of course, it is Freddie ‘s performance to take the command and a wave of yellow voice that reacts quickly and regains silence quickly. That contrast, exactly “That ‘s Western music! “Nori is boring.

Following the shock ‘NAGOYA 1975’, the second release of the world first public master who appeared again. It is a goods which will depict the performance of “JAZZ TOUR 1979” with a wonderful sound that updates the past highest. Performance in which spirit and passion are ambushing performance, Japan’s popularity culminating. A masterpiece of a live document that both coexist clearly and beautifully, creating tremendous excitement. It keeps its glow in permanent press CD and it is a majestic appearance here.
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驚愕の世界初登場録音の第2弾が登場。今度は“JAZZ TOUR 1979”のライヴ・イン・ジャパンです!
先日リリースされた『NAGOYA 1975(Wardour-249)』は、とんでもない衝撃を巻き起こしました。これまで誰も聴いたことのなかったライヴというのもありますが、それ以上に衝撃だったのはサウンド。端正な録音は70年代とは思えないほど素晴らしく、特に後半はサウンドボードもかくやという極上ぶり。新発掘の珍しささえ忘れる強力タイトルでした。しかし、その衝撃はまだまだ序章だったのです。実は、同じ録音家は3度目の来日公演でもQUEENを捉えていた。本作は、そんな名手コレクションの第2弾である「1979年4月14日:日本武道館」公演のオーディエンス・アルバムです。この年のジャパンツアーは日本武道館が5回もありましたので、まずは来日スケジュールの中でショウのポジションを確認してみましょう。

・4月14日:日本武道館 【本作】

そんな本作のクオリティは、極上。このショウは以前から強力な録音が知られており、『PRIDE AND JOY(Wardour-047)』として愛されてきました。しかし、本作のサウンドはあの傑作さえも超えている! 既発も「武道館とは思えない」と絶賛されましたが、本作は一層クリアでキラキラと輝くサウンド。既発と比較すると会場音響がグッと少なく、しかも透き通っている。特に中高音の直球感が際立ち、ヴォーカルやギターがレーザービームのようにビビッドに届くのです。
そして、そのサウンドがこのショウに殊更よく似合う。ブライアンの伝説MC「よく聞こえますき!」もクリアによく聞こえます(笑)が、それ以上に嬉しいのがフレディのヴォーカル。“JAZZ TOUR”の日本公演というと、猛烈な公演数も祟ってかフレディの不調でも有名。しかし、本作は2公演目であり、まだまだコンディションも上々。もちろん、“歴史的な絶好調”というわけではないのですが、忍び寄る不調の波を吹っ飛ばす!と言わんばかりの気合いに充ち満ちている。日本ツアー後半はそれでも覆い隠せなくなってしまいますが、本作では気合いが不調を上回る。「Now I’m Here」の気迫、「Love Of My Life」エモーショナルな歌いっぷり……。曲によっては出にくい声をカバーするためにちょっと変わった歌い方もしているわけですが、それが「痛々しい」ではなく「これもイイ感じ」となるライヴなのです。

衝撃の『NAGOYA 1975』に続き、またも登場した世界初公開マスターの第2弾。過去最高を更新する素晴らしいサウンドで“JAZZ TOUR 1979”の名演を描いてくれる銘品です。気迫と情熱が不調をねじ伏せるパフォーマンス、絶頂を迎えた日本人気。その双方がクリアに美しく共存し、凄まじい盛り上がりを生み出していくライヴ・ドキュメントの大傑作。その輝きを永久に残すプレスCDに封じ込め、ここに堂々の登場です。

Disc 1 (55:27)
1. Intro 2. We Will Rock You (fast) 3. Let Me Entertain You 4. Somebody To Love
5. If You Can’t Beat Them 6. Death On Two Legs 7. Killer Queen 8. Bicycle Race
9. I’m In Love With My Car 10. Get Down, Make Love 11. You’re My Best Friend
12. Now I’m Here 13. Don’t Stop Me Now 14. Spread Your Wings

Disc 2 (62:03)
1. Dreamer’s Ball 2. Love Of My Life 3. ’39 4. It’s Late 5. Brighton Rock/Guitar Solo
6. Keep Yourself Alive 7. Bohemian Rhapsody 8. Tie Your Mother Down
9. Sheer Heart Attack 10. We Will Rock You 11. We Are The Champions 12. God Save The Queen


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